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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 1 Num. 90
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Special thanks to Charles Lewton (clewton@eskimo.com) for
transcribing the following lecture by Dave Emory.
(Part 2 of 4)
Tape One Side 2
In the first place, one of the major intelligence connections to
Jonestown concerns the Layton family, and if I seem to be getting
a little bit far afield, I am going to be tying Jonestown and the
People's Temple massacre in Guiana with circumstances surrounding
the investigation into the assassination of Martin Luther King, so
bear with me for a short period of time.
Now, one of the main connections we want to know vis-a-vis
Jonestown, is the Layton family. Now the Layton family were
inextricably linked with the People's Temple. In the first place,
Dr. Lawrence Layton, Sr. was one of the main financial contributors
to Jonestown and Dr. Lawrence Layton, Sr. had previously been in
charge of research and development for the United States Army's
Dugway proving ground, one of the top chemical and biological
warfare research centers for the United States Army. He had also
held a key position in the U.S. Navy's rocketry fuel development
program in Maryland and the family itself was very prominent, a
prominent southern family who had had ancestors fighting for the
Confederate Army and the Layton family had a number of interesting
connections to the national security establishment. The most
interesting being Lawrence Layton, Sr.
Now Lawrence Layton, Sr. had a number of children. Lawrence
Layton, Jr. was one of them and it was Larry Layton, Jr. who led
the firing squad which executed Representative Leo Ryan and others.
Congressman Leo Ryan and a number of other people at the Port
Kituma (sp) airstrip in Guiana. His sister was named Debra Layton
Blakey (sp) and she was married to a fellow named George Phillip
Blakey. George Phillip Blakey had been the individual who placed
the down payment on the property in Guiana which was purchased by
Jim Jones and the People's Temple. He had previously been a
contract agent for the Central Intelligence Agency in Angola where
the CIA was conducting a massive covert operation and the evidence
suggests that among the purposes of Jonestown was the training of
black Brazilian mercenaries to fight for the CIA in Angola.
Brazil has a large black population, Portuguese is the native
tongue of Brazil as it is in Angola. Both of them were formerly
Portuguese colonies. A large number of black mercenaries were
trained for the Angolan operation. Jonestown and George Phillip
Blakey appear to have been two of the main connections involved
with that training.
The CIA chief-of-mission, a fellow named Richard Dwyer was present
at the massacre at Jonestown. In fact, Jim Jones can be heard on
a tape shouting "get Dwyer out of here, get Dwyer out of here".
Again the Dwyer that Jim Jones was referring to as the massacre was
occurring was Richard Dwyer, CIA chief-of-station for Guiana. By
the way, it should be noted that the People's Temple members at
Jonestown had been very active on behalf of president Forbes
Burnham (sp) of Guiana, or perhaps it is prime minister, I am not
sure which. Anyway, Forbes Burnham was the head of state of Guiana
and was a CIA protege, quite openly. The People's Temple worked on
behalf of Forbes Burnham in Guiana. It is also believed by many
and I subscribe to this viewpoint, that among the motivations for
the establishment of Jonestown was that Jonestown was being used as
an extension of the CIA's mind-control programs that I discussed in
Radio Free America shows five, six, and seven, as well as several
miscellaneous archive shows. The people at the Jonestown site had
a huge and very sophisticated hospital, at least for such a small
community and the people there were given a medical examination
every day. Large numbers of psychiatric drugs were found at the
Jonestown site and if you look at photographs that came out of the
People's Temple massacre, supposedly it was a mass suicide, but Dr.
Moto (sp), the chief medical examiner who oversaw the
investigation, Dr. Moto has testified that most of the people were
killed either by injection or by gunshot. They were murdered, they
did not commit suicide. If you look at the photographs at the
massacre site, not only will you find that most of the bodies are
face down. Whereas people are dying of cyanide poisoning, they are
going to die under more or less random positions. Some are going
to be face up, some face down, some on their side. The vast
majority of them, not all of them, but the vast majority of them
are face down. Beyond that, you will find that most of the ones
that are visible in the clear photographs have identification tags
either around their wrists or ankle or both, similar to the id tags
that are used to identify patients in hospitals. I would also note
that the military commander of the U.S. troops that were involved
in investigating or getting the bodies out of Jonestown, he has
testified that he was called by Robert Pastor, who was Zbigniew
Bryzinski's (sp) top aide on the National Security Council and was
ordered directly to stop identifying the bodies at Jonestown and
that is a very unusual thing, particularly when taken in light of
the other activities at the People's Temple.
