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From slcpi!govt.shearson.com!mjohnsto@uunet.UU.NET Tue Jan 8 09:50:43 1991
To: wordy@Corp
Subject: Part 53 of CAA #2
Call to Nomadness
(or... "Wanna go for a bike ride?")
Steven K. Roberts
So. There you sit, reading something about Nomadness, perhaps having a few
road fantasies and thinking about your life. It's all mapped out in
perspective: expectations, obligations, debts, and the massive amount of WORK
necessary to support your chosen lifestyle (even if it's a lifestyle you chose
before you knew better and no longer really want). Do you feel a twinge of
wistful longing at the thought of taking off for a life of freedom and
adventure? At the old dream of "chucking it all and hitting the road"?
It is possible!
Maggie and I are assembling a nomadic community, a mobile group of
like-spirited folks who share similar passions. The whole idea is a bit mad,
perhaps, but it sparks powerful reactions from the kinds of people we want as
Step outside reality for a while and imagine...
Life in the Traveling Circuits
There will be somewhere between 4 and 10 of us, wandering the planet aboard
networked recumbents. Most bikes will be relatively simple -- perhaps just a
laptop in the panniers, a small solar panel to take care of lights and
accessories, a 2-meter ham radio, and a black box with an antenna that provides
a data link to everyone else.
We'll travel freely, not tied into a tight pack. If you have friends in Grass
Valley, for example, you'll want to stay with them as the rest of us camp;
there may even be times when small groups separate from the rest and take a
different route for a while. We're all independent, each chasing whatever
passions motivate us while sharing resources to make life easier and more fun.
Much of this resource-sharing has to do with information. The Winnebiko is
ideally suited to being the host system and file server, since it already has
80 meg of hard disk, cellular phone modem, satellite earth station, and so on.
So a daily routine will be for everyone to plug into my bike (via a cable or,
more likely, the little RF black boxes) and up/download the day's mail. The
Winnebiko, linked twice-daily to the base office, thus becomes the hub of an
arbitrarily-large network of nomads.
In this fashion, the major problems of communication, money management, mail
forwarding, and maintaining the illusion of stability do not have to be solved
independently by everyone who travels with us. We all share and help support
the base office, staffed by one person and equipped with Mac, laser printer,
PC, copier, voicemail, filing systems, fax, accounting software, and all the
rest (much of which we already have).
But what keeps us fed? Implicit in this whole plan is the assumption that all
nomads in the group are financially responsible for themselves. The easy way,
of course, is to be independently wealthy -- but since I can't imagine what
that's like, I assume that everyone will be freelancing or remotely operating a
stable business. I have supported my nomadness for over 6 years with a mix of
writing and consulting, and this is the most obvious opportunity for others.
But there are dozens of other angles...
Mobile Freelancing as an Art Form
Perhaps the most colorful example of creative ways to make a living on the
road is provided by Michelle and Norbert "Nop" Velthuisen, cycling friends of
ours in Holland. A few years ago, they set out for a round-the-world trip on
homemade recumbents. Initial funding came from selling the house and
compacting their lifestyle... but much of the road money came from doing aerial
Aerial photography from bicycles? Sound crazy? Don't forget that, as Clarke
once wrote, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic. Nop would simply make contact in a strange town with a few land owners,
show them his beautiful portfolio of 8X10 color glossy aerial photos from
around the world, strike a deal, then go to work.
He would ride to the site, check it out, and uncork a PVC tube from the back
of his bike. He would then remove a large kite... fly a remote-controlled
camera over the client's land... and start snapping pictures!
This was inevitably accompanied by great delight and amusement on the part of
the locals, thus serving as both door- opener and cash-flow generator during
their two-year open-ended journey. Now, isn't it time for a high-tech cyclist
to start selling aerial video from a radio-controlled, amateur
television-equipped model airplane or helicopter? (Hey, if you build one, we
can use it as a forward reconnaissance unit to check out the road ahead...)
