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The equations in this paper are damaged because of the damaged copy of the
text that I have and the use of mathematical symbols that can't be represented
Electrical Engineer with the Pennsylvania Electric Co. Johnstown Pa.
submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physics July 94,
Resubmitted Jan 95
Report_no: Special Energy Prog.
The idea that something can be created from nothing has always been considered
to be impossible. This manuscript presents a historical account on the
subject of creation. Recently, it has been shown that the gravitational field
contains negative energy. Contemporary ideas on the subject of creation
demonstrate the existence of a link between the energy in matter, zero point
energy, and the negative gravitational potential of the universe. These
new ideas are explored. Finally experiments, which seem to be creating energy,
are examined.
Since antiquity the genesis of the universe has been a subject of thought,
study, and speculation by the greatest minds in philosophy and science. The
original ideas on genesis were developed by philosophers. Some of the
original philosophers were Greek. It became apparent to the Greeks that all
things came from otherthings. The great Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC)
described this with his idea of forms. According to Plato the form was the
property that made a thing what it was.
Aristotle (384-322 BC) developed the idea of forms and concluded that each
form was composed of a substance. The form of a substance could be changed
but the substance itself was eternal. The question then was where did the
original substance come from? The conclusion that the ancient Greeks drew was
that a prime mover created the original substance. This prime mover was God.
The Greek Empedocles defined what the fundamental substances of the original
creation were. To him the fundamental substances were earth, air, fire, and
Later the Greek Democritus redefined these original substances as atoms.
According to Democritus these atomswere produced in the original creation and
were eternal.
In the Middle Ages the greatest thinkers on the subject of creation were
theologians. One of these theologians was St. Augustine (354-430 AD). It
became apparent to St. Augustine, like it did to the Greeks, that all things
came from other things. If the material substance of the universe had not
been created then this substance must have always been. If the substance of
the universe has always been then time had no beginning. Every event is
precipitated by a prior event.
Without a first event everything that could have happened should have happened
in the infinite past. For current time to have meaning there must have been a
first event or moment of creation. St. Augustine used a Latin word to
describe this creation process called exhihilo. This word means to create
something out of nothing. St. Augustine concluded that an infinite source or
prime mover created the universe exhihilo. This concept was developed to an
apex by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). He came up with a line of reasoning
in his arguments from design. These arguments were based on the idea that the
substance of the universe required a divine origin.
Today scientists are studying the problem of creation. Science does not
address the question of who created the universe. Scientists have rules that
they work by called conservation laws.
Some of these conservation laws are the conservation of momentum, energy, and
charge. Science addresses the question of how the universe formed within the
framework of possibilities allowed by these laws.
According to current theory and experimental evidence these conservation laws
always hold true. In more precise language, they are invariant with respect
to time and location.
The scientific principle of the conservation of energy simply restates the old
idea that something cannot come from nothing. According to the accepted
theory of the big bang the universe sprang from nothing 15 billion years ago.
In 1973 the great contemporary scientific thinker Edward P. Tryon
demonstrated how the universe could have formed without violating the
principle of the conservation of energy. He said that the total energy of the
universe is zero. (1)
He said that the positive energy of the things we observe is balanced by a
negative gravitational energy. Therefore the creation was formed without
violating the principle of the conservation of energy. Let's explore his
idea. When something falls it loses gravitational potential energy. The
relationship between potential energy and position, in a force field, is given
by equation #1.
(NOTE: In case your mailer does not line the text up like mine does the
following equations are only simple integrals.)