I would note too, that Leo Ryan, who was killed at Jonestown when
he went down to investigate the People's Temple, Leo Ryan had been
coauthor of the Hughes-Ryan amendment which obliged the CIA to give
congress prior notification of covert operations, something the CIA
was not particularly crazy about. One of the most interesting
aspects of Jonestown concerns the bodies themselves and the number
of people that were found there.
Initially, the news reports described the People's Temple
encampment at Jonestown as having 1100 people. There were
references to 1100 American passports that belonged to people who
went down to Jonestown. Then after the massacre, the number 900
began to get kicked around, 200 suddenly dropped off. It is the
opinion of many that those 200 were the elite guard that surrounded
Jim Jones. Although the People's Temple was overwhelmingly black,
all of Jones top lieutenants, between 120 and 200 of them, were
almost all white. Not exclusively, but almost all of them. It is
the opinion of many that have studied the Jonestown situation
critically that the People's Temple leadership, the all-white
leadership of this predominantly black organization were the
passports that immediately dropped from view when news of the
massacre first hit the American media.
I would encourage people that are sceptical about some of the
things I am saying to go back to the newspaper accounts at the
time. The People's Temple massacre happened on November 18th,
1978. That was a Saturday night and for some four or five days the
American newspapers, such as the New York Times, our newspaper of
record, all the major dailies were saying that the authorities in
Guiana could account for 400 bodies and there was widespread
speculation about what had happened to the other 500 bodies. Now,
again, initially there was a description of 1100 passports for
passage to Jonestown. That dropped by 200 and for four or five
days, the media were engaging in speculation about where the other
500 people were. After some four or five days, and the military
commander at Jonestown has testified that he was ordered to stop
identifying the bodies at Jonestown, after four or five days the
media suddenly accepted the official version which was that they
had figured out where the missing 500 bodies were. They were
really under the other 400 the whole time, they just hadn't been
noticed. You know, it sounds funny, but this is the actual
official explanation: After four or five days of turning bodies
over, they said "Oh, here are those other 500 bodies we couldn't
find, they were under the first 400 all along, we just didn't
notice". This is the actual official explanation, of course. The
problem is people don't pay much attention to public news events in
this country. Roughly three percent of the American people read
newspapers, 15% of the American people read books, 97% of the
American now list the television as their primary information
source and interestingly enough, the American people read an
average of one book per person per lifetime. That is an average.
So, the absurd, no it is true, it is kind of depressing, too.
Which means you have got somebody like myself who has read hundreds
of books, that averages out to an awful lot of dumbkopfs who
haven't read any because it is an average of one book per person
per lifetime in the United States and that's not too good. All you
see on television is an image, you get an image. Reading permits
the simultaneous integration of concepts and I think it is a sad
thing that we have turned away from the printed word and one of the
things that I try to do on my broadcasts is to perhaps forge an
effective synthesis between the electronic media and the printed
word. But, suffice it to say that is the version of Jonestown that
has gone down in history, namely that the other 500 bodies, no
mention about the other 200 who just disappeared, they were under
the first 400 all along, but "we just didn't notice". And again,
go back and look at the pictures of the People's Temple massacre
site where you can damn bloody-well see that there aren't some 500
bodies under the other 400. It is quite evident that this was not
the case.
People have speculated, and again we do not have the definitive
answer, people have speculated that what was going on was that a
lot of people had run away from the massacre site and were being
hunted down, killed, and brought back to the site. We will never
know for sure, but it is a cinch that the other 500 bodies were not
just hidden under the first 400 for four or five days.
