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1783 lines
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A users guide to the operation of remote CP/M systems.
Jon Schneider
Sysop - Rio Grande RCP/M
Table of Contents
1.00 NULLS 2
1.01 THE LOG-ON 2
2.03 WHAT'S IT DO ? 13
2.04 HOW DO I GET IT ? 17
3.00 GLOSSARY 24
When logging onto my first RCP/M system (Seneca, when it was
still in El Paso), I was confronted with a system that was
totally alien to me. My only contact with bulletin board systems
until then had been with Compuserve and some local BBS's that
were menu driven.
Since I was totally lost, I decided that it would be best to
find some documentation on the operation of RCP/M's before
logging on again. If you have attempted to find such
documentation, you are well aware that it is not readily
available (I never did find any).
Over the next year or so, I became familiar with the proper
operation of RCP/M's, and am now running my own. I have been
watching new users as they attempt to use my system, and it is
evident that many users do not know how to properly operate the
system. Even those that can eventually get what they need could
operate in a more effective manner.
It is with these thoughts in mind that I have written this
users guide. There are many different BBS packages in use on the
various RCP/M's, but many of them have the same command structure
for the basic functions, and almost all of the utilities
available for use in CP/M are operated in the same manner. I have
attempted to cover as much as I can without being too specific in
regards to the implementation of the particular system you will
be using.
I hope that this users guide will make the transition into
the world of RCP/M's much less frustrating for you than it was
for me. Please feel free to pass this document on to anyone who
is new to telecommunications, and let others have the chance to
learn how to operate with a minimum of effort and frustration.
Jon Schneider
Sysop - Rio Grande RCP/M
El Paso, TX 915-592-4976
Introduction Page 1
1.00 NULLS
On the majority of the RCP/M's that you will find, the first
thing that you will be confronted with is the number of nulls
prompt. The usual reply will be 0, but some terminals, when
operating at 1200 baud, will have a tendency to drop characters
from the leftmost portion of the screen. This is caused by the
terminal's inability to move the cursor fast enough to the left
of the screen after receiving a carriage return. As the remote
terminal is still moving the cursor, the host system begins
transmitting the characters that make up the next line.
This lack of speed will result in one or more characters
being lost. To eliminate this problem, nulls can be sent after a
carriage return, allowing the cursor to return to the far left.
The best way to determine the correct number of nulls is to
increase it by one until the problem of lost characters is
1.01 The Log-on
After correctly setting the number of nulls, the next step
is to log onto the system with your name. Some systems expect the
first and last names to both be entered on one line, and others
will prompt for them seperatly. Pay close attention to this, as
you must log onto the system with the EXACT same name each time,
or the system will think you are a new user.
Most systems will prompt you for the city and state if you
are logging on for the first time, so if you get this prompt, and
you have been on the system before, then you did not log in with
the same name as you did previously. Abort the call, and call
back using the correct name.
If the system has determined that you are logging on for the
first time, you will be asked to enter a password. Be sure to pay
attention to the minimum or maximum number of characters allowed,
and since some systems are case sensitive, be sure to make note
of the case you used (upper or lower).
You will more than likely next receive a new users file that
will give some of the do's and don'ts of the system, and the
steps that are necessary to become a validated member. READ THIS
FILE, as you won't see it on your next log-on.
Most RCP/M's use a tiered system of access. A new user will
probably only be able to read the messages, and leave a parting
comment to the sysop. Validated users will be able to leave
messages, and if it is requested, have access to CP/M. You must
leave the required information before the sysop will validate
you, so be sure to see what the sysop requires.
The BBS Page 2
Most sysops will NOT leave you a message letting you know if
the access level you requested has been granted, so the only way
to ascertain if it has been is to attempt the function that you
requested. If the function is still not available, then access
has not yet been granted. Try again in 24 hours, and if still not
validated, leave another message to the sysop.
I have included a sample log-on session below for a MBBS
system. Most are similar in nature.
How many nulls do you need? (0-9)? 0
>>> Rio Grande RCP/M
>>> Micro Bulletin Board System (tm)
>>> (MBBS 3.0 05/04/85 - (c) 1983 Kim Levitt)
(ctrl-S or S pauses/ctrl-C or C aborts/ctrl-X or X skips)
>>> Online since March 22, 1985
(This would be the systems log-on message)
What is your FIRST name? JOHN
and your LAST name? DOE
Scanning users file...
Hello JOHN DOE, welcome to Rio Grande RCP/M...
Is your name spelled correctly? Y
Where are you calling from? (City, State)? El Paso, TX
Please enter a logon password (60 chars. max):
(Use any characters except controls, end with return. Enter
return only if you wish no password. Password does not echo.)
Password? ############
Please re-enter password now to verify it has been received correctly.
Password? ############
On next log on, this password will be required, so please don't forget it!
Logging JOHN DOE to disk...
