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WWIVNEWS Volume 1, Issue 4
April 1991
Table of Contents
WWIVNews Intro Contest Submissions..............................Various
Stop the Hack Attack...........................Bethnal the Black 2@5465
FidoNet from a WWIVnet Perspective..................East Bay Ray 1@9964
The Pending File.........................................WWIVNEWS Staff
The Editor's Corner.................................East Bay Ray 1@9964
Acknowledgements.........................................WWIVNEWS Staff
WWIVNews Intro Contest Submissions
Xavier 1@9409
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Agent Steel 1@6556
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Bro John 1@4701
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------=======: Volume: Issue: :=======---------
------=====*_ (Date) _*=====---------
Stop the Hack Attack
by Bethnal the Black 2@5465
A recent rash of WWIV Hacking in the Montreal area has shown me
that there are too many SysOps who are not taking the right precautions
to make their systems safe and secure.
Simple things, like backups, seem foreign to most SysOps, but
this is the first line of defense against a crash, hacked or otherwise.
Regular backups need not be a time consuming activity. Once the
initial system backup has been done, incremental backups of the disk
may take as little as 10 minutes. Backing up to disk may not be the
most enjoyable task, but it isn't life threatening either. It may save
you quite a bit of time and trouble later.
Once you have the backup situation covered, you can start doing
things that will ensure that you will never have to use those disks.
The first step is to protect yourself from yourself! Ever
accidentally erase a file? Not too difficult to do, really, but quite
easy to prevent. DOS has provided a command called ATTRIB that allows
you to set the Read-Only flag on any DOS file. Start with COMMAND.COM,
AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, BBS.COM, BBS.EXE and anything else that you
can think of. If these files are set as Read-Only they cannot be
deleted accidentally or clobbered by some vicious hacker. Protecting
COMMAND.COM also has the added benefit of stopping a large number of
virii from infecting your system.
If we look specifically at the most recent Hack making the rounds
(the PKUNZIP extraction hack), we can use a feature of the INIT.EXE
program. Simply restrict all Uploads to SysOp and check everything
that comes into your board before making it available for download
(and, therefore, Extractable-to-TEMP). This is not always easy,
especially if you get a lot of uploads, but it is the best way to
insure safety from this particular hack. Another good stopper for this
one is Wayne Bell's UNZIP program. Better yet, just remove the extract
option all together, has anyone ever used it?
I think it is also important to remember one of the basic rules
of computer security: change your passwords (your's and the System's)
regularly. This practice applies to all your users and should be
enforced for your high access accounts. Also, don't give your system
password to anybody that you don't know (or can't kill), and, even
then, only if ABSOLUTELY necessary. If you never log onto your BBS
remotely, make your password totally random, so that even you wouldn't
know it.
Voice validation is another way of ensuring that your users act
responsibly (you have their phone number and they know it). It doesn't
have to be a 20 minute conversation, either. Just a quick chat to let
him know what the BBS is all about and what you expect from him, as a
user. It gives the user the feeling of being wanted, and it gives you
the chance to size him up and decide if he is someone who needs to be
watched, or maybe even restricted.
I realize that you have probably heard most of this stuff before,
and some of you probably know more ways to protect your BBS from
damage, but for the rest of you, I hope this has given you some insight
into how you can protect that investment of time and effort that we all
call "The Board".
I invite, and appreciate, your comments.
FidoNet from a WWIVnet Perspective
East Bay Ray 1@9964
The popularity of being a FidoNet gate to WWIVnet is growing
rapidly these days. Just check out a //NET listing and see how many
node numbers are in the @600-@699 range. However, many sysops are
confused when they first plunge into FidoNet, because the two networks
are indeed vastly different. In this article I will address some of
the major differences between FidoNet and WWIVnet, from a fundamental
point of view. It would take at least a book to do the same from a
software point of view.
First of all, you are not dealing with a single type of BBS
software. You are not even dealing with a single type of operating
system, or computer. There are FidoNet systems being run on DEC
Rainbows, Ataris, Apples, as well as PCs running (other than MS-DOS)
OS/2, UNIX, and PC-MOS. You must realize this, because unlike WWIVnet,
everybody doesn't run the same software, and most people will have
different problems than you will. Some FidoNet software is even
Second, there are several different pieces of networking software
available. You don't just have one author and one set of programs to
use, you have a diverse number of choices. The software is mainly
divided up into two categories: mailers and messaging software.
A mailer, also called a front-end, is a program that you run that
connects you with other FidoNet systems. With this mailer you can dial
out and send FidoNet packets and files to other FidoNet systems, and
receive them as well. These mailers are also the driving force behind
FREQing, or "File REQuesting". Sysops that have heard of Snarf have an
idea of what this is. A mailer can call another mailer, and request a
file. It can also call that system and request a file. All this is
done in the same program.
