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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 69
("Quid coniuratio est?")
The Government Rumor Mill Cranks Up
RMNews Agency, Sept. 5, 1996 -- All the puzzle pieces are laid
on the floor of a hangar in New York. Various government
agencies are engaged in the difficult task of trying to piece
together the story of what happened to TWA Flight 800.
Unfortunately, even if the dedicated researchers do discover the
truth of the downing of TWA 800, there is little chance that the
American people will ever be told.
The government rumor mill has begun to crank out first class
disinformation. It is designed to cover all bases, and prevent
the American people from ever discovering the truth... which
would implicate our government, the Federal Reserve, and the
international banking community in the murder of 230 innocent
Disinformation is a common tactic used by the government to
obfuscate, blur, cloud, confuse, and otherwise keep the truth
from being known. Whenever private researchers and investigators
get too close to the truth, the disinformation specialists leap
into action. Such is the case with TWA 800.
Over the long Labor Day weekend, various fax networks and radio
shows broke a story in which a TWA pilot supposedly came forward
and told the truth about the downing of the airplane. According
to his story, which was provided in a government sponsored secret
briefing, the plane was hit by a missile fired from an Aegis
class Navy destroyer. The Navy ship which allegedly fired the
missile was similar to the USS Vincennes, which "accidentally"
fired a missile and downed an Iranian airliner. As with all
disinformation, this story is believeable, and just in case
anyone doubted that such a thing could ever happen, the
government created a story that almost paralleled an identical
The story is a good one, and it ties up all the loose ends. It
explains why so many people saw something streaking toward the
airliner. It explains why the government is taking so long to
tell the American people what really happened. It explains the
traces of explosives. It explains why all four engines came up
intact. It explains the rumors of National Guard maneuvers. It
explains why an international manhunt has not begun. The story
answers all the questions the American people and the victims'
families have been asking. Unfortunately, it is not the truth.
"The White House is the biggest rumor mill in the
land. They put out more disinformation than any
other group in government." -- RMNews Euro Chief
Over the long weekend RMNews sources were deluged with
information. Secret meetings seemed to be going on everywhere.
David Rockefeller had summoned the board members of the Federal
Reserve to an emergency meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Leaders of the American Patriot movement were summoned to a
meeting in Washington, DC. TWA executives and senior pilots were
summoned to a secret briefing regarding the downing of TWA Flight
According to RMNews sources, the version presented at the secret
TWA briefing said that Flight 800 was the victim of a National
Guard training accident. TWA personnel were told that Flight 800
was shot down by a rocket fired from shore, during a training
exercise. This version closely resembles the truth, but it is
dramatically different from the White House version that was
supposedly leaked by a TWA pilot. By the time the White House
put their slant on the story, it was barely recognizable as the
same TWA briefing.
Over the long Labor Day weekend, our RMNews Euro Chief filed his
report. You will not like what you read, but it does explain all
the disinformation that has been circulating over the weekend.
The truth is known about what caused the downing of TWA Flight
800. The European intelligence agencies have put the puzzle
together. There are those in our government who do not want the
truth to ever be told. They know that others know the truth and
it is beginning to seep out; therefore they have cranked up their
mighty Wurlitzer and begun the disinformation overture.
To understand how successful a government disinformation campaign
can be, all one has to do is think about the assassination of
John Kennedy. The government put out the official version, and
then they created hundreds of cover stories with supporting films
and documents. Each of these cover stories takes years and
thousands of hours to pursue. Private investigators have neither
the time nor the money to track down every story, and so many
alternative news sources innocently print or air government
created disinformation, thinking that it comes from a reliable
independent source.
The story on Flight 800, which we recently received from our
European source, explains the reason for the many different cover
stories that are being put out. Since we are also dealing with a
story of personal grief, horror and tragedy, we have chosen to
file this story exactly as we received it, with no editorial
-+- RMNews Presents the Unedited Story -+-
[...to be continued...]
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