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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 7 Num. 72
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Project Censored Top 25 Censored Stories for 1995
(From *The 1996 Project Censored Yearbook* by Carl Jensen &
Project Censored. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1996)
#25 -- E. Coli -- Now A National Epidemic -- Kills 500 Americans
Annually. E. coli 0157H7 has now become so widespread it is
being called an epidemic, affecting as many as 20,000 people per
#24 -- U.S. Trails Most Developed Nations in Maternal Health
Ranking. U.S. is ranked 18th, behind Taiwan and Singapore.
#23 -- Dioxin: Still Deadly After All These Years (and All That
Hype). EPA's "reassessment" of dioxin indicates health impacts
are worse than thought. Dioxin is created as a by-product of
manufacturing; Dow and Monsanto are among its producers.
#22 -- There May Be A Cure -- Up There in the Rain Forest.
Tropical forests, holding potential miracle cures, are vanishing.
Major pharmaceutical companies favor synthetic chemistry as
source of medicines.
#21 -- The New 3R's: Reading, Writing, and Reloading. Video
teaches kids to shoot and is shown in schools. [CN -- But what's
wrong with that?]
#20 -- ABC Spikes New Tobacco Expose When Sued for Libel. ABC
backs off on documentary showing how tobacco gets marketed. [CN
-- But who needs a "War on Tobacco"?]
#19 -- Solving the Nuclear Waste Problem With Taxpayers' Dollars.
Nuclear power industry spends bucks on "campaign contributions"
so that taxpayers will spend even more bucks to get rid of
nuclear waste.
#18 -- Scientific Support for Needle Exchange Programs
Suppressed. A study released in October 1993 finds it likely
that needle exchange programs would save lives. Clinton
administration "takes no action on the issue."
#17 -- Small Arms Wreak Major Worldwide Havoc. In the post-Cold
War era, the profit motive leads to the dumping of weapons which
helps fuel ethnic and regional rivalries.
#16 -- Fiberglass -- The Carcinogen that's Deadly and Everywhere.
As asbestos gets phased out, fiberglass production increases.
#15 -- The Rebirth of Slavery in the Dark Heart of Sudan.
Number of slaves in Sudan is now "easily in the thousands."
#14 -- The Gulf War Syndrome Cover-Up. U.S. soldiers *were*
exposed to chemical and biolgical warfare agents during the Gulf
War, yet Pentagon keeps denying it.
#13 -- Congress Wants to Take the Money and Run. Federal Election
Commission (FEC) keeps track of "campaign contributions" and
looks out for secret "slush funds", etc. Now, Republican House
has quietly moved to cripple the FEC.
#12 -- 180,000 Patients Die Annually from Treatment in Hospitals.
More people are killed or seriously injured in U.S. hospitals
annually than from airline and automobile accidents combined.
#11 -- Giant Oil Companies Owe U.S. More Than $1.5 Billion.
Texaco, Shell, Mobil, ARCO, Chevron, Exxon, and Unocal owe U.S.
more than $1.5 billion in uncollected royalties, interest and
penalties, according to a report by the Project on Government
Oversight (POGO).
#10 -- The Broken Promises of NAFTA. Firms have cut jobs and
moved plants to Mexico. Use of pesticides in Mexico has not been
reduced, but has *increased*.
#9 -- U.S. Chemical Industry Fights for Toxic Ozone-Killing
Pesticide. Methyl bromide, a pesticide 50 times more destructive
to ozone layer than CFCs, is being pushed by the chemical
#8 -- Medical Fraud Costs the Nation $100 Billion Annually -- Or
More. "Medscam" techniques used to rip-off insurers, Social
Security, and Medicare/Medicaid.
#7 -- Russia Injects Earth With Nuke Waste. The USSR and Russia
have pumped billions of gallons of atomic waste directly into the
earth for more than 3 decades and the practice continues.
#6 -- Radical Plan From Newt Gingrich's Think Tank to Gut FDA.
Republicans move to overhaul FDA; Newt calls FDA head Kessler "a
bully and a thug." [CN -- And is Gingrich supposed to be
#5 -- U.S. Pushes Nuclear Pact But Spends Billions to Add Bang to
Nukes. As U.S. works to eliminate nuclear weapons it
nevertheless wants to spend billions to resume production of
#4 -- The Privatization of the Internet. U.S. government has
been gradually transferring "backbone" of Internet to companies
such as IBM and MCI.
#3 -- Child Labor in the U.S. Is Worse Today Than During the
1930s. Estimated 5 million youth in the work force not
adequately protected in the workplace.
#2 -- The Budget Does Not Have to be Balanced on the Backs of the
Poor. 153 federal programs that benefit wealthy corporations
cost U.S. taxpayers $167.2 billion per year.
#1 -- Telecommunications Deregulation: Closing Up America's
"Marketplace of Ideas". Telecommunications Deregulation Bill
helps create huge new concentrations of media power -- media
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9