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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 12 Num. 05
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Mike Rothmiller worked in a top-secret unit, within the Los
Angeles Police Department (LAPD), known as the "Organized Crime
Intelligence Division" (OCID). At the time he was a member of
that unit, the average person did not know it even existed.
After many years, Rothmiller finally left the LAPD in disgust
and, with the help of Ivan G. Goldman, wrote a book about his
experiences. (*L.A. Secret Police: Inside the LAPD Elite Spy
Network*. New York: Pocket Books, 1992. ISBN: 0-671-79657-7)
Rothmiller began as a rookie right out of the police academy and
rose to the rank of Detective assigned to the elite OCID unit.
He began to have problems when his aggressive pursuit of
criminals led him higher and higher into the top ranks of
criminaldom. There, he found himself encountering the footprints
of our old "friend," the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). One
night, an assassin on a motorcycle tried to gun him down. He
survived, but was instructed by his higher-ups to keep quiet
about what he knew. When they suspected that Rothmiller was not
going to keep quiet, the power of the L.A. secret police was
turned against him. Outraged, Rothmiller finally left the force.
Rothmiller's experience parallels that of Mike Levine, another
crusader who, like Rothmiller, worked hard to combat crime only
to discover the "Tweedledee/Tweedledum" nature of the "crime"
game in America. Levine worked as a Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) undercover agent and believed in what he was doing. He put
his life on the line many times and helped put away drug dealers.
Yet when he nosed into the upper echelons of Dope, Inc., he began
to be stymied by his superiors at DEA. "The drug war's a sham,"
he discovered, and quit DEA to write two books on his
experiences: *Deep Cover* and *The Big White Lie*.
Rothmiller, after being trained at the police academy, went on
patrol as a rookie with an experienced officer who showed him the
ropes. He quickly learned that there was a police academy way of
doing things and there was a real way. One of the first things
Rothmiller had to do as an LAPD officer was become familiar with
the LAPD unofficial policy of "proactive policing."
Because of a below-average ratio of police to citizens, with Los
Angeles police vastly outnumbered relative to ratios in other
cities, LAPD practices an aggressive type of policing known as
"proactive policing." So, for example, "If a cop rolled up to a
burglary, saw a screen off the window and a suspect walking
across the lawn, his report would state he saw the suspect
climbing out the window... Again and again Rothmiller watched
cops decide for themselves who was guilty, and then weave a spell
over the arrest report to make it match their perceptions. Most
of the arrest reports he encountered were doctored in some way --
facts deleted or invented."
Another common practice was to, in police slang, "stiff a call"
against a "mark." If police suspected an individual of, say,
dealing drugs, then rather than go through the trouble of getting
a search warrant "they would call the police -- that is, they
would call themselves -- with a tip that a serious crime was
being committed at that address." Subsequently a radio call
would send police to that address, they would rush in to
supposedly "save" someone, and if they discovered illegal drugs
in the process, it was admissable evidence.
The Mafia code of *omerta* -- silence -- was also an unwritten
code for elite OCID officers. Although, writes Rothmiller, this
was "enough to make a good cop laugh. Or cry," still, "these
were cops who knew how to keep their mouths shut."
Keep their mouths shut about what? The OCID intelligence network
used illegal wiretaps, "bugs," informants and surveillance to
accumulate massive, secret files on "politicians, union leaders,
Hollywood stars, professional athletes, team owners, TV and print
journalists." Yet during Rothmiller's 5-year stint in an
ORGANIZED CRIME intelligence unit, the OCID "never arrested one
mobster. Not one."
An interesting sort of tribal initiation ritual is related by
Rothmiller, describing his early rookie experiences. It seems
all new officers must "prove themselves" before they are fully
accepted. The "proving" involves demonstrating that you're not
going to take any crap from anyone, especially if they're black.
