2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Hacking #### ### ####### ### #### ### ####### ::: ::::: ::: :::::
The ###### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ### :::: ::: ::: :::: :: ::
#### ### ### ####### ### ### ## ### ##### ::::: :::: ::::: :: ::
#### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ::: ::: ::: ::: :: ::
#### ### ####### ### ### ### #### ####### ::: ::::: ::: :::::
$$$ $$$ | $$$ $ $ $ $ $$$ $$$ $ $$$ | $$$ $$$ $ $ $$$ $$$ $ Written by:
$ $ | $$$ $$$ $ $ $ $ $ $$ | $ $ $ $$ $ $ $$$ $ oleBuzzard
$$$ $$$ | $$$ $ $ $$$ $ $ $$ $$$ | $$$ $$$ $ $$ $ $ $ $$$ 15-Nov-93
* FULL FRONT DIN FRONT PANEL and Compact Size Tuner Box
If the 1310 is ever stolen, it will not function until the proper code has
been entered after reconnecting power.
A remote LED (sold separately) maybe mounted in the dash (or other
conspicuous location) as a further theft deterrent. It will blink
continuously once the ignition is turned off.
ID Logic is a database listing over 13,000 AM and FM stations nationwide.
Data such as Call Sign, Frequency and Music Category are stored for each
station receivable within a 30 square mile are or a 90 square mile grid.
This makes it very easy to find the music you prefer no matter what city
you are in.
* INTRODUCTION MEMORY (with optional CD Shuttle)
Input an 8 character title for up to 42 CDs
* M.I.X. (CD)
Plays the musical selections on a disc in random order.
Backlighting for the front panel can be changed to amber or green.
Automatically memorizes the settings of your Bass/Treble Controls for each
Dual pre-amp outputs and a pre-amp fader make system expansion easy and
FM 1: 6, FM 2: 6, AM: 6
The Alpine 1310 (if you can't already tell) is one of Alpine's top-of-the
line units. Although it is only a CD Shuttle Controller/Tuner it retails for
about $650 dollars. You can see this unit profiled in Alpine's Digital Max
pamphlet where they show the 1310 coupled to the Alpine 5957S Digital Max CD
Shuttle and on of three Alpine Digital Max Signal Processors. Despite its
seemingly limited functionality its a very cool unit and well worth the
money if you have it.
In any event this article is for people who did not have the money and
obtained the 1310 by some other means. Keep in mind this article has nothing
to do with obtaining one of these units, the scope is no broader than an
instructional on how to defeat the CODE protection. But for those of you who
have not yet obtained Alpine's Flagship Stereo, here are a few tips:
There are three primary parts of the complete Alpine 1310:
New Unit (complete):
1310 CD Shuttle Controller w/ID Logic Tuner.....Retail Price $650
Face Plate......................................Replacement Price: $400
Compact (under dash) Tuner Unit.................Replacement Price: $250
Harnessing Sheath...............................Replacement Price: $200
Connection Wire Kit.............................Replacement Price: $175
Total: $1,025
As you can see the 1310s parts are greater than the su, of the whole damn
thing. Anyway I would try to get as many of these parts of the unit as I
* TIP 1 * There is a flaw with the Harnessing Sheath (the part the faceplate
goes into) because the teeth that are supposed to be bent back and hold the
harness into the dash were engineered too short and also theres no place to
put a screw in the harness. Summarily 1310 Harnessing Sheaths are not
secured very well into ANY dash board and are therefore relativley easy to
pull out.
* TIP 2 * There will be a thick DIN cable connected to this Harnessing
Sheath. Whatever you do, DO NOT CUT THIS CABLE. This cable (and only this
cable) goes to the Tuner Unit which will be somewhere under the dash. If you
cut this cable the Harnessing Sheath is pretty much worthless no matter how
much of a wiring genius you may think you are. Try to tug at the cable and
unplug it from the Tuner Unit. Granted, you maybe in a bit of rush in the
process of obtaining your unit, but theres always enough time to do a job
* TIP 3 * The DIN cable is LESS than a meter long. Given this you might be
able to determine about where the Tuner Unit is located in relation to the
Harnessing Sheath it is connected to. Once you have determined where the
Tuner Unit is, try and yank that sucker out. It will be secured with NO
MORE than four screws, but usually only two, and possibly only one. Why?
Because car stereo installers are lazy, crooks, thats why!