Now interestingly enough, it was reported that there was a death
squad associated with the People's Temple, that the people who had
been enemies of the People's Temple would be disposed of by a
People's Temple death squad which had been put together and
survived the massacre. It should also be noted that a number of
People's Temple dissidents, disaffected members, died under strange
circumstances, automobile accidents, etc., prior to the move down
to Guiana. It should be noted that although there has always been
an official disclaimer that a People's Temple death squad existed,
there are some interesting pieces of information that perhaps that
analysis was premature. The first person on the People's Temple
death list, the first individual to be disposed of, by the People's
Temple was mayor George Mosconi of San Francisco, who was shot to
death nine days after the People's Temple massacre. George
Mosconi's campaign in San Francisco had been liberally aided by
People's Temple members. Jim Jones had been named by George
Mosconi as head of the San Francisco Housing Authority and it
should be noted that Harvey Milk also had his campaign liberally
assisted by the People's Temple. Harvey Milk was also disposed of,
obviously, by Dan White, who many feel may have been a programmed
assassin. I personally subscribe to that theory and we can talk
about Dan White if you like during the question and answer session,
but again, despite official denials of the existence of a People's
Temple death squad, the first individual on the People's Temple hit
list, was shot dead nine days after the massacre. Number Two on
the People's Temple hit list was a woman named Jeannie Mills, who
along with her husband, Al Mills, wrote a book, she was a former
People's Temple aide who wrote a book called *My Six Years With
God*, which was fiercely critical of the People's Temple. And Jim
Jones had placed her name right behind that of George Mosconi on
the People's Temple hit list.
In the summer of 1979, some nine or ten months after the Jonestown
massacre, Jeannie Mills, her husband Al, and her daughter were
found shot to death in their Berkeley home. The police were seen
carrying a bullet-riddled door out of the home. Their son, who was
watching television in another room, never even heard any shots,
suggesting either that he was drugged and/or perhaps that silenced
weapons were utilized. Whatever the case may be, the murders of
Jean and Al Mills and their daughter, I believe her name was
Daphne, I am not sure, but in any case, the Mills family
assassination remains unsolved to this day. Again, they were shot
to gristle in Berkeley. The killing has never been solved and they
were number two on the People's Temple hit list. Suffice it to say
that although official disclaimers have been issued that no such
hit squad existed, I think you would have a difficult time
convincing George Mosconi and Jean and Al Mills of that under the
circumstances. Unfortunately, you will not have the opportunity to
I mention all of this background concerning the People's Temple,
and bear in mind too, that when the U.S. national security
establishment decides to move in any given significant direction,
they do so when to move in that direction will scratch a number of
different itches at different strategic levels simultaneously. Now
among the people who would have been at the People's Temple
massacre had Liberty Lobby and People's Temple attorney Mark Lane
had his way was Grace Stevens or Grace Walden, the common-law wife
of Charles Q. Stevens, the career drunkard who had been plied with
liquor by the FBI in order to come up with his testimony that yes,
by golly, he did see James Earl Ray running down the rooming house
hall from which he supposedly fired the shot that supposedly killed
Martin Luther King.
Now, Mark Lane, at the time that he was serving as the People's
Temple attorney, was maneuvering with Terry Buford (sp), another
top Jones aide, to have Grace Stevens transferred down to
Jonestown, where had she been transferred, she would have died
during the massacre. At the same time that he was doing this, Mark
Lane was also serving as James Earl Ray's defense counsel while the
House Select Committee on Assassinations was conducting its badly
compromised investigation into the assassinations of John Kennedy
and Martin Luther King. That investigation was, as I have said,
badly compromised. Despite that, not even this badly compromised
investigation could avoid the conclusion that there was a 95%
probability of a conspiracy behind both the assassinations of
Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy and interestingly enough,
one of the people that the House Select Committee on Assassinations
was focussing on, a St. Louis based organized crime figure, was
literally blown to bits by a car bomb shortly after the House
Select Committee concluded its investigation.
Well, had Mark Lane had his way, Grace Stevens or Grace Walden,
would have been present at the People's Temple massacre and would
have been eliminated during the course of that massacre.
Fortunately, she did not go down there, but this is as Mark Lane is
serving as James Earl Ray's defense counsel, and you have got to
think that if what Mark Lane was really interested in was justice
for his client, James Earl Ray, then he would have been undertaking
to get Grace Walden or Grace Stevens down to testify either before
congress or before a court of law where her testimony could be used
to exonerate his client, rather than going down to Jonestown, where
she would have been exterminated in what was already known to be a
very, shall we say, creative community, in which the possibility of
a massacre was recognized by all parties concerned, including Mark
Lane, to hear his later testimony.
