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I -=- V -=- P
Instant Virus Production Kit
By Admiral Bailey [YAM]
þ Disclaimer
þ Intro To The IVP
þ Features in the IVP
þ How To Use The IVP
þ About the Configuration File
þ In Case of Errors
þ Future Enhancements
þ Greets
Before we begin I would just like to say that I am not responsible for any
damage that occurs from someone using this. The code that eventually gets
created with this can be dangerous. Well not really. I haven't put any
destruction code it it so theres nothing really to worry about. Well anyways
just remember if anything happens to you then Im not responsible.
Welcome to version 1.0 of the Instant Virus Production Kit (IVP). Heck
these thing are easier to code then I expected. But after about a week of
programming and fixing any bugs that I gound in the code produced it is now
finished. Why did I make this? Well basically for myself. I hated
rewriting all my code out over and over just to create a new virus so instead
I made this to eliminate my problem. After I was done I just eventually
decided to release it to the public. Just for your info this was written in
Turbo Pascal 7.0.
The code that gets produced may not be the best. But this is not here to
release virii directly off of. Its just here to save you the trouble of
having to rewrite your code over and over.
I have not put any IDE in because there is no real use for one. But i may
in future versions put a setup that will create the configuration file for
you automatically. Basically now the IVP has the following features.
þ .EXE/.COM file infection (also has both)
þ Trojan support
þ Directory Changing (Dot Dot Method)
þ Encryption On Everything
þ Error Handling
þ And COMMAND.COM infection
þ Overwriting Option
þ Random Nop generator (So McAfee can't make a scan string)
Its really not that hard. All you do is edit out the configuration file
that has been included to match your specific needs. When done, execute the
IVP with the name of the configuration file on the command line. The rest is
self explanitory.
Below is a detailed explanation of each option that is available in the
configuration file. The format of each option is a letter with a equal sign
and the option following. A sample configuration file is included.
þ F - Specifies the file name that all the output will be written to.
- Ex. "F=TEST.ASM"
þ V - Specifies the name of the virus.
- Ex. "V=A Test Virus"
þ A - Specifies the name of the author.
- Ex. "A=Admiral Bailey"
þ I - Specifies what type of files to go for.
- C=Com, E=EXE, B = Both (Exe and Com), T=Trojan
- Ex. "I=B"
þ G - Specifies what to do with the file.
- O=Overwriting, A=Appending
þ W - Is for the ID code used by EXE infectors.
- It can only be (and must be) two characters.
- Ex. "W=AB"
þ E - Specifies if encryption or no encryption is to be used.
- No encryption reduces the size of the virus.
- Ex. "E=Y"
þ D - Specifies if you want the virus to change directories.
- If yes then the directory changing will be done the '..' way. Where
- the virus will step up one directory closer to the root each time.
- Ex. "D=Y"
þ C - Specifies if you want your virus to infect COMMAND.COM.
- If no then any 8 character file ending in 'ND' will not be infected.
- Ex. "C=N"
þ B - Specifies if you want the virus to replace INT 24h. If yes then any
- writes to a write protected disk will be ingnored and aborted.
- Ex. "B=Y"
The IVP has not been tested fully. Just a basic test on different sources
produced. So I do not guarantee that the sources produced are 100% workable.
Anyways I did not write this for people to release a virus directly off of.
Its just here to help you to create your own. But if there is an error then
contact me and tell me the error and give me a copy of the Config file.
Also if you have any enhancements to the code feel free to let me know.
In future versions I plan to add a couple features to enhance the code
produced. They are as follows.
þ I will include an infection counter. So a user can limit the number of
files that a virus infects at each runtime.
þ An option where you can specify the date/time where you can have your virus
activate and do its thing.
þ An option where you can check if the file infected is too small or too big.
þ More optimized coding to enhance the actual virus produced.
þ Any other small things that I find usefull.
þ TSR Code generations. I may only make it go TSR using one method. Mainly
because this kind of code will be dangerous in the hands of just any
loser. With the TSR code I will add stealth etc..
þ A editor that will help you create the Configuration file in a short amount
of time.
þ Different types of encryption.
þ MTE virus compatibilities.
But while adding these features I will try to keep the size of the executable
Well no one specific because I don't wanna look like im kissing ass. So I
just wanna say a "Yo!" to all the virus writers out there. And one special
"F Off" to venom because they think there so good. Well guys with this you
can finally release a virus. Heck make another trojan and you'll finally see
the difference.