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| File Name : INSIGHT.ASC | Online Date : 10/30/94 |
| Contributed by : Steve Gantt | Dir Category : UNCLASS |
| From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 |
| KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 |
| A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences |
This file is inspired by the book 'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield.
I would like to thank Steve Gantt of Houston for sending me a copy of this
MOST excellent book. It has apparently been on the best seller list for quite
awhile, yet because many of us here on KeelyNet are very focused as to our
interests, we don't normally pay much attention to 'non-relevant' topics such
as fiction or what the general public is interested in.
You can't go wrong by reading this book. It ties in so many observations
about life and many of the things we here at KeelyNet discuss. I could not
put the book down without great difficulty because it continually draws you on
to find out what the next Insight is. Because of the necessity of detailing
the insights, I'd been putting it off, but with the advent of Mr. Redfield on
the Oprah show, I was spurred to get it online.
Once the book was read in its entirety, there was never any question that the
9 Insights needed to be collected into a file with as much backup information
as possible. If this file inspires you in the least, please buy the book, it
is a worthy addition to any library. I thought it would have been handy if an
appendix was included in the book with these 9 insights already elucidated,
but since there was not, here it is.
The Celestine Prophecy IS A NOVEL about an ancient Peruvian manuscript
containing 9 Insights to help you achieve a fulfilling life. It predicts a
massive transformation in human society predicted to take place in the last
decades of the 20th century.
Please note the book is not factual as many of the New Agers have been so
upset about. The point however, is that the information is inspiring,
uplifting and useful in our daily lives and for that, we are grateful to Mr.
Redfield for putting it all together.
The following text consists of paraphrased comments from the Oprah show of
Friday, October 28th, the rest is extrapolated from the book in the form of
The main message of the book according to Mr. Redfield was to inspire people
to get in touch with the most exciting part about life. That is, watching the
mysterious coincidences happen that lead us toward a particular destiny and in
believing that our lives are going somewhere that will help to make the world
a better place.
We are learning to take notice of the synchronicities of life and to get the
messages that are being given as direction to us.
The argument revolves around two basic premises. One is that everything
happens for a reason and thus there are no accidents. The second is based on
a dynamic free will which does not allow for pre-destination.
Closer to the present understanding of many people is that the dynamic free
will does allow us to make choices when offered infinite possibilities. Were
everything pre-destined, we would not have those choices.
We have all the power we could ever use or want. Instead of realizing this,
we continually try to get power from others.
No matter what god you believe in, that god would not get hung up on the name
that it was called. There are multiple paths to achieve the same end result.
All of these new books offer 'seasonings' to make God palatable to the World.
(referenced as from Matthew, fourth chapter)
If you feel connected to something other than yourself, you are becoming a
part of a greater purpose and recognizing that you have a part to play.
Each coincidence is a test. You can't learn until you pass the test. If you
don't get it the first time, you get successive opportunities, each with a
firmer influence. Each time is a louder wake up call. It is up to each of us
to recognize when the coincidence occurs and try to find the message that is
being communicated to us.
You are where you are in life because of what you believe and what you have
acted on. Our thoughts and actions control our lives and can be altered to
change our lives.
Since you can't practically affect the entire world, you should affect the
world on a more personal basis, through the people you touch and the people
who touch you. Service to others is one way of making a difference, and that
service can take many forms. There are infinite choices you can make in your
own life to influence events to flow in a positive, evolving direction.
We must understand that all the day to day occurrences that we experience
happen for a reason. We are beginning to see messages in the happenings
around us which lead us to a higher meaning.
We are all messengers for each other and these messages come in the form of
coincidences. It is up to each of us to ferret out the message when it
presents itself. The message usually gets our attention in the form of a
coincidence. Sometimes, the message won't be so obvious, other times, it will
be crystal clear.
Take advantage of the synchronicity to get the answers to your questions.
You will know truth and guidance when it resonates with your inner feelings
and intuitions.