The BBS Page 3
You are caller # 554
Total # of log-ons: 1
Current highest msg #: 44
Active # of messages: 25
Building message index...
This RCPM system is set up mainly to support the CP/M user,
and to operate it effectively, a knowledge of CP/M is required.
If you are not familiar with CP/M, it is recommended that you not
request access to CP/M. If you haven't used it before, you would
be completely lost.
If you are interested in having access to the CP/M portion
of this board, leave a parting comment to the Sysop with your
name, address, phone number, type of computer, and type of termi-
nal program you are using.
If you are only interested in access to the BBS, just leave
your name and phone number. The BBS portion of this board is very
easy to use, and no knowledge of CP/M is required.
Jon Schneider - Sysop
NOTE: The operator of this system assumes no responsibility for
the information contained in and/or distributed via this system.
This is an open-access communications system and is provided
as a public service to the community. All messages and files
which are placed on this system are the responsibility of the
contributor. Only public domain software and messages
relating to public access systems and computer hobbyists are
allowed to remain on-line, but the system operator cannot
be held liable for any illegal activities conducted via this
system. Users are cautioned not to use this system for such
activities or they will not be allowed access.
No MAIL waiting for you.
Use 'S;NEW' to scan 18 message(s) added since your last log on.
05/13/85 4:23 PM [mins on: 1, mins left: 29]
MBBS Function (A,B,C,E,G,H,K,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,U,W,X or ? for menu)?
The BBS Page 4
1.02 The Main Menu
After a successful log-on, you will usually see a summary of
the message file, and then the main menu. The main menu is
usually a series of letters for the various functions, and almost
all will give a detailed list if the '?' is typed at the prompt.
If you are not familiar with the functions of a particular
BBS, be sure to save the menu in the ASCII save buffer of your
terminal program for print out and referral. Another useful
function that is usually available is H for HELP, and it should
also be saved to your buffer for later referral.
The following listings will show the menu functions of some
of the more popular RBBS packages.
MBBS Function (A,B,C,E,G,H,K,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,U,W,X or ? for menu)? ?
(ctrl-S or S pauses/ctrl-C or C aborts/ctrl-X or X skips)
MBBS Functions:
A = Auto wrap toggle K = Kill message S = Scan messages
B = show Bulletins M = '[More]' toggle T = Talk with sysop
C = exit to CP/M N = set # of Nulls U = Upper/lower case
E = Enter message P = change Password W = Welcome message
G = Goodbye (hangup) Q = Quick summary X = eXpert mode toggle
H = show Help file R = Read message ? = print this menu
; = separator used to enter multiple commands & data on one line
NEW, MAIL, TAGGED, 'search' = words useable as message 'numbers'
(Use HELP, WELCOME message and BULLETINS for more information.)
(NOTE: password required for CP/M access, but a clue is given.)
The BBS Page 5
Major Functions supported (Capital letters on command line):
C = Exit to CP/M E = Enter message
F = List subject files G = Goodbye (disconnect)
K = Kill message R = Read message
S = Quick summary N = Read New messages
Minor Functions supported (Small letters on command line):
b = Retype bulletins m = Show status of messages
p = Change password t = Toggle bell prompt
u = List user file w = Retype welcome
x = eXpert user mode
Two subcommands are supported in support of major commands K,R & S:
+ = Lists following a message number operates on all messages
the user is authorized pausing appropriately between them
* = Performs the same operation without pausing (for use with
hardcopy devices
Commands may be strung together, separated by semicolons. For
example 'R;123' retrieves message number 123. For forward
sequential retrieval, use '+' or '*' after message number. N is
equivalent to R;#+.
Software exchange is done under CP/M using the XMODEM program
(for intelligent transfer) or the TYPE fn.ft command (simple
ASCII listing).
Functions supported: by RBBS vers. 3.7
<B> Bulletin File <C> Chat with SYSOP
<E> Enter Message * <G> GO 'Leave the system'
<F> Feedback for SYSOP <N> News and information
<R> Read Message <S> Scan message base
<K> Kill Message * <U> Users file (Valid Members)
<T> Toggle BELL <L> List last callers *
<W> Welcome Message <P> Password Change
<J> Jump to CP/M <X> X'pert User
<H> Help
* Special function requirements Verified users only
Repeated Ctrl-K's abort, Ctrl-S pauses
Messages are Private unless addressed to ALL
For Sequential retrieval (not scanning), use '+' after message #.
For example, R;10+ reads message #10 and all that follow, a Ctrl K
can be used to 'SKIP' to the next message in this mode.
The BBS Page 6
K-NET 84 (tm) RBBS Module Commands
<A> - display READ-ME file. <L> - List system users.
<C> - Exit to CP/M. <M> - Message file status.
<E> - Enter message(s). <N> - display NEWFILES file
<G> - Goodbye (log-off). <P> - Page Sysop (CHAT).
<H> - HELP, display menu. <R> - Read message(s).