Now, it should be noted too, that Mark Lane at the time that he was
representing James Earl Ray and the People's Temple, was going
around, particularly in the Bay Area, and giving radio interviews,
notably on KGO among other institutions that the People's Temple
was "a paradise on earth". That was his assessment of the People's
Temple. On Friday, November 17th, 1978, as the House Select
Committee on Assassinations public hearings were drawing to a
close, some of the most dramatic testimony was given on the floor
of congress concerning the assassination of Martin Luther King.
This came from a former FBI agent, I believe operating off the top
of my head, that his name was Mertagh (sp), but in any event
whether or not that was his name, and I am pretty sure about that,
this former FBI agent assigned at the time of Martin Luther King's
assassination, to the Atlanta, Georgia FBI office, now bear in mind
according to Robert Byron Watson and his legal affidavit has been
endorsed by those law enforcement officials who have bothered to
investigate it, according to Robert Byron Watson, the people used
at the operational level to kill Martin Luther King were people
from this U.S. intelligence gold and drug smuggling operation based
at the Magellan Art Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, involving, among
others, Larry McDonald, and again, this fellow Jack Youngblood,
aka Herman Jackson, who appears to have [been] the "eggs and
sausages" man that I spoke about earlier.
Now, Mertagh testified in the public hearings stemming out of the
House Select Committee's investigation that when news came over the
radio that Dr. Martin Luther King had been shot, the FBI's Atlanta
office broke into cheers and a fellow agent said "they got him,
they got Zorro" which was the FBI's code name for Martin Luther
King. "I hope he dies, the son of a bitch". And as Mertagh said
this on the floor of congress, he broke down in tears on the floor
of congress. It was one of the most dramatic moments in the
admittedly tepid House Select Committee on Assassinations
investigation. This took place on Friday, November 17th. On
Saturday, November 18th, late in the evening, the news reports
began to come in about the People's Temple massacre. Whatever
attention people may have been paying to the House Select Committee
on Assassinations investigation on Friday November 17th, when
Arthur Mertagh gave the dramatic testimony concerning the cheers in
the Atlanta FBI field office, oh, by the way in addition to the
cheers that came out when they heard King had been shot, when he
was confirmed as having died, there were more cheers and again
Mertagh broke down in tears again while describing this. This was
very, very dramatic testimony, but by the following Monday when the
work week resumed, and when the hearings resumed, nobody was
thinking about the House Select Committee's hearings. Everybody
was taking a look at the horrible pictures of bodies that were
coming in out of Guiana. The public hearings on the House Select
Committee's investigation were totally eclipsed after the Jonestown
incident happened. Beyond that, Mark Lane had been going around
saying that James Earl Ray was innocent. He had also been going
around saying that the People's Temple was a paradise on earth and,
of course, he looked like God's own ass after that and was
completely discredited, thereby discrediting by association in the
minds of those who were interested, his assertion, a correct one,
that James Earl Ray was demonstrably innocent under the
circumstances. And, again, bear in mind that it was Mark Lane who
was working to get Grace Stevens down to Jonestown at the time that
he should have been getting her to testify before the House Select
Committee on Assassinations.
In my opinion, a number of different itches were scratched with the
Jonestown operation. First of all, mind control experiments may
very well have been conducted. It was used to train mercenaries
for the CIA's Angola operation. It was used to provide political
support for CIA protege Forbes Burnham in Guiana. It was also used
to eliminate CIA opponent Leo Ryan, another one of the people who
was shot to death, another progressive political leader who was
shot to death. It served to completely eclipse the House Select
Committee's hearings. It completely discredited Mark Lane and by
association, anyone who was claiming that James Earl Ray was
innocent, and bear in mind the message too, that must have been
sent to people in congress, saying "hey, folks, you are looking
into some of our domestic operations, here. We don't like that and
we will show you what happens if you continue these
Let's take a look at Leo Ryan. Again, Leo Ryan was coauthor of the
Hughes-Ryan amendment which obliged the CIA to give congress prior
notification of impending covert operations and these were some of
the things which, in my opinion, were achieved as a result of the
Jonestown massacre. Now, again bear in mind, that in this time
period, the FBI is noted to have been operating actively against
Martin Luther King. We know this for a fact. We also know this for
a fact that in this same time period, the FBI was operating openly
against the Nation of Islam, and Malcolm X. I see the telltale
sign that it is time for me to give people a break and it is time
for people to get enough rest to allow their cerebral cortices to
get back into function, and to perform necessary biological
functions. I see people beginning to slump in their chairs and
make exits for strategic visits to wherever out back, so I think I
am going to allow people to make those strategic visits and still
not miss any of the lecture at this time.
