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*** Legal Highs ***
re-typed by: Coroner
The following are excerpts from the book "Legal Highs". All
drugs listed are 100% legal to possess and buy, HOWEVER any use of
these herbs for psychotropic purposes is against federal law. The
dosage, effects, contraindictions (harmful side-effects), and
suppliers are listed here. In writing this file I have chosen not to list
the more harmful drugs listed in the book, as experimentation with
these by amateurs could easily lead to death. If you're a REAL BIG
drug-drug head or are just really interested in the subject, then I
suggest you get a copy of the book. It may be hard to find, but is
well worth the search.
Here we go...
Supplier abbreviations used herein ---
AHD - A. Hugh Dial, 7685 Deer Trail, Yucca Valley, CA
B - W. Atlee Burpee Seed Co., 6450 Rutland, Riverside, CA
& 18th & Hunting Park., Philadelphia, PA
& 615 N. 2nd, Clinton Iowa
FM - Ferry-Morse Seed Co., 111 Ferry-Morse Way, Mountain View, CA
& Stephen Beal Dr., Fulton, KY
G - Germain's Inc., 4820 E. 50th, Vernon, CA
GBR - Gardens of the Blue Ridge, PO Box 10, Pineola, NC, 28662
MGH - Magic Garden Herb Co., PO Box 332, Fairfax, CA, 949300
NK - Northrop-King Seed Co.,2850 S. Highway 99, Fresno, CA
& 1500 N.E. Jackson, Minneapolis, MN
NMCR - New Mexico Cactus Research, PO Box 787, Belen, NM
WP - Wine and the People, PO Box 2914, Oakland, CA
NOTE: It is best to send off for a catalog from these places
before trying to order anything
BETEL NUT (Areca catechu)
Material: Large seed of an Asian palm tree
Usage: It is wrapped in the leaf of the betel pepper and
sprinkled with burnt lime, catechu gum from the Malayan
acacia tree, and nutmeg, cardamom or other spices. This
morsel is placed in mouth and sucked on for several hours.
Effects: Arecoline (the main active constituent) is a central
nervous system stimulant. It increases respiration and
decreases the work load of the heart. Betel leaf has
mild stimulating properties.
Contraindictions: Excessive arecoline from immoderate use or
unripe nuts can cause dizziness, vomiting,
diarrhea and convulsions. Frequent use stains
mouth, gums, and teeth deep red. Long-term
overuse is said to weaken sexual potency.
Supplier: MGH, RCS
BROOM (Genista, Cytisus,, Spartium, spp.)
Material: Blossoms of any of several species including Canary
Island Broom and Spanish Broom.
Usage: Blossoms are collected, aged in a sealed jar for 10 days,
dried, and rolled into cigarettes. Smoke is inhaled and
Effects: One cigarette produces relaxed feeling for 2 hours. More
causes deeper relaxation and longer lasting effects (4-5 hours).
Relaxation is deepest during 2 hoursand is followed by
mental alertness and increased awareness of color
without hallucinations.
Contraindictions: Usually no undesirable side effects or hangover
Some persons experience mild headaches immediately
after smoking. Broom flowers are extremely toxic
when ingested. Has heart stimulating properties,
like digitalis.
Supplier: Common in parks and gardens. Dried Broom, MGH; viable
seeds, RCS.
CALAMUS (Acorus calamus)
Material: Roots of tall, flagrant, sword-leafed plant found in
marshes and borders of pondsand streams in Europe, Asia
and North America from Nova Scotia to Minnesota,
southward to Florida and Texas.
Usage: Roots are collected in late Autumn or Spring, washed, voided
of root fibres and dried with moderate heat. Root may be chewed
or be broken up and boiled as a tea. Doses range from 2 to
10 inches of root. Root deteriorates with age. Usually inactive
after 1 year. Store closed in a cool dry place.
Effects: A piece of dried root the thickness of a pencil and about
2 inches long provides stimulation and boyant feelings.
A piece 10 inches long and acts as a mind alterant and
Contraindictions: The FDA frowns upon the sale and use of Calamus
and has issued directives to certain herb dealers
not to sell it to the public. An FDA directive
is simply a polite word for a threat of hassling
without a law to back it. At present there are
no laws against calamus. Some experiments have
indicated that excessive amounts of Calamus oil
can increase the tumor rate in rats. Many of the
Cree Indians of Northern Alberta chew Calamus root
for oral hygiene and as a stimulating tonic.
They apparently suffer no unpleasant side- effects.
In fact, those who use it seem to be in better
general health than those who do not.
Supplier: dried root, MGH; viable root, RCS, GBR
CALIFORNIA POPPY (Eschscholtzia californica)
Material: leaves, flowers, and capsules of common wildflower
Usage: Materials are dried and smoked.
Effects: Very mild marijuana-like euphoria from smoking lasting 20-30
minutes. Concentrated extract of plant may be more potent when
ingested or smoked.
