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Newsgroups: alt.drugs
I once ate about 4 inches of fresh calamus root.
It's a stimulant. It's a pretty good stimulant, in fact. I didn't notice
any hallucinogenic effects, but perhaps I needed a larger quantity.
In any case, it's one of the foulest tasting drugs I've ever consumed.
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
I have been experimenting with calamus root, bought already cut to quarter
smartie size and dried.
I've tried making tea from it to no avail. Yesterday i gubbed half an ounce of
the stuff. Nothing happened again.
Allegedly, 10 inces of the root works to provide hallucinagenic effects....
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
I just wanted to warn everyone about this particular herb. I visited an
herb store last night, and recognized the name "Calamus" on the shelf from
the Legal Highs text. So, being the rash and inept fool that I am, I
bought it, took it home and imbibed it as per the 20th Century Alchemist's
directions. Bad move.
I drank this *horribly* bitter brew at around 10 o'clock, and experienced
little (if any) of the anticipated effects. However, to my chagrin, at
around 3, I felt ill. And I barfed, barfed, barfed, and for a change of
pace, I vomited. I had my girlfriend call the Poison Control Center to
make sure that I wasn't going to die. We found that Calamus' effects,
instead of euphoric, are a stomach irritant. So, I spent most of the night
cradled around the Porcelain God.
Lesson 1: reaffirmed "don't believe everything you read"
Lesson 2: always check out what you buy, and make SURE that it's gonna do
what it is supposed to.
Lesson 3: if you're gonna poke around the psychotropic section of the Herb
store, and try stuff, call Poison Control first to see if you should expect
bad results.
Lesson 4: there are other, much mellower substances to partake of than
(not to mention tastier)