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From: popeyeti@access3.digex.net (Pope Electric Yeti)
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
Subject: Island One, part One.
Date: 7 Jun 1994 04:42:39 GMT
Message-ID: <2t0trv$3b2@news1.digex.net>
Namaste everyone!
Those of you who have been following the little brushfire flame war that
has been going on against Bruce Eisner's ad campaign for his magazine
"the Island" somethingorother Newsletter have been kind of curious about
the open threat I made to reveal his personal email to me if he posted
another ad. Well, he hasn't so I won't.... yet... If Eisner want to
publish a magazine, fine by me. However if he wants to use a public
network for private ends, without even so much as a paragraph of *his*
work to compensate, that is setting a bad precendent. Soon we will be
bombarded by billboards and ads for everything under the sun. We will
have our "lofty net culture" stolen from us and sold back to us for a
quick buck. It could happen, no lie, if we don't start telling people
from day one that we aren't going to buy into the
Madison-Avenue-Sell-Your-Own-Mother way of looking at the world.
Well before everyone starts humming "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" I
am going to do what I promised I would do. Here is a *FREE* Island Group
Newsletter, number one part one.... (worth every cent I paid for it)
Everyone is a member of the Island group who says s/he is. I can't
stop anyone from posting drivel, least of all myself, so if ya don't like
it then don't read it or write something better.... Send all complaints to
president@whitehouse.gov, because I've got more important things to do.
A Review of Moksha, Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience
edited by Micheal Horowitz & Cynthia Palmer.
"But he who contemplates the 3rd mantra of OM, i.e., views God as
himself, becomes illuminated and obtains moksha. Just as serpent relieved
of its olded skin, becomes new again,so the yogi who worships the 3rd
mantra relieved of his mortal coil, of his sins and earthly weaknesses,
and freed with his spiritual body to roam throughout God's Universe,
enjoys the glory of the All-Pervading Omniscient Spirit, ever and
evermore. The contemplation of the last mantra blesses him with moksha or
From The Mandukyopanishat being The Exposition of OM
the Great Sacred Name of he Supreme Being in the Vedas.
Trans. Pandit Guru, Datta Vidyathi,
Prof. of Psychical Science, Lahore. Lahore 1863
A breif search of the books by Aldous Huxley at my college library yielded
this little gem. Moksha is a collection of writings by, to and about Huxley's
experiences with psychedelics. It contains a number of personal letters,
interviews and even an edited transcript of one of his psilocybin sessions.
The book is divided into two parts and is in roughly chronological order.
The first part, "Precognition", starts with "A Treatise on Drugs" written in
1931. He follows this with other articles that show his personal fear
of the use of drugs that numb the mind, while suggesting that a new drug
"Soma" should be developed to satisfy the need for bliss and escape, one
that would not have the negative effects of street drugs. In these
articles he is predicting the mass use of psychedelics, without the
knowledge of the deeper, more spiritual nature of these drugs. The second
half, entitled "Psychedelics and Visionary Experience", starts in 1953,
the year of Huxley's first mescaline session. He is a different man, less
alienated and cynical and more hopeful and optimistic. The difference is
striking, and quite inspirational. Only those who have had a psychedelic
experience will truly appreciate the difference. He takes a writer's
talent with words, an artist's talent for images and a mystic's talent
for navigating the mind and combines them together into a synthaesthetic
whole. This book is truly a tribute to a man whom many saw as a visionary.
ISBN: 0-88373-042-1
Stonehill Publishing Company, 1977..
End Part One.