Contraindictions: No apparent side-effects. Not habit-forming.
Appears to be innefective when used again within
24 hours.
Supplier: grows wild; seeds, B, FM, G, NK, RCS
Material: Small, spiny cactus from northern Mexico and southern Texas
Usage:Spines are removed and 8-12 fresh or dried cacti are consumed
on empty stomach. These may be chewed or crushed and brewed
for 1 hour as tea.
Effects: Hallucinogen somewhat similar to mescaline.
Contraindictions: Should not be taken in large doses with strong
MAO Inhibitors. Otherwise, none known.
Supplier: cuttings, AHD; seeds, RCS, NMCR
Material: Seeds within round pods of climbing plant found in Asian
and Hawaiian forests.
Usage: Seed are removed from pod, white layer is scraped or singed
from seed coat and seeds are ground and consumed or soaked
in water, strained, and drunk. Dose 4-8 seeds.
Effects: LSD-like experince with extreme lassitude. Nausea may be
experienced during first hour or two. Total experience lasts
about 6 hours. Tranquil feelings may continue for 12 or
more hours afterwards.
Contraindictions: Pregnant women or persons with history of liver
disorders should not take lysergic acid amides.
Supplier: MGH
HELIOTROPE (Valeriana officinalis)
Material: Roots of fairly common garden plant.
Usage: 1/2 oz. boiled for 5 minutes in 1 pt. water, strained and
Effects: Tranquilizer and sedative.
Contraindictions: Has unpleasant smell but tolerable taste. May
add honey.
Supplier: herb, MGH; seeds, RCS
INTOXICATING MINT (Lagochilus inebrians)
Material: Leaves of central Asian shrub.
Usage: Leaves are dried and steeped to make tea.
Effects: Tranquilizer, intoxicant, mild hallucinogen.
Contraindictions: None known.
Supplier: MGH
KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum)
Material: Root pulp and lower stems of tall perennial shrub from
South Pacific islands, Hawaiian Islands, and New Guinea.
Usage: In the islands two methods are used. If dried kava roots are
simply made into a tea, the water-soluble components are
released and it acts as a mild stimulating tonic. If materials
chewed, then spit into a bowl and mixed with coconut milk,
powerful narcotic resins are released in emulsion. Those who
do not wish to pre-chew the root may do either of the
following for the same result: (1) 1 oz. pulverized or finely
ground kava is mixed with 10 oz. water or cocnut milk, 2 tbsp.
coconut oil or olive oil, and 1 tbsp. lecithin and blended
in an osterizer until liquid takes on milky appearance. Serves
2-4 persons. (2) Extract resins with isopropyl (rubbing alchohol)
in heat bath, remove solvents by evaporation. Redissolve in just
enough warm brandy, rum, or vodka. Honey may be added to
sweeten. A small cordial glass per person should be
enough. The first method emulsifies the resins, the second
method dissolves them in alchohol. The latter is the more
potent method because alchohol switly caries resins into the
Effects: Pleasant stimulation after 30 minutes (sooner in alchohol).
After another 30 minutes, euphoric and lethargic sedative
effects are felt but with unimpaired mental alertness.
Depresses spinal activity, not cerebral activity. After
a time, one may sleep. Total experience lasts 2-3 hours.
Aftereffects: pleasant, relaxed feelings. No hangover.
Contraindictions: Generally nontoxic. If fresh root or alchohol extract
is used excessively for several months, it may
become habit-forming and cause yellowing, rashes,
scaliness or ulcers of skin, diarrhea, emaciation,
loss of appettite, reddening and weakening of eyes.
These symptoms disappear rapidly when kava intake
is reduced. These conditions do not occur
with normal use (once per week in islands). Used
normally, kava is stimulating to appetite, and
generally beneficial.
Supplier: MGH
YOHIMBE (Corynanthe yohimbe)
Material: The inner bark of a tropical West African tree.
Usage: 6-10 tsp. of shaved bark boiled in 1 pt. water, strained
and sipped slowly. Addition of 500 mg Vitamin C per cup makes
it take effect more quickly and potently.
Effects: First effects after 30 minutes (15 minutes with Vitamin C),
warm, pleasant spinal shivers, followed by psychic stimulation,
heightening of emotional and sexual feelings, mild
perceptual changes without hallucinatons, sometimes spontaneous
erections. Sexual activity is especially pleasurable.
Feelings of bodies melting into one another. Total experience
lasts 2-4 hours. Aftereffects: pleasant, relaxed feeling
with no hangover.
Contraindictions: Tannins and alkaloids make tea somewhat bitter
and unpleasant. Addition of honey may help. Slight
nausea may be experienced by someindividuals during
first 30 minutes. Vitamin C lessens this. MAO
Supplier: MGH
WARNING: While I have listed only the safer herbal "drugs",
combinations of some drugs may be harmful or fatal. When
experimenting with these or any drugs, it is wise to wait
a week in between experiments.
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