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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 21
("Quid coniuratio est?")
I received a packet of info from Phoenix, Arizona dealing with
what looks like an ongoing cover-up of the true facts behind the
"Gulf War Syndrome." Here is part of that information.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Response to ABC-TV / American Investigator's Report On
Or Should It Be
There exists a "paper trail" showing Peter Kawaja's efforts to
expose crimes of agents of the federal government and foreigners
which would adversely affect (kill) Americans, going back as far
as May, 1989, to the CIA, the FBI, US Customs, and FBI
In March 1990, ABC-TV 20/20 came to the offices of the
International Security Group in Pompano Beach, Florida to
interview Peter Kawaja, and took back a videotape outlining the
dangers that "were to come." 20/20 NEVER aired any show, and
refused to return the videotape Master made BY Kawaja, as his
property, but instead, turned it over to agents of the
In 1991, immediately after the Gulf War firing ended -- when
American forces were beginning to return and showing up sick and
dying (but the public did not know that yet) -- ABC-TV once
again, in a joint venture with the Financial Times of London
(Alan Friedman, who later wrote a book called "Spider's Web")
contacted Peter Kawaja and promised to do a full expose'. Kawaja
met with ABC-Nightline producers -- Jay Lamonica and the senior
producer John Fielding, and with Alan Friedman of the London
Financial Times -- in clandestine meetings, for weeks: ABC
stated they had to "verify" everything BEFORE they would air
anything, a stipulation of "their attorneys" for liability. In
1991, after *three* *months* of intensive investigation by
(reportedly) 30 investigative reporters (or as they more likely
were, intelligence agents around the world verifying the
information by Kawaja), Ted Koppel with co-host Alan Friedman
finally did three different segments about the Gulf War, the
Arming of Iraq, and the PIT (Product Ingredient Technology) plant
in Boca Raton, Florida. Peter Kawaja appeared in one of those
segments. When contacted and asked why they did *not* tell the
whole story, ABC's answer as to why they did not go all the way
was, "we do not wish to topple the entire United States
government." That statement was recorded by Kawaja. Damage
control was already underway!
Asked, "Who are you more afraid of, George Bush or Saddam
Hussein," Kawaja replied, "George Bush." Within 3 months, Eileen
Kawaja, wife of Peter Kawaja, "DIED." Mr. Kawaja's life and
freedom have been threatened.
An "Affidavit for Search" has come to light. That affidavit and
other government documents proves the U.S. government knew what
was going to take place in the war with Iraq.
** Federal agents provided their evidence of "gas mask
penetration" at the Boca Raton PIT Plant.
** Federal agents provided their evidence (excerpt from a
letter to a U.S. Senator from Louis Champon, partner to
Haidar Barbouti in the PIT project), "I can assure you, if
drums of Cyanide left our plant, Dr. Barbouti had his
reasons, either to be used against American troops (written
in 1990) or for U.S. terrorist acts against us here at
** Federal agents provided their evidence, that Barbouti
had established "chemical warfare production capability, at
a facility identified as Product Ingredient Technology, in
Boca Raton, Florida."
** Federal agents provided their evidence, that Barbouti
owned "specialty chemical companies" and a company in
Europe identified as Cross Link, in Belgium.
** Federal agents provided their evidence, that Ishan
Barbouti was supplying military items to Iraq.
** All this and more was sworn to by federal agents in
1990, yet all of it, and all evidence taken from Peter
Kawaja under an illegal search warrant, was sealed and made
secret from all America, and the President and
Commander-in-Chief (Bush) went ahead with the war with
Iraq, and knowingly placed your sons, daughters, wives, and
husbands in harms way.
** None of this evidence was ever presented to a Grand
Jury, to indict anyone. Yet, Peter Kawaja, who was
subpoenaed to appear, as the star witness for the U.S.
government supposedly against the Barboutis et al., was
*not* allowed to answer pertinent questions from the
jurors, and when Kawaja attempted to tell the truth to the
jurors, Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) Thomas O'Malley shut
down the Grand Jury, dismissed Mr. Kawaja, and motioned to
waiting federal agents (one of them from FinCEN) who
approached Kawaja and threatened him inside a federal
** No evidence obtained in the raid against Kawaja was ever
presented to the Grand Jury, yet the U.S. government
considered Kawaja's evidence so critical, a War Powers Act
Affidavit/Search Warrant was used to seize his evidence.
Only because Peter Kawaja was still alive four years later
was he able to finally unseal the sworn affidavit.
** In a separate action, in response to a lawsuit filed
against some of these agents, the U.S. government states as
follows: "That criminal investigation is ongoing and is
centered around persons involved in the manufacture and
shipment of lethal and illegal chemicals to be used by
terrorist nationals AGAINST the United States." The U.S.
Attorney is attempting to have Kawaja's suit dismissed,
claiming the government has an ongoing investigation. Yet
all the evidence exists to prosecute the criminals. There
is no ongoing investigation. By claiming there is an
ongoing investigation, our government can keep its secret.
Kawaja's suit will open up IRAQGATE and crimes against all
** James G. McAdams III (U.S. Attorney), who covered up the
CCC-BNL [CCC(?) - BNL (Banca Nazionale deLavoro)], and the
Noriega case, was moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, to
cover up Iraqgate and Gulf War Illness.
** Janet Reno, who was moved to Washington from Miami, to
become Attorney General, was also used to cover up
Iraqgate. Reno appointed John Hogan "Counselor," to
investigate and present the BNL Task Force Report on
Iraqgate/GWI (Gulf War Illness). Mr. Hogan, an attorney,
was also from Miami, and represented the Barboutis, the
terrorists that the same U.S. government proved were
terrorists, and who supplied weapons to Iraq to kill
** The only major portion of Mr. Hogan's BNL Report that is
blacked out and considered "National Security" is on the
terrorists, Ishan Barbouti. What is the U.S. government
hiding from America?
** The PIT plant was taken over by the RTC (Resolution
Trust Corporation), and now by Century Arms International,
who flew the British flag over that building until Peter
Kawaja wrote and distributed a document about them. Please
check out their background and ties to CIA and British
** A sworn affidavit by federal agents proves that
warfare-grade "free" cyanide was dumped into the Boca Raton
water supply and that this was known but kept secret from
the citizens of Boca Raton. Kawaja has received inquiries
from people who claim to live and work south of the PIT
plant who either have or know of persons now in hospitals,
"brain dead" and dying from cancer.
** The Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicolson, both Ph.D.'s, have
published their report in JAMA (Journal of the American
Medical Association) and featured in Criminal Politics
Magazine, wherein they describe how Dr. Nancy Nicolson
almost died from Gulf War Illness; their cat also
contracted this "disease" from their daughter-in-law, a
Gulf veteran. They have made the tie also with George
Bush/James Baker III et al., to biological weapons,
genetically engineered/man-made, identified as *Mycoplasma
incognitus*, one of the GWI "Syndromes" found in Desert
Storm veterans.
(Source for above is "The Phoenix Project" and/or Contact, Inc.
More info may be available at http://www.dnet.net/~pkawaja/
Contact, Inc. can be reached at 1-800-800-5565.)
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