Other Possibilities
There are a lot of ways to make a living from passions, hobbies, freelance
skills, and other creative shticks. Music performance or teaching. Lectures.
Photography. Art. Writing. Consulting in any form. Online research and
information brokering. Repair work. Video projects. Programming. Neural
network research. Producing a coffee table book on rural mailboxes. Setting
up dealers for a product. Fixing bikes in small towns and RV parks. Bringing
new tech to the people. The possibilities cover a vast range of human
pursuits, limited only by the basic constraints of equipment requirements and
marketing. (If you are a machinist, for example, you'll have a hard time
finding work on the road unless you can find a machine shop to go with it,
which is usually difficult.)
The common thread is information. If your product is information in any form,
the idea is obvious -- the stuff has no mass, is very portable, and can be
conveyed via many media. If your product is the execution of a special skill
based on information, then it is simply a matter of marketing yourself well
enough to establish and then perform gigs while passing through. Within
obvious constraints (including regulatory ones that affect certain
professions), this leaves almost endless possibilities.
One "job opening" that may appeal to someone is to run a sort of specialized
travel service to keep a few "guest bikes" occupied. This is a partly-baked
idea at the moment, but I've seen a number of thriving adventure-getaway
vacation businesses that make quite a lot of money by getting people into odd
situations (and presumably back out again). In our case, we could equip a
couple of bikes, then sell samples of our nomadic lifestyle by the week to
people who love the idea but aren't quite ready to give up the security of job
and home. Even simpler, we could require customers to BYOB (bring your own
bicycle). I have no idea how well any of this would work, and it could turn
out to be a logistical nightmare, but if someone wants to run it and handle all
the details it could provide full-time support for that person -- plus a
food-and-accommodation "kitty" for the entire group. With our massive ongoing
media coverage, marketing should be easy.
Assuming that you want to travel and can figure out a way to make a living
while doing so, then what next? Let me answer that by addressing some of the
more common questions....
Where are we going?
Hard to say. Every time I try to predict that, I'm wrong. One of the
beauties of this whole adventure is that it's open-ended and thus does not get
tied down to point-to-point commitments. (As I observed in Computing Across
America, "If you think too much about where you're going, you lose respect for
where you are.")
My best guess at the moment is that we will leave from either Seattle or
somewhere in the Bay Area of California, heading in whatever direction the
weather suggests. I personally want to spend time in the Canadian Rockies,
Colorado and Utah, the American North- and Southwest, Canada's Maritime
Provinces, Europe, Russia, Australia, and Japan. But I'm open to anything, and
this is a group endeavor.
Why recumbent bicycles?
Compared to regular bikes, recumbents are vastly more comfortable, more
efficient, safer, infinitely more fun, and easier to pack with non-standard
equipment. Besides, if you ride an old- fashioned bike along with a bunch of
people on recumbents, you'll fade into the background as far as media and
public are concerned.
I strongly recommend recumbents for all these reasons, and if we're all riding
them our "look" will be more dramatic and consistent. Like it or not, image is
an important factor... much of the flavor of the travel experience is
determined by what people think of you. As my six years of travel have
demonstrated, the technology choices not only make sense for the obvious
central reasons but also have opened the door to public welcome, constant media
exposure, and sponsorship. I'd like to keep the group's image high-tech and
efficient, and besides -- we're all marketing ourselves in some form.
There are a number of recumbents available and the choice is yours, but I
recommend the Ryan Vanguard. Get in touch with me if you want more
And if for some reason you really don't want to ride a recumbent, then I
suppose that's OK too. Mountain bikes, Moultons, solar hybrid vehicles, and
ultralight aircraft are also possibilities... and I'm willing to at least
consider a suitably teched-out mobile office (NOT a sag wagon) that can carry
the laser printer, lab, and darkroom -- and also precede us into towns to set
up speaking/ consulting/business/book-signing/teaching/interview events.
