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April 17, 1991
I. Suggestions for areas of inquiry and research topics
(I realize that some of these suggestions you are familiar with
some of these topics probably even all of them;I am listing
these in the hope that maybe some of these you have not thought
1. Research into the nature and effects of light (different
kinds) on living organisms.
2. Research into altered states of consciousness (in meditation
etc) and finding biological indications of the effects of them
on human physiology (changes in blood chemistry,hormone levels
and activity,EEG profiles,EKG profiles,DC readings of the
skin,changes of chemistry,ionic activity of the cells (muscle,
brain,blood, eye),electrical,chemical activity of the retina)
3. Studies on the effects of color on the human organism.
4. Investigation into the nature and applications of
superconductivity for the purpose of developing
instrumentation with enough power to detect subtle energies
and fields surrounding human body.
5. Investigation into the work done on the nature of cycles of
the human body and in nature.
6. Check the work that claims that the moon and planets have an
effect on solar activity which in turn has impact on nature.
7. Necessity for background knowledge and consultant of an
illusionist,stage magician for setting up research protocol
for studying "psychic phenomena" (clairvoyance,psychokinesis,
telepathy,precognition,dowsing etc).Scientists have trouble
detecting fraud and trickery.You can check the history of the
Psychic Research Society in England and its American
counterpart for voluminous accounts of trickery and fraud that
scientists were unable to detect for verification of this
comment about scientists in this capacity.
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8. Documentation of the effects of healing (the magnetic "occult"
type; the transference of the divine love energy)into a human
body, animal, or other organism. (Electrical, chemical changes
and activity of the cells i.e)
9. Research into Homeopathy,Arya Veda,Chinese,Tibetan systems of
10. Research into the biological effects of sound and music on the
human organism and in nature.
11. Record effects of energies on organism during spiritual
12. Documentation and study of the patterns of analomies in nature
that scientists have reported in their respective journals.The
physicist William Corliss has been compiling this information
in his Project SourceBook; several volumes of which has been
commercially published that I am aware of.
13. Research into the biological effects that structures built on
the principles of Sacred Geometry and other systems of a
sacred philosophical approach to mathematics might have on
living organisms.
14. Study of synesthesia.
15. Documentation of biological effects of meditation practices
and their graded forms and tools on the human body (This
project would take 10's of years maybe even 100 to 150 years
due to the developmental response and processes of the human
organism to altered states of consciousness and energies from
higher states of awareness).
16. Independent checking of the "scientific" research that has
been conducted by scientists with the anthroposophical
community at The Goetheium in Dornach,Switzerland,and Emerson
College in England.
17. Exploration of mathematics of dimensions,superstrings,
projective geometry,fractal geometry.
18. Study of the biological effects if any that crystals have on
the human organism (my guess if they do;that they amplify
certain spectra wavelengths of energy as a result of
concentrated thought or radiated energy directed through them
((somewhat analogous to laser with the light being made
coherent through a crystal)).
19. Compile clairvoyant descriptions of reality,then check the
descriptions that have the greatest number of parts in common
by comparing them with computer simulated fractal graphics.
20. Compile numbers,calculations from different branches of
science etc and observe the repeating patterns,logarithmic
ratios arithematical relationships etc between them (i.e.
whole number ratios between elements in the periodic table and
mathematical ratios of tones in music for instance)
21. Investigation into the work of Louis C. Kervran on the
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transmutation of elements in biological organisms.
22. Examination of the texts of alchemy for the purpose of
duplicating the work and testing the results for medicinal
uses which it is claimed occurs.
23. Document changes in brain activity and physiological changes
when people under hypnosis are told to develop hidden talents
or exhibit clairvoyance etc.
24. Study the physiological changes of "recognized" dowsers when
they search for water.
25. Explore the effects of tones and different types of music
on plants,animals and human beings in terms of physiological
and brain activity changes.
26. Observe the effects of negative ions on living organisms
27. More thinking and research done in the area of
interdisciplinary research in all fields of human science and
all the suggestions listed here.
28. Document the physiological changes over a period of time with
the application of Hatha Yoga asanas and techniques for
rehabilitation purposes.
29. Examination of physiological changes in REM state of sleep
while being exposed to different types of color,music and
negative ion concentrations.
(offered in attempt that in the event these have not occurred
to you they might possibly be of some value.Reject them if they
don't hold true in your experience)
1. Occam's Razor about seeking simplest solution over more
complicated solution as far as I can tell still holds true.
2. Try to find a rational explanation that fits the analomie
before seeking a metaphysical one.If the rational explanation
is too cumbersome and complex then seek a metaphysical one.(a
dictum from a Medieval philosopher whose name escapes me).
3. The more sophisticated the approach (in a spiritual
discipline) the great the emphasis (with the point that the
differentiation is ultimately an illusion) on different states
and stages of consciousness and "spiritual development".
4. The acid test for me anyway; wither or not there is some value
in idea or school of thought,metaphysical or secular is
determining if it works in light of historical precedence and
application as well as the acid test of personal experience.
Also whether or not the assumption(s) the idea of school of
thought is based on is rooted in a correct perception of human
nature or reality.
