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553 lines
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Newsgroups: rec.games.video
From: galt%peruvian.cs.utah.edu@cs.utah.edu (Greg Alt)
Subject: Programming the 2600 (Long)
Date: 7 Dec 92 00:44:07 MST
Message-ID: <1992Dec7.004407.7401@hellgate.utah.edu>
Organization: University of Utah, CS Dept., Salt Lake City
Lines: 547
Here is the info on the 2600:
Specifications for the Atari 2600/7800
2600 7800
CPU: 6507 6502C (custom, NOT 65C02)
RAM: 128 Bytes, in VLSI 4K, high speed
ROM: 6K max 52K max
Cpu Clock: 1.19 MHz 1.79 MHz
Graphics Clock: 3.58 MHz 7.16 MHz
Slot Config: Rom access only Most CPU lines + video/audio
CPU Avail: less than 50% over 90%
1. ROM specs are based on a non-bank select scheme.
2. Graphics Clock is the master clock used to drive the video chips.
Programming the 2600 in a nutshell.
The Atari 2600 consists of 3 important ICs: the CPU (6507),
the Television Interface Adapter (TIA or Stella), and the RIOT (6532).
The 7800 has a CPU (6502C or Sally) instead of the 6507 and a GCC1702
(Maria) chip in addition to the Stella chip.
The CPU:
The 6507 CPU is a 6502 with 2 important exceptions: it only has
external address lines for 8K of memory and there are NO interrupt lines
connected. This is not as limiting as it seems if you examine some of
the games for the machine.
The Stella chip:
This chip makes all the video displays and sounds for the 2600 VCS.
It also has 6 registers which are used as A/D converters and for the trigger
buttons on the joysticks. The chip also controls the RDY line of the CPU
to initiate horizontal syncronization control. The chip is NOT a DMA chip.
The CPU must write each line of data into the chip registers AS it draws
the screen. This accounts for the low CPU availability. The Chip is addresed
through 44 write only registers, and 13 read only registers mapped to
the low end of page 0. For those familiar with the Atari 800, this chip
is about 1/2 of a TIA/Pokey in all respects. But, there is no ANTIC chip to
drive it; the CPU must do all the work that the ANTIC does in the 800.
This chip reads all the console switches (excluding power), the
joysticks, and other controllers. It also contains the only RAM in the
system and a general purpose timer. The RAM is mapped to the high end of both
page 0 and page 1. This means that it acts as both page 0 fast access memory
and the 6502 stack. The timer and I/O ports are mapped to Page 2 and 3.
In order to produce a video display, a program must do the following:
1. Start the vertical blanking interval
2. Start the vertical sync interval immediately
there is time for about 80 instructions after this
3. End vertical sync
the game computations must be done now as there won't be time later
4. End vertical blanking
5. Set up each line of the video display as it is drawn
there is time for about 6 instructions to the video chip before
the current line starts being displayed. Atari recommends changing
the display every other line to gain processing time.
6. Loop back to step 1
The Cartridge:
A standard cartridge contains the equivalent of a 2716 or 2732/2532
with one notable exception: the chip select line is active high, not low.
The high order address line of the 6507 (A12) is used as the chip enable.
There was at least one company that used EPROMs with a 74LS04 inverter to
compensate for this.
The Pinouts:
Note: numbers indicate left to right numbering
Top Row Bottom Row
Slot 2716 CPU 2716 CPU
1 13 D3 1 A7
2 14 D4 2 A6
3 15 D5 3 A5
4 16 D6 4 A4
5 17 D7 5 A3
6 * A12 6 A2
7 19 A10 7 A1
8 NC A11 8 A0
9 22 A9 9 D0
10 23 A8 10 D1
11 24 +5V 11 D2
12 12 Shield Ground NC Ground
* to inverter and back to 18 for chip select
Major differences between 2600 and 7800 mode:
2600 mode is default in the 7800. If it finds 128 bytes at the high
end of memory to match its encryption scheme, it will enable 7800 mode. There
is a small ROM inside the unit which displays the Atari pattern on screen as
it does this.
The 7800 mode is DMA driven, so the processor is free most of the time
to do other things, as the graphics chip runs 4 times faster than the CPU.
