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Message-ID: <081307Z16051994@anon.penet.fi>
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
From: an94721@anon.penet.fi
Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 08:07:47 UTC
GROW LIGHTS FAQ (Last update, May 15th, 1994)
The purpose of this FAQ is to help limit the spread of misinformation
regarding effective artificial lighting systems, and help those who
choose to grow plants under artificial lighting make an informed
decision before buying a lamp.
Most of the information contained in this FAQ comes from printed
sources, and some from electronically distributed files. Very little
comes from my own experience, as I have not owned, used or examined
most of the systems discussed here.
This FAQ is not going to tell you how to use your lamp, that
information can be found in most grower's guides.
There are three major types of lighting systems available right now:
incandescent, fluorescent, and high intensity discharge. Incandescent
lights are horribly inefficient (especially the screw-in "grow bulb"
type) and really not an acceptable option for plant growth. Although
they are inexpensive to purchase, their cost of operation makes them
the costliest source of light.
Until the early 1980's most indoor growers used fluorescent lights to
illuminate their garden. These tubes have tremendous advantages over
incandescents. They emit about 3 times as much light as an
incandescent (given the same wattage), and the light spectrum is one
that plants con use more effectively.
However, they do certainly have their limitations. Light is emitted
over a large area, so it is not concentrated. Because of this, the
lights have to be hung very close to the plants, and constantly moved
to accommodate plant growth. This makes garden maintenance rather
Florescents are, however, very useful in cloning, and starting
seedlings. Because in these stages, a plant is not growing vertically
very quickly, the disadvantages of moving the lights are reduced. They
also put out a more gentle light than the HID lamps, and release less
If you choose to use fluorescents, it is best to purchase the 'cool
white' variety. The ones that are sold as grow lamps (including
grow-lux, vitalite, etc.) are much less efficient than a standard
fluorescent, and just do not put out enough light to be useful. The
slightly different spectrum produced by these lamps does nothing for
most plants.
High Intensity Discharge Lamps (HID's)
High intensity discharge lamps are easier to use, and more
efficient. Low wattage HIDs are sometimes sold for household outdoor
use. Large Wattage lamps are used for lighting streets, parking lots,
stadiums and other large areas. They come in two basic flavors:
METAL HALIDES or MH lamps emit a white light that looks slightly
bluish. They are used to light stadiums, convention centers,
gymnasiums, and other large areas where a natural looking light is
HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM or HPS lamps emit a pink or amber light. They
are used for lighting parking lots and other areas where the color
of the light is not important. HPS units are much more efficient
than MH ones, producing more light and less heat per watt of energy
consumed. They are often used alone with no detrimental effect on
the plants, and will promote faster plant growth than MH lamps
during both vegetative growth and flowering. Combinations of
bulbs are _NOT_ required, as the HPS lamp does produce all of the
light spectrums necessary for healthy growth.
MH lamps are available in 175,200, 400 and 1000 watt sizes. HPS
lamps come in 50, 75, 150, 400 and 1000 watt sizes. Each lamp
requires its own ballast, which comes with the fixtures that are
designed to use these lamps, and are also available separately.
The following chart shows how much light each lamp emits, and the area
that it covers adequately:
Lamp # of Lumens Sq. Ft
---- ----------- ------
4'FL (CoolWhite-40W) 2,960 1-2
8'FL (CoolWhite-75W) 5,800 2-4
MH 175W 14,000 5-10
MH 400W 40,000 12-20
HPS 70W 7,600 3-6
HPS 150W 16,000 6-11
HPS 400W 50,000 15-30
Gardens should receive 1000-3000 lumens per square foot. Successful
gardens usually are lit at around 2,000 lumens per square foot. During
the vegetative stage, plants stretch out when they receive low levels
of light. During flowering, the flowers are looser and sparse.
So what is the best lamp for growing? It depends on your budget. HPS
lamps are by far the best overall, but they are also the most costly to
purchase and setup (although some less honest growers have a tendency
to steal them from college campuses and the like). However, they are
the cheapest to operate, and the utility savings does eventually add
A quick warning: At least in the US, there are large government
agencies whose only purpose is to eliminate the growth of marijuana.
Although purchasing a high powered lighting system does not mean that
you will be growing pot (and many people grow other things
artificially), it is still not a really good idea to link your name
with the purchase of one of these lamps (especially the larger ones).
Go into the store knowing exactly what you want, pay for it in cash,
and do not give them your name (or give them a false one if they even
ask). Most lighting distributors will not ask any questions.
I wish you a healthy and happy crop.
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