<K> - Kill a message. <S> - Scan message file.
<?> - Display this menu. <V> - Video mode for Kaypro/MEX.
<?> - Display this menu.
Use "S" to quick scan the message file.
S;1 = Scan ALL S;NEW = Scan only new msgs since last logon.
You can Read the messages in several different ways:
R;1;R;5;R;9 Read msgs 1,5, and 9 (no pause between msgs).
R;1+ Read msgs in forward sequential mode (pause).
R;NEW Read new msgs since your last logon (pause).
A few of the commands available require further explanation,
and different letters may be used for the same commands on
different boards, so be sure to list the menu for the system you
will be using.
EXPERT USER TOGGLE: This is used to toggle the command line
prompts to much shorter prompts, such as "Command:". If you are
familiar with the system, this will save you time.
TOGGLE BELL: Many systems will ring the bell on your
terminal every time they expect user input. If you find this
annoying, just toggle the bell off with this function.
ENTER MESSAGE: This function will vary greatly from system
to system, and it will be necessary to read the help file for the
one that you are using. Some will support Word Star like line
editing (RBBS 4102), while others will require retyping the
entire line to be edited.
The rest of the functions are pretty much self-explanatory,
so no further detail is necessary. The rest of this users guide
will be devoted to operation while in CP/M (usually entered by
typing 'C' from the function prompt).
The BBS Page 7
The real power of a RCP/M is in it's database. Many systems
are running hard disks, some up to 150MB. That is a huge amount
of software, and it is usually separated into different drive and
user areas. For those not familiar with user areas, they are the
number you will see after the drive letter, such as 'A2>' or
If you are use to the standard Console Command Processor
(CCP) that CP/M uses, you have been receiving only a drive letter
as the command prompt. If you ever changed user areas, you had to
use the USER command. Even while in a user area other than 0, you
still only received a drive letter for the prompt, with no
indication a what user area you were in.
Most RCP/M's have replaced the standard CCP with one of the
popular replacements, ZCPR, ZCPR2, ZCPR3, NZCPR, or EZCPR. These
packages will allow you to change drives and user areas at the
same time, and will show the both the drive and user area in the
Another difference between the standard CCP and one of it's
replacements is in the way commands are handled. The sysop will
define what is called a search path for the user. This means that
the user can be logged onto any drive and user area, and if the
command he desires lies in any of the drive/user area defined in
the search path, the command will be executed, without the
operator having to prefix the command with the drive/user area,
or be logged into the drive/user area where the command resides.
Most sysops will define the search path as "Current Drive,
Current User", then "Drive A, User 0". All of the commands that
are available to the user are then placed on drive "A0:" The
easiest way to find out what commands are available to you is to
do a directory of drive "A0:", and any file with the extension
".COM" is an available command.
Listed below is a directory of a typical RCP/M's drive "A0:"
Time on system is 10 minutes
Drive A0: files: 16 space used: 184k (2056k free)
-ROOT . 0k | LDIR .COM 8k | TYPE .COM 8k
05/11/85.DQR 32k | LUX .COM 8k | WHATSFOR.COM 8k
DIR .COM 8k | RDIR .COM 8k |
Once in CP/M Page 8
If you were logged onto this system, the only commands that
would be available to you are those with the .COM extension.
Several of the commands (DIR and TYPE) appear to be the same as
the standard CCP's resident commands, but in reality, they are
enhanced versions of the commands, with the resident versions
You will also notice that two of the files are not .COM
files, '-ROOT' and '05/01/85.DQR'. You will usually find the
first file in a directory has a '-' in front of it, and occupies
0k of disk space. This is the name of the particular directory
that you are logged onto.
In this case, you are logged onto the 'ROOT' of the system,
where all the commands reside. The other file is a squeezed
master directory, made on the date listed. I will explain what a
squeezed file is later in this guide.
One of the first things you must learn how to do, once you
have entered CP/M, is to find out where you want to go, and how
to get there. The two commands that facilitate this are SECTION
and MAP. There are others used on some systems (ones using ZCPR3
in particular), and they will be covered also.
SECTION: This command has two functions, one is to list the
available sections, and the other is to move to the section
desired. If the command SECTION is typed by itself, you will get
the following display.
Available sections are:
Type "SECTION ?" for detailed list
of available sections.
Type "SECTION <section-name>" to log
into a particular section.
As you can see, a listing of all the sections (directory
names) is supplied, and if a more detailed explanation of what
each section contains is desired, you can type 'SECTION ?'. All
that has to be done to log onto the section that you are
interested in is to type the command 'SECTION <section-name>.
Once in CP/M Page 9
You are now logged onto drive 'C2:', and are in the section
dedicated to miscellaneous files. The same basic procedure is
followed with the command PWD. After typing the PWD command, a
listing of available sections is shown. To log onto that section,
all that is necessary is to type the sections name at the command
prompt, followed by a semicolon.
