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Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
PO BOX 1031
Mesquite, TX 75150
October 26, 1990
this document shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Joseph Misiolek
'How to generate mechanical momentum from enclosed
electromagnetic energy only'
(Patent Pending).
Michael J.G. Polonyi,
54-44 69th. St.,
Maspeth, NY 11378
According to Ref.1 and others, it is not possible to create
mechanical momentum from enclosed electromagnetic energy only :
'For it is an obvious postulate that in stationary state in
which matter is at rest and in which there are no waves
escaping, there can be no electromagnetic momentum'.
Still, this should be possible, and simpler than originally
thought of :
Suppose we use Helmholtz coils arranged as two flat coils, separated
to a distance approximately equal to the radius of the coil.
If an alternating current is applied on each coil, an
electromagnetic field will be generated by each one.
So, an attraction and repulsion effect will appear at the frequency
of the applied currents and fields, on each coil, due to the field
generated by the other coil.
Now, the question arises: is it possible that, instead of the
coils attracting and repelling each other, both will exert a force
in the same direction?
In other words: if you mount them on a cart, will the cart move in
one direction ?
Apparently it is possible after all, at least theoretically, because
it is not the current but the FIELD generated by the said current
that reacts with the other coil, and, since it takes a certain
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amount of time for the field to cross the space between the coils,
it is just a matter of finding an arrangement that will create a
unidirectional force condition.
Is there such a force condition ? Yes, and it is very simple :
(a) the frequency is sufficiently high so that the distance
'D' between the coils will be a quarter of a wavelength,
(b) both fields are of the same frequency, and
(c) are in phase when they meet at one coil (they will be in
opposite phase when they reach the second coil),
then, a force will appear alternating on each coil but this
force will always point in the same direction,
since, one of the coils (the leading one) will always be
'pushed' by the field of the lagging one, which in turn will
always be 'pulled' by the leading coil field.
For clarity, see the following chart that corresponds to the
schematic further down :
Time| COIL1 | COIL1 | COIL2 | COIL2 | OF | ON
| POS.1 | POS.2 | POS.1 | POS.2 | FORCE | COIL #
| | | | | |
0 | MAX | | | 0 | |
| | | | | |
D/C | 0 | MAX | 0 | MAX | + | 2
| | | | | |
2D/C | MIN | 0 | MAX | 0 | + | 1
| | | | | |
3D/C | 0 | MIN | 0 | MIN | + | 2
and so on ...
C : speed of the magnetic vector
D/C : quarter-wavelength travel time.
Now, to avoid electromagnetic radiation the assembly CAN BE
The enclosure will also affect the wavelength and force, depending
on the particular shape and quality of the enclosure.
But this also means that the electromagnetic energy is not radiated
(other than termal losses) and CAN BE RECIRCULATED i.e. an
'electromagnetic wheeling' effect.
This arrangement is similar to a directional coupler in microwave
technology, in which the electromagnetic energy propagates in one
direction only.
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If the energy can propagate in one direction only in a closed
waveguide, then both ends of the waveguide can be joined in a
ring-shape, and consequently angular mechanical momentum can be
generated at will.
The force will be maximum when the sources are
a quarter of a wavelength appart, in space and
(b) It can be enclosed in a metal box of any shape,
something very similar to a resonant cavity,
which in turn SHOULD BE ABLE TO MOVE.
(c) When the fields are in-phase there is no resultant
force but an increase in electromagnetic mass !
As far as the calculations go, here is some preliminary:
coil1 coil2
------------|----------------------|------------------------> x
x=0 x=c/4f
c = field propagation velocity
f = field frequency
coil 1 : H1 = I1 sin wt
coil 2 : H2 = I2 cos wt
distance : c/4f = // /2 ; i.e. quarter-wavelength
Field H1 at coil 2: H12 = I1 sin (wt - // /2) = I1 (-cos wt)
Force at coil 2 : F2 = u H12 * H2 = - u I1 I2 cos wt
This expression says that coil2 will always feel attracted, or
pulled by coil 1.
Field H2 at coil 1: H21 = - I2 cos(wt - // /2) = -I2 sin wt
is negative because it travels in the opposite
Force at coil 1 : F1 = u H1 * H21 = - u I1 I2 sin wt
I.e.: coil1 always feels repelled, or pushed, by coil2.
Ergo, a unidirectional force !
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To concentrate the field and avoid magnetic lines dispersion, a
core or nucleus of magnetic material can be used to improve the
force effect.
The magnetic material will then slow down the propagation of the
magnetic field waves, therefore allowing a decrease, either of the
frequency or the distance between coils.
This core also behaves very much like a 'resonant cavity'.
For enclosed electromagnetic fields, the electromagnetic force
equation in integral form can be used (Ref.2).
The magnitude of the forces involved is very small, therefore it
is difficult to set up an experiment that will demonstrate the
principle, since very high frequencies and fields are necessary.
For two coils mounted on a ferrite antenna core, with a relative
permeability of 10, separated 6 cm, 28.2 ampturn at 395 MHZ and
156 ohms/turn are needed to generate 1 Newton ! This is 124 kVA !
plus losses.
But, according to the 'Principle of Equivalence' if it is possible
to create a force, in space, from enclosed electromagnetic energy
only, it should be possible to create the inverse, i.e.
electromagnetic energy from a 'force field'.
In a previous work by this author (Ref.3), it was suggested that
the 'electromagnetic momentum density' was the (missing) link
between mechanics and electrodynamics.
This would suggest in turn, that gravitation is nothing else than
'phase waves', similar to the ones that develop in microwave guides
and resonant cavities.
But for 'phase waves' to exist, there must be an electromagnetic
field of that frequency present already.
This, in turn, brings us back to the concept of 'ether', and that
all mass, even the whole universe is probably nothing else but a
gigantic 'resonant cavity'. A very powerful concept.
In (4) it is claimed, that an experiment has been set-up that can
measure absolute velocities, and explains why the Michelson-
Morley experiment fails to do so. This, in turn, would be
complementary proof of the above, the existence of an 'ether'.
Vangard Notes
A physicist named Dr. Dan Fry once wrote a book claiming that
he had the privilege of riding in an alien ship.
His background gave him a superb chance to observe the alien
flight systems which he reported on in his book, "To Men of
He claimed that the spaceship used two coils, one mounted in
the top center of the ship, the other in the bottom center.
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When the plates were excited at their resonant frequency, the
focal point of the magnetic field created an "artificial
Neutral Centre" which could be so adjusted as to pull the ship
in the direction of the artificial center.
The natural neutral centre of the ship had no choice but to
follow, much like a child sitting in a wagon attached to a
goat, donkey or dog.
When the child holds a carrot or other food in front of the
animal, the animal follows thereby pulling the wagon wherever
the child wanted.
I suggest you study the work of John W. Keely to further
understand the properties of the Neutral Centre. That is the
main purpose of the KeelyNet, to disseminate, learn for
ourselves and help others to learn of the work of Keely.
If you have any thoughts on these matters, we would appreciate
discussing them with you.
References :
PONDEROMOTRIC FORCES', Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie
van Wetenschappen, Proc. B (Netherlands), Vol.75, No.1, 6-
11, 1972.
McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1969, Chapter 6, p.290. eq 6-51.
a unfying approach', Speculations in Science and Technology,
Vol.10, No.2 page 145, 9/1987.
Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol.10, N0.1, p.3,
If you have comments or other information relating to such
topics as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or
send to the Vangard Sciences address as previously listed.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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