It's not enough to simply recognize coincidences when they occur, but to try
to get the message that is offering itself to you.
Events happen to wake people up to a hidden meaning. When everybody wakes up
and has the common agreement that we would not glamorize negative things, it
then happens less often or to lesser degrees.
As soon as we take personal responsibility, everything seems to improve. When
enough people consciously agree, that is when things change.
The more people move in a spiritual direction, the more things will change.
We communicate by presenting a model to others, if it is a positive model, it
then becomes contagious and produces positive changes. The opposite holds
true also, when we present negative role models, others begin to copy that
role model and we create our own problems by devolving. Children are
especially sensitive in their formative years to the models presented to them.
We need to begin expecting miracles that will reveal our true mission in life.
If we stay true to our life mission and do the inner work necessary to allow
us to get out of our own way, opportunities will present themselves to help
you with your problems.
Eastern and Western philosophies can be integrated into a higher spiritual
truth. Yes, the West is correct in maintaining that life is about progress,
about always trying to evolve to something higher and better than what existed
But, so too is the East correct in teaching that we must let go of the control
of our ego. Logic alone will not provide the answer, instead, we must seek a
higher consciousness, an inner connection with God, guided by the coincidences
and synchronicities which present themselves to us every day.
The Nine Insights
(from the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield)
What follows are extrapolations and direct quotes from the book.
Insight #1
The first insight occurs when we become conscious of the coincidences in our
lives and that some other process is operating. It manifests as a profound
sense of restlessness which leads people to take a 'me-first' and demanding
Once we reach a certain critical mass, the entire culture will begin to take
these coincidences more seriously. Chance coincidences are meant to happen.
Recognizing and following them will start you on your path to your spiritual
The coincidences take the form of a series of events which point to a higher
path. Each is a message leading us to a grander awareness. There is a
spiritual program in operation. These coincidences are leading us to our
spiritual destiny. Once you become aware of these coinincedences, you will
note they happen more often. We have been pooh-poohing miraculous or chance
happenings as nothing to seriously consider or as anything that could remotely
have an intended purpose or provide a sense of direction.
2nd Insight
The 2nd insight puts our current awareness into a longer historical
perspective for the purpose of attaining a new approach to Spirituality.
It teaches us that we should live our beliefs rather than talk about them.
These beliefs are communicated by actions that we take in our own lives which
project a model to others.
Historically, mankind has been through periods which are controlled by various
beliefs and attitudes. For example, during the Middle Ages reality was
defined by the Christian Church. Because of the church influence, each person
was to choose between good and evil as guided by interpretation of the
scriptures by those most qualified to do so, i.e. the priests of the Church.
Since the common man was not qualified to make such an interpretation, he had
to rely exclusively on those given by the Church.
Every aspect of the medieval world was defined in other-worldly terms, which
was interpreted by the representatives of the church. As the priesthood began
to fall apart through abuse of power and violations of their oaths to god and
church, rebellion grew among the populace.
Factions and splinter groups developed their own interpretation of the
scriptures. The rebellion was partly due to disgust with the actions of the
established priesthood and partly because the people felt they should have
access to the scriptures and be allowed to form their own personal
interpretations without the need of any middlemen.
As the nature of the world was explored, science developed, resulting in an
ever increasing quest for knowledge and understanding of our universe and its
properties. Our questions regarding God and the meaning of life had not been
answered, so we sent out explorers to report back on what they found as a
means of keeping us busy.
As mankind progressed, mechanization and technology led to higher and higher
levels of consumerism, thereby leading us away from our age old quest for the
spiritual meaning of life.
The purpose of the 2nd insight is to extend our consciousness of historical
time to enable us to see the progression of humankind back to its quest for
spirituality and away from our current preoccupation with economic security.
Once we come to realize this as a natural and inevitable progression, we can
then take steps to help the process along.