The command GO functions in much the same way as SECTION.
Another way to move around is with the command MAP.
MAP v1.02, 03-01-1985
A0: = ROOT | A1: = UTIL | A2: = ZCPR | A3: = DBASE
A4: = TELECOM | A5: = MODEM | A6: = NEWIN | A7: = HELP
B0: = TRSDOS | B1: = LANG | B2: = PCMSDOS |
C0: = WS | C1: = KPRO | C2: = MISC |
D0: = SYSLIB | D1: = TANDY | D2: = TEXT |
Use SECTION to log into the area by name
You now have the option of using SECTION to log into the
directory that you want (if SECTION is available), or logging
onto the drive/user with its actual drive designation. If you are
using the system for the first time, it would be wise to capture
the information supplied from these utilities in your text buffer
for later referral.
There are very few systems that do NOT use Super Directory
(SD) as the directory command, so that is the program that will
be covered in detail. The command DIR by itself will invoke the
following display.
Once in CP/M Page 10
Time on system is 22 minutes
Drive A4: files: 19 space used: 952k (1824k free)
-TELECOM. 0k | MBYE35 .LBR 96k | RDIR13 .LBR 24k
GO .ASM 24k | MBYE36 .LBR 80k | SD98 .LBR 80k
LDIR13 .LBR 16k | MBYEMOD .001 8k | SECTION2.AQM 8k
MAP .AQM 16k | RBBS .LBR136k | TYPEL36 .LBR 24k
MBBS29 .LBR136k | RBS4102B.LBR104k | WHATSNEW.LBR 24k
More information is supplied with SD than is normally
obtained with the standard CCP's resident command. The size of
the file is listed, and the listing is alphabetized. The size of
the file as shown by DIR may not necessarily be the same size
that will be occupied once it is on your disk. This is dependent
on the size of the allocation blocks of the drives that the file
is on.
SD has many options available, and I will cover the more
useful ones. All options must be supplied after a '$' at the end
of the command . I will give several examples to give you a
general idea.
A - Show all user areas
D - Show all drives
L - Give a directory of a Library file
N - No paging (no MORE prompt)
4 - Give a 40 column display
6 - 64 column
8 - 80 column (usually the default)
DIR $AD - Will show a directory of all drive and user areas.
DIR $ADLN - Will show a directory of all drive and user areas,
including directories of all library files, and
will give a continuous display without the 'MORE'
DIR RBBS.LBR $L - Will show a library directory of the file
RBBS.LBR (assuming you are logged onto the
drive/user where the file resides).
DIR RBBS.LBR $AD - Will search all drive/user areas, and show
where the file RBBS.LBR is located.
DIR RBBS*.* $AD - Will search all drive/user areas for any file
which contains RBBS as the first 4 letters,
and show where they are located.
If at any time you wish to abort the directory program, type
^C, and it will terminate. There are many more options available,
but they are usually accessible only to the sysop, so they won't
be covered.
Once in CP/M Page 11
Another directory program that is available is RDIR, and it
is used to ascertain the time necessary to download a file. It
will usually co-exist with DIR, and will automatically determine
the baud rate that you are logged on at.
-TELECOM. 0k 0:00 | GO .ASM 24k 10:04
MAP .AQM 16k 5:55 | MBBS29 .LBR 136k 81:32
MBYE36 .LBR 80k 45:18 | MBYEMOD .001 8k 2:18
RBS4102B.LBR 104k 62:09 | RDIR13 .LBR 24k 13:09
SECTION2.AQM 8k 4:55 | TYPEL36 .LBR 24k 11:18
XM-MBYE .DQC 8k 1:55 | XMDM106 .LBR 96k 59:00
A4>> Files: 19 Used: 952k Free: 1824k Time: 8:59:40 at 300 baud
In the example shown above, the file 'GO.ASM' would take 10
minutes and 4 seconds to download at 300 baud.
There is one more commonly used directory program, but
before it is covered, a short explanation of library files is in
order. As far as CP/M is concerned, a library file is handled as
one file on the disk, but it will actually contain many separate
files, and include its own directory. The individual files can be
extracted from the library, and then used in the manner that they
were originally intended.
The reason for libraries is beyond the scope of this users
guide, but the utilities and documentation for them are available
on most all RCP/M's, and many of the system commands will support
them. The one that will be covered now is LDIR, and it is nothing
more than a program that will show the directory of a library
file (like DIR $L did).
A1>LDIR VF150 (note that the extension .LBR is not needed)
LBR directory for VF150 .LBR: (size in k)
VF150 .DQC 4k | VF150 .COM 12k
This is a small library file, and in actual practice they
can contain 100 entries or more. Usually all the files necessary
for a particular application will be contained within one
library. Without libraries, RCP/M's would not be able to hold
near the amount of software that they do now. It also makes it
easier to obtain all the files necessary for one application, as
you will only need to perform one file transfer, rather then
Once in CP/M Page 12
2.03 WHAT'S IT DO ?
Now that you know where the files are, and how to get there,
you need to be able to find out just what the file does . Many of
the file names for CP/M programs are cryptic, to say the least,
and unless you are familiar with it, you have no idea what its
function is. This is where the TYPE command comes in.