PE = W = -| F
Eq #1
According to Tryon's theory if an object were to fall into the universe from
an infinite distance away the gravitational potential energy the object lost
would equal the total mass energy of the object. This is stated
mathematically in equation #2:
rad of univ 2 | -> -> mc = -| F . dr
Eq #2
Assuming that the universe is spherical with an isotopic mass distribution,
the amount of gravitational potential an object will lose upon falling to the
edge of such a universe is given by equation #3.
rad of univ 2 mc = -(G)(M)(m) | (1/r ) dr
Given a radius of the universe is 15 billion light years 26 (1.42x10 meters)
and the known gravitation al constant G, the mass of the universe may be
53 M = 1.91 x 10 KG
If this is the mass of the universe then the total energy of the universe is
zero. To check this result the mass of the universe was calculated from its
density and volume. The universe was considered to be a sphere. This sphere
has a radius of 15 billion light years and is filled with matter of the same
density as the density of space in our galactic neighborhood. This "local"
density is equivalent to one proton of ordinary matter and nine protons of
"dark" matter per cubic meter. (3)
Given that the volume of a sphere with a radius of
15 79 3 billion light years = 1.2 x 10 M
Please note that at one proton mass per cubic meter this is also the number of
protons in the universe. The mass of the universe was derived from its volume
and density in equation #4.
M = ((1 proton/m )+(9 proton masses dark matter/m ))(vol)
The mass of the universe according to this second argument is:
M = 2.00 x 10 KG
Amazingly the resultant masses agree even though they were determined by two
entirely different methods. This agreement indicates that the universe has a
total energy of zero and that it formed without violating the principle of
the conservation of energy. There is something very profound in what Edward
Tryon said.
New scientific arguments have shown how something can be created out of
nothing. These arguments have tremendous philosophical implications. If we
now understand the creation process, can we now create something out of
nothing? Inventors have been trying to do this for many years. In fact, the
patent offices currently reject all applications for patents on such perpetual
motion machines. If a gravity producing machine could be built, however, it
would produce positive energy in an amount equal to the negative gravitational
potential of the induced field. As of late several scientists appear to have
created something (energy) from nothing. (4)
Among the most advanced is Dr. Puthoff at the Center for Advanced Study in
Austin Texas USA and Dr. McKurbe under a contract with the United States
Electric Power Research Institute. (5)
Puthoff, in particular, is attempting to extract the zero point energy of
matter. According to this author's theories, the theories of Hal Puthoff, and
(6, 7) the theories of Andrei Sakharov, the zero point energy of matter is (8)
intimately linked to its gravitational field. If the zero point energy of
matter is extracted a gravitational field will be produced. This
gravitational field will reach out and retard the expansion of the universe.
Some of the kinetic energy of the expansion of the universe will eventually be
absorbed by this induced gravitational field.
This energy will be locally available for use. We will have to wait and see
to comes from these latest ideas. If man finally creates substance from
nothingness he will have ventured into a realm that was, since antiquity,
reserved for God. The world and its ideas will then surely change.
1. Edward P. Tryon, NATURE VOL 246, December 14, 1973.
2. Technically, nothing can exist outside of the universe.
The universe is a closed structure in which, according to the cosmological
principle, all positions are equivalent. The model presented in this
paper, in which an object falls from an infinite distance away to the edge
of the universe, does not represent reality. The model does, however,
allow for the calculation of the negative gravitational potential shared
by all objects within the universe.
3. Fritz Zwicky proposed that 90% of the matter in the universe is "dark" in
1933. He came to this conclusion from the study of clusters of galaxies.
Vera Rubin confirmed that 90% of the universe's matter is composed of the
so called "dark matter" from her study of the rotational speeds of
galaxies in 1977.
4. A ball lightning experiment in Japan appeared to produce excess energy.
Y.H. Ohtsuki & H. Ofuruton, NATURE VOL 246, March 14, 1991
5. Dr. McKurbe's cold fusion experiments at SRI in the USA continue to
produce unexplained excess energy. Jerry E. Bishop, The WALL STREET
JOURNAL 7/14/94.
6. Frank Znidarsic, ELEMENTARY A. GRAVITY Adventures Unlimited Kempton Il.
USA, 1989
7. Working with artificial ball lightning.
Hal Puthoff, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, March 1989
Hal Puthoff, D.C. Cole, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, August 1993.
Hal Puthoff, OMNI, "Squeezing Energy From a Vacuum" 2/91
8. Andrei Sakharov SOVIET PHYSICS DACKLADI Vol 12, May 1968, Page 1040.