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November 15, 1993
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Norm Wootan.
Message 3083 DATE/TIME: 11/10/93 07:17
To : ALL
Subject: Plasma MHD
Folder : A, "Public Mail"
We all should thank Joel McLain for finding the 4TH State of Matter
book and sharing it with us. I have read the file with a great deal
of interest since I have been in the past, and am currently
researching a plasma based system of over-unity power production.
The KeelyNet was established for the purpose of sharing this type of
information and provides a channel of comments, observations and
often critique. A sort of peer review on a friendly basis. The MHD
application referred to in the 4THSTATE.ASC file is not an over-
unity device for several reasons that I will go into in greater
detail as we go along.
First, the MHD generator produced 30 Megawatts of which 10 Megawatts
was plowed back into the device to maintain the necessary magnetic
flux densities in the copper coils. Nothing is said in the text
about the energy expenditure needed to heat the plasma nor propel it
through the flux field to produce a current.
When we talk about the advantages of using superconducting magnets
in this type of application we must take into account the TOTAL
ENERGEY OUTLAY to determine if we have an over-unity application.
All we hear about the Super Conducting Super Collider is that it
uses cryogenic cooled magnets to control and contain the particle
path within the 52 mile ring. Just think about the fact that the
Cryogenic system to achieve supercondtivity in the SSC would have
cost over a BILLON dollars for it is an intergral part of each
magnet section plus there was going to be built on site the world's
largest facility for the production of liquid helium and liquid
hydrogen which is the secondary coolant in the system.
Extensive expense went into the emergency venting and gas escape
system needed when the dreaded Quenching problem arises from time to
time. Quenching is the term applied to the particle beam getting
out of it's containment field and striking the magnetic coils
causing instant heating and cryogenic gas boiling and expansion
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which is the same as the explosive expansion of steam.
When superconductivity is mentioned everyone thinks that this
phenomena is magical and occurs at no additional cost: WRONG . The
cryogenic cost of maintaining superconductivity must be entered into
the over-unity equation if this is what we are trying to determine.
If you are a GOVERNMENT project then totally disregard all these
trivial expenses. Do you realize that the Commanche Peak Power
station will cost more than the SSC and eventually all utility rate
payers will foot the entire expense through utility rate increases?
I make the above comments from a very informed basis for in my files
I have all of the Patents that apply to MHD power generation
including the ones on Plasma MHD. I also have all the Patents on
Hot Fussion using Plasma. Due to on line time constraints I will
share with everyone some interesting experiments that I have
conducted with MHD in a subsequent message.
Again, thank you Joel for sharing the 4th State info with us. Your
friend Norm.
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Msg # 3083 [1..3254] [R]eply, [F]orward, [K]ill, [P]rivate,
[+]See Reply, [M]ove, [E]dit, [Q]uit, [ENTER] for Next Message ?
Message 3087 DATE/TIME: 11/10/93 10:58
Subject: (R) Plasma MHD
Folder : A, "Public Mail"
Sure thing, Norm. I've always enjoyed our conversations, and I
admire the work you're doing. Some of the other MENTOR books also
might have some interesting info, as well, and if I can track them
down, I'll upload reviews of them as well.
Hard to say how much MHD has progressed in the past 20+ years, but
I'd guess it's on-line in quite a few places where cameras are NOT
allowed. CUL (see you later)
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Msg # 3087 [1..3254] [R]eply, [F]orward, [K]ill, [P]rivate,
[-]See Orig, [M]ove, [E]dit, [Q]uit, [ENTER] for Next Message ? 3088
Message 3088 DATE/TIME: 11/10/93 11:11
Subject: MHD and Resonance
Folder : A, "Public Mail"
Hi again, Norm.
I just finished reading your message at greater length, and
hopefully, with more understanding. So, I want to ask your opinion.
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I've been solidly of the opinion (also from experiments of my own)
that ANY form of unity plus would require resonance. The CLEMM
engine, which uses cooking oil with a turbine, is a good example.
He pumped the oil until the turbine speed was at aggregate
resonance, and the oil continued to flow by itself, propelled by the
heat generated during the pumping process. One of these engines is
still running around Dallas somewhere, buried so as to keep people
from touching it.
A MHD design might also pump the plasma to resonance, and then
disconnect the pump/heater, and keep going in the same manner. I'd
GUESS that that is how the Mark V (or its followers) work. I
haven't the means to build a prototype of this, but it seems
What do you think? The book, as you noted, failed to mention the
energy required to maintain the pump/heater, but they may have
stumbled on the resonance principle, as Clemm did.
Msg # 3088 [1..3254] [R]eply, [F]orward, [K]ill, [P]rivate,
[M]ove, [E]dit, [Q]uit, [ENTER] for Next Message ? 3113
Message 3113 DATE/TIME: 11/11/93 07:22
To : ALL
Subject: Plasma MHD #2
Folder : A, "Public Mail"
After a little prompting from Bert last night I will talk about the
cold MHD experiment that I did several years ago.