TYPE is usually the program TYPEL, and it, like SD, is much
more versatile than the standard CCP resident command. Only
certain files can be TYPE'd, so now is a good a time as any to
cover the standard file extensions, and what they mean. All of
those listed directly below can be TYPE'd.
BAS - Basic language source code.
TXT - A standard format text file.
CCC - 'C' source code.
DOC - A documentation text file.
WS - A Word Star formatted text file.
PAS - Pascal source code.
ASM - Assembly source code.
MAC - Assembly source code for MAC.
DIR - A directory listing.
HLP - Help file.
If the second letter of the extension is 'Q', then the file
is a SQUEEZED file, and it must be handled differently. For
example, if a file has the extension .BQS, it is squeezed basic
source code, and .WQ means it is a squeezed Word Star formatted
text file.
Squeezing is a method used to compress a file, and after a
file has been squeezed, it will take up less disk space. A file
that has been compressed in this manner is not usable until it
has been UNSQUEEZED, but TYPE will allow you to view it, as it
knows that the file has been squeezed by the 'Q' in the
extension, and will handle it accordingly.
There are many files that cannot be TYPE'd, and the more
common ones are listed below. If a file type you are interested
in is not contained in either of these extension lists, go ahead
and try it, as the most damage that can be done is usually to
mess up your display by sending video control codes.
UN-TYPEable file extensions.
COM - Command files.
LBR - Library files (individual members CAN be TYPE'd).
REL - Relocatable object code.
OBJ - Object code (usually a COM file).
OVL - Overlays.
Once in CP/M Page 13
To TYPE a file, just enter the command TYPE filename.ext,
for example;
TYPEL v3.3 (c) ESKAY 07-07-84
This is a short demo of a text file as typed by this program.
To TYPE a file from within a library, enter the command TYPE
LBR-FN MEMBER-FN.EXT. For example, if the library is named
RBBS.LBR, and the file in the LBR was RBBS.DQC, enter the command
'TYPE RBBS RBBS.DQC'. Notice that the LBR extension was not
necessary, as TYPEL assumes that if two filenames are supplied as
arguments, then the first filename is a LBR.
The sysop has the option of limiting the number of lines
that TYPEL will display before aborting, and this is sometimes
done to avoid having the system tied up by someone TYPE'ing a
very long text file. By reading the first few lines, a user can
usually determine if he wants the file, and if he does, other
methods are available to obtain it.
One other type of file is usually found on RCP/M's and they
are there for the express purpose of being TYPE'd. They usually
have a filename like -READ.ME or README.NOW. These files are
short text files that contain information that is important, and
should be read by the user.
If the command TYPE is entered with no parameters, you will
receive a short help file that is built into the program. It will
show the various options that are available.
TYPEL v3.3 (c) ESKAY 07-07-84
TYPEL v3.3 universal single-file lister
TYPEL [du:]fn[.ft] [fn.ft]
TYPEL MDM722 MDM722.IQF types member file in LBR
TYPEL TEST.AQM types normal file
TYPEL F4:TEST.BQS0 accepts ZCPR drive/user
TYPEL FOO.ASM $N $N option=not paging
TYPEL BAR.ZOT $L $L option=LST: device
If 1 argument is supplied, single file is typed.
If 2 arguments, TYPEL assumes first arg is type LBR
and attempts to type LBR member.
Once in CP/M Page 14
To reiterate, the method used to find out what a file does
is to locate either within the LBR directory, or on the same
drive/user area, a DOC or text file, or the source code, and TYPE
the file. You should be able to ascertain the purpose of the file
within the first few lines of the selected text file.
There is another utility that makes finding out what a file
is for much easier, but it is fairly new, and is not yet popular.
It is one of the best programs available for RCP/M usage to come
out recently, and I hope that it gains wide acceptance. It's
WHATSFOR, and can be implemented on any system that is running
XMODEM104 or later.
If you type the command 'WHATSFOR' with no parameters, a
complete listing of the database will be supplied, including a
short description of each file. As large as some RCP/M's are,
this file can be quite lengthy, but since the last files entered
into the database are the first listed, you only need to read the
first entries to find out what the newest programs added do, and
then abort the rest of the listing with a ^C.
If you supply a parameter to the WHATSFOR command, the file
descriptions will be searched for matches with the parameter, and
only those matching will be printed. For example,
WHATSFOR - copyright 1985 by Irvin M. Hoff - 02/22/85
[type ^S to pause, ^C, ^X or ^K to abort, ? for help]
wait a moment...
A public domain spreadsheet.
