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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 22
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By Scott Thompson
(New Federalist, 06/10/96)
June 4 (EIRNS) -- One hundred twenty members of the
Anglo-Dutch-Venetian "Club of the Isles," and their associates,
met in secret May 30-June 2 at the annual Bilderberg Society
meeting, which was held north of Toronto, Canada this year.
Present were two Queens, two royal princes, various
representatives of the Anglo-American Establishment within
government, some of the most evil members of the Club of the
Isles, and a large number of prospective recruits to this
malevolent oligarchy. Also present were about a dozen
representatives of the establishment media, who, like the other
participants, were sworn to secrecy over what was discussed at
the meeting.
The host of this year's gathering in Canada was Conrad Black,
whose Toronto-based Hollinger, Inc., is owner of the Telegraph
PLC and the Jerusalem Post, which were allegedly taken over with
assistance from the recently retired Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank
board member and drug lord, Li Kai Shi.
Black, who is a Bilderberg Society steering committee member, has
just finished taking over Southam newspapers, which gives him
control of 51 percent of the papers in Canada. Meanwhile,
through the American Publishing Co. and other concerns, Black
owns 80 daily and over 300 weekly newspapers in the U.S.
(flagship is the Chicago Sun-Times) with a combined readership of
five million.
Hollinger, Inc. began as the Argus Corp., run by E.P. Taylor, who
was part of a British SIS nexus based in Canada and aiming at
penetrating the United States, through the likes of Sir William
Stephenson and the operations of the British Ministry of
Munitions and Supplies. Among Hollinger's key personnel at this
year's Bilderberg Society meeting:
** Lord Peter Carrington, now chairman of the Bilderberg
Society (he was founding director of Kissinger Associates,
1982-84; Secretary General of NATO, 1984-88).
** Sir Henry Kissinger, KCMG (Knight Commander of St.
Michael and St. George), who has been for years a
Bilderberg Society steering committee member. He was also
Presidential Adviser for National Security (1969-75), U.S.
Secretary of State (1973-77), President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board member (1983-89), and
self-confessed British agent.
** British grain cartel magnate Dwayne Andreas, chairman of
the Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) cartel, now under Justice
Department investigation for price-fixing. He has been the
biggest contributor in history to the organized-crime hate
group, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and to
Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kans.)
** Giovanni Agnelli, a European Trilateral Commission
leader, Bilderberg Society steering committee member,
member of the International Advisory Board of the Chase
Manhattan Bank with Sir Henry Kissinger, and chairman of
Fiat since 1966. (Fiat was reintroduced after being an
Axis arms factory to world markets, when Agnelli had an
affair with the then-Honorable Pamela Digby Churchill.)
** William F. Buckley, the Fabian Conservative
editor-at-large of National Review, who has written on
behalf of legalizing drugs and consensual pederasty.
Like the above individuals, Conrad Black is an integral part of
the Anglo-Dutch-Venetian Club of the Isles, and hence it is not
surprising that he was asked to host the meeting, held at the
luxurious Canadian Imperial Bank Leadership Conference retreat 40
minutes north of Toronto City.
-+- Policy Debate Trickles In -+-
One of Black's hatchetmen told EIRNS that the agenda for this
years meeting included: the Atlantic Relationship in a Time of
Change, as well as discussion of a North Atlantic Free Trade
Zone; the Enlargement of the European Union and Changes in NATO's
Structure and Mission for More "Out of Area" Deployments; China;
Russia. Also, what is to be done about a growing revolt against
IMF conditionalities? Also, the U.S.; former Yugoslavia; and
Sustainable Economic Growth. With virtually every top Canadian
Cabinet officer present, including Prime Minister Jean Chretien,
one source reports that there was also discussion about
privatizing the multibillion-dollar Hydro Ontario.
-+- Royal Roots -+-
The Bilderberg Society was founded in the 1950s by His Royal
Highness Prince Bernhard, who had been a member of the SS
intelligence unit assigned to I.G. Farben that helped establish
Auschwitz, and, before he married the Dutch Queen, Juliana, he
signed his resignation letter to Hitler, "Heil Hitler!" Prince
Bernhard won approval for the Bilderberg Society from President
Dwight Eisenhower and then-Director of Central Intelligence Gen.
Walter Bedell Smith, through the manipulations of his *eminence
grise*, Josef Retinger, who was variously charged with being a
Nazi and a Soviet agent. Forced to resign leadership of the
Bilderberg Society for his part in taking Lockheed scandal bribes
in the 1970s, Prince Bernhard was represented at this year's
meeting by his daughter, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and
His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
CN: The rest of the article descends into "LaRouche-isms", for
example that Bill Clinton was represented by Secretary of Defense
William Perry and George Stephanopoulos at the meeting, but that
Clinton somehow remains above it all. LaRouche is notorious for
his position that Bill Clinton can do no wrong and that these
bad stories we keep hearing about him are all somehow part of a
British plot. Why is LaRouche so locked-in with Clinton,
ignoring all evidence against him? One guess is that LaRouche is
a stooge for the Vatican and that because Clinton has defied
(supposedly) the "special arrangement" between Great Britain and
the United States, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" may
apply. In other words, some say that Vatican and British Empire
are engaged in a final battle for control of the world. So if
Clinton defies the British, that somehow makes him okay with
Vatican stooge LaRouche. Other guesses for LaRouchian blindness
to Clinton wrongdoing could be that they are both Democrats, or
maybe LaRouche feels indebted to Clinton for helping him get out
of jail.
LaRouche, in my opinion, is either somebody's stooge or else he
is demented. *But*, sometimes his information is good. The
trick is to sort through it for the pearls.
One other thing in my experience of the LaRouchies is that they
try to recruit you into their movement. They remind me of
Moonies: their Great Leader can do no wrong. *This* *way* *to*
*the* *gas* *chambers*, *kiddies*.
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