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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 95
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Curtis B. Dall married Anna Roosevelt, daughter of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt (FDR). Mr. Dall liked his father-in-law, and at
first was typically innocent of how the political game actually
works. In his tell-all book, *FDR: My Exploited Father-in-Law*,
Mr. Dall writes:
In 1926, political matters interested me but little. I
believed what the important candidates for public office
said, as reported in the press, and fully expected them to
carry out their formal statements and promises made to the
people in exchange for their support at the polls.
But Curtis Dall later found out that things weren't as they
A political production, or image presentation, via a
purported and well-advertised "platform," is designed to
please and attract a larger "audience," not for cash, but
for votes. If successful, the political entrepreneurs
[secret backers], by means of a few "suggested" legislative
bills (loudly proclaimed to be in the public interest, of
course) find ways to amply reward themselves and their
leading actors. Usually, carefully screened leading
"actors" are picked well in advance of election day by a
small group, picked for both major parties, thereby
reducing the promotional risk to just about zero.
ON THE POLICY LEVEL. [emphasis added]
Shearing of the Sheep: 1929
Says Woodrow Wilson: "But I don't want those weapons; there
isn't an enemy to fight."
Says Morgan, Schwab & Company (in a populist cartoon ca. 1917):
"You buy these guns and we'll get you an enemy."
World War I, the "War to End All Wars," concluded and the first
attempt at a New World Order got underway. But the American
public wanted no part of the League of Nations. Times were
relatively good in the 1920s (except for farmers.) The nation
went on a stock market frenzy, but they were being set up. The
stock market crashed in 1929; it was "the calculated 'shearing'
of the public by the World-Money powers, triggered by the planned
sudden shortage of the supply of call money in the New York money
market," writes Dall. Witnessing the carnage from the Visitor's
Gallery of the Stock Exchange was Sir Winston Churchill, there
perhaps by "coincidence." But was Churchill's presence just a
happenstance? Not so, according to Mr. Pat Riott, author of *The
Greatest Story Never Told: Winston Churchill and the Crash of
According to Mr. Riott, financier Bernard Baruch and others began
buying gold in the summer of 1929, while at the same time they
and their clique planted stories in financial-type magazines
extolling stock market get-rich-quick prognostications.
Background plotters were the Federal Reserve, Winston Churchill,
Montague Norman of the Bank of England, and U.S. Treasury
Secretary Andrew Mellon. This was a joint British/U.S. scheme,
with mis-named, private banks "Bank of England" and "Federal
Reserve" calling the shots. Churchill's connection? He was
Minister of the Exchequer, akin to the Secretary of the Treasury
in the U.S. In 1925, Churchill had overseen the flow of hundreds
of millions in gold to the U.S.; this gold was the foundation
used to prop up the Wall Street bubble of the late 1920s. But
once the suckers had been lured into the market, the conspirators
secretly bought up the gold at low prices. Finally, the Federal
Reserve greatly curtailed the money supply, and boom went the
Wall Street casino.
Also in on the scheme was Joseph Kennedy, father of
future-President John F. Kennedy. The international money power
and its major players dared not be seen close to the disaster
(except for Churchill, literally at the crime scene while it
happened), so they used various front men to implement their
plans. They "would not dare pick a Rothschild, a Sasoon, a
Warburg, a Sieff, a Morgan... to wield 'the clippers,'" so, says
Dall, they whistled up frontmen such as Joe Kennedy to do the
dirty work. Kennedy Sr. and a few others were among the largest
short-sellers of stock just prior to the collapse of October
FDR and the Gold Robbers
The next scheme to rob the American working public was launched
through FDR. (You can see how these schemes keep coming along;
e.g. S&Ls are robbed in the 1980s then bailed out by taxpayers,
and now taxpayers are about to be robbed again by paying for
bailouts of banks, over-extended in Asia.) FDR decreed that the
American people had to turn in their gold, in return for funny
money from the Federal Reserve. Gold could not be owned by
Americans, but Europeans were free to purchase all the gold they
wanted from the USA, through European banks -- at bargain prices
of $20 - $35 per ounce! Gold poured out of Fort Knox and into
Europe, and now Fort Knox is empty. A false impression is
maintained by keeping guards around Fort Knox, as if there's
anything in there to guard! (Just like Napoleon who, invading
the Netherlands, discovered that the Bank of Holland held no
FDR & Howard Hughes: Both Held Captive
Like Howard Hughes, held captive and controlled by those
surrounding him, so too FDR became increasingly a prisoner in his
own White House. "Apparently, his advisors had moved in... FDR
had become a sort of political 'captive,'" writes Dall. The main
puppeteers surrounding Roosevelt were Felix Frankfurter, Bernard
Baruch (he of the previously mentioned stock market robbery
scheme), and Eleanor Roosevelt, FDR's wife. So too now is Bill
Clinton boxed in, but not through physical infirmity but through
blackmailability. ("It is desireable for the candidate to be
vulnerable to blackmail," writes Dall.)