The second major portion of FidoNet software is the messaging
software. These programs are the ones that unARC or unZIP the packets
received from the mailers, and put them into message directories.
Surprised? Yes, FidoNet got wise a long time ago and started sending
compressed mail between systems. Most FidoNet-compatible BBS systems
can directly read the messages output by the messaging software. WWIV
sysop, however, must take an extra step to get the FidoNet mail to
their boards. This program is called NetSEX, and it will be explained
in detail a little bit later in this article.
The third major difference between FidoNet and WWIVnet is that
mail is not as structured in FidoNet. If you want to, and the other
guy is not too excessively annoyed, you can connect to anyone you want
to pretty much. This practice isn't very smart, but it is a
possibility. Another, more realistic example is if you really want to
get a piece of mail to someone across the country, then you can simply
"Crash Mail" him. This is a practice where, after you write the
letter, you call his system directly and send him your letter. It
really speeds things up sometimes.
Before I go any further, I wish to introduce some new terms.
These are basically synonyms, but FidoNet terms nevertheless.
The first is netmail, which e-mail, or net e-mail in WWIVnet. In
FidoNet, some regions have routed netmail, where you can send a piece
of netmail to any place in the country, and it will go the longer, but
cheaper route (much like WWIVnet). In other regions, netmail must go
directly to the destination system, or it goes not at all.
The second term is echomail. Echomail is synonymous with a
WWIVnet post. However, echomail "conferences" (net subs) are vastly
different than WWIVnet ones. FidoNet echomail conferences are, by
WWIVnet standards, free-for-alls. Although there are appointed
moderators, these moderators have little knowledge of who is picking up
their conference, and have little control over who it goes to.
Another FidoNet concept that cannot be used currently in WWIVnet
is message threading, or reply-chaining. This technique employed by
most BBS systems to some degree allows all the posts relating to the
same topic to be read at the same time, regardless of when they were
posted. This makes reading messages infinitely easier on the reader.
NODELIST. This file is a huge file that contains a listing of
all the FidoNet systems currently in the network, yet it IS NOT
distributed on any basis, regular or irregular. Since it is close to a
megabyte (around 9500 systems in FidoNet so far), it would be highly
impractical to send this file out. Those poor 300 (yes, there are a
couple) and 1200 baud systems would spent their entire weeks just
downloading the NODELIST. Instead, weekly NODEDIFFs are distributed in
compressed format (ARC, ZIP, LZH, etc.). A NODEDIFF file contains the
difference between last weeks NODELIST and this week's.
That is about all I can think of at the present time. Besides
NetSEX (the utility required to interface WWIV and FidoNet, available
as NETS100.ZIP), I have pretty much left FidoNet software untouched.
Hopefully in some future issues some of the people in WWIVnet who know
more about FidoNet software will write some reviews. Heavy 7, Benny
Hill, Pierre Tremblay, Darkster, Otto (grin)...
The Pending File
(Tips, Tricks, and News)
Wayne Bell, due to the recent upsurge of hack paranoia, has released a
PKUNZIP front end called UNZIP. This program scans all the files in a
ZIP before extraction, and if there is a suspicious file present, it
will bar extraction from that ZIP completely. It looks for directory
denotations ("\" and "/"), PKZIP and PKUNZIP, UNZIP, and a couple other
Black Dragon 1@2380 has released a new version of his Network Editor
(NETEDIT). Here are the release notes from the v1.28 READ.ME file:
The search command now allows more than just a BBS name
match. This command has been expanded to search similiarly
to WWIV v4.07's //UEDIT search command. In addition, for the
registered version, the network may now analyze around any
temporarily disabled node. The analyze routine was fixed
with respect to CALLOUT.NET entries which were listed as
receive only. Lastly, some menus were redone.
-I- have released a Windows 3.0 PIF and icon (along with a short doc
file detailing running WWIV and Windows) as WW4WNDWS.ZIP. I am sorry
to say, however, that Wayne -hates- Windows with a passion, so I doubt
there is much hope of a Windows-aware WWIV anytime.
The Editor's Corner
by East Bay Ray 1@9964
Hello again, cowboys, cowgirls, and cowneuters. This is another
fun-filled issue of WWIVNews. This month's editor's corner is devoted
to begging. I am begging for some submissions. Even human interest
stories are OK, as long as the relate to WWIV or the BBS industry
somehow. For example, if you consider your dog or cat as a co-sysop,
write it up! If you have an opinion on the "I've fallen and I can't
get up!" commercial, and it relates to WWIV, write it up! We need some
WWIV (c) 1988 by Wayne Bell.
All other products mentioned are either registered trademarks or
copyrighted by their respectives manufacturers.
The End