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i went to this old Military fort after dropping a hit of Pyramid
LSD. it was the craziest trip iv'e ever been on.
it was me, my friend kevin who had drank a bottle of DXM,
Rob, who smoked alot of cess, matt lestat who tripped on teh
pyramid, and matty who had tripped for his first time which
wasn't very wise at thsi place. it was a cold night there, we
brought my radio and listened to the MK soundtrack.
there was all grafitti in the fort (oh yeah, it was night) and it
looked really damn cooland since matt lestat is into paganism he
loved all the satan stuff thatwas written. when i got out of teh
caves, i could still see the grafiti like they had stayed on my eyes
or something. matty was having a really bad trip and he wanted
to hold my hand so i couldnt stop laughing at himrob and kevin
were smoking bowls in the tunnels in the fort and there were
grates, and when i was looking thru them i thought i was in a
NIN video or something.. it was fucked up.
so we went down onto teh rocks below teh fort after this (it was
a naval fort)and i thought there were little worms all over teh
rocks but it was just fungus it turned out. matty stayed where
the cars were parkedbecuase he's pretty fat and he couldnt climb
down with us.so rob and kev smoked more on the rocks.. rob
dropped the cess becuase hes stupid, and then we had to climb
up teh rock.. i would NEVER had been able to do it if i were
sober.. rob had a really tough timeso i helped him up. we just
sat on teh rock for a while, and matty was calling out to me
'mojocome over here' and i was saying 'fuck you you fat
bastard' and he started cryinghes kinda sensitive i guess. then
rob was coming down so we went for a ride in his truck and the
tripping people were talking about how RI telecom really sucks
and how we should get rid of the people who suck and stuffand
how my girlfriend doesn't want me tripping.. oh well. we went
to a little store and got soda and stuff, matt L stole a bottle of
sodaand matty bought a big bag of onion rings which looked
really really cool.. so on teh ride home matt L was scratching
mattys flashlight and it sounded cooland matty was wicked
scared and still having a really bad tripand kevin was still
tripping off teh dxm and weedand i liked looking at the cars cuz i
had shotgun permanently in kevins car unless hehas a bitch with
so i just got home and took a shower and teh walls were caving
in on me, and i dried off and looked at my cieling which was
flashing white all night and a few future crew demos i have..
which were coolalso.that was my latest, pretty damn chill trIp. :)