Alrighty, well, suffice it to say that at the same time that Martin
Luther King and the more mainstream elements of the black civil
rights movement were as a matter of public record under
investigation and destabilization by the intelligence services, so
the more militant elements of the black civil rights movement and
black power movement were also being destabilized. What happened
to the Black Panthers for example, is largely a matter of public
record. The Nation of Islam, popularly known as the Black Muslims,
were also under infiltrations/destabilization at this same period
of time. It should be noted that one of the main strategic
vehicles used by the FBI in the COINTELPRO program was to
infiltrate organizations and to plant agents to promote active
hostility among various organizations, hopefully mortal activity
and hostility that would have mortal results. There is a fellow
who has become quite well known in connection with the Quanza (sp)
holiday, for example, a guy named Ron Karenga (sp) in southern
California, who according to many sources, was actively involved as
an FBI agent and was involved in stimulating hostility between his
organization called US or United Slaves, and the Black Panthers in
Los Angeles. He has since become something of a guiding light in
the black community, but a number of sources who have never been
impeached, including former FBI informants involved with
COINTELPRO, have identified Ron Karenga as one of the main
operatives in COINTELPRO in southern California.
Now, the Black Muslims were as a matter of public record, under
infiltration at this period of time and there were some of the same
elements involved with infiltrating and destabilizing the Black
Muslims or the Nation of Islam as were involved with other aspects
of COINTELPRO, including the activities directed against Martin
Luther King. The Division Five of the FBI, which is the internal
security division, almost like a separate agency, put pressure on
an organization called BOSSI to infiltrate both the Nation of Islam
and Malcolm X's breakaway organization called the Organization of
Afro-American Unity, we are going to talk about that organization
in a minute. The institution that they utilized to do that was
called BOSSI, which was the New York City organized crime or anti-
organized crime and anti-red squad. They were a lot better against
"reds" than they were against organized crime. What is worth
noting is that the head of BOSSI at this time was a fellow named
Anthony Ulazowitz (sp). Anthony Ulazowitz later emerged into the
public view during the Watergate scandal when it came out that he
and one of his top aides in BOSSI, a fellow named John Caulfield,
had been two of the main operatives of Richard Nixon's dirty tricks
operation against his political opponents. Both John Caulfield and
Anthony Ulazowitz were actively involved with infiltrating both the
Nation of Islam and the Organization of Afro-American Unity, on
behalf of Division Five of the FBI. Incidentally, John Caulfield,
his name surfaces in connection with a Warren Commission document
in which he was recruited by the Warren Commission to look into the
activities of the DRE in the New York area. The DRE was the
Directorio Revolutionario Estudiantil that was the Students
Revolutionary Directorate, as one of the anti-Castro
organizations that was placed under the umbrella group, the CRC,
the umbrella organization overseeing all anti-Castro Cuban
activities on behalf of CIA.
And, it is worth noting that the BOSSI placed a number of agents,
they were very successful at infiltrating both the Nation of Islam
and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. One of the most
famous pictures of Malcolm X's assassination was a picture of the
fallen, in fact this appeared in Life magazine, of the fallen
Malcolm X having artificial resuscitation administered by one of
his bodyguards, a fellow named Gene Roberts, or Brother Gene. In
fact, Brother Gene was an undercover agent for BOSSI. And it is
worth noting that the activity that he was engaged in, at the time,
administering artificial resuscitation, is contraindicated, no pun
intended, for someone suffering a chest wound because what it does
is, it puts air bubbles into the blood stream, which when they
reach the heart can cause a cardiac arrest and death. So, you do
not administer artificial resuscitation or CPR to someone with a
chest wound, and Malcolm X had massive chest wounds. He would have
died anyway, but had there been any possibility of his surviving,
Brother Gene might very well have cut that short with the
activities that he was supposedly was engaging in to save Malcolm
X's life. It is also worth noting, that in a picture that was also
taken right after the assassination, there is a curious bulge in
Brother Gene's pockets and a very obvious bullet hole in his
jacket. It is unclear just how he got the bullet hole in his
jacket. He supposedly was one of Malcolm's bodyguards, but he did
not do a very good job of protecting Malcolm X.
