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Press Release from ModemNews Magazine
December 1, 1993
A Major Change in Direction for ModemNews
(Stamford, CT) ModemNews Magazine and the ModemNews Express BBS is
changing the direction in which they have been going for the past four and a
half years.
During the summer of 1993 ModemNews reorganized itself to emerge in
September as a central library for electronic publications that are currently
being published that may not be getting the circulation or notice that they
deserve and merit.
For the past four and a half years we have been culling articles and
stories, opinion and knowledge, from a few other electronic publications, but
mostly from authors who have been gracious enough to write specifically for
us, and have created an electronic magazine that has found a specific niche
market within the BBS community. With the use of ANSI color, various offline
text readers, door programs and Asymetrix Toolbook(tm) we have been bringing
to you a monthly magazine that has covered almost every topic imaginable.
From vegetarian recipes to travel, from computer tips and tricks to folk
music reviews, from political opinion to scientific fact and fiction, we have
provided the first electronic full featured magazine digest available, and
have done so with remarkable success.
Since we began publishing in early 1989 we have seen numerous other
electronic publications come and go. Some have been clones of ModemNews and
others have been exciting new publications that have found their own specific
audience within the community. We've done a pretty good job during this time
to help them along. Using our wide distribution system and international
circulation we feel that we have made it easier for other electronic
publications to reach their prospective audiences. Now we would like to do
more, and have planned some specific changes in the way you will be seeing
ModemNews in the future.
Seeing that there are numerous electronic publications currently
being distributed to the BBS community we believe that we can help those
along that are of high quality and of wide interest, publications that may
not be getting the distribution they need to be as successful as they could
be otherwise. Some have certainly been successful on their own, but there are
literally scores of magazines and newsletters being published on a monthly
basis that rarely reach beyond a small geographic or demographic range. It is
to these that we will become dedicated.
If you have called our BBS (ModemNews Express!) you will know that we
have a collection of general utility files, Windows files, typefaces, midi
files etc., and a large collection of back issues of ModemNews. During this
summer of 1993 we will slowly be deleting these files and replacing them with
electronic magazines and newsletters as we find them or as their publishers,
or you, send them to us. For publications that have been around for a while
you may find specific file areas. For others, they may be placed together in
subject specific areas, i.e., poetry, electronics, fiction.
We will be reorganizing our message bases to better follow this new
direction, dropping some networked message areas and picking up on others. We
would hope to use our net wide conferences on RelayNet and Pen & Brush to
better serve these ends, and as far as we can tell we will not be duplicating
services found otherwise on these nets. We will use the ModemNews Conference
on these nets as a place for publishers of electronic publications to gather
to talk, exchange ideas and discuss problems and advances they may feel free
to bring up. A round table for publishers and readers alike. A central place
on the wide reaching networks we currently carry for interested readers to
find out more about a publication, to locate copies of a specific publication
and where they may submit articles for consideration.
Recognizing that many publishers may not have a netwide place to go,
we offer them our services and our bandwith. We would hope our network
coordinators would not only encourage our change in direction, but support it
full heartedly. We would hope that other networks will seek out the ModemNews
conference as a service for their own.
On a quarterly basis we will publish an issue of ModemNews that will
highlight these publications. Where previously you would find areas of the
magazine set aside for Travel or Humor or News and Views, you will instead
find each of these areas focusing on a particular publication with specific
information as to where they may be found, along with sample articles culled
from each one. We will try to cover as much territory as we can within each
quarterly issue, to give up-and-coming, and established publications the
widespread distribution and access we feel this new form of media needs and
What does this mean to you?
If you are the publisher of an electronic publication, you will want
to contact us about how we can make space available to you on our BBS, and
what you need do to give us permission to reprint portions of your
publication in an issue of ModemNews. These will be well spelled out on our
BBS as a bulletin or available via e-mail on one of our networks, the
InterNet or Compuserve.
(We reserve the right to maintain space and coverage for free
publications only. Publications that charge a fee for distribution may
contact us regarding advertising rate information.)
If you are the creator of a program or utility that can be used to
create an electronic publication we will provide file areas for you on our
BBS and encourage you to frequent the ModemNews conference to assist readers
and publishers alike.
We hope that our readers and supporters will look well upon this
change in direction for ModemNews. Once again we will be breaking new ground
in the BBS community, and will again be on the forefront of this exciting
technology. Helping to bring others along and bring widespread attention to
areas that may need, and deserve it.
We hope you will join us.
Please direct your comments and requests for further information to;
ModemNews Magazine
c/o Jeff Green
116 Dean Street Suite B
Stamford, CT 06902-6251
203.969.1183 Voice
ModemNews Express - 203.359.2299
RelayNet - ->465
Pen & Brush - ->465
WME - Net Chat or Travel
InterNet - jgreen@modemnews.win.net
Compuserve - 71726,2721
Delphi - JMGREEN