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Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
PO BOX 1031
Mesquite, TX 75150
July 4, 1990
Larry Spring's
Spherical Electromagnetic Quantum
Vangard Note...
At the 1990 Borderland Conference in Santa Barbara, California
I had the pleasure of meeting and talking in depth with Mr.
Larry Spring and his charming wife, Lois. He has a fascinating
theory regarding an entirely new concept of the geometry of
electromagnetic waves and how they propagate and are modified by
various types of receivers or reflectors. We wish to thank Tom
Brown and Borderland for bringing the work of Larry to the
attention of the public. We are installing this small treatise
on the KeelyNet BBS and plan to distribute it around the various
Nets to allow a wider audience for this work.
This spherical theory adds to work already done by Keely on the
fact that oscillation occurs across the diameter of a structure.
Larry Spring, in 1985, using TV waves 150,000 to 9,600,000 times
the size of light waves, was able to determine the spherical
shape, size, alternating polarity magnetic structure, and bounce
characteristics of the electromagnetic wave.
You may contact Larry at 225 Redwood Avenue, Fort Bragg, CA
95437 or call him at Home 707 964-2116, Office 707 964-4700.
Quantum : The smallest amount of radiant energy capable of existing
independently. This amount of energy is regarded as a
unit. (as defined in the Thorndike-Barnhart dictionary)
The electromagnetic wave front must be composed of individual
units, as these units can bounce independently to the feed horn of a
satellite dish or scatter independently from a surface rough in
relation to the size of the quanta.
I, Larry Spring, in 1985 succeeded in determining, and setting
down in writing the shape, size, magnetic structure, alternating
polarity, bounce characteristics and compressibility of the quantum
of energy which was believed to exist by many electromagnetic energy
physicists from Isaac Newton's time up to the present.
My observation of results from experimentation tend to favor
the quantum theory over the wave theory, and accomplish alternating
current in a conductor at a distance, based on transmission of
alternating polarity magnetic fields traveling through space, with
the same magnetic structure and polarity as would be found around a
resonant conductor carrying a rapidly alternating electrical current
as determined by Hans Christian Oersted and expressed by his right
hand rule.
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All alternating electrical current from 1 cycle per second to
the gamma ray frequency and beyond radiate varying amounts of
electromagnetic energy, but from a practical point of view I have to
stay within the limits of my testing equipment which goes from make
and break vibrators through 60 cycle power line leakage, AM radio,
VHF television, FM radio, UHF television, C band satellite
television, red laser light, white visible light and x-ray pictures.
They all appear to be the same form of energy although they vary
considerably in their abilities due to their enormous size range
from infinitely large to infinitesimally small.
We have a great deal of knowledge assembled in the past by
Isaac Newton, Max Planck, Hans Christian Oersted, Albert Einstein,
Andre' M. Ampere and Michael Faraday, to name a few.
We know as scientific fact a great number of interrelated
actions and reactions of radiated energy upon which to build our
modern electronic world.
The facts I verified by experimentation and used in order to
arrive at my conclusions were as follows:
Electromagnetic energy travels at approximately 186,000 miles
per second through a vacuum and almost as fast through air. It
travels slower through a denser medium like glass, water, plastic or
oil. The speed I determined by measuring one wavelength which I
multiplied by the frequency.
An electric current driven by electron movement travels along a
conductor at approximately 186,000 miles per second and slower when
it is impeded by insulation, etc. This speed I also measured.
Hans Christian Oersted discovered that electron flow creates a
magnetic field around a conductor. The magnetic lines of force are
at 90 degrees to the conductor and 90 degrees to the electrical
current direction of travel along the conductor. This I tested with
a simple compass needle. A reversed current will create a magnetic
field around the conductor in an opposite direction.
A conductor passed rapidly through the magnetic field of a
permanent magnet, in a position to cut the magnetic lines of force
will have an electric current driven in it moving in one direction.
When passed rapidly in the opposite direction an electrical current
will flow along the conductor in the opposite direction. Examples
of this are the electric motor and electric generator.
It makes no difference whether the conducting rod is moving or
the magnetic field is moving. The conductor could be standing still
and the magnetic field traveling at 186,000 miles per second as is
the case with a receiving TV antenna. Its the relative speed of the
magnetic field and the conductor that produces the electrical
current. A conductor lying in a position that does not cut the
magnetic lines of force receives no electron movement or electric
current driven in and or around it.
