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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 97
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By "Mr. Mercedes" (Pseudonym)
By the way, the Washington Post supposedly paid many thousands of
dollars to Roger Morris and Sally Denton for their story on Mena,
but after 11 weeks of delays they pulled it because they felt
they were getting jacked around and got Bob Guccione to publish
it in Penthouse 7/95. Also, Terry Reed has a book coming out on
Barry Seal/Mena, Arkansas. Another book project now underway is
the story of the CIA's drug op in New York with NYPD cop and
"made man" "Big Al" Carone, former Colonel in Army Intel. Carone
was the "bagman" for NYPD, friend of DCI Bill Casey, and "banker"
for the CIA's drugs op from 1946-80 (died of "CIA flu"), along
with other "bagmen" associates, Russell Herman (also died of "CIA
flu") and "fixer/briber" Al Hobert and NYPD "dirty" cop Gene
Howard who were all "on the take."
Two more CIA drug smuggling ops reports were broadcast on TV.
One program was done by Mike Wallace of "60 Minutes" which
re-broadcast his 2-year-old report on 9/3/95 about a Venezuelan
Cartel/CIA supposed cocaine smuggling sting operation.
Unfortunately, this CIA op allowed many millions of dollars of
powder to hit the streets of America, without ever busting
anyone. The other one was a British TV Ch. 4 broadcast of the
suppressed "The Maltese Doublecross" documentary on Pan Am 103's
heroin smuggling operation which presented witnesses and evidence
which showed that this may very well have been the real reason
for the bomb explosion which killed all passengers on board.
As for the CIA/NSA computer operation, it would appear that it is
relatively new and extremely lucrative. Estimates of just how
profitable this operation is range into the hundreds of millions
of dollars, which goes to funding "off the books" Black Ops, now
that Congress, with only a slightly higher degree of scrutiny,
has cut back on their funding.
James Norman, Bill Hamilton and many others state that in the
early 1980s the government expropriated Inslaw's revolutionary
and proprietary PROMIS software after Bill Hamilton had created
an advanced version of PROMIS which was originally developed
while he was at the NSA. It was based on computer aided software
engineering technologies which used software to create and modify
software, thus enabling PROMIS to be modified to a multitude of
applications because of its inherent versatility and
adaptability. The government realized its numerous applications
such as applying it to the secret purpose of tracking down
terrorist money in international banking.
The CIA, with operatives such as Oliver North and Ted Shackley,
purportedly used this very "adaptable" PROMIS to create secret
bank accounts through "computerized money laundering" for the
purpose of financing CIA covert ops, such as Iran-Contra and
Iraqgate. This led to another application, wherein the NSA/CIA
used it to create a compromised universal banking system which
could be secretly accessed by their bugged software, sold by NSA
"front companies" to unsuspecting banks, which allowed them
[NSA/CIA] to access secret accounts anywhere around the world.
Additionally, specially designed NSA chips have been placed in
computers, along with Inslaw's stolen PROMIS Plus, which are then
sold through these NSA "front companies," such as Systematics,
Boston Systematics, Hadron and Israeli Systematics and agents,
such as Robert Maxwell, to strategic and highly sensitive ally
and enemy customers alike. (Related articles and info: Time
8/19/95 "Onward Cyber Soldier," New York Times 8/19 "Citibank
Fraud Case Raises Computer Questions," Wall Street Journal's and
Wang Laboratories' John A. Dean 3/3/95 letter to DCI John
Purportedly, these bugged computers are set up to transmit their
sensitive information within by data bursts up to low-flying NSA
satellites. Inslaw and their Atlanta law firm, with the
assistance of attorney Eliott Richardson (Pres. Nixon's former
Attorney General who resigned in protest over Watergate), are
preparing to go back into the Court of Federal Claims in December
'95 after a more than 10-year battle to seek a multi-hundred
million dollar judgement for non-payment of royalties. A number
of knowledgeable people state that if PROMIS's advanced software
was stolen and used since the early 1980s for numerous
applications such as in our nuclear subs and nuclear missile
defense system, Inslaw should be owed in excess of half a billion
Some politicians and journalists privately, with only a few
publicly, have supported Inslaw's position that the government
stole their PROMIS software, but almost all have been unwilling
to really investigate and go public with the real facts. Seymour
Hersh, one of a few to attempt to get the whole Inslaw story out,
recently researched and proposed an article for the New York
Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, and Atlantic Monthly, but
unfortunately they all passed.