3rd Insight
It describes a new understanding of the physical world, teaching us how to
perceive what was formerly an invisible energy. This energy is what pervades
and sustains the universe. It is malleable to human intention and expectation
and can be consciously caused to flow out into the world and affect other
energy systems. Interactions between living systems, including humans,
involves a blending, depletion or absorption of this energy, depending on the
The physical world is actually a vast system of energy. The universe is
energy which responds to our expectations, since people are part of the
universe, when we have a question, people will show up who have the answer we
seek. Sometimes it might not be the complete answer to your question, but it
will provide a part.
Perception of this energy is through an enhanced, heightened sensitivity to
beauty. Beauty is on the same wavelength as this heretofore invisible energy.
(aura and subtle energy viewing techniques would help us to
learn to percieve and consciously manipulate these energy
flows, see AURAVIEW.ZIP on KeelyNet.....Vanguard Sciences)
How do you recognize when someone has a message for you? Sudden, spontaneous
eye contact or a sense or recognition indicates the two people involved should
talk. Such recognition indicates that person is in a similar 'thought group'
as yourself and that one or both of you have information which needs to be
exchanged. You should open up to communication by overcoming any reservations
or shyness that might prevent you from approaching the person.
4th Insight
The 4th insight points out that for a long time, we humans have been
unconsciously competing for the only part of this energy we have been open to;
that part that flows between people. Conflict occurs when humans feel the
need to control and dominate one another.
When we control another human, we absorb their energy, leading to a sense of
gratification and motivation to continue the practice. We thus become
'addicted' to the feeling and will get progressively more demanding and out of
control in our efforts to absorb ever more energy from our interactions with
5th Insight
The 5th insight deals with how we don't have to steal energy from others but
instead can absorb energy directly from the universe if only we can open up to
The universe and our local environment is rich with energy which we can learn
to sense and become a part of. Once this insight is understood, we no longer
have the need to engage in situations which attempt to dominate or create
conflict with others.
Recognizing that such vast stores of energy are ours to freely use will help
mankind to eliminate the many tensions and stresses that arise from
interactions with others who drain energy.
6th Insight
The 6th insight deals with 'Control Dramas', which are ways we have learned to
get energy flowing in our direction. They then become programmed into our
subconscious as patterns to be repeated over and over again because they work
to get control of a situation, dominate it and pull power from others into
Childhood traumas block our ability to fully experience the mystical. All
humans tend toward one of four "control dramas." Intimidators, Interrogators,
Aloof people and Poor-Me's.
We all fit into one category or another. One control drama is dominant but
you will use whichever you need at the moment to feel more secure, tending to
repeat the category which works best for you.
Once you learn to recognize the control drama currently in place, you can
sidestep it to avoid conflict and the associated draining of energy from your
Energy is stolen from you when you engage in another person's control drama.
We all do it subconsciously when we feel the need. Covert manipulations for
energy cannot exist if you bring them to consciousness by pointing them out.
Such a revealing causes both people to become more real and honest.
Since control dramas are instilled in us in reaction to the control dramas
instilled in our parents by their parents, we must seek out why we act as we
do, reintepret the experience from a more evolved and spiritual point of view
and discover who we really are. Once we accomplish this, the control drama
dissolves away and our real lives take off.
It should be pointed out that control dramas can also be created as a defense
mechanism for any situation which removes energy from the child. Thus, the
parents are not always the source of the control drama.
7th Insight
The 7th insight deals with the process of consciously evolving yourself,
staying alert to every coincidence, every answer the universe provides for
you. Sometimes, when things have a special meaning, they jump out at you,
entering your consciousness in a forceful way, coming to you as guidance.
It also deals with the interpretation of dreams. Compare the dream story to
your life. Bad dreams have the most important messages since they act as
warnings of things that are probable but can be avoided by recognizing the
message from the dream. We are also guided by our thoughts and daydreams.