Is ham radio necessary?
Absolutely! If you want to do this, then start working toward at least a
Technician-class license now.
If you have ever cycled with a companion, you know the frustration of being
far apart on the road and needing to communicate. "What's he doing moping
along back there?" "Damn, I wish that SOB would slow down, my knees are
killing me!" "Did she see where I turned?" I've seen a lot of touring
couples, tight-lipped and pissed, ruin their relationships through the
inability to communicate (perhaps the precise opposite of riding a tandem,
which can ruin relationships for other reasons).
Ham radio on the bike solves the problem perfectly (and with much more
elegance than CB, which is inefficient, noisy, and -- in most parts of the
country -- a cultural disaster). The little license- free 49 MHz headsets are
nice for close (1/4-mile) range, but useless in most real-life situations. Ham
radio, on the other hand, is both technologically elegant and your ticket to a
global community.
Indeed, that's the other major reason. When you pull into a strange town, key
up a local repeater, and identify yourself as a bicycle-mobile ham operator,
you have friends. You have a feeling of security, knowing you have instant
access to police or other help if needed. You have local supporters who will
leap at the chance to give you directions, find a repair part, or offer advice.
You have dinner invitations and places to stay. And you have company,
especially if you've maintained a stable presence in the ham radio magazines
(and we have).
There are very few actual requirements in this project, but getting a ham
license is one of them. Excellent courses are available by mail or through
local clubs -- let me know if you need help getting started. (I'm N4RVE;
Maggie is KA8ZYW.)
How will the group be selected?
On a totally ad-hoc, intuitive basis. I don't want to fall into the role of
"personnel manager" -- I'm merely trying to pull together a stimulating nomadic
community. Selection, therefore, is more on the basis of group consensus,
"survival" skills but are short on
freelancing opportunities, this may still work for you. If the group gets big
enough, we might find a way to collectively support a couple of people who can
provide valuable resources -- like medical skills, physical security, bike
maintenance, translation, publication production, business management,
wilderness survival, and so on.
What about dropouts and new arrivals?
Assuming we structure this intelligently (which probably means a minimum of
structure), it should be no problem. Of course, once relationships are
established, dropouts will cause the same kind of pain you see when people
leave companies, but that's a chance we have to take.
As to new arrivals, the big issues are system preparation time and the
learning curve -- we'll help them along via the networks and then rendezvous on
the road. I suspect, knowing the dynamics of travel, that there will also be
short-term visitors who want to join us for a few hundred miles without
actually trashing their lifestyles and becoming full-time wanderers. (Even
nomads can have house guests...)
How will we deal with riders of different capabilities?
This can be an irritation, especially when you consider that some cyclists
like rapid-fire hundred-mile days and others like to take short, relaxing rides
between a succession of long visits. Our style is more slow than fast -- I
tend to prefer 30-50 mile riding days with lots of 2-3 day layovers, with an
occasional marathon ride when circumstances offer no choice.
The nice thing about being radio-linked, of course, is that we don't all have
to stay in sight of each other (that would quickly drive us crazy). The faster
and more ambitious riders could race ahead and set up camp, or even take
multi-day side trips while the others plod along a straighter route. We'll
find a balance.
What about security?
This is always an issue, and is responsible for a fair percentage of the
technology on the Winnebiko System 3. The black boxes I mentioned earlier are
networked with my bike via UHF packet radio links, and can carry any kind of
message including alerts from security sensors. Of course, this merely tells
us if anyone is touching a bike -- it doesn't actually do anything about it.
My bike includes a high-power ultrasonic pain-generator, microwave motion
sensor, coordinate beaconing if it's moved without a password, and a few other
goodies, but all that takes a complex and heavy technological infrastructure
that I don't generally recommend.
The best lock is the human eye. On the road, you quickly get into the habit
of being constantly aware of your bike and equipment, and everyone is basically
responsible for their own stuff. One big advantage of multiple people, or
course, is that there are more eyes, and often someone who's willing to babysit
the equipment while the others are off hiking, scuba diving, clambering,
shopping, or whatever.
