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[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1065
From : FLASH
Subject : Parking
Time : 1:33:35 AM 02/13/1995
Stabilo, I've just read the file PARK.ZIP, and my mum reckons that
you need to be dealing with valuables (money) worth 2000 quid to get
off with a parking ticket. Although she could be wrong. Are you
sure the text file is right??
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1097
To : ALL
From : FLASH
Subject : Shoplifting
Time : 6:31:13 AM 03/03/1991
I've just had an idea about shoplifting the easy way. About a year
I went into Game and bought a game (no shit!?!?), anywayz, the mate I
was with decided he wanted to go back into the same shop about an hour
later. So we went in and he bought sumfink and when we went out, the
game I'd bought earlier set off the alarm. I explained to the guard
that jumped on me, and showed him the reciept, and everyfink was kool.
Right, heres my plan, go into a shop (i.e. Virgin, HMV, etc.) and buy
something (ie. a CD-ROM, or anyfink, really). Then take it outside and
let a mate keep it safe, or stash it somewhere. Then go back in,
the bag and reciept, nick the same game, and when you set off the
'give yourself up' and show the guard the reciept, he'll scan it again,
and you just walk away with another free copy!! You could probably do
this 3 or 4 times in a day. And at Virgin, you could take it back, say
you didn't like it, or whatever and you'll get your money back, or swap
I've not actually had the chance to try it yet, so can anyone see any
fatal flaws in my plan before I try it?
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1268
To : ALL
From : FLASH
Subject : Radio Rentals
Time : 11:50:33 PM 04/01/1995
I've just read fone_exp.zip, about getting mobiles from Radio Rentals,
I happened to pass a branch today, and noticed a lovely Multimedia PC
that I would really like to have. Would exactly the same method work
I got a PC instead of a phone, I'm considering renting a bedsit to use
as a 'drop'. Any comments??
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1386
Subject : Shoplifting
Time : 6:29:37 AM 04/29/1995
How about trying to get the tag off in the shop, and only using your
method as a fallback?
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1611
To : ALL
Subject : Soc eng
Time : 3:13:30 PM 05/27/1995
Does anyone have any hints or tips on Voice hacking Esns off people,
I'm fucking up badly at the moment, as the people I tried sofar said
give me your number and I'll call back or wanted to call the cellnet
operator or just didnt belive me.....
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1888
To : ALL
From : FLASH
Subject : Bank Accounts
Time : 12:41:11 AM 06/29/1995
Does anyone have any info on how to set up a bank account in a fake
i.e. Where to get some fake id, what sort to get, which banks should I
try, etc. All help appreciated :)
Thanks, Flash.
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1915
To : ALL
From : FLASH
Subject : Birth Certs.
Time : 10:23:29 PM 07/02/1995
Someone, I think it was on here, said that you could get a copy of
anyones birth certificate by writing to a certain address, erm can you
tell me it please? Cheerz.
Oh yeah, this is going to sound a bit sick, but would it be possible
to get a copy of the birth certificate of a child who, like, died at a
very young age, but would be about the same age as you?? (Yeah, I
think it's morbid too, sorry) Anyway then could you use that to get
other forms of ID without any problems?
Cheerz for any help,
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1916
To : ALL
From : FLASH
Subject : Prov. Driving Licences
Time : 10:24:17 PM 07/02/1995
While I'm at it, how easy is it to get a provisional driving licence?
I can't remember what I did to get mine :) I don't think they do too
many checks on your details, 'cos I remember mine had the wrong D.O.B.
and they'd spelt my name wrong :)
Are provisional driving licences any use as a form of ID? i.e. will
banks let you open an account if you use it as ID? (I remember using
mine to pick up some recorded delivery mail from the Post Office)
Cheerz, Flash.
[7] Social Engineering Msg # - 1969
To : ALL
Subject : Tips..
Time : 6:10:55 PM 07/07/1995
Anyone got any tips on this kinda thing.. Could do to use it to get ome
info outta a guy i know..
any tips?