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| File Name : FROLOV2.ASC | Online Date : 09/19/95 |
| Contributed by : Chuck Humphrey | Dir Category : ENERGY |
| From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 |
| KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 |
| A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences |
| InterNet email keelynet@ix.netcom.com (Jerry Decker) |
| Files also available at Bill Beaty's http://www.eskimo.com/~billb |
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Date: Fri, 01 Sep 1995 07:14:08 -0600
To: keelynet@ix.netcom.com (Jerry Decker)
From: next-gen@ix.netcom.com (NextGeneration)
Status: RO
I thought you might want to post this on your BBS.. I found it in the
sci.energy newsgroup today.
Also, I want to make an open invitation to all of your users. I have a
little money to experiment with. I also have some time, and some equipment.
I would offer to build prototypes "free-energy" devices on the basis that
what ever results are obtained would be freely distributed via your BBS.
I am not interested in getting patents or trying to keep anything secret...
I simply want to use what ever technology can be developed and make it
available to others.
If there is anyone who has a theory and can develop a design for a device,
then I could build the device for them (if I have the resources). Please
let evryone know my offer.
Chuck Humphrey
Inner structure of zero
by Alexander V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia
email alex@frolov.spb.su
The vacuum in some sense is "empty place" or "nothing" but the
question for extraction of energy from vacuum is widely discussed. This
article is description of approach that can be developed in technologies
to create power in load, the Work, in other words, by means of equal and
intercompensating processes.
Main ideas for this approach was published also in New Energy News,
May 1994, Newsletter of The Institute for New Energy, P.O.Box 58639, Salt
Lake City, Utah, 84158, USA.
Simple mathematical formulation
1 + (-1) = 0 F.1
can be reversed in next view
0 = 1 + (-1) F.2
that show logical possibility to create two values from "nothing".
Note that term "zero" is not " absolute nothing" but "zero" have inner
structure. Zero can be created as sum for two opposite value, negative
and positive. Also zero can be created as result of interaction for three
values and for many values:
A + B + C = 0 F.4
0 = A + B + C F.5
For many-polarity is possible to create several values from "nothing".
Let's appeal to definition of Power. The Power is
P = A T F.6
where P is power
A is work
T is time of work
So, the power is description of Process that have place for certain time
period. And the Work for trasmission by definition is
A = F S F.7
where F is force that produce this work
S is distance of transmission
Now let's try find possibility for creation of power from nothing.
By F.2 this possibility is
0 = P + (-P) F.8
It means that it is impossible to create something from nothing but it is
possible to create two opposite power processes from nothing. It is way for
structuring or ordering of zero-state.
The way to produce P and -P is defined by two factors: from F.6 it is
factor "t"
0 = P(t) + P(-t) F.9
and from F.7 it is factor "S"
0 = P(S) + P(-S) F.10
In any electromagnetics textbook one can find description of LC
resonance circuit. For parallel LC circuit is
C_________I I_______________D
A____________________I I_______
E_______ /\ /\ /\___F I
\/ \/ \/ I
Figure 1
This well-known device demonstrate possibility to create in CD part of circuit
current with +(T/4) phase outstripping and in EF part of circuit the current
have -(T/4) phase delay. So, currents in C-part and in L-part have T/2 or
180 degrees phase displacement. From the point of view of source that is
connected to A-B there are no any current in this case. If ammeter in wire
CD and ammeter in wire EF shows the same value the ammeter in wire AB show
The resonance is wonderful phenomenon that allow create "t" and "-t" factors
to use two opposite processes without any power consumption from source.
Now let us consider formulation F.10. Any potential field is real
demonstration of this formulation since total work of potential field is sum
for positive work ( acceleration) and negative work (deceleration).
All we need to create power by means of "zero-process" like potential field
is division of positive and negative work of field. Simple example for
divided trajectory is special vacuum tube where factor "S" is used.
________________ anode
. ___I___ .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. _______ .
. I________________ cathode
. .
. _ _ _ _ _ _ .
. I_________________ screen
. . High negative potential
Figure 2
The electrical circuit have part from cathode to anode and potential
field created by screen make additional acceleration for emission
current electrons. Note that in ordinary vacuum tube the screen is
placed between cathode and anode to control the flow of emission
electrons. Theoretically, current in anode wire must be more powerful
than current in cathode wire. If you can build such tube and check this
supposition, please, let me know.
So, it is possible use potential field only for acceleration to produce work.
Electrical potential field can be used in pulsed mode to produce acceleration
of rotor. Electrostatical interaction is well-known but pulsed mode for it
is not. There are difference in principle for pulsed potential and for
pulsed electrical current. First is sufficient to produce power free but
second require power from source.
Example is next:
plate have potential there are no potential
_________I_________ _________I__________
* *
rotor \ /
is attracted \ / rotation
\ / inertial
acceleration \ /
\ /
Figure 3
Segment of rotor is attracted to plate when plate have electrical potential
and acceleration have place. When rotor passed the vertical position for this
scheme the deceleration will have place and plate must have not potential if
one wish create acceleration mode only.
The technological detail is the way to create potential of plate.
Conventional mistake is scheme like capacitor that require expense of power
from primary source for charge-discharge. Scheme must use electric induction.
So, factor "t" from F.9 also can be used for division of work of electrical
potential field to create power from it.
In general sense the same method can be used in conception for
matter and reverse-time matter (anti-matter). Universe, atom, electron
and so on can exist by this way without any power consumption.
All free energy technologies are using "time-factor" by F.9 and
"space-factor" by F.10 must demonstrate some chronal and gravitational
effects in area of free energy process. It is so call "three-sided effect".
Term "information" is avaliable for free energetics. For case above, Fig.1
two equal processes can exist thank to source that is the source for changing
potential only. It is "source of information" for "power-creating circuit".
But it is not "source of power". The same situation was considered by
N. Tesla. He wrote that radio receiver take power from either but not from
radio station transmitter. The consumption power of transmitter is not
increasing when many receivers are in operate. This is the way for creation
of information in space-time that can be used for transformation it in power.
Example for informational exchange is phenomenon of electrical induction.
There are magnet analogy for it also: the magnetization or magnet induction.
Free energetics is energy-information technology. Power can be considered as
result for change of informational state, or result of change of form of
energy. For zero-state, for "nothing", for vacuum there are no defined
form of energy. When structure of "zero" is defined by any way ( two opposite
processes, for example) the power, the mass, the space and time are created.
It is not necessary to use any fuel for such sort power unit.
Alexander V. Frolov
Any proposals for joint experimental work and patent process are welcome.
Write: P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia
email: alex@frolov.spb.su
For job proposals please call by phone:
7-812-2747877 from 19 to 23 by Moscow time. Speak in English or Russian.