[End of listing]
You could then use the command 'DIR CHALK.LBR $AD' to find
out which drive/user area the file was located on. There are
several options available for parameters, and entering the
command 'WHATSFOR ?' will display the built in help file.
Once in CP/M Page 15
WHATSFOR - copyright 1985 by Irvin M. Hoff - 02/22/85
[type ^S to pause, ^C, ^X or ^K to abort, ? for help]
wait a moment...
Examples of how to use:
If no string is included, all the file is shown. A '|' allows
numerous strings to be used at the same time. '?' is used for
"any character at this position". A '\' fakes a line feed and
looks only at the start of the filename line.
There is another fairly new RCP/M utility called WHATSNEW,
and when used in conjunction with WHATSFOR, provides a very quick
method of finding out what the latest uploads are, where they are
located, and what they do.
WHATSNEW is utility that will print out a listing of the
uploads portion of the XMODEM log file, showing all recent
uploads, where they are located, the time it took to upload, and
who uploaded it. For example;
WHATSNEW Type ^S to pause, ^C, ^X or ^K to abort
wait a moment...
D/U Filename Size Speed Date Time Uploaded by
A06: MBBS30 .LBR 150k 1200 bps 05/08/85 05:00 BILL ZUMWALT
A06: MXO-MDM2.AQM 5k 1280 bps 05/05/85 17:10 SYSOP
A06: VF150 .LBR 15k 1200 bps 05/05/85 14:21 GRANT SMITH
A06: SDL30 .LBR 5k 1200 bps 05/05/85 14:17 JOHN DOE
A06: LU8643 .DQC 7k 1200 bps 05/05/85 07:26 JANE SMITH
A06: LU8643 .EXE 24k 1200 bps 05/05/85 07:23 BILL ZUMWALT
After you examined the WHATSNEW log file, and have decided
that one of the files appears interesting, or you have no idea
what it does, use WHATSFOR. If you wanted to find out what the
file MBBS30.LBR was, you would enter the following command;
Once in CP/M Page 16
WHATSFOR - copyright 1985 by Irvin M. Hoff - 02/22/85
[type ^S to pause, ^C, ^X or ^K to abort, ? for help]
wait a moment...
A BBS package that needs MBYE to run under. It is the BBS that
this board is running. One of the nicest packages currently
[End of listing]
As you may have noticed, I did not have to type the entire
file name and extension for WHATSFOR to find the description. If
there were any other file descriptions that contained the string
MBBS30, their descriptions would have been listed.
These utilities makes any RCP/M system much easier to use,
and it's amazing how little they are utilized by most callers. If
you are in the habit of calling RCP/M's long distance, then they
can save you a considerable amount of time and money. If the
system you use does not have these utilities online, try to talk
the sysop into making them available.
2.04 HOW DO I GET IT ?
Now that you what the file does, where it is located, and
that you want it, you need to find some way to get it onto your
disk. All of the systems that I know of use the same program to
transfer files, XMODEM. It is very simple to operate, but gives
new users more problems than any other.
There are only a few options available, and a list of them
can be obtained by entering the command 'XMODEM' with no
parameters, as shown in the next example.
Once in CP/M Page 17
Time on system is 17 minutes.
Uploads files to A6: (1696k free space is available)
Private files to D14:
++ Examples of valid options ++
XMODEM S B1:HELLO.DOC to send from a named drive/area
XMODEM L CAT.LBR CAT.COM to send a file from a library
XMODEM L CAT CAT.COM (.LBR extent may be omitted)
XMODEM R HELLO.DOC to receive a file from you
XMODEM RP HELLO.DOC to receive in a private area
XMODEM A to show areas/available space for uploads
(the "C" in RC or RPC receives via checksum rather than CRC)
(If you use R, it will switch from CRC to checksum mode after 5 retries)
There are two ways to initiate a transfer TO you. Use the S
parameter for normal files, and the L parameter for a file within
a library. Be sure that you are either logged onto the drive/user
area where the file resides, of specify it as part of the file
name as shown in the above help file.
Time on system is 8 minutes.
File open: 30 records (4k)
Send time: 2 mins, 18 secs at 300 bps
To cancel: use CTRL-X numerous times
(Now is the time to do whatever your terminal program requires)
After receiving the previous message, the file transfer must
be started from your end. How this is done is dependent on the
terminal program that you are using. For example, if you are
using MEX, you would enter a ^J, followed by E. You would then be
in the command mode, and from the command prompt you would enter
the command 'RT KSMED.BAS'. This tells MEX to start a file
transfer, it will be receiving the file, its to be named
KSMED.BAS and to return to terminal mode when finished.
Once in CP/M Page 18
When the file transfer is complete, you will be returned to
the drive/user prompt, and the file will be on your disk. The
procedure to follow for uploads is very similar, except you use
either the R or RP parameter. The RP parameter is for uploading a
file to a private area for the sysop, where other users will not
have access to it. The procedure for MEX on a file upload would
be almost identical to procedure followed for downloading, except
the command 'ST' would be entered from the MEX command prompt.
