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Newsgroups: alt.drugs
From: dale@unislc.slc.unisys.com (Dale Clark)
Subject: Morning Glory Seeds & Nutmeg
Message-ID: <1993May11.152805.16193@unislc.slc.unisys.com>
Date: Tue, 11 May 1993 15:28:05 GMT
The following is from several sources, but the primary source is called
"The Encyclopedia of Psychotropic Drugs.":
BTW, If I'm posting repeats of FAQs already researched, or wasting
people's time, tell me and I'll be glad to stop researching and
posting this material. I don't want to waste bandwidth on something
which has already been analyzed or is well known.
The spice Nutmeg comes from the seed 'Myristica fragrans',
a tropical evergreen tree grown in the Moluccas and East Indies. In the
17th century, nutmeg was introduced to Europe by Dutch explorers for
the pungent fragrance and sweet tasting qualities as a flavoring for
baked goods, candies, puddings, meats and beverages like eggnog.
The achieve the equivalent experience of 1-marijuana
cigarette, one would have to imbibe 10 grams of nutmeg. However,
the side-effects are not so pleasant: dizziness, flushes, dry mouth,
accelerated heartbeat, consitpation, urinary difficulty, and on
some occasions - panic. Nutmeg very rarely causes hallucinations,
simply due to the fact that the required dose to cause them is so
high that a person could die from the toxic effects.
Due to the severe side-effects, nutmeg is not a popular
street drug and the people who tend to use it are prisoners who don't
have access to anything else.
From: kludge@grissom.larc.nasa.gov (Scott Dorsey)
Newsgroups: alt.psychoactives
Subject: Re: Nutmeg, Myristicine, effects
Date: 21 Sep 1993 19:17:14 GMT
Message-ID: <27njvq$697@reznor.larc.nasa.gov>
In article <27n598$kq3@ratatosk.uninett.no> joachim@kih.no (joachim lous) writes:
>Jens Plahte (jplahte@hedda.uio.no) wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I'm writing a thesis at the University about nutmeg production, and I've been told that the Myristicine, which is one component of the nutmeg oil, is a drug.
>> Is there anybody out there with som Myristicine/nutmeg experience who could share some of their knowledge with me?
{\it Myristica fragrans}, a tropical evergreen tree found in East and
West Indes. Contains a number of methylenedioxy-substituted compounds,
including myristicin (3-methoxy,4,5-methylendioxy-allylbenzene, and a non-amine
precursor of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine), elemicin, and safrole
(specifically 3,4-methylene-dioxyallylbenzene, and a non-amine precursor
of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine). It also contains elemycin, eugenol,
and methyleugenol \footnote{Weill, Andrew. Nutmeg as a Narcotic. 1965. 19(3),
Myristicin constitutes about two thirds of the aromatic ether
fraction, but it cannot account entirely for the psychoactivity of nutmeg. A
400-mg dose of myristicin, almost twice the amount present in 20 gm
of nutmeg (20 gm being assumed to be the quantity required to
produce psychotropic effects) produces only mild effects\footnote {Schultes
and Hofmann. The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens. p. 121}. The author is
am not aware of any trial involving an accurate mix of all of the
known aromatic ethers. Those occurring at more than 10 mg per 20 g
are myristicin (210 mg), elemicin (70 mg), safrole (39 mg),
methyleugenol (18 mg), and methylisoeugenol (11 mg). Safrole is
probably not psychoactive, so elemicin might be worth investigating,
thought it is doubtful that it alone can account for the activity.
The only known mechanism of metabolization of these compounds is the
detoxification of safrole to piperonylic acid, a reaction which also
shows the capability of oxidizing olefinic side chains. If this same
degenerative process will act on myristicin, or elemicin, then a
possible intermediate (a vinyl alcohol) could undergo transamination
producing 3,4,5-trimethoxyamphetamine, which is known to have similar
Whatever it is that causes the psychotropic effect, it is known that
various terpenes enhance the absorption. 5-20 grams of the ground
nutmeg may be ingested for mild intoxication lasting about twelve hours
and followed by deep sleep. May cause temporary constipation and
difficulty in urination, nausea, increased fat deposits on liver, etc.
Beneficial as a spice but not recommended in large amounts as a
hallucinogen. Safrole may be carcinogenic, and is definitely a hepatotoxin
in larger amounts.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
From: hjmulke@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu (Harold Jason Mulkey)
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
Subject: Make drinking NUTMEG EASY!
Date: 20 Feb 1994 09:27:47 -0500
Message-ID: <2k7s13$nm3@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu>
I know not many of you in here like nutmeg, but for those of you who do,
but decided you couldn't handle the shitty taste, this'll be a big relief
for you I hope. For those of you who put up with this shit in milk, or
right outta the can (real brave mother fuckers) you're gonna be immensely
pleased with this trick. I tried it friday afternoon, and now I'm still a
little floaty this sunday, at about 9 am. I sent this message to someone
in response to a question concerning how I managed to put this stuff down.
So in one of my drunken/stoned states, I was making lemonade dacquiris
(try this too if you drink. Something about lemons blocks the rum flavor
and you can make the drinks VERY strong without noticing the alcohol) and
I thought about what makes nutmeg such a nightmare to ingest, and it hit
me that it's the texture. If I could mix it in with something that didn't
allow it to stand out, and be so noticable, I could drink it without
worrying about gagging. So here's the post.....
I discovered a nice little trick that's gonna work I think. If you've just
been taking a spoonful and swallowing it, you're gonna love this. Make a
frozen drink, and put your nutmeg in with it. Say make dacquiris, or for
me, I use lemonade, then ice and booze if you feel like it. What makes
this work is not that it covers up the TASTE of the shit, but it masks the
TEXTURE. That's what makes you gag, the fact that it clings in the back
of your throat and irritates your gag reflexes. If you make this frozen
drink with nutmeg in it, the little chunks of ice are about the same
texture so you don't notice the contrast so much. Also, the drink is so
thick that it holds the nutmeg pieces and doesn't allow them to stick at
the back of your throat. This ALMOST made doing nutmeg as easy as any
other drug. I put 2 oz. in what turned out to be 32 oz. of finished
product, and I only had trouble putting it down when the drink melted and
I had to drink what was at the bottom. In all, this method made eating
nutmeg just a slight annoyance. If you wanna try nutmeg again, try this
and it makes the experience much less hideous.
Fellow nutmeggers, you should definitely try this and tell me what you
think. I know I'll be doing a good bit more nutmeg now that I can
tolerate to drink the shit.
ojo Jason Mulkey
\-/ hjmulke@unix.cc.emory.edu
*> Keep on smokin' in a free world! - What Neil really meant <*