"Any probationer who had yet to prove himself would receive a
multitude of unsubtle reminders from his training officer that he
remained a fight virgin, a cherry who must still prove himself to
the blue grapevine." One night, Rothmiller and his training
officer responded to a report of a domestic dispute. After
separating the husband and wife, the husband began mouthing off
to Rothmiller, saying things like "What business is this of
yours?" and even slightly shoving him. Rothmiller wasn't sure
what he should do. He looked to his training officer who stated,
"I think it's time." So Rothmiller attacked the man, put him in
a chokehold, dragged him around and kneed him in the back and
kidneys. "When a rookie brought in his handcuffed proof of
passage, it was like a hunter bringing in a twelve-point buck...
Within hours, everyone in the station knew he had proved
All this naturally leads into the O.J. Simpson case. Forensic
pathologist Cyril Wecht, in his book *Grave Secrets*, examines
physical evidence from that case. According to Wecht,
world-renowned in his field, citing testimony by colleague Herb
MacDonnell, "the blood on [O.J. Simpson's] socks had not gotten
there as a result of a natural splatter, but had been applied
through 'direct compression.' In other words, the blood had
seeped through one side of the sock onto the other side of the
sock, indicating that there was no foot in the sock when the
stain was deposited." When you add to this the facts that a
small vial of Simpson's blood, taken as a sample, was lost and
not accounted for; that the blood on the socks contained EDTA, a
chemical preservative; and that the LAPD is noted for its
"proactive policing"; the conclusion is obvious: LAPD tried to
"frame" O.J. Simpson.
So "whodunnit?" Dr. Wecht, after examining inconsistencies and
misnomers (now in the public consciousness thanks to biased media
reportage) in and surrounding the case, thinks "there is some
evidence indicating that there were two assailants or an
assailant with an accomplice."
"Feminist"-inspired hysteria surrounded the O.J. case. A smoke
screen of "O.J. the rotten wife beater" was deployed to help
cover up the drug connections to this "trial of the century."
Puppetmaster of the "feminists" is the Central Intelligence
Agency, which has long-since infiltrated and now controls
mainstream "feminism." (See, e.g., "Gloria in Excelsis," a radio
broadcast by researcher Dave Emory. Tape available from Archives
on Audio, PO Box 170023, San Francisco, or phone 415-346-1840.
See also CN 9.28 - CN 9.31.)
So we have a high-profile double-murder case, with narcotics
connections (e.g. see CN 7.77, "Innocent Simpson," for more on
the narcotics background). We have the CIA, lurking in the
shadows. We have a shady police department. Add to this a mass
media feeding frenzy and the potential exists for very unwanted
What is needed is a sideshow, some emotional hot-button issue
guaranteed to lead everyone away from the drug connections. So,
one day, CIA notices something: "Say, what have we here? O.J.
was arrested once for wife-beating. How about we put a huge
focus on that angle? We'll get our media assets and those we
influence to play this up big. We'll get the 'feminist' leaders
that we control to 'rally the troops.' Ha! Ha! Ha! We'll get
them to demand 'justice,' that the dirty 'wife beater' gets
what's coming to him! Ha! Ha! Ha!" laughs CIA.
The case was turned into a soap opera. The "happy ending" would
have been that O.J. was led away to be crucified. He would
atone, thereby, for the sins of all wife beaters by symbolically,
grandly, and famously paying for the crime.
But then there was a surprise ending. O.J. climbed down off the
cross and said, "No thanks." Nonetheless, a massive appetite for
the blood of O.J. Simpson had been created, and that unfed
appetite screamed to be satisfied. So we saw many, on
television, subsequent to the "not guilty" verdict, going more or
less nuts. Oprah Winfrey had to hold post-trial talk-it-out
sessions on her television show. The National Organization for
Women and their dupes held sanctimonious candlelight vigils.
It would be nice if the LAPD, beneficiary of so many citizen tax
dollars, would honestly investigate the Simpson case. That way,
so-called "conspiracy theorists" would not need to rack their
brains for answers -- and be mocked for their efforts. Instead,
the LAPD, after the "not guilty" verdict was announced, promptly
sat on their hands and said they would not investigate further.
I don't know what Mike Rothmiller is up to these days. Mike
Levine has a radio show via which he continues trying to get the
truth to the American people. And there are plenty of basically
good cops who see what goes on and don't like it -- but, you see,
they have bills to pay and families to feed, so they keep their
mouths shut. *Omerta*.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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