The 7800 cartridge slot includes 8 more lines: A13, A14, A15, R/W,
phase 2 clock, audio, video, and HALT (unique to Atari 6502).
The 2600 video has foreground/background, 2 player/missles, and one
ball. The 7800 can display as many objects as the DMA can read in one line.
The sound is exactly the same as it still uses the Stella chip
(except Ballblazer which has its own sound chip in the cartridge).
--- graphics.txt ---
Wsync Wait for sync
This address halts microprocessor by clearing RDY latch to zero. RDY is
set true again by the leading edge of horizontal blank.
Data bits not used.
Rsync Reset Sync
This address resets the horizontal sync counter to define the begining of
horizontal blank time, and is used in chip testing.
Data bits not used.
This address controls vertical sync time by writing D1 into the Vsync latch.
D1 - 1: start vertical sync
0: stop vertical sync
This address controls vertical blank and the latches and dumping transistors
on the input ports by writing into bits D7,D6, and D1 of the Vblank register.
D1 - 1: start vertical blank
0: stop vertical blank
D6 - 1: enable I4 and I5 latches
0: disable latches - also resets latches to logic true
D7 - 1: Dump I0,I1,I2,I3 ports to ground
0: Remove dump path to ground
Pf0, Pf1, Pf2
These addresses are used to write into the playfield registers.
horizontal scan line map
(160 clocks, each bit =4 clocks)
Ctrlpf bit 0
bits 4-7 7-0 0-7 | 4-7 7-0 0-7
register Pf0 Pf1 Pf2 Pf0 Pf1 Pf2 0
bits 4-7 7-0 0-7 | 7-0 0-7 7-4
register Pf0 Pf1 Pf2 Pf2 Pf1 Pf0 1
This address is used to write into the playfield control register.
if bit is 1 then:
D0 - (REF) reflect playfield, see above
D1 - (SCORE) left half of playfield gets color of player 0
right half gets color of player 1
D2 - (PFP) playfield gets priority over players so they move
behind playfield
D5,D4 - Ball Size if 00, 1 clock wide
if 01, 2 clocks wide
if 10, 4 clocks wide
if 11, 8 clocks wide
Nusiz0, Nusiz1
These addresses control the number and size of players and missles.
D5,D4 - Missle Size see Ball Size above
D2,D1,D0 - Player number/size
if 000, X one copy
if 001, X X two copies, close
if 010, X X two copies, medium
if 011, X X X three copies, close
if 100, X X Two copies, far
if 101, XX one copy, double width
if 110, X X X 3 copies, medium
if 111, XXXX one copy, quad width
Resp0, Resp1, Resm0, Resm1, Resbl
These addresses are used to reset players, missles and the ball. The object
will begin its serial graphics at that time of a horizontal line at which the
reset address occurs.
Data bits not used.
Resmp0, Resmp1
These addresses are used to reset the horizontal location of a missle to
the center of its corresponding player. As long as this control bit is
true (1), the misslw will remain locked to the center of its player and the mis
sle graphics will be disabled. When a zero is written into this location,
the missle is enabled, and can be moved independently from the player.
D1 - 0: allow missle to move
1: lock missle to player
This address causes the horizontal motion register values to be acted upon
during the horizontal blank time in which it occurs. It must occur at the
beginning of horizontal blanking in order to allow time for generation of
extra clock pulses into the horizontal position counters. If motion is
desired, this command must immediately follow a Wsync command in the program.
Data bits not used.
This address clears all horizontal motion registers to zero (no motion).
Data bits not used.
Hmp0, Hmp1, Hmm0, Hmm1, Hmbl
These addresses write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal
motion registers. These registers cause horizontal motion only when commanded
to do so by the horizontal movement command Hmove. The motion values use the
upper 4 bits of the byte. They are signed numbers with a +7 to -8 range. The
positive numbers indicate left movement, the negative indicate right.
Warning: These registers should not be modified during the 24 computer cycles
following an Hmove command. Unpredictable motion values may result.
Enam0, Enam1, Enabl
These addresses write into the single bit missle or ball graphics registers.
