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September 2, 1993
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Scientific Speculation By Frederic B. Jueneman, FAIC
From Research & Development - Oct. 1987 Pg. 15
Recent news about the 53 mile circumference superconducting super
collider has me wondering if particle physicists aren't rubbing
shoulders with the astronomers. It seems that for decades the
astronomers were the only group who had a firm grasp on megalomania.
Even more recent news has me thinking that solid state physicists
are sharing some schnapps with the genetic and recombinant DNA
community in contemplating the minuscule.
Within the past year the phenomenon of superconductivity has
captured the imagination of the global scientific community, and
the media in turn have infected the public at large with the
excitement of these viral discoveries. And now solid state
aficionados are saying that future superconducting super colliders
could share space on your desk next to the IBM "PC".
As a practicing chemist for the better part of the past 30 years, my
own druthers have tended towards the "small is beautiful" dictum
because, as an analysts, my focus has been most naturally on atoms
and molecules. Of course, I hasten to add that these Notebook
entries have acknowledged from time to time somewhat larger
scenarios than the four walls of a laboratory. But, the point being
that I have built in empathy with the solid-staters.
Last month I reiterated a 15 year old thought which suggested that
an isotopically pure hexagonal crystal would present to the view of
an electron - or perhaps another charged particle - a coherent
matrix of tunnels.
And if an electron beam were passed through this matrix symmetry,
the array of atoms in the crystal lattice would act as waveguides,
and what we would have then is the makings of a solid state
accelerator. In other words, a merging of particle and solid-state
For some years prior to 1972 I had been convinced that hexagonal
crystals would exhibit some physical property that would be unique
and separate from that of cubic crystals, which claim
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superconductivity as one of their own unique physical
This new physical property of hexagonal symmetry might be something
never before observed in electron behavior in a lattice matrix. And
after a broad, albeit sketchy, search of the literature, I concluded
that this new characteristic might well be an enhancement of
coherent dia-magnetism, or - in current parlance - dia-magnetic
amplification by stimulated electron emission and phased array
channeling. (However, it's admitted that the acronym daseepac
doesn't have the selling power of laser.)
The history of channeling in crystals goes back to 1912, when
Johannes Stark of Germany suggested that hydrogen ions would
penetrate deeper into a lattice when directed from certain favorable
But Stark's concept toward elucidating the structure of matter was
overshadowed by the coincidental discovery of x-ray diffraction by
another German physicist, Max von Laue. And it wasn't until some 40
years later that Stark's idea ushered in the era of ion implantation
in solid-state devices, where the theory was put into practical use.
In the March 1968 issue of Scientific American, Werner Brandt of NYU
described experiments with channeled proton beams, experiments which
were originally initiated by Karl Ove Nielsen and associates at
Aarus, Denmark, in 1964. These experiments showed that "channeling
resulted from the correlated deflections of the particles in the
electrostatic-force field of the orderly array of atoms in the
crystals". Resonances were found at distinct proton energy levels
and, as the energy was increased, the gamma-ray yield rose in the
channeling direction.
Late in 1979 it was announced that Fermilab physicist Tim Toohig,
and Edward Tsyganov of Dubna, near Moscow, collaborated on sending
proton beams through channels in monocrystals grown in a
microgravity space environment by cosmonauts. They found that if the
crystals were also very carefully bent, the proton beam - of tera
electron volt (10E12) energy - would follow the curvature.
This was the first demonstrated example of the waveguide nature of
individual atoms in a coherent crystal lattice, and the initiating
experiment into the era of solid-state accelerators. But the
silicon, germanium, and silver crystals used at Dubna, and grown in
the Salyut space laboratory, are commonly cubic in form, and
therefore the lattice structure symmetry may not be critical to the
process of channeling as I had once thought, although the hexagonal
form should enhance this effect.
Also, late in 1979, a team of scientists from Lawrence Livermore
National Lab, Stanford Univ., and Oak Ridge National Lab reported
the tunable channeling of x radiation by an intense beam of
electrons, using a silicon crystal.
The x rays are generated by the electrons as they undulate through
the channel lattice, and the x rays, themselves, are emitted only in
the direction of electron travel.
And what happens to the atoms in the crystal matrix during these
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high-energy excursions by subatomic particles? Part of the answer
might be contained in a note I wrote to myself almost 20 years ago,
in that "orientation of orbital electrons in a phased matrix may
radically change the structure of the crystal array by altering the
quantum effects of the binding energy. The crystal may become fluid
in a quantum sense while retaining the relatively solid structure of
a crystal matrix."
And what this means is that there should be altered states of matter
which are metastable while high-density particle fluxes are passing
through, probably pulsating at high frequencies with a concomitant
distortion of space and time within discrete interatomic volumes.
Taken as a whole, this is a mass effect, whereas the phenomenon of
super-conductivity is a peripheral effect which does not penetrate
very much below the surface of a conductor. And as a mass effect,
it would take full advantage of incremental space described by
interatomic voids, whereas contemporary particle accelerators
utilize rather large evacuated chambers which approach free space in
A desktop super collider might not be de rigueur for everyone's
office, but it would be a mite less expensive than the 17 mile
diameter variety and one heck of a lot more fun with which to play
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Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
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