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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 97
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By Sherman H. Skolnick
(Contact: 773-375-5741; Recorded message: 773-731-1100)
[Editor's Note: I have no personal knowledge as to the accuracy
of some of Mr. Skolnick's claims. However, in a conversation
with a professional journalist recently, he confirmed that he
also had been hearing rumors of a past sexual relationship
between Bill Clinton and Judge Susan Webber Wright.]
Susan reportedly was not that good of a law student, and her law
professor, William Jefferson Clinton, knew it. Clinton's alleged
"girl friend," Hillary Rodham, later to be his so-called "wife,"
stepped in to resolve matters. To obscure events, Professor
Clinton supposedly "lost" his student Susan's class papers.
Hillary apparently persuaded Bill to give student Susan an
apparently undeserved high mark, necessary to her future career.
Both Bill and Hillary each separately understood the realities of
politics. From an early age, each had separate duties and
agendas with the American CIA. In later years they were to
marry, as required of what the spy craft calls a "CIA couple."
Hillary realized Bill was the ticket into the seat of power.
Good student or not, Susan also knew how to get herself a ticket.
How all this works reads like the sweaty details from a grocery
magazine. Susan was apparently "A.C.-D.C." and hit it off well
with Hillary, who was part of a corrupt circle of lesbian
business women from the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge.
Thereafter, Susan also reportedly serviced Bill.
Not too well understood: A campaign for President is planned at
least four years in advance. George Herbert Walker Bush, former
Director of Central Intelligence (DCIA), became President in
1988. {1} His long-time protege, Bill Clinton {2}, was slated by
the secret society, the Bilderbergers, as next-in-line to be
President. A rather obscure southern governor, Bill was invited
by the Bilderbergers to their clandestine meeting in 1991, in
Baden-Baden, Germany.
1991 was a turning-point year. Fifty-eight million dollars of
federal funds had been parked with Chicago-based Household
International and Household Bank, to make good a pending fraud
claim. Of this, $50 million was secretly transferred to Little
Rock, as sources claim, by the suspected CIA proprietary,
Peregrine Financial Group, Inc., a purported adjunct of
Household. All this was to conceal an embezzlement of $47
million from Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, for which, when
revealed, Bill and Hillary Clinton would be subject to being sent
to federal prison.
This cover up was mandated so that Bill Clinton could run for
Fifty million dollars had been transferred so as to cover up the
$47 million embezzlement. The left-over $3 million was used to
jump-start Bill Clinton's campaign for high office, around
November of 1991. Arranging to latch onto the money was Rahm
Emanuel, a purported Israeli intelligence agent with dual
U.S./Israeli citizenship. During the Persian Gulf War, Rahm
Emanuel had left the U.S. to serve in the Israeli army. Later,
Mr. Emanuel became a Clinton White House senior advisor, reputed
"bagman," and, some vigorously assert, assassin arranger.
1991 was a key year as well for Clinton's former student, Susan
Webber. She knew how to blackmail presidential aspirant Clinton,
so as to get Clinton's crony, George Bush, to appoint her,
qualified or not, as a new U.S. District Judge in Little Rock.
She threatened to otherwise wreck Bill Clinton's presidential
campaign with steamy disclosures about how she reportedly
sexually serviced the would-be president.
The appointment of a new Federal District Judge requires the okay
and blessings of the politicos in the state. Governor Clinton
was instrumentally involved in the CIA dope traffic from Arkansas
and other southern states with his confederates, George Bush and
Oliver North. From time to time, Clinton even stayed at George
Bush's plush vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine. {3}
Clinton helped install to power Judge Susan Webber.
Was it just a coincidence then, that the case of Paula Corbin
Jones vs. William Jefferson Clinton was put on the docket of
U.S. District Judge Susan Webber?
Were the attorneys for Paula Jones in a position to know about
the judge's dalliance with Clinton? As Officers of the Court,
however, lawyers are not in a position to be whistle-blowers.
The judge had earlier dismissed the case, but that decision was
reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court, which deemed it a proper case
and sent it back to her for a prompt trial.
Also known is that Judge Susan Webber's husband, Wright, was made
a federal official by President Clinton, who was reportedly
blackmailed by Judge Susan Webber Wright. Her husband ostensibly
manipulates and arranges her decisions -- so that some rightfully
claim the rulings are not hers, as a judge, but rather those of
her husband. Court observers who are not so polite simply call
her husband a "bagman," and "judicial pimp."
In December, 1997, my TV show on public access cable touched off
a commotion. We exclusively detailed the confession of a 25-year
career court "bagman": James R. Vassilos. Vassilos has been
long-protected by corrupt officials and state and federal
authorities. Just prior to the broadcast, two top IRS officials,
in a three-and-a-half hour meeting with me and my associate,
Joseph Andreuccetti, declared that we would be arrested if we
went on the air with Vassilos' confession.
Among other things, Vassilos has been a courier of judicial
bribery money -- Chicago to Little Rock. Did Susan's husband
know Vassilos? With Vassilos a confessed bagman and the other a
reputed bagman and procurer of judicial rulings, who knows?
So nobody should be surprised that U.S. District Judge Susan
Webber Wright {4} again "serviced" defendant Clinton with the
second dismissal of the case of Paula Corbin Jones.
Under the circumstances, Judge Wright's decisions appear to be
the seldom-mentioned item of jurisprudence, A FRAUD UPON THE
COURT, BY THE JUDGE HERSELF. But who in the legal community
dares to talk about it? (Since going with an earlier version of
this story, Judge Wright has caused threats to be directed
against me and broadcasters who dare to allow me on the air.)
---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
{1} George Bush officially became President in 1988, but some,
including Col. (Ret.) Bo Gritz, say that Bush became the *de
facto* U.S. President in 1981, when Ronald Reagan was almost
killed in a strange assassination attempt.
{2} For more on the Bush-Clinton connection, see the book
*Compromised* by Terry Reed and John Cummings.
{3} Clinton, while Arkansas governor, met privately with George
Bush at Kennebunkport at least once, as documented in the book
*Boy Clinton* by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
{4} In the previous issue of Conspiracy Nation, the possibility
of a symbolic "message" contained in the JONESboro school
massacre, meant to warn those handling the Paula Jones case, was
discussed. Thanks to an alert reader for pointing out another
connection between the JONESboro shootings and the JONES case:
Name of teacher killed at JONESboro -- Shannon WRIGHT; Name of
judge in the Paula Jones case -- Susan Webber WRIGHT.
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Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9