At this point it will be assumed that you have obtained all of the parts of
the stereo and you're ready to hook it up. The only problem is that the unit
is CODE Protected (see FEATURES). To defeat the code protection follow the
following cookbook instructions:
1. Most human beings are stupid and will not change the the 1310's code (or
any other CODE protected devices) from the Factory Preset Code. This
assumed go directly to step four (4) and ignore * NOTE *. If after
following steps four and five you have not defeated the code protection
then you have obtained your stereo from a fairly smart person and you
must goto step two (2).
2. Take the back off the Face Plate...you will see a small memory battery
SOLDERED into place....DON'T TRY TO TAKE IT OUT...just short it out by
crossing the positive and negative sides of the battery with a
wire....there will be no indication that you have done it (no puff of
smoke or electrical sound like in Hollywood movies) but its not that
hard to do short. If you think you have done it you probably did...
* NOTE * By completing this step you have erased all user definable
memory including any user programmed code. The 1310 is now
virgin (so to speak).
3. Put the unit back together and hook it up...(a 12 volt battery charger
works fine as a power source)
4. Now turn the unit on....it may or may not say flash the word CODE. In
any event you will see a small recessed button just to the right of
the CLOCK Button. This is the RESET Button. Push that with a penciltip
and the unit will reset itself and turn itself off...
* NOTE * No dumbshit hitting the RESET Buttonalone will not set the
1310 back to the factory code. YOU HAVE TO SHORT THE UNIT
5. Wait about 2 seconds (important) and turn the unit back on and it WILL
be flashing CODE...do the following:
a. Press the USER Button and the numbers '0000' will be
b. Use the N - S - E - W directional buttons to enter the code
'0100'...this is the New Product Code used for ALL currently
produced CODE Protected Alpines.
c. Press the TUNER/BAND Button to accept code. You are now done!
* NOTE * This process of CODE Entry need only be followed when the
Tuner Unit (yes the Tuner Unit, not the Face Plate) has been
COMPLETELY deprived of power. In other words, once you have
the 1310 installed in your car and everything is hooked up you
will not have to do this again unless your battery dies or
something. If so simply follow step five (5).
I'm kind of tired so I'll run through this quick. Once you have your unit
installed and you have bypassed the CODE Protection and the unit plays and
works fine, you can follow the following procedure to change the code to
whatever you like:
* NOTE * In the following steps you will be entering the OLD code (probably
the factory preset) and then your own NEW code and then the OLD
code again to register your own NEW code. Its kind of a pain in
the ass but its obvious why they did it (so noone who didn't know
the code could simply change it to something they did know duh!)
1. Turn on the unit and press the TUNER/BAND Button to switch the 1310 to
TUNER mode.
2. Press and hold the HOME/TITLE Button for more than 2 seconds until CODE
is displayed.
3. Press the USER/INTRO Button and the unit will display '0000' with the
first digit blinking.
4. Input the previous code with the directional N - S - E - W buttons. If
you're doing this for the first time since Reset then enter the code
5. Press the TUNER/BAND Button to accept the code and the display will
blink CODE.
6. Press the USER/INTRO button again. The display will show '0000' with the
first digit blinking. This means it is ready to accept your code.
7. Use the directional N - S - E - W buttons again to enter your code.
8. Press the TUNER/BAND Button to enter each number respectivley and
following the entry of your new code the display will blink your new
code for 5-10 seconds and then CODE will be displayed.
9. To register the new code you must repeat steps 3,4, and 5 entering
the OLD code number.
10. Once step five is completed your unit will (hopefully) be on tuner and
you will never have to do this shit again until next time.
************** The procedures of CODE Defeating, CODE Entry, and CODE Re-
* READ THIS! * programming work on ANY Alpine CODE Protected UNIT with ID
************** LOGIC made before and up til the date of this files release.
Thanx goto: Nobody (from oB's) Disorder (from Flatline), Alpine (for the
great products and documentation), Mr. Schenck (my 10th grade electronics
teacher), and the poor SOB who had a nice stereo, no alarm, and not enough
since to lock his fuckin door...Late oB (thats oleBuzzard)
oleBuzzard's kn0wledge phreak % sUmthyn lykE 4000+ text fylez % C.R.a.P.N.
AC 719-578-8288--NUP = NO NUP % hAck/phrEAk/AnArky/vIrII/cArd % Call Right
24oo-14.4ooKiloBaud-Open 24/7 % n0 phUckyn lAmEr wArEz do0dz! % Phuckn Now