Even a House investigation and retired Federal Judge Nicholas J.
Bua's grand jury 1993 investigation in Chicago didn't get to the
bottom of this government scandal, possibly because of the
magnitude of the situation. Attorney General Barr appointed Bua
as a Special Counsel, but he was really a "dependent counsel."
Even though Chuck Hayes, who secured many of the witnesses (such
as Ari Ben-Menashe) did testify, Michael Riconosciuto along with
many [other] witnesses didn't in person or at all. The Judge was
sued for not conducting a proper investigation by Chicago
investigative journalist Sherman Skolnick and Michael
Riconosciuto. Bua submitted a "whitewashed" report to Attorney
General Reno, who turned it over to the White House who did
nothing... except send Inslaw information in a secure envelope to
Vince Foster shortly before his death.
Debra Gorham, former secretary to Vince Foster and William
Kennedy, her prior boss, secretly testified before Senate
Whitewater Committee on 6/23/95. In addition to Webster Hubbell,
William Kennedy was another Rose Law Firm partner who resigned at
the White House under a scandal and, also as Jackson Stephen's
attorney in 1984, he filed incomplete information with the
Federal Reserve about Stephens's family holding in Worthen Bank
(New York Times 5/9/95 "Fed Ends Inquiry Into an Arkansas
In her confidential testimony, Debra Gorham disclosed a key point
wherein she stated that Vince Foster gave her two NSA 1-inch
ringed binders (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's London Sunday Telegraph
8/6 article and Debra Gorham's excerpted confidential
transcripts) which she put in Bernard Nussbaum's safe. Debra
Gorham described one binder as blue; it may well have been our
nuclear missile launch codes which control the entire U.S.
missile defense system -- the ultimate power. These codes access
any missile and can launch it wherever programmed.
Also, at a later public Whitewater Senate hearing on 8/1/95,
Senator Faircloth's aide confirmed that Debra Gorham was
instructed by her counsel to say, "I do not recall," when he
passed a hurriedly written note before her to respond to the
Senator's question, "Did Foster ever get any documents on
Systematics or Inslaw?" In direct contradiction to her sworn
testimony, through a confidential friend, Gorham admitted
receiving and even reading some of a secure letter on Inslaw from
Webster Hubbell. Although it might be hard to prove, since she
only admitted through her friend that she was familiar with
Inslaw from the previous Washington, D.C. law firm employer,
there can be no doubt that Gorham lied to Congress about not
receiving a letter on Inslaw.
Chuck Hayes and other highly placed confidential sources have
stated that Vince Foster, as a NSA secret operative since the
late '70s and a partner at Rose Law Firm, worked on secret and
clandestine matters at Systematics (owned by Jackson Stephens).
Larry Nichols, a former Arkansas friend of Clinton's, has stated
that a Systematics employee, who is afraid of being fired,
confirmed to him that Foster came in shortly before his death,
flashing NSA credentials, and demanded that this person run a
secret program for him, which he did. After Foster's death, this
same Systematics employee asked Larry Nichols if anything he did
for Vince Foster could have been a reason for his death. In a
significant development, Rep. Leach, Chairman of the Whitewater
hearings, may be prepared to subpoena this person and therefore
force him to testify when the hearings commence around the end of
September, but don't count on him being called or showing up.
[...to be continued...]
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