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Message-ID: <052302Z17091993@anon.penet.fi>
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
From: an13187@anon.penet.fi (H-Man)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 05:13:22 UTC
Subject: Weil: HASH OD
Hey all! I just read THE NATURAL MIND by Andrew Weil. Although it dealt
with ACID and MARIJUANA too much for my tastes, I typed up some EXCERPTS
that I thought you'd like.
|--########>-- H-Man --<########--|
p. 50-51:
In 1968, when I was studying marihuana in Boston, I deliberately consumed an
overdose (6 grams) of potent hashish in order to experience this reaction.
I took it orally, under observation, and kept notes as long as I was able.
The effects of the drug were felt within forty minutes and were pleasant but
strong for about a half-hour. Thereafter, things became quite confusing. I
could not understand what was said to me, felt physically sick, and soon was
unfit to do anything but lie in bed and wait for morning. Auditory
hallucinations were prominent, especially threatening voices that rose in
volume to a crescendo, the faded out. For about twelve hours I remained in
a stage of consciousness between sleeping and waking, marked by vivid
nightmares. Lucid intervals were rare; for much of the time I did not know
where I was, even thinking I was six years old and sick from measles. By
morning, most of the worst symptoms had disappeared, but I had a powerful
hangover that left me prostrate for another twenty-four hours. I would not
willingly repeat the experience.
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