Tests show that magnetic energy does not induce current in a
conductor pointed directly at the transmitter or a conductor that is
vertical to a totally horizontal transmission. This I have tested
many times using a dipole antenna and a field strength meter. It is
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used to separate vertical and horizontal polarity of the C band
satellite signal by rotating a probe antenna horizontally or
vertically in the feed horn of a satellite parabolic dish receiving
Based on the foregoing it is obvious that alternating polarity
magnetic fields, broadcast from a conductor carrying an alternating
electrical current, and traveling at 186,000 miles per second, are
capable of driving a similar alternating electrical current in a
conductor at a distance, providing the conductor is in a position to
cut the magnetic lines of force. The best position would be in the
same plane and parallel to the transmitting conductor.
It is unnecessary for the traveling magnetic field to contain
an electrical component. A speeding magnetic field drives electrons
in a conductor at 90 degrees to its direction of travel and 90
degrees to its magnetic lines of force.
Summary of the foregoing describes a simple magnetic quantum
traveling through space with every second quantum being in opposite
polarity. The non-traveling form is described in Oersted's right
hand rule which can be readily demonstrated by a battery, a compass
and a piece of copper wire. So much for the magnetic structure.
I may be one of the first to recognize Oersted's magnetic field
traveling through space and putting it into print.
The shape of all quanta must be the same as they all act
similarly. Only the size and density of magnetic lines of force are
The best observation of its shape is the way it bounces. Being
of equal dimensions in all directions it is capable of bouncing from
all quadrants of a parabolic satellite receiving dish regardless of
polarity. This I tested by screening off sections of the dish to
see if all polarities bounce equally, and they do. It has all the
bounce characteristics of a weightless elastic ball.
Vangard Note...
at the Borderland Conference, Larry demonstrated this theory by
using a parabolic dish lying face up on a table, suspended at the
focal point of the dish was a ping pong ball. When Larry dropped
other ping pong balls from any angle, THEY ALWAYS STRUCK THE BALL
AT THE FOCAL POINT. If the incoming energy had been lines of
force or undulating waves, they would have all had different
angles of deflection and missed the focal point, I was quite
If it is quantum (a quantity) shaped like a ball, it must have
a three dimensional size. This can be readily determined by running
the energy through a chicken wire grid like screening gravel.
Wire openings just larger than 1/2 wavelength will pass most
all the signal without loss. Wire openings 1/4 wavelength will pass
approximately 1/2 of the signal. 1/8 wavelength will pass
approximately 1/4 of the signal. A solid metal sheet reflects it
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all, except for the tiniest spheres which find the texture of solid
metal is really like a screen. The size is directly related to the
1/2 wavelength and ties in correctly with 1/2 wavelength diameter
traveling magnetic spheres of alternating polarity following each
other through air and space.
Most of the energy that does pass through the wire mesh is
reflected back as determined by constructive and destructive
interference with a test dipole antenna in front of the screen, and
a field strength meter.
The vertical magnetic lines of force around a horizontally
polarized transmission can be readily shown by passing the spherical
magnetic quantum through a grill of vertical wires. Close spacing
of the wires makes little difference and very little if any loss
of signal, as the vertical wires do not cut the vertical lines of
force around the horizontally polarized sphere of magnetic energy.
The grill can be placed any distance in front of the receiving
antenna which indicates that normally the lines of force remain
vertical from transmission to reception.
If the vertical grill of wires is rotated 90 degrees to the
wires, the slots, then the transmitting antenna and the receiving
antenna all lie in the same plane. This allows the amount of signal
passed and reflected to be determined by the wire spacing in
relation to the 1/2 wavelength as stated in my description of a
signal passing through a grid.
A grill at 45 degrees to the polarity will pass approximately
50%. Wires spaced over 1/2 wavelength will pass most all the
signal. This grill of wires acts with UHF TV and satellite signal
the same as polarizing film works on sunlight or laser light.
The size of the sphere of magnetic energy is determined by the
1/2 wavelength. In other words the diameter of the sphere is the
distance of 186,000 miles per second the energy can travel in 1/2
cycle. TV channel 3 video is transmitted at a frequency of
61,250,000 cycles per second with a total wavelength distance of 16
feet or 8 feet to a 1/2 wavelength. The C band satellite signal has
a frequency of 4 billion cycles per second and a 1/2 wavelength of
1 and 1/2 inches which is just about the size and shape of a ping
pong ball without any weight. 1/2 wavelength diameter spheres of
visible light are about 1/100,000 inch.
