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Area: ECHO: Norml
Msg#: 309 Sent Date: 30 Aug 93 06:14:13
From: Moderator Read: Yes Replied: No
To: All Mark:
Subj: Hemp Sources
HEMP sources is a monthly post, if you know of other products or producers,
please notify the moderator for their enclusion in this posting.
Ohio Hempery, telephone number is 1-800-BUY-HEMP.
Planet HEMP
235 Park Avenue South
5th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Hemp Hanky 10x9.5 $9.99
Hemp Token Bag 4x4.5 $9.99
Hemp sample kit from Institure ofr Hemp, $14.99
Hand-woven Hemp side satchels (blue, green or natural) 10x5 $60.00
Hemp Seed massage oil 1oz $5.00
Hemp Planet pins 1.25" $5.00
Hand-woven Hemp bags 3 x 3" $12.00
3.5 x 4" $17.00
4 x 5 $23.00
Grow Hemp for the war poster 18 x 22 $5.00
The Institute for HEMP
P.O. Box 65130
St Paul, MN 66165
Free Catalog: (612) 222-2628
{string, cloth, fibers, and more}
Hemp Fiber Supplies
Twinrocker Papermaking Supplies
POB 413, Brookston, IN, 47923
(317) 563-3119
HEMP / Cotton Clothing
Stoned Wear (registered tm)
Joint Venture Hempery
A Division of Sativa Creations, Inc.
107a-1093 W Broadway
Vancover, BC, CANADA V6H IE@
Dealer Inquires Welcome
(604) 737-8539
Joint Venture Hempery, INC.
P.O. Box 26435, Tempe, AZ 85285-6345
Sterilized HEMP Seeds
Happy Bird Sample Pack ($5)
BACH, POB 71093
LA, CA 90071-0093
Bulk orders (25lbs or more)
United Pacific Seed (Item # 2030)
201 South Cactus Ave.
Rialto, CA 92376
(714) 874-5993
Sacks, Yarn & Rope
CNNP&ABP Import/Export Corp.
Henan Native Produce Branch
No. 69 Wenhua RD. Zhengzgou, CHINA
Tel:33582; Telex:46047 HNTPB CN
Polished HEMP Twine
Happy Twine Sample Roll ($3)
BACH, POB 71093
L.A., CA 90071-0093
Bulk orders:
Norman Supply Co.
18709 Napa St.
Northridge, CA
(818) 349-3120
Pacific Rim Paper & Fiber Corp.
POB 86741, Portland, OR 97286
(501) 236-0367
100% Natural Indian HEMP Herbal Hair & Scalp Treatment Conditioner:
All Ways Natural (cr) Industries, INC.
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Varmland Furniture
Available at
17621 Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91748
The Institute for Hemp
PO Box 65130
St Paul, MN 55165
612-222-2628 Voice or Fax
Free 16 page catalog of hemp products, videos, T-shirts,
books, stickers, buttons, info and more....
The Return of The New Billion $ Crop...$19.99
The Return of The History of Cannabis..$19.99
The Return of The Comm Cannabis Crop...$19.99
The Return of The Medicinal Cannabis...$19.99
The Great Midwest Harvest Fest 90......$19.99
Hemp for Victory, USDA 1940............$19.99
Reefer Madness.........................$24.95
Chef Ra Escapes Babylon................$14.95
Let Freedom Ring.......................$19.99
Shipping on ALL videos is 1 for $4.00 2 for $7.00 3 for $8.00
Emperor Wears No Clothes...............$14.95 +$2 per book Shipping
Hemp Lifeline to the Future............$12.95 +$2 per book Shipping
The Great American Hemp Industry.......$12.95 +$2 per book Shipping
Fats & Oils by Erasmus.................$17.49 +$2 per book Shipping
High Times, Best of, Hemp Special......$4.99
Hemp Seed Cookbook.....................$6.99
Hemp Can Save the Planet T-Shirt......$18.00
Hemp Can Save the Planet Stickers......$2.50
Hemp Can Save the Planet Buttons.......$2.50
US Voter T-Shirt.......................$15.00
US Voter Sticker.......................$2.50
Grow Hemp for the war, poster..........$10.00
Every product we sell as a HEMP product is made from a percentage of
Cannabis Sativa Hemp. You can be certain, unless indicated (**), that
samples have been tested by a competent and certified lab in the United
States and found to contain at least the minimum amount of hemp specified
(The exception being the Sterile Hemp Seed which can be identified by sight,
sterility guaranteed by the DEA, FDA & USDA).
Hemp String 1/2lb roll.................$7.50
Hemp Cord, 1 lb roll...................$7.50
Hemp Flag, American T76................$4.99
Hemp Flag, American 50.................$4.99
Hemp Flag, Set Us Free.................$4.99
Hempen Hanky...........................$4.99
Hemp Patches, Wear It Proudly..........$6.99
Hemp Patches, American.................$6.99
Hemp Bracelets.........................$1.99
Hemp Anklets...........................$1.99
Hemp Key Chains........................$1.99
Hemp Hacky Sack........................$9.99
Hemp Wallet............................$15.99 New Item
Hemp Fanny Pack........................$17.99 New Item
Hemp Back pack, jute webbing...........$49.99 New Item
Sativa Creations Stoned Wear, Shirts...$36.00
Sativa Creations Stoned Wear, Shorts...$29.00
House of Hemp Prairie Schooners........$99.99 New Item
Hemp Seed, Sterile, lb.................$2.99
Hemp Seed Cake, 1lb....................$5.99**
Hemp Seed Oil, 1oz.....................$5.99**
Hemp Oil Salve, 1 oz...................$6.99**New Item
Hemp Lip Balm..........................$4.49** New Item
Hemp Fiber, 1lb........................$10.00
Hemp Canvas, Several Types 1yd.........$20.00 qty discounts available
** Not Tested for hemp quantity
Ohio Hempery, telephone number is 1-800-BUY-HEMP.
Planet HEMP
235 Park Avenue South
5th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Hemp Hanky 10x9.5 $9.99
Hemp Token Bag 4x4.5 $9.99
Hemp sample kit from Institure ofr Hemp, $14.99
Hand-woven Hemp side satchels (blue, green or natural) 10x5 $60.00
Hemp Seed massage oil 1oz $5.00
Hemp Planet pins 1.25" $5.00
Hand-woven Hemp bags 3 x 3" $12.00
3.5 x 4" $17.00
4 x 5 $23.00
Grow Hemp for the war poster 18 x 22 $5.00