46 lines
1.7 KiB
46 lines
1.7 KiB
DIG DUG Typed in by : Rick Schieve
This is Dig Dug made easy. No fooling around with all the extra +5
VDC return lines and other baloney done with the audio/regulator
board and Atari power supply. A standard +5/+12 VDC game supply
will run this fine.
A - ground 1 - ground
B - +5 VDC 2 - +5 VDC
C - 3 -
D - 4 -
E - 5 -
F - 6 -
H - 7 -
J - 8 -
K - 2P start 9 - credit
L - 10 - 1P start
M - 11 - pump
N - 12 -
P - left 13 -
R - right 14 - down
S - 15 - up
T - 16 -
U - 17 - video ground
V - 18 -
W - blue 19 - red
X - 20 - green
Y - 21 -
Z - control ground 22 -
The 36 VAC is used to derive an internal -29 VDC for the high score
table so it is not required for the game to work.
For audio amplification I used an LM380 2 watt audio amp chip
available from places like Digi-Key for under $1 as follows.
Pin C from Dig Dug board to one side of 10 K (volume) pot and the
other side of the pot to ground. Center tap of pot to pin 2 (of
LM380). Pins 7 & 3 ground. Pin 14 to +12 VDC and .1 uf from pin 14
to ground (decoupling cap). Pin 8 (output) has 2.7 ohm in series
with .1 uf to ground to prevent chip from oscillating. Positive end
of 250 uF electrolytic to pin 8 also. Negative end of cap to
speaker and other speaker connection to ground.