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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 7 Num. 45
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Excerpts from *Defrauding America* by Rodney Stich
(Book *may* not be available via normal methods. Phone 1-800-247-
7389 to order. Alamo, California: Diablo Western Press, 1994.
ISBN: 0-932438-08-3)
[From ch. 23, "BCCI, Bank of Crooks and Criminals", pp. 410]
-+- Bribery Was Everywhere -+-
BCCI had a bribery list of U.S. elected public officials.
Reference was made to this list during Congressional testimony
(September 13, 1991) before the House Banking Committee, chaired
by Representative Henry Gonzalez. One method reported for
conveying bribes to members of Congress was through the Chicago
Commodity Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Board Options
Exchange, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Money was put into
commodity exchange accounts overseas under the name of a
particular member of Congress. Periodically the Congressman would
be informed that there was money in his account, and he was
advised how he could withdraw it if he wished. Huge amounts of
cash were brought into Chicago to orchestrate this scheme.
-+- Both Political Parties Implicated -+-
As in many of the scandals described within these pages, both
political parties were implicated, receiving large financial
contributions or bribes from the illicitly operated bank. As in
the savings and loan scandal, members of Congress were handsomely
rewarded for either looking the other way or obstructing any
investigations. The key to continuing the corruption and harms
inflicted throughout the world by BCCI was bribing the U.S. and
other officials.
[From ch. 23, "BCCI, Bank of Crooks and Criminals", pp. 413]
-+- The Senate Report -+-
[The Senate Foreign Relations' Subcommittee on Terrorism,
Narcotics and International Operations] issued a nearly 800-page
report (October 1, 1992), accusing BCCI of using political
insiders to commit fraud upon the United States on a global
scale. The report stated that there exists "an elaborate
corporate spider-web with BCCI's founder, Agha Hasan Abedi and
his assistant, Swaleh Naqvi, in the middle." The report stated
that BCCI's *modus operandi* throughout the world, including the
United States, was bribery and subversion of government
The report stated that BCCI "systematically bribed political
figures around the world." Senator Hank Brown, a member of the
Senate committee, stated at a news conference, "We found it was
BCCI's overpowering use of the nation's political insiders like
[former Defense Secretary] Clark Clifford... that permitted
BCCI's secret expansion in the United States."
The report describes the financial contributions or bribes paid
to various members of the U.S. Congress, including former Senator
John Culver (D-Iowa) and Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah)...
Senator Hank Brown (R-CO), who was the subcommittee's ranking
minority member, stated BCCI's financial contributions were so
extensive that "there was not a single committee of this Congress
that wanted to conduct a complete, thorough investigation."
The report stated that BCCI used political insiders such as
former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford and members of Congress
to commit fraud on a global scale. It described how BCCI paid
members of Congress, lobbyists, and attorneys to obstruct the
investigation into its terrorists and drug-money-laundering
activities. The report implicated Democrats and Republicans,
lawyers and lobbyists, public relations firms, Congressional
staffers and former senators.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9