What happens every night when 8 people arrive in a strange town and need
showers, food, and a place to sleep?
Interesting question. This is one of the reasons I insist on everyone being
independent and responsible -- a year ago when I first thought of this idea, I
had the insane thought of structuring it like a company. This instantly cast
me into the uncomfortable role of president, giving me unwanted responsibility.
There are a variety of techniques for finding accommodations, and sooner or
later all nomads learn how to do it. In the meantime, the typical scenario is
probably this:
We approach a town, and I scan my database of over 6,000 contacts -- perhaps
finding someone I know or a name from one of the traveler-support subcultures
(including Mensa's SIGHT program, Bicycle USA hospitality homes, AYH hostels,
the Mosely list, Servas, and so on). Everyone else will check their own
lists, which include old friends and whatever profession- or hobby-specific
network applies (there are subcultures for everything). We get in touch and
let our contacts know how many people are involved, sensing from the
conversation whether we should seek an invitation or maybe invite them to
visit our group camp.
If the only contact is an old friend in a small house, there will only be room
for one or two people. In that case, we might ask if they have friends or
other recommendations, and we all split up for the night (meeting at an
arranged time on 2 meter ham radio). In many cases, some will camp, some will
find a motel, and others will go home with hosts. It will be different every
day, and we will often prefer to camp as a large group just for the fun of it
-- this is how our sense of community will deepen over time, while admitting
enough variety to keep us from getting thoroughly sick of each other.
Incidentally, we'll be making a proposal to KOA to see if they're interested
in a camping sponsorship in exchange for giving a brief presentation to other
guests anytime we stay in one of their Kampgrounds. This is the sort of
symbiotic relationship that has held the whole affair together for six years.
Based on enthusiastic response from a number of educators, we are also
planning regular appearances at schools and colleges wherever we go -- doing
group presentations about our business, the technology that makes high-tech
nomadness possible, the adventure itself, our nomadic community, and what we
are learning of the world. In exchange, we will receive money, places to stay,
contacts, and the deep satisfaction of bringing lively ideas to young people as
an antidote to the isolation of textbooks and academia.
What about the inevitable personality conflicts?
It happens. I guess we'll deal with it.
What if someone gets hurt?
Again, it happens. I've been injured twice in 16,000 miles on the road, both
times badly enough to require an emergency room visit but not enough to require
hospitalization. Statistically, it's almost inevitable that someone will get
hurt, perhaps even seriously.
First aid is no problem; we're well equipped. But we will all need medical
insurance, and it's probably not a good idea to go into exhaustive detail with
the carrier about the lifestyle you are contemplating! This is one of those
areas in which maintaining the illusion of stability via a base office is
essential (and it suggests the possibility of a group plan).
I also recommend having a savings account somewhere with a few thousand
dollars to cover lost productivity, as well as repair, replacement, or shipment
of your equipment if a serious accident occurs.
What will this cost me?
It's hard to answer this with any precision, partly because there are a lot of
ways to do it and partly because I've had most of my equipment generously
provided by sponsors. And besides, you're probably not trying to build a
full-scale Winnebiko clone.
If you go out and buy the essential tools for this, including the bike, ham
radio, solar power system, packs, minimal laptop computer, and camping gear,
the price will approach $10,000 -- plus whatever specialized equipment is
required to support your business and techno-passions. Cost of living on the
road is generally about $500/month, often less (no house or car payments!).
I financed my initial departure from Ohio suburbia with an all- summer garage
sale, with only the solar panels, batteries, and online services sponsored. I
think the Winnebiko System 1 cost me about $8,000. Thanks to sponsors, Systems
2 and 3 have both been in the same approximate range, even though their
complexity and actual value are orders of magnitude beyond the original. If
you get involved with this project, I will try to help you find sponsors, but
that can be an extremely time-consuming and complex undertaking that involves
clear demonstration of what you can do for them.