Now, I mentioned that Dr. King was assassinated with a year of the
time in which he had switched or altered, I should say, his
political activities from being "simply" a civil-rights activist to
being an anti-Vietnam war activist as well. Dr. King had correctly
perceived that the growing costs, both economically and
politically, of the Vietnam war was detracting from the effort that
the nation could put into redressing the past grievances against
Afro-Americans, so he saw the Vietnam war as a major impediment,
not only to civil rights for colored people in this country, people
of color, but also as representing an extension of racial
oppression, the kind of racial oppression that had been directed
against blacks and others in this country, as representing an
extension of that same racist ethic to the activities of the United
States vis-a-vis people of color in other countries. This was
similar in some ways to the kinds of activities that Malcolm X had
begun engaging in prior to his assassination.
Malcolm X had been the top spokesperson and the most trusted
lieutenant for Elijah Muhammed, the head of the Nation of Islam,
popularly known as the Black Muslims. However, he had parted very
sharply with Elijah Muhammed and ultimately broke completely with
the Nation of Islam over a number of different things. For one
thing, the Nation of Islam had historically been against political
cooperation between black people and white people, in fact, it was
one of the main tenets of the Nation of Islam that black people
should not engage in political activities in conjunction with white
When Malcolm X took a tour of Africa, he was particularly impressed
with his visit to South Africa in which he noted very close and
successful cooperation between blacks and whites in South Africa
against the apartheid regime, and this among other things lead him
to some sharp revisions in his political outlook. Among the major
things that Malcolm broke with Elijah Muhammed over was his
decision that in fact black/white political cooperation was not
only viable but in fact necessary if ultimately the liberation of
people of color and ultimately of white people too, was to be
achieved in the United States and elsewhere. This ran directly
counter to the teachings of the Nation of Islam, which even
advocated abstinence from political activity of the conventional
sort by black people, having nothing to do with their involvement
with white people. It is also worth noting that Malcolm X had
broken with Elijah Muhammed over Elijah Muhammed's own personal
ethical behavior. Elijah Muhammed advocated strict celibacy or
strict moral behavior, shall we say, for all of the people in his
organization and yet he had impregnated a number of his own
secretaries who then bore children out of wedlock and then were
then fined and otherwise censored by the organization for their
alleged immoral behavior, not mentioning that the father of the
children was actually Elijah Muhammed himself. This appalled
Malcolm X who also took great issue, one of the main sources of the
break between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammed was something which
also reflects on the infiltration of the Nation of Islam, and their
use, by the FBI as a vehicle for agitation and provocation. It
developed that Elijah Muhammed and the Nation of Islam was
receiving large amounts of money from none other than H.L. Hunt,
the right-wing Texas oil billionaire. This was covered in *The
Judas Factor* by Karl Evanzz that I discussed at the beginning of
the lecture this evening. Now, H.L. Hunt was one of the main
financiers of the far right in this country. His family's name
crops up in a number of different contexts in connection with the
assassination of president Kennedy and it is more than a little
interesting to find H.L. Hunt, who is an avowed racist, funding the
Nation of Islam. It would appear, and this is speculative, but it
would appear that the main motivation for H.L. Hunt's funding of
the Nation of Islam, leaving aside the possibility that his funding
may have supported the Division Five of the FBI's infiltration and
subversion of the organization. H.L. Hunt was very vocal with his
viewpoint that all African-Americans should, in fact, cease to be
African-Americans and go back to Africa, a viewpoint that was also
being promulgated by the Nation of Islam. It should be noted that
Aryan Nations elements today have found common cause with Lewis
Farakhan, the obstensible successor to Malcolm X, actually, I
believe, the successor to Elijah Muhammed. We are going to talk
about Farakhan later on, but both Robert Miles, a Michigan Ku Klux
Klansman who was sentenced to prison for firebombing school buses
in order to oppose forced busing in the state of Michigan and Tom
Metzger, the director of White Aryan Resistance and a former Klan
leader himself, have worked actively with Lewis Farakhan in recent
years, in the 1980s.