Time on system is 28 minutes.
XMODEM v106 (CRC is enabled)
File will be received on A6:
1696k free space is available
File open - ready to receive
(This is the time to do whatever your terminal program requires)
XMODEM versions 104 and higher have built in support for the
WHATSFOR utility. If this feature has been implemented, after the
upload is completed, you will be prompted for a description of
the file. This description must be 7 lines or less, and is the
description that other users will see when using WHATSFOR.
There are several more standard commands, but they are all
simple to use. They will be covered in the following text.
CHAT - Used to page the sysop, and 'chat' with him.
RBBS - Used to enter the BBS. To re-enter without relogging
on, type RBBS P (sometimes will be MBBS).
BYE - Used to log-off the system.
LUX - A library utility used to log into a library file,
contains its own documentation.
TOS - Time on system.
FILE - Used to locate the drive/user area a file is on.
Once in CP/M Page 19
LUX is a library utility that allows "logging on" a library
file, and performing many of the standard RCP/M operations on an
individual library member. To invoke LUX, just type the command
LUX, followed by the library's filename. For example;
LUX v4.2 as of 07-Oct-84
LUX directory for NULU11F1.LBR
MLOAD23 .COM 3k : NULU11 .DQC 34k : NULU11 .NOT 1k
This file contains 6 members in 445 active sectors for a total of 56k
[ in LUX CTRL-C to exit, HELP for menu ]
You are now logged onto the library NULU11F1, and can
perform many functions on the libraries individual members. To
obtain a short HELP menu, just type HELP from the LUX command
You are presently attached to a library file with the
LUX utility. These are the available commands:
LUX filename - Attach to another LBR file
LUX du:filename - Attach to LBR file on specified du:
DIR, D, or SD - Display attached library members
FILES - Display other .LBR files on this du:
TYPE filename.typ- Display ASCII file contents
CHEK filename.typ- Run CHEK on requested member
CRCK filename.typ- Run CRCK on requested member
SEND filename.typ- Sends a library member file
XMODEM S filename.typ- Same as SEND command
CHAT - Chat with SYSOP (if available)
BYE - logs off the system
TIME - Displays date and current time
NEW (WHATSNEW) - List of new files on-line
HELP - Displays this menu
[ in LUX CTRL-C to exit, HELP for menu ]
Once in CP/M Page 20
If you wanted to 'TYPE' one of the members of the library,
you would only need to invoke the command TYPE fn.ext, for
[ in LUX CTRL-C to exit, HELP for menu ]
LUXTYPE ^S pause, ^C aborts, ^X skips to next file
Listing of member file: NULU11.NOT
Please let me know if you work with libraries that have in excess
of 200 members. I am seriously considering some future NU(
upgrades that would limit the maximum library size to somewhere
(I aborted with a CTRL C)
[ in LUX CTRL-C to exit, HELP for menu ]
It should be noted that when you invoke the DIR command
while in LUX, you will obtain a directory of the library, not the
currently logged drive/user area. To obtain a directory of the
drive, invoke the command 'FILES'. This will give a directory of
all library files on the currently logged disk. For example;
Time on system is 07 minutes
Drive A1: files: 26 space used: 584k (2056k free)
@ .LBR 8k | DU-V89 .LBR 48k | LOGALL .LBR 8k
BISH111 .LBR 24k | DUPUSR2 .LBR 8k | MLOAD24 .LBR 32k
BROWSE .LBR 16k | EDFILE .LBR 24k | NSWP207 .LBR 32k
BU14 .LBR 72k | EDIT11 .LBR 16k | NULU11F1.LBR 56k
COMPARE .LBR 8k | FBAD59 .LBR 32k | PRINT23 .LBR 8k
DIF .LBR 32k | FINDU11 .LBR 16k | PROBE12 .LBR 24k
DIRREP1 .LBR 16k | LISTT15 .LBR 8k | PSET13 .LBR 24k
[ in LUX CTRL-C to exit, HELP for menu ]
A1:NULU11F1.LBR=>CTRL-C entered
>> exiting LUX - standby
Once in CP/M Page 21
You can also perform xmodem transfers of individual members
while logged onto the library, and you do not have to exit LUX to
perform them. The syntax for the transfer will differ from a
normal xmodem library member transfer, so be sure to read the
help file.
Another useful utility available on some systems is 'FILE'.
It is used to locate a particular file(s) in the database, and is
easier to use than the 'DIR $AD' option. For example, to locate
all files that begin with the characters "MB";
FILE v21 - ^X to abort
CHAT is a command used to page the sysop, and will allow the
sysop and the user to communicate by entering text at their
keyboards. For example;
CHAT v42
Hold on, SYSOP .....
Will page operator, use ^C or ^X to abort.
Ringing: ...
Operator is available, please go ahead...