First a little background, I spent 30 years in the military during
which time I had the opportunity to visit many of the defense
manufacturing and R&D facilities since I was working with the R&D
programs. While we were working on the ABM Sprint missile system
back in the seventies I visited the Arnold wind tunnel, NASA Moffett
Field and the BRL Hypersonic facility, therefore have first hand
knowledge of them.
During my stint as Director of Research and Development for a large
energy firm in the Smoky Mountains (Ashville) we researched a low
temp MHD system that would work on a wood burning or gas fired
furnace for domestic application. It was based on an Israeli patent
for a solar fired freon media system that opperated at 180 F.
Since high temps are really NOT necessary for the MHD process to
work then it follows that maybe a cold process was possible.
Several years ago I assembled all the parts and put together a table
top MHD generator that was rather interesting.
The combination occurred to me after reading Joseph Caters "Awsome
Life Force" in which he differentiated the HARD electrons from SOFT
electrons noting their different characteristics.
D.C. Cox of Resonance Research filled me in on the difference
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between the soft electrons that are generated by influence machines
like Holts, Wimshurst and other electrostatic generators and the
Vandegraff machine which generates or accumulates hard electrons,
since it is an ion seeded device VS stripping electrons out of a
dielectric media (wimshurst).
The Swiss ML converter works on the principle that I will Now
I built a typical MHD generator channel which is like a venturi with
a square cross section of one square inch on opposing sides of the
square. We place a North and South pole with approximately 50,000
gauss magnetic flux density.
At the adjacent sides of the square we have the current pick-up
plates, at low temp I used copper. High temp applications use
tungsten and ceramic construction. I built a small wind tunnel that
employed a turbo fan that moved the air around the closed circuit at
a tremendous velocity.
On the back side of the wind tunnel loop I placed an electrostatic
grid sort of like a bug eater on which I put an electostatic charge
(soft electrons) to be picked up by my seed material which was
SODIUM POTASSIUM TARTRATE better known to non-chemists as ROCHELLE
By the way, ROCHELLE SALT is the most electrically active material
known in scientific circles. It can and does have the capability to
carry tremendous electrostatic charges. When the electrostatically
charged crystals are moved by the air currents through a very strong
magnetic field the electrons are stripped out of the flow at 90
degrees to the magnetic poles an are deposited as a + or positive
charge on one side of the square and a - negative charge on the
opposite side of the square.
With the turbo fan screaming at 12,000 RPM, dogs barking, the
neighbors watched as the meters jumped off the scale with DC output
at the pick-up terminals. I made a long run of the device observing
the relationship between the electostatic input VS the dc output
when all of a sudden my fan made some god-awful noises caused by the
fact that the tartrate crystal have a melting point of 170 F and I
had exceeded this temp which literally caused a meltdown within the
I dissassembled the device and tossed the fan into the dumpster for
it was totally destroyed with melted tartrate crystal (an
intercooler would have helped here). My neighbors asked what I had
learned, to which I replied "A lot".
D.C. Cox told me that Ion seeded devices such as Vandegraff machines
accumulate hard electrons, therefore are very dangerous. The output
of these machines can kill you INSTANTLY, therefore he will not even
sell plans for them.
On the other hand, electrostatic generators work by accumulating
soft electrons, therefore are harmless in the raw form. Be careful
for we now have an idea as to how to transform soft electrons into
hard electrons in the form of DC current which is what is taking
place in the Swiss ML converter.
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Basic MHD principles are the key to this energy conversion. Due to
on line time constraints( JERRY, ARE YOU READING ?) I have to end
this session and pick up at a later date with the discussion of the
CLEM N-MACHINE combo since JOEL brought it up. See Jerry has a
program called MESS-UP which he is going to install that will allow
us to word process messages at our leisure, them load them up to the
board at 9600 baud which will give us all more time to exchange a
great deal of knowledge. Thanks again to Joel, Bert and Jerry for
their friendly support. Your friend NORM.
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Vangard Note
The following is a very short piece regarding an amazing energy
device called the MigMa. It is being included because of its
claimed overunity output.
A Bulgarian-born American physicist named Joseph Maglich has
invented and partially developed an atomic FUSION reactor which
he calls "MigMa", which uses NON-radioactive deuterium as a fuel
(available in nearly UNlimited quantities from sea water), does
NOT produce radioactive waste, can be converted DIRECTLY into
electricity (without energy-wasting steam turbines), and can be
constructed small enough to power a house or large enough to
power a city or spaceship.
And UNlike the "Tokamaks" and laser fusion monstrosities that we
read about, MigMa WORKS, already producing at least THREE WATTS
of power for every WATT PUT IN!
(New Times - 6/26/78, pages 32-40). If anyone can locate this
article, we at KeelyNet would greatly appreciate a photocopy so
that it can be placed online for researchers. Please send to the
above address and send photocopy costs if applicable...thank you!
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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