5. Most esoteric models and diagrams of nature of reality are
partial in their descriptive value and only in rare instances
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are to be taken literally. Most diagrams deal with
interpenetrating energies,phenomena,structures and levels of
6. The analogy of the Venn diagram in relationship to Set Theory
in Algebra holds true in dealing with esoteric philosophy.Find
and observe the points,observations that different schools
have in common and you can be reasonably sure the information
that you have observed them to have in common is free of
biases (cultural, psychological and conventional religious).
7. Different systems of esoteric thought deal with different
types of people with differing inner makeup. For example,in
the Eastern Schools of spiritual tradition;people are assumed
to need more mental activity (abstract) and have physical
temperaments that tend towards lethargy. All "public schools
of spiritual traditions" can only give one the tools and
guidance to develop one's one inner resources (alignment to
the soul,spirit and qualities that are developed as a result)
once that is achieved then there is no further need for those
crutches and cosmologies.
8. You might find Manly Palmer Hall's book "Words to the Wise" of
value in my opinion (for what ever it is worth) the advice he
offers is excellent.
9. Some alternative spiritual traditions have a structural
approach to human nature and the universe,some a functional
one, some a combination of both approaches (which in my mind
is the most integrated way to deal with human nature and the
universe at large.
10. Another point for discrimination;if a person is following a
valid spiritual discipline than they will find that there are
"cues" for discernment in determining whether or not
experiences of altered states of consciousness or "psychic
experiences" are valid.
11. Another observation about spiritual disciplines and meditative
practices might be of value.If an individual or a group is
dealing with a "legitimate or real" path they will experience
cycles of purification which will involve the personality as a
whole and its mental,emotional physical components. Sometimes
health problems can result (usual not serious or permanent if
one is following the discipline properly)
12. The study and use of symbols is one of the major techniques in
any genuine spiritual discipline;symbols can have physical,
emotional,mental and "spiritual effects". Any LEGITIMATE
spiritual disciple while have a graded set of symbols to be
used at different stages of the practice of meditation.
13. An Important behavioral cue of a person who has achieved some
"success" or development in a mediational discipline is the
fact that they will not discuss it with another person unless
the interviewer has "a need to know" (based on the fact that a
person has to be in a position and have the need for the
information that could be imparted),the right motive behind
the questioning (always the danger of the information being
misused in application and practice etc) and the simple fact
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that a person who is in the process of becoming "mature".
13. One should also read Abraham Maslow's description of a self
actualizing person.He has given a precise an accurate set of
characteristics and traits of a person who is in the process
of becoming "mature" in a spiritual sense (soul infused
14. Wholistic thinking involves among other things: consideration
of the consequences of one's actions to others, society,
nations, other kingdoms of nature,thoughts,ideals,examination
of issues, ideas from different points of view,in addition to
the tracing and reflection on the original meaning and origins
of the terms, words, and ideas involved.
15. Some key points to remember in regards to science and
spiritual traditions is that: science deals with the question
how spirituality with the question why science concerns itself
with the physical mechanism(s) and the relationship of energy
to them in nature, spirituality concerns itself with the
consciousness and the relationship of nature and kingdoms of
nature to a first cause and its manifestations in terms of
quality of life in kingdoms of nature,for an individual versed
in them symbols and religious images are a descriptive
language just as math is for a scientist.
A. Anthroposophical Community (influence of Rudolf Steiner's
1. Olive Weischler: Projective Geometry
2. H.Poppelbaum: A New Zoology
3. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer: Sensitive Crystallization Processes
4. Guenther Wachsmuth: Etheric Formative Forces in
Cosmos,Earth,Man a graphically illustrated
summery of Steiner's ideas on topic and an
attempt to bridge them to what science knows at
the time.
5. Ernest Lehrs: Spiritual Science,Electricity And Michael
6. Dennis Milner,Edward Smart: The Loom of Creation (claim of
experimental evidence (detailed) of "etheric
7. Wilhelm Pelikan: The Secrets of Metals
8. Rudolf Steiner: The Boundaries Of Natural Science (Rudolf
Steiner's undergraduate educational background
was in mathematics and physics with a PHD in
Philosophy and Mathematics. He made contributions
bridging the esoteric and "academic fields of
knowledge". Most of his contributions have very
practical use.
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9. Rudolf Steiner: Problems of Nutrition (for whatever my
opinion is worth to you;I can vouch for the
accuracy of his perceptions on nutrition,
experimenting with my diet over the years has to
my surprise given at least for me independent
confirmation of these insights on nutrition prior
to even making a study of Steiner's ideas)
10. Rudolf Steiner: The Study of Man outline of his views on
psychology of man.
11. George Adams & Olive Weischer: The Plant Between Sun and
Earth. Two mathematicians with backgrounds in
physics and chemistry make an attempt to deal
with "etheric formative forces" and morphology of
plants through Projective Geometry and use of
physics and other tools (how successful this
treatment is depends on how much background one
has in physics and spiritual insight.)
12. Rudolf Steiner had several lecture cycles devoted to the
interface between physics and spirituality,as
well as in medicine and biology.I don't know if
they have been translated into English yet.