(Use ^C or ^X to exit and return to CP/M)
This is a demo of CHAT.
I believe that covers most of the common RCP/M utilities. If
you read this manual carefully, you should be able to operate
effectively on any system.
Once in CP/M Page 22
If you are attempting to use a utility on a file, and are
advised that the file does not exist, make sure that you are
logged on the the drive/user area where the file is located, or
specify the drive/user in the appropriate location in the
utilities parameter.
If you are logging onto a system for the first time, have
your ASCII save buffer toggled on for the session so that you can
read the important files offline, and can familiarize yourself
with the system commands and layout.
Always try to locate and download a system directory so that
you can browse through it at your leisure, and plan your next
session in advance.
When you leave a message in the BBS, try not to use all
upper or lower case, as that makes it difficult for others to
Some RCP/M's have an input time-out feature where the system
will drop you if there is no input from you for a set amount of
time (around 2 minutes). If you are interrupted during a session,
and don't want to be dropped, just hit 'space', 'return' every 30
seconds or so. Don't do this for too long, as you are
unnecessarily tying up the system.
If you are not a reasonably fast typist, don't request to
CHAT with the sysop, as it is very annoying to sit and wait while
the user hunts and pecks the keyboard and can only type one line
per minute.
Most of the utilities will give a listing of what control
characters to use to skip, pause, or abort when they are invoked.
A general rule is that ^S will pause and restart, ^X will skip,
and ^C will abort. Some of the utilities will allow either the
control sequence or the letter by itself.
If you see a command that is available, and do not know what
it does, try invoking it with no parameters, or with a '?' as the
parameter. That will usually display the utilities built in help
file (if one is available).
Before attempting to upload a file, make sure that it does
not already exist on in the database. For example, if you wanted
to upload a file called 'FINDBIOS.OBJ', enter the command
'DIR FINDBIOS.* $AD'. If the file is anywhere on the disk, it
will be located. If the utility WHATSFOR is available, it could
also be used.
If you have logged onto a system at 1200 baud, and have
problems with line noise, log off, and call back at 300 baud. If
you wanted to download a file, wait till the problem clears up,
and try again at 1200 baud.
Once in CP/M Page 23
BAUD - A number that represents the speed of a communications
link between two computers. Most common are 300 and 1200. Some
newer systems support 2400 baud. The higher the baud rate, the
quicker the data is transferred.
BBS - Bulletin Board System. The program that allows the entering
and reading of messages and bulletins.
BDOS - The Basic Disk Operating System. This portion of CP/M is
the same for all computer systems running CP/M.
BIOS - Basic Input Output System. This is the part of CP/M that
is customized for each computer.
BYE - The core program of a RCP/M that allows the computer to
operate as a remote terminal. Also is the command used to
log off the system.
CCP - The Console Command Processor. The part of CP/M that
handles user commands, and loading of programs.
CHAT - A command to page the sysop.
CHECKSUM - Another (older) error checking protocol. Less accurate
than CRC.
CP/M - Control Program for Micro computers. The operating system
under which most RCP/M's run.
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Checking. An error checking protocol used
by the latest terminal programs. Replaced the Checksum method.
DATABASE - The term often used to refer to the collection of
programs contained on the systems assorted drive/user areas.
DIR - A command to display the contents of a drive/user area.
EXTENSION - The letters following the '.' in a file name. No more
than three letters long.
FILE - A specific collection of data, stored on a disk or other
media, referenced by a specific name.
I/O - Input/Output
LDIR - A command to display the directory of a library file.
MAP - A command available to print out a map of the drive/user
areas of the system you are logged onto.
Glossary Page 24
MEX - A very powerful and popular public domain terminal
LIBRARY - A file type that contains two or more files within one
file on the disk.
LUX - A utility program to operate on libraries.
OPERATING SYSTEM - An organized collection of techniques and
procedures used for operating a computer.
PWD - Another utility to show available sections in a database.
RCP/M - Remote CP/M. The name given to the systems that allow
another computer with a modem to operate the system as though
he were seated at the console.
RBBS - Remote Bulletin Board System. Also a command to return to
the BBS from CP/M (sometimes MBBS).
RDIR - A command to display a directory of a drive/user area,
showing the time needed to download the files.
SECTION - A command used to display the database sections that
are available to a user, and to move from area to area.
SQUEEZE - A method of file compression.
SYSOP - SYStem OPerator. A term used to refer to the person that
operates a particular RCP/M.
TPA - Transient Program Area. The amount of free memory available
for programs.
TYPE - A command to display the contents of an ASCII file to the
WHATSFOR - A command used to search a descriptive database file,
and show matching file descriptions.
WHATSNEW - A command to show information on the latest database
XMODEM - A command to initiate the transfer of files between to
computers, complete with error checking and correction.
ZCPR - A public domain replacement for CP/M's standard Console
command processor (CCP).
Glossary Page 25