Size can be roughly determined by passing through openings in a
screen, but another way would be its bounce characteristics from a
rough surface. For instance a ping pong ball bounces accurately
from a sandpaper covered paddle while light spheres striking the
same paddle would be scattered. The ping pong ball spans across the
grains of sand, while the tiny spheres of light would bounce in all
bouncing from a mirror surface would bounce accurately and in
unison, so would the ping pong balls. This thought could be carried
larger to radio spheres of 1,000 feet in diameter bouncing
accurately from a rough earth or ocean surface that would scatter
the ping pong ball size spheres. Going smaller the tiny X and gamma
rays would probably be scattered by the pores of polished metal,or
pass right through as though it was a screen or lattice.
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Magnetic spheres find many materials transparent to their
particular size, like light will pass readily through glass and
water while UHF TV and C band satellite 4 GHZ signal will not pass
through water, but will pass through black plastic or tar paper,
which does not pass light. The list is long and revealing but you
get the picture.
All magnetic spheres of energy pass right through each other
without combining as witnessed by sunlight filtered into its three
primary colors passing the focal point below a magnifying glass.
Before convergence they display the three primary colors. At the
focal point their combined energies reflect white light back to our
eyes, and past the focal point they are again the three primary
colors on the opposite side of the dot.
Now lets put to the test these weightless, transparent spheres
of magnetic energy with their magnetic lines of force vertical to
their poles and their poles 90 degrees to their direction of travel
from the energy source (before the first bounce).
All magnetic spheres of radiated energy travel in a straight
line at high speed until one of the following events changes their
*** Reflection ***
Elastic spheres can reflect perfectly in any direction as
dictated by the slope of the reflecting surface. I like to
call it bounce as the spheres really contact the bounce
surface 1/4 wavelength before the customary description of
reflection, and bounce intact like a ball.
The flat bounce surface does not cut the magnetic lines of
force. It simply redirects the complete package. The
center of the sphere does not travel that last 1/4
This is a distance of 4 feet on TV channel 3 and is
important with radio and TV spheres, as well as to all
spheres regardless of their size in order to understand
their behavior.
However it may seem trivial to spheres of visible light as
the 1/4 wavelength is only 1/200,000 inch. Light is what
the old timers were observing when the laws of reflection
were established.
*** Dispersion ***
Tiny spheres can be scattered or diffused perfectly from
a surface rough in relation to the size of the sphere.
I previously mentioned light striking the sandpaper surface
of a ping pong paddle where the light is scattered and the
ping pong ball bounces accurately.
*** Refraction ***
Spheres have the proper shape to change direction when
entering the smooth surface of a denser medium at an angle
and from any direction.
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The portion of the sphere entering first experiences
retardation and compression in the denser medium which
rotates the sphere to a new direction until the sphere is
totally in the denser medium, although it is compressed and
travels slower as dictated by the density of the medium as
per the refraction index.
Upon popping out and expanding from a parallel surface like
the bottom side of a sheet of glass the reverse action takes
The side of the sphere to pop out first travels faster due
to expansion and rotates the sphere back to its original
speed and direction.
The greater the angle measured from the normal the greater
the direction of change. The normal or straight-through has
equal drag on all sides and so experiences no direction
change, only a compressed and slower speed.
Light spheres refract perfectly through a magnifying glass,
approaching straight and parallel in random polarity from the sun,
and being of equal dimensions in all directions, they refract
through the glass in any direction dictated by the slope of the
surface of entry and departure, ending up at the focal point where
their energies are concentrated. If not stopped at the focal point
they just pass on through each other in a straight line and continue
on their way.
Diffraction is a condition where one side of a sphere
experiences a retardation or drag usually across an edge sharp in
relation to the size of the sphere. This rotates the sphere into a
new direction, the same as it did when entering a denser medium.
The more overlap of the sphere to the edge the greater the direction
of change. No overlap, no change. Slight overlap, slight change.
Spheres can diffract over a straight edge or through a sharp edged
hole, it makes no difference to a sphere because it is equal in all
*** Constructive Interference ***
When two spheres of alternating polarity magnetic energy
pass around the same conductor at the same instant in the
same polarity they drive electrons in the conductor with
more force than a single sphere of energy. This is called
constructive interference.
*** Destructive Interference ***
When two spheres of like frequency and opposite polarity due
to a longer path pass around a conductor at the same instant
the sphere with denser energy (more magnetic lines of force)
will prevail minus the drive of the weaker sphere.