D1 - 0: disables object
1: enables object
Grp0, Grp1
These addresses write data into the player graphics registers
horizontal scan line map
(each bit =1 clock)
bits 7-0 if Refp0 (Refp1) is 0
bits 0-7 if Refp0 (Refp1) is 1 (reflected)
Refp0, Refp1
These addresses write data into the the single bit player reflect registers.
see above.
D3 - 0: normal
1: reflected
Vdelp0, Vdelp1, Vdelbl
These addresses write data into the single bit vertical delay registers, to
delay players or the ball by one vertical line.
D0 - 0: no delay
1: delayed
This address clears all collision latches to zero (no collision)
Data bits not used.
Colupb, Colup1, Colupf, Colubk
These addresses write data into the player, playfield, and background
color-luminance registers.
D3, D2, D1 - Luminance values 000 is dark, 111 is bright.
D7,D6,D5,D4 - Colors 0000 Grey
0001 Gold
0010 Orange
0011 Red orange
0100 Pink
0101 Purple
0110 Blue purple
0111 Blue
1000 Blue
1001 Light blue
1010 Turquoise
1011 Green blue
1100 Green
1101 Yellow green
1110 Orange green
1111 Light orange
Audf0, Audf1
These addresses write data into the audio frequency divider registers.
D4,D3,D2,D1,D0 - 00000 30KHz divided by 1
00001 " " 2
11111 " " 32
Audc0, Audc1
These addresses write data into the audio control registers which control
the noise content and additional division of the audio output.
bits value noise type division
D3, D2, D1, D0 - 0000 set to 1
0001 4 bit poly
0010 /15 into 4 bit poly
0011 5 bit poly into 4 bit poly
0100 divide by 2
0101 divide by 2
0110 divide by 31
0111 5 bit poly into /2
1000 9 bit poly
1001 5 bit poly
1010 divide by 31
1011 set last 4 bits to 1
1100 divide by 6
1101 divide by 6
1110 divide by 93
1111 5 bit poly divided by 6
Audv0, Audv1
These addresses write data into the audio volume registers which set the pull
down impedance driving the audio output pads.