(Does this mean that if you learn to consciously control your dreams,
you can, as the Yogis' say, influence your destiny?...>>> Jerry)
When a thought comes, we must ask why? How does it relate to you as seen from
the position of an observer. When we assume the observer position, it places
us IN THE FLOW of evolution, allowing us an opportunity to influence it to our
The method of overcoming fear images is to substitute a good outcome in place
of the bad. Eventually, negative images will almost never happen. When they
occur thereafter, they have particularly serious meanings and their message
should be dealt with accordingly.
8th Insight
The 8th insight describes how we can aid others as they bring us the answers
we seek. (This follows from the 3rd Insight where all energy is
interconnected, including through people, so when you seek an answer, the
spiderweb of energy will resonate with another who has your answer and call
them to you to provide that answer....>>> Jerry)
It also describes a whole new ethic governing the way humans should treat each
other in order to facilitate everyone's evolution. Energy can be used in a
new way when relating to people in general, particularly with how we deal with
children. Children need our energy on a constant basis, without condition.
The worst thing you can do is to drain energy from a child while correcting
them. Control dramas are then created by the child to counter the loss of
energy. Children should be included in conversations and not spoken of as if
they are not present or in the third person. You should also never take
responsiblity for more children than you can devote your full attention to.
This cancels out the need on the childs part to compete with other children
for the attention of the adult.
Questions from a child should be answered with the utmost seriousness,
avoiding fanciful answers which can confuse the child or build mistrust. Find
a way to tell the child the truth in terms they can understand.
Addiction to an opposite sex can pull energy from us because we have yet to
access this opposite sex energy in ourselves. When we first begin to evolve,
we automatically begin to receive our opposite-sex energy as it comes in
naturally from the universe. However, another person can come along who
provides this energy and who can unknowingly cut us off from the universal
source, thereby making us addicted TO THEM as our primary source.
You must learn to recognize when a control dramas is in place, break through
or sidestep them and focus on providing energy to the person who feels in
need. When the energy is provided through an alternate route (the universe or
environment) or exchanged in a mutually beneficial fashion between the two
people, a comfort zone is established which fulfills the needs of both
Interaction in group settings is also a part of the 8th Insight. In such
group meetings, some people feel self-conscious or shy and don't participate
as easily as others. As the group members talk, new ideas surface one at a
time. If the group is aware of what is happening around them, they can
sensitize themselves to feel who is about to speak with the next most powerful
By consciously focusing their energies on this person, they will help to bring
out the idea with the greatest clarity. This technique is used to allow
everyone to participate fully. One must be aware that the group energy focus
can instill a good feeling in the current speaker, who continues to speak
after the idea has been expressed, thereby monopolizing the conversation which
ends up sapping the group energies.
The idea is to add to the energy of each member of the group by projecting
your own energy and not to become so addicted to the 'rush' of energy as to
monopolize and dominate the group interaction. Share the energy.
9th Insight
The 9th insight deals with where humans are going with this new evolutionary
process as a direct result of consciously directed evolution. Old trees have
significant stores of energy that create high energy zones of great beauty and
spiritual strength. As we evolve, we will voluntarily decrease our population
to allow the growth and culturing of these old tree regions.
It predicts the development of totally automatic support systems to sustain
and nourish human life. Currency will not be needed and intuition will be the
guide for the actions in each persons life, thus establishing a harmonious
balance in everyone's lives.
Our sense of purpose will be satisfied by the thrill of being able to
influence our own evolution. Mankind is on this planet to learn to
consciously evolve. It further predicts that as whole groups of people
continue to increase their vibrations, they will reach a point where they will
simply disappear from the perceptions of those on the lower vibrations.
Other books with similar information that are currently 'hot';
Mutant Message from Down Under
by Marlo Morgan
Soul Mates
by Thomas Moore
Care of the Soul
by Thomas Moore
Saved by the Light
by Dannion Brinkley
Brilliant people talk about ideas,
average people talk about things,
small people talk about each other.