The controlled FDR presided over a major mess. According to
Dall, here is some of what was going on during FDR's
** NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People) was financed and managed by
"internationalists who seemed quite willing to exploit race
friction, even to the point of civil disorder." The secret
government continues to "divide and conquer" up to the
present day, for example by fomenting the L.A. riots of
1992, as described in a previous issue of the Conspiracy
Nation Newsletter (hardcopy edition). Another "divide and
conquer" technique used has been hysteria over the burning
of black churches. That whole non-event was a propaganda
exercise, since most of the burned-down churches had been
destroyed for insurance motivations, and the actual number
of black churches burning had gone down. Also being worked
out is the arming of black street gangs to serve as shock
troops when/if the U.S. government decides it's time for
more repression here in America. Don't think it could
happen? Then recall Oliver North's secret plan to set up
detention camps for U.S. citizens.
** Dall makes plain that FDR and/or those close to him were
aware of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor and did
nothing to prevent or warn about it. Other authors say the
same, for example John Toland, in his book *Infamy*.
Toland says that Naval Intelligence was warned of the
imminent attack on the Hawaiian base, yet Washington DC did
nothing. This situation is true-to-form for the secret
government: e.g. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, drawing us
deep into the Vietnam War -- but Gulf of Tonkin was a phony
story; (see *Endless Enemies* by Jonathan Kwitny); e.g. the
invasion of Kuwait by Iraq -- but U.S. Ambassador April
Glaspie had just given Saddam Hussein a "green light" to
invade Kuwait; (see *Fooling America* by Robert Parry.)
Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Against FDR
Amazingly, Hillary Clinton has said there's a "vast right-wing
conspiracy" against husband Bill. It's amazing Hillary says so
because, after all, here in the USA Magic Kingdom everyone knows
that, contrary to conspiracies having always existed in every
other time and place, our own little sandbox uniquely has no
conspiracies going on. But FDR faced his own "vast right-wing
conspiracy" in his own day. Recruited into the "American Liberty
League" in 1934 was General Smedley Butler. Butler was to head
the League, whose backers included the Mellons, the Rockefellers,
and the DuPonts. A plot was hatched to "create an army of
500,000 veterans to take control of the government." (Source:
*Treason* by Gurudas.) But Butler remained loyal, secretly, to
the U.S. Constitution and betrayed the plotters. The almost coup
d'etat never happened and FDR's presidency was "saved" -- (but
"saved" for whom?)
In the case of "Hillary Clinton: Conspiracy Buff," there is some
truth in what she says. Again, as in 1934, we have the Mellon
family connected to subversion against the U.S. President.
Richard Mellon-Scaife subsidizes a newspaper, until recently a
magazine, and has set up a nice comfy job for Ken Starr. But
although Mr. Mellon-Scaife does help distribute the information
sullying Bill Clinton, he is not inventing the information out of
thin air. ("It is desireable for the candidate to be subject to
blackmail.") The interesting thing is that Mellon-Scaife seems to
be a rogue operation, not sanctioned by all members of the Power
Elite. If the Powerful were to all agree that Bill Clinton must
go, wind-up robots like Dan Rather would begin foaming at the
mouth, screaming about "Evil Bill Clinton."
Mr. Dall summarizes his expose on FDR by warning that "the
creators of false images are operating today... full time,
festooned about the White House and on Capitol Hill, busy
creating 'managed news' for you and me, even withholding some
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