13. George Adams: Physical and Etheric Spaces carries on
Steiner's insight about "negative space
counterpart"of the etheric with physical space
etc. Develops some mathematical propositions
about nature of etheric realm and energies.
14. Ernest Lehrs: Man or Matter a physicist's attempt to
bridge and reformulate science and the scientific
method with spiritual traditions using Steiner's
ideas as a springboard.
15. Rudolf Steiner: Man as Symphony of Creative Word
correlations between different kingdoms in nature
and processes that link them.
16. Rudolf Steiner: Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe
17. Rudolf Steiner: Spiritual Science and Medicine
18. Rudolf Steiner: Nine Lectures on Bees
19. Rudolf Steiner & Ita Wegman M.D.: Fundamentals of Therapy
results of work that Steiner did with a
doctor/biochemist. A text book so to speak on a
"higher approach" to medicine and healing
20. E. Pfeiffer: Biodynamic Farming and Gardening
21. C.B.J. Lievegoed M.D.: The Working of Planets and the
Life Processes in Man and Earth
22. Rudolf Steiner: The Agricultural Course
23. Rudolf Steiner: Occult Physiology a structural approach
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24. Rudolf Hauschka:The Nature Of Substance a chemists
attempt to integrate biochemistry and the
elements with esoteric thought particularly
Rudolf Steiner's insights.
25. Wolfgang Schad:Man or Mammal
26. Ernst Mees:Secrets of the Skeleton
1. Alice Ann Bailey: Esoteric Healing the most indepth
account on the chakras, etheric body and healing
process from a pure esoteric perspective this
author has ever read. (at least in light of this
author's personal experience he can vouch for
some of the insights contained in the book;there
are scattered references to the chakaras and
subtle bodies through out all of her books)
2. Alice Ann Bailey: Telepathy and the Etheric Vechile more
in depth insightful information on the nature and
function of the etheric body.
3. Alice Ann Bailey: Glamour A World Problem information
about the nature of right perception and the
etheric and other realms.
4. Alice Ann Bailey: Esoteric Psychology Vol I & II:
information (more about chakaras and subtle
anatomy) about human psyche.
5. Alice Ann Bailey: Letters on Occult Meditation
6. Alice Ann Bailey: Treatise on White Magic: more
information about subtle anatomy and its
relationships and effects.
7. David Tansley: Raiment of Light the most integrated
study on the nature of the "aura" I have come
across discusses the topic from different esoteric
perspectives,its ramifications and a survey of the
"scientific research" that has been done on the
8. Lyall Watson: Supernature an attempt by a zoologist to
bridge between the esoteric and science.
Interesting scientific information.
9. Lyall Watson: The Romeo Error a philosophical meditation
on the nature of death and dying. Fascinating
a survey of esoteric traditions perspective on the
10. Franklin Merrill-Wolff: The Philosophy of Consciousness
Without an Object mathematician/philosopher's (PhD
in math and philosophy from Stanford in 1912)
aphorisms commentary about higher states of
consciousness. Best account on the topic I have
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ever read rivals Sankarcharya's Crest Jewel of
Discrimination in terms of clarity and insight.
Words by their very nature can not adequately
describe higher states of consciousness;if used
with great care and skill at least convey the
characteristics that accompany higher states of
consciousness and a partial but woefully
inadequate sense of what joy and bliss that is
part of the awareness.
11. Franklin Merrill-Wolff:Pathways Through Space AN
Experiential Journal
12. Roland Hunt:Fragrant and Radiant Healing Symphony a
metaphysical attempt to correlate perfume,sound
and color together. The most interesting book I
have ever read on this topic. The book also
contains some scientific information and tries to
draw correlations.
13. Lyall Watson: Lifetide more philosophical musings
combining scientific insights and some ideas from
esoteric thought.
1. William R.Corliss: The Unexplained: A Sourcebook of
Strange Phenomena - analomies in different fields
of science culled from many Scientific Journals
such as Scientific American, Nature and Journal of
Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. Information
about Project SourceBook can be obtained through:
Sourcebook Project,P.O. Box 107 Glen Arm MD.20157
5. Albert Davis & Walter Rawls: The Magnetic Effect -
Exposition Press 9005 Oyster Bay Rd.Hicksville
N.Y.11801 - research into magneticism and its
effects on living organisms. (Also available from
Edmund Scientific)
6. John Diamond M.D: BK Behavioral Kinesiology - it would
be interesting to see if this information holds
true under checking of the work. For additional
information contact: The Institute of Behavioral
Kinesiology P.O. Drawer 37 Valley
7. John N.Ott: Health and Light - summary of years of
research into the effects of light (different
types and colors too) on human beings and living
Page 8
8. D'Arcy Thompson: On Growth and Form - an outstanding
book on the mathematics of nature and structure.
Validates some of the concepts of Sacred
Geometry, Pythagorean approach to math.
9. Ilya Priagones: Order Out of Chaos
10. David Boehm: Wholeness and the Implicate Order
11. Izthak Bentov: Stalking the Wild Pendