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February 22, 1992
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Experiments with Longitudinal Radiation
Detection and generation of longitudinal photons as discrete
entities may be facilitated by a relatively simple technique
employing conductive screens to filter out the transverse components
of impinging radiation.
The wavelengths which may be filtered are directly proportional to
the spacing of the mesh, so that ordinary window screens, for
example, will readily filter out waves in the centimeter range,
i.e., microwaves.
On a smaller scale, waves in the range of visible light may be
blocked by polarizing filters, so that any wave transmitted by the
filter must be either longitudinal or of shorter length than those
of visible light. In physics calculations, longitudinal photons are
usually negated by a gauge transformation. Thus transformed, they
become simple Coulomb fields.
Nevertheless, there are some physical situations in which
longitudinal components must be dealt with in their own right.
Nuclear interactions, both weak and strong, owe their existence in
large part to the action of virtual particles which are dominantly
longitudinal in character.
In a 1969 paper from Russia (1), the generation and detection of
longitudinal photons is addressed in an experiment designed to yield
an estimate of the lower limit of the photon's rest mass. The
authors propose a device constructed from two oscillating circuits
which are linked by a common capacitor with a metal screen
interposed between the capacitor's separate plates.
The experiment measures extra low and ultra low frequencies to an
accuracy commensurate with a period of (3*10^-3/sec), roughly
equivalent to the conductivity period of the free vacuum. The
accuracy estimate assumes a generated frequency of 10^5 Hz at a
power rating of 40 watts, with the detection cycle equal to roughly
10^6 seconds.
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The ratio of the common capacitance squared, divided by the product
of the separate circuit capacitances is equal to roughly 10.
Synchronous detection with the generator signal allows transverse
and longitudinal components to measured separately. The long
detection cycle compensates for the signal-to-noise ratio.
Notwithstanding the minute frequency which the authors of the paper
seek to detect, their experiment bears a direct relation to rumored
experiments of much higher power.
Col. Tom Bearden, USAF Ret., suggests that Russian military
experiments of the early 1960's employed scalar/longitudinal
interferometry to project high energy pulses at long range, thus
creating a highly destructive weapon.
(2) Whether or not this is true, the appearance of the
aforementioned paper from 1969 indicates that the principles of such
weapons were likely well understood in Russia outside of the narrow
realm of classified research.
Properly scaled up, the conductive screen used in the low power
experiment could be placed in front of a broadcast antenna to filter
out transverse waves and project pure longitudinal radiation.
Avalanche discharge generates copious quantities of longitudinal
photons, so spark gap units might be used in conjunction with tuned
When the output of such an antenna intersects a similar output froma
second transmitter, the longitudinal components of the radiation
recouple to produce an implosive "energy bottle" whose effects are
devastating at high intensities. There are, however, more productive
uses of this principle in the field of energy production.
One application of the "energy bottle" effect which immediately
springs to mind is the economical generation of "hot" fusion.
An approach currently in vogue utilizes high-powered lasers in a
spherically symmetrical array to rapidly compress the deuterium fuel
of a small glass pellet. Lithium niobate crystals are configured to
double or quadruple the frequency output of lower frequency lasers,
so that the radiation striking the pellet is as energetic as
The longitudinal approach suggests that crossed polarizing filters,
such as transparent crystals with an appropriate lattice spacing,
could be employed to enhance the implosive effect of the colliding
On a more exotic note, zero-point energy might be more efficiently
tapped by the assisted collapse of high density plasma in a reaction
vessel with cubic symmetry. A set of six orthogonal emitters of
variable frequency tuned to the desired plasma resonance could be
pulsed to first implode, and then rotate the ions of the plasma into
a three-dimensional convective assembly. (See M. King, "Tapping the
Zero-Point Energy").
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The cycloidal motion of the ions thus induced (theoretically)
enhances the production of virtual charge within the plasma.
Moreover, the longitudinal radiation itself may couple to the
induced virtual charge within the plasma and thus increase the
reaction further. In an ideal device, ions are fed into the reaction
chamber until the desired density is achieved.
Properly phased pulses are then applied to the plasma at a
predetermined frequency. High-frequency ultrasound might be
introduced to mechanically supplement the electromagnetic pulses.
A Russian researcher (3) reports a gain of near 400% in a plasma
device wherein cold plasma is allowed to collapse under the
influence of zero-point pressure.
The approach outlined here suggests that one may amplify this effect
by drawing some of the generated energy to power the longitudinal
transmitters and ultrasound transducers. Even a small wattage
impressed upon a self sustaining reaction should, in principle,
increase the efficiency and controllability of the reaction.
Darrell Moffitt
1. M.E. Gertsenshtein, L.G. Solovei, Theoretical and
Mathematical Physics, V1., 10-12, 1969 (Russian/English
2. Thomas E. Bearden, "Excalibur Briefing", Strawberry Hill
Press, 1980
3. Owen Davies, "Volatile Vacuum", Omni, 2/91
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as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
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Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
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