D3, D2, D1, D0 - 0000 no output
1111 loudest output
--- stella.txt ---
Atari 2600 Stella Memory Map
Write Address Registers
Addr Assy Name Bits Used Function
00 Vsync 0000 00x0 Vertical Sync Set-Clear
01 Vblank xx00 00x0 Vertical Blank Set-Clear
02 Wsync ---- ---- Wait for Horizontal Blank
03 Rsync ---- ---- Reset Horizontal Sync Counter
04 Nusiz0 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 0
05 Nusiz1 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 1
06 Colup0 xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 0
07 Colup1 xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 1
08 Colupf xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Playfield
09 Colubk xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Background
0A Ctrlpf 00xx 0xxx Control Playfield, Ball, Collisions
0B Refp0 0000 x000 Reflection Player 0
0C Refp1 0000 x000 Reflection Player 1
0D Pf0 xxxx 0000 Playfield Register Byte 0
0E Pf1 xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 1
0F Pf2 xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 2
10 Resp0 ---- ---- Reset Player 0
11 Resp1 ---- ---- Reset Player 1
12 Resm0 ---- ---- Reset Missle 0
13 Resm1 ---- ---- Reset Missle 1
14 Resbl ---- ---- Reset Ball
15 Audc0 0000 xxxx Audio Control 0
16 Audc1 0000 xxxx Audio Control 1
17 Audf0 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 0
18 Audf1 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 1
19 Audv0 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 0
1A Audv1 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 1
1B Grp0 xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 0
1C Grp1 xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 1
1D Enam0 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 0
1E Enam1 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 1
1F Enabl 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Ball
20 Hmp0 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 0
21 Hmp1 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 1
22 Hmm0 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 0
23 Hmm1 xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 1
24 Hmbl xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Ball
25 Vdelp0 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 0
26 Vdelp1 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 1
27 Vdelbl 0000 000x Vertical Delay Ball
28 Resmp0 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 0 to Player 0
29 Resmp1 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 1 to Player 1
2A Hmove ---- ---- Apply Horizontal Motion
2B Hmclr ---- ---- Clear Horizontal Move Registers
2C Cxclr ---- ---- Clear Collision Latches
Read Address Registers
bit 6 bit 7
0 Cxm0p xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-P1 M0-P0
1 Cxm1p xx00 0000 M1-P0 M1-P1
2 Cxp0fb xx00 0000 P0-PF P0-BL
3 Cxp1fb xx00 0000 P1-PF P1-BL
4 Cxm0fb xx00 0000 M0-PF M0-BL
5 Cxm1fb xx00 0000 M1-PF M1-BL
6 Cxblpf x000 0000 BL-PF -----
7 Cxppmm xx00 0000 P0-P1 M0-M1
8 Inpt0 x000 0000 Read Pot Port 0
9 Inpt1 x000 0000 Read Pot Port 1
A Inpt2 x000 0000 Read Pot Port 2
B Inpt3 x000 0000 Read Pot Port 3
C Inpt4 x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 0
D Inpt5 x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 1
Atari 2600 RIOT Memory Map
80-FF Ram also at 180-1FF
280 Swcha Port A data register (joysticks...)
281 Swacnt Port A data direction register (DDR)
282 Swchb Port B data (console switches)
283 Swbcnt Port B DDR
284 Intim Timer output
294 Tim1t set 1 clock interval
295 Tim8t set 8 clock interval
296 Tim64t set 64 clock interval
297 T1024t set 1024 clock interval
these are also at 380-397
Atari 2600 ROM Memory Map
E000-FFFF Rom also 1000-1FFF
3000-3FFF ....
--- colrdemo.asm ---
; Color Demo
; Taken from the Magicard Manual
; shows almost all the colors on the left side
; of the screen and cycles slowly on the right
Start LDA $81 ; get contents of memory
STA $0F ; save into a pattern control register
LDA #$03
STA $0A ; set background control register
LDA #$55
STA $07 ; set right side color
LDY #$00
STA $02 ; wait for horizontal sync
STA $01 ; start vertical blanking
STA $00 ; start vertical retrace
LDA #$2A
STA $0295 ; set timer for appropriate length
Loop1 LDY $0284
BNE Loop1 ; waste time
STY $02 ; wait for horizontal sync
STY $00 ; end vertical retrace period
LDA #$24
STA $0296 ; set timer for next wait
LDA $0282
AND #$01 ; check for reset switch
BNE NReset
BRK ; only interrupt available - must have vector set
NReset INC $80 ; increment right side color cycle counter
BNE Loop2
LDA #$E0
STA $80 ; reset counter
INC $81
LDA $81 ; increment right side color
STA $06 ; store it in color register
Loop2 LDY $0284
BNE Loop2 ; waste time
STY $02 ; wait for horizontal sync
STY $01 ; end vertical blanking
LDX #$E4 ; number of line to draw on screen
Loop3 STY $02 ; wait for horizontal sync
STX $0E ; change a background pattern with each line
STX $07 ; change right side color with each line
BNE loop3
JMP Start ; do next screen (every 1/60th second)
--- bilboard.asm ---
; Billboard Demo
; displays sonething close to, but not quite like
; the colored billboard used in "Close Encounters..."
; just a small demo to see what could be done
Start LDX #$FF
JSR Sub0
LDA #$06
STA $09
LDA #$02
LDA #$35
LDA #$00
Main JSR Sub1
LDA #$50
STA $06
LDA #$80
STA $07
LDA #$08
STA $19
JSR Sub2
LDA $0282
AND #$02
BEQ Start
JSR Sub3
LDX #$10
Loop1 NOP
STY $02
BNE Loop1
LDY #$06
LDX #$04
Loop2 STY #$02
BNE Loop2
LDA #$06
STA $06
STA $07
LDX #$A6
Loop3 NOP
STY $02
BNE Loop3
JMP Main
Sub0 CLD
LDX #$00
STX $0281
STX $0283
LDY #$04
Loc0 STX $00,Y
CPY #$20
BNE Loc0
Sub1 LDY #$FF
STY $02
STY $01
STY $00
LDA #$2A
STA $0295
LDA $0282
AND #$01
BNE Loc1
Loc1 RTS
Sub2 LDY $0284
BNE Sub2
STY $02
STY $00
LDA #$19
STA $0296
Sub3 LDY $0284
BNE Sub3
STY $02
STY $01