There is an historical parallel, I think, between the functioning
of the Nation of Islam and a wing of the Zionist movement in the
1930s. That is not as well known or not as well recognized by
history that prior to Hitler's so-called final solution to the
Jewish question, i.e., his extermination of European Jewry, there
was what we might term the not-so-final solution to the "Jewish
Problem" and that before the Nazis began actively liquidating the
Jewish population of Europe, they actively promoted Jewish
emigration to Palestine and in so doing, they found common cause
with significant elements of the Zionist movement who for a time,
at any rate, actively collaborated with Ahmt4B (sp) of the SS
intelligence service which was in charge with all "Jewish matters".
The head of Ahmt4B was Adolph Eichmann and the Zionist movement in
the 1930s was seeking to promote Jewish emigration to Palestine to
build up the Jewish population of Palestine. The Nazis, by the
same token, were looking to make Europe Judenrhein (sp), or Jew
free, and so for a period of time, they actually collaborated
actively. In fact, the head of, at one point, of the Hagana (sp),
the Palestinian self-defense organization and the precursor to the
Mossad, was a fellow named Fivel Polkes, a Polish-born Jew, who was
actually serving as an agent of the SS intelligence service, in
order to promote Jewish emigration to Palestine. There also was a
branch of the Zionist movement which was explicitly fascist. The
Zionist, like other political movements, is by no means monolithic
and in addition to more liberal elements of the Zionist movement,
there was a branch of the Zionist movement which was explicitly and
avowedly fascist. That movement was called the Betar, or the
Betarim, and in the 1930s and '40s, there were actually pitched
battles in the streets of Tel Aviv between the ranks of the Betar
and socialist-Zionists. The best known graduate of the Betarim
movement was Menachem Begin, who later went on to become, of
course, prime minister of Israel. The leader of the Betarim was a
fellow named Vladimir Yabotinski (sp), who once described Menachem
Begin as "screeching like an old door", but Yabotinski had an
article in the Italian Zionist publication Le Deias Unistica (sp),
in which he made it very clear that the collaboration between the
Betarim and Mussolini, a very active collaboration, was not merely
a marriage of convenience for the Betarim, but that they
ideologically supported fascism and agreed with what Mussolini was
The Betarim also received military training at Mussolini's Naval
Cadet School. I think that elements of the Nation of Islam and
Farukhan's organization today could be compared with the more
reactionary elements of the Zionist movement, who at least for a
period of time, found common cause with those who ultimately
advocated the extermination of world Jewry and they worked for a
time together in order to promote Jewish emigration to Palestine.
By the same token, even though the Aryan Nations portray black
people as cannibals in black skirts with bones through their noses,
cooking up missionaries in a pot and are very explicit about their
viewpoint that blacks are genetically inferior to whites, yet,
there was a pattern of cooperation between Elijah Muhammed's
organization and people like George Lincoln Rockwell, the fuhrer of
the American Nazi Party, who was an enthusiastic supporter of
Elijah Muhammed and the Nation of Islam, as was H.L. Hunt, who also
was an avowed racist who sought the return of all blacks to Africa.
It is worth noting that George Lincoln Rockwell's name, phone
number, and Arlington, Virginia address were in the address book of
self-proclaimed Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald at the time of his arrest
at the Texas theater in Dallas, Texas. Ultimately, of course,
George Lincoln Rockwell himself as well as a fellow named Burrows,
Daniel Burrows, another American Nazi, who name, address, and phone
number were in Oswald's address book, Burrows supposedly committed
suicide, George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated in 1967,
supposedly by a rival Nazi leader who was eventually convicted of
the crime. It is worth noting that he was assassinated just as Jim
Garrison's investigation was gaining steam in New Orleans.