If the two spheres were equal in energy they would both try
to drive the electrons in their own direction with equal
force and nothing would happen.
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This would be read on a field strength meter as a complete
null. The above is called destructive interference.
This would happen when paths of a transmitted signal were
one 1/2 wavelength or 1 and 1/2 wavelength, etc..., longer
than the other caused by reflection, refraction or
diffraction as in Young's experiment with a double slot.
If spheres of energy due to path length pass around a conductor
somewhere in between like and unlike polarity, one sphere of energy
will start to drive the electrons one way and the next at a slightly
later time, lets say 1/4 wavelength late, and in opposite polarity
will try to drive the electrons the opposite direction a 1/4
wavelength later and the results would be somewhere between
constructive and destructive interference.
If the spheres of like polarity are in almost the same position
at the same instant they will add to some degree. If unlike
polarities arrive at the conductor at close to the same instant the
resulting electron drive and current would be almost cancelled.
Scientists today with modern instruments and modern frequencies
have a tremendous advantage over the old timers who worked with
light and their own eyes for instruments.
I, Larry Spring, picked visible sunlight and laser light at
about 1/100,000 inch on the 1/2 wavelength, to C band satellite
signal a magnification of 150,000 times the size of light, and TV
channel 3 which is 9,600,000 times the light wavelength. I was
quite readily able to determine their size, shape, magnetic
structure and behavior in this large size, using modern instruments
unavailable to the geniuses of 100 to 200 years ago.
My observations to date have not changed any of the beginning
and end results of the electromagnetic wave theory. They simply,
logically and mechanically describe the energy's spherical shape,
size, alternating magnetic structure, bounce characteristics,
compressibility, retardability, electron driveability and
transparency to each other which they must have to accomplish what
the electromagnetic energy is known to do.
The magnetic energy is driven from the transmitting conductor
by a magnetic field that is expanding in all directions at a speed
of 186,000 miles per second, which is probably about 200,000 times
the expansion rate of exploding gunpowder. The component parts of
the expanding front must pull themselves together like raindrops and
travel in a straight line until they bounce, refract, or diffract
which changes their direction, or its energy is used up driving
electrons in a conductor, or by other means.
As far as I can visualize it starts as heat and ends up as
heat, but that is beyond the scope of this article.
Think electromagnetic waves and the best you can say is "its
difficult to describe just how, but that is the way it works".
Think spheres as described in the preceding article and most
all the actions and reactions of the magnetic energy fall logically
and mechanically into place.
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This improved vision should open new avenues of discovery.
Having been unable to find anyone throughout the United States
or any written articles exposing all my observations, I believe I am
the first to bring many of them forth in my book, copyrighted in
1985 as an unpublished work and published in June, 1986, and 2nd
edition in 1987, entitled "My Electromagnetic Spherical Theory and
My Experiments to Prove It" by Larry Spring, address 225 Redwood
Ave., Fort Bragg, California, 95437, USA.
Vangard Note...
At the 1987 Global Sciences Congress in Denver, I had the
pleasure of attending a technical seminar by Ed Skilling and
Bob Beck. In a private discussion with Bob, we spoke of
SCALARS and the confusion many people have in understanding
their form. A form of visualization derived by Vangard for the
SCALAR field is to think of bubbles being driven from the
emitter, to which Beck said that was a perfect analogy.
Further information on this subject came from a 1988 visit to
Peter Kelly's lab in Lakemont, Georgia. There, Peter
graciously showed me his lab and some of his ongoing work.
Two things of interest which I feel apply partly to this paper
and need to be commonly known.
The first was a demonstration by Peter showing a SCALAR wave on
an oscilloscope with a special detector. On the greatest
resolution, the SCALAR took on the form of many nested
frequencies inside a primary bubble. In other words, like an
onion with multiple skins.
The second was a circuit board used as a SCALAR end amplifier
which consisted of 12 transistors all connected in parallel.
Peter said the transistors were NOT used as tuned circuits to
gain the greatest possible "nested" reception. The spooky
thing was that when he adds a 13th transistor, one of the
transistors will inevitably blow. When cut open, the inside of
the transistor is hollow as if VAPORIZED. I was astounded!
Immediately, the MAXIN light as recounted in the "Dividing of
the Way" by Phylos, came to mind, Peter said he had not thought
of that but anything was possible. The MAXIN is a vibration
visible as a white light, so high as to be akin to Aether and
which could completely vaporize, without flame, light increase,
or residue any matter.
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your
consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189
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