What is your motive for all this, anyway?
Heh. I want company.
There's tremendous energy in shared projects and community. For 10,000 miles I
traveled alone, addicted to the energy of beginnings but gradually growing
unsatisfied with them. There's a lot to be said for established relationships,
where you can draw on shared context to increase communication bandwidth.
For the next 6,000 miles I traveled with Maggie Victor, who has made a
tremendous difference (especially in the romantic arena, removing a constant
source of frustration that would have inevitably gotten me into trouble sooner
or later). She is lifestyle maintenance manager, lover, partner, and business
helper -- but is not a techie, hacker, or philosophical-generalist playmate.
Our group of two has not reached intellectual critical mass, and thus I still
experience loneliness in many areas. On the road, this effect changes both
positively and negatively: we meet a lot of people and some of them are
absolutely fascinating, but we are still essentially a family of two -- we
both want more company for different reasons.
I attended the last couple of hackers conferences, and was intensely
stimulated by the constant swirl of brains at play. There is powerful energy
in a community of kindred spirits, and I want to combine that with the endless
excitement of travel and life in the networks. I also want to make more
money, which will be easier when a wider range of creative humans is right
there in camp, sparkling with ideas and helping to support the whole operation.
That's what's in it for me. What's in it for you?
What's the timetable?
We're planning to leave sometime in the summer of 1990, and it's going to take
heavy effort on everyone's part to be ready by then. We're working full-time
on bikes and related projects (including the Journal) here in the Santa Cruz
area (close to Silicon Valley, but not immersed in all the traffic and
Prior to departure, there will be a pre-launch assembly period during which we
will all essentially live together while getting our systems fine-tuned and
communicating. This will segue into an exhausting series of media events, many
featuring our sponsors, and we will finally gather at the launch point for
After that... it's completely open-ended.
Assuming I want to do this, what are the first steps?
OK. Here's your basic TO-DO list:
Get a ham radio license and learn all you can about the technology and
operating procedures. Buy a 2-meter handheld transceiver and get comfortable
with repeater use.
Buy a recumbent, start collecting bicycle touring gear, and practice traveling
and camping.
Get your body in shape, and not just your legs. No need to become a
super-athlete -- but you might want to take an aerobics class and do a bit of
weight training. And ride your bike as much as possible!
Devour the bicycle magazines and touring books (contact me for
recommendations). Waste no opportunity to learn!
Find out how to repair your bicycle, and assemble a toolkit.
Save money, and open an account with a bank that supports a good network of
electronic funds transfer machines.
Pay off loans and otherwise simplify your life.
Learn all you can about whatever it takes to run your business on the road,
and start the conversion process now.
Get a laptop, go online, and begin reducing your dependence on paper. Urge
your major correspondents to do likewise, and use email as much as possible
(I'm wordy on GEnie, MCI, and @cup.portal.com).
Communicate regularly with me and everyone else who's contemplating a life of
nomadness. Call me now if you have specific questions or want to brainstorm
the business options.
Reduce clutter by converting unnecessary possessions to cash, and thence into
tools for life on the road.
Make a database of all your contacts here and around the world. Acquire
directories (preferably machine-readable) of people who share your interests,
club affiliations, alma mater, whatever.
If you speak another language, brush up on it.
Get your passport, credit cards, drivers license, insurance, association
memberships, and any business-specific relationships up to date.
Start a list of stuff you'll need on the road. I can send you a complete
inventory of my system and refer you to a couple of good published lists of
recommendations for normal bicycle touring.
Find a storage area for the stuff you're leaving behind, but will probably
want again someday.
Think, plan, and dream... then convert it into reality!
I can be reached at 408-459-9780, or by mail at:
Nomadic Research Labs
P.O. Box 2390
Santa Cruz, CA 95063
See you on the road!!!