Daniel Burrows, one of the other American Nazis whose name and
address were in Oswald's address book, supposedly committed suicide
in 1965 at the home of Ku Klux Klansman Roy Frankhauser (sp), who
later went to work as a contract agent for the CIA. It is worth
noting, though, as Frankhauser put it, the alleged suicide of
Daniel Burrows, "bad case of suicide, three bullets", still, that's
what they said though. Again, a three bullet suicide was a very
bad case of suicide, almost a bad as Danny Casalero. But, again,
at this period of time, there are indications that in addition to
being used as a vehicle for infiltration, elements of the racist
and fascist movements in this country found common cause with the
Nation of Islam because they basically sought to make America a
white country and the Nation of Islam proved to be a usual tool, at
least to a certain extent, in their view, in promoting this end.
It is worth noting that it is a matter of public record that the
infiltration of the Nation of Islam reached a very high, very
successful level. The treasurer of the Nation of Islam was a
fellow named John Ali, like Muhammed Ali, and it has now been
established from freedom-of-information act documents and other
information that John Ali was a very highly placed informant for
the FBI and following the discreditation of one of Elijah
Muhammed's sons as a result of a drug conviction, John Ali, for a
period of time, became the most powerful member of the Nation of
Islam. Incidentally, the work of John Ali for the FBI was first
revealed by journalist Louis Lomax, who had done a lot of work on
the assassinations of both Martin Luther King and of Malcolm X and
wrote a book about both of their assassinations called *To Kill a
Black Man*. He had won a contract to make a motion picture about
the assassination of Malcolm X in which he was going to implicate
the intelligence community. While he was on his way to the set,
during one of the early days of shooting, the brakes on his car
failed and he was killed in a one-car automobile accident and that
eliminated Louis Lomax, one of a number of suspicious deaths in
connection with the investigations into the assassinations of King
and Malcolm X.
In addition to breaking with the Nation of Islam, in addition to
breaking with the Nation of Islam over the moral conduct of Elijah
Muhammed, in addition to breaking with the Nation of Islam over
their prohibition of black/white political cooperation, Malcolm X
had perhaps most notably drawn fire from the reactionary forces in
this country and from the intelligence services in particular by
actively forming political alliances with blacks and people of
color in other parts of the world, specifically, Malcolm X took a
tour of Africa in which he was very well received by black African
leaders, and he was working on a petition with leaders of African
nations to have the United States and South Africa condemned for
their racist policies at the United Nations. Now this would, of
course, have been a tremendous blow to the international prestige
of the United States, particularly in the eyes of third world
countries, and it is a matter of public record from declassified
documents, that this was a source of great consternation to the
State Department and to the Central Intelligence Agency. Richard
Helms, director of the CIA at the time, was very concerned over the
activities of Malcolm X and had instructed the CIA to do everything
they could to "monitor" the activities of Malcolm X. One of the
great euphemisms in intelligence parlance is the word "monitor".
It could mean anything from surveillance to termination with
extreme prejudice, i.e., assassination.
It is noted too, that there are indications that the word was out
in the international intelligence community that Malcolm X was
going to be assassinated. Malcolm X, while on a tour of Egypt,
narrowly escaped death. He was poisoned, a number of white
Europeans or Americans in suits, it was never established, were
seen following Malcolm X around. Whenever he would stop at a
restaurant, they were at the next table. He almost died of
poisoning in Egypt. He somehow got something in his food and he
narrowly escaped death. Later, when he wanted to visit France, he
was turned away by the French authorities at Orli (sp) Airport,
which was also very strange. Not only had Malcolm X had no problem
getting into France previously, but France had a notably liberal
attitude toward political dissidents from other countries and in
fact has long been viewed by political exiles as a safe haven from
oppression. So, their curious behavior in refusing to allow
Malcolm X even to get off the plane. He not only was not allowed
to visit France, he was not even allowed to disembark from his
plane, has suggested to many observers, and I agree with this
analysis, that the French, specifically the SDECE, the Service
Directoire d'Espionage et Contrespionage (sp), the French
intelligence service, already had word that Malcolm X was targeted,
that the CIA and or FBI was going to get him and they did not want
his assassination occurring on French soil, so they refused to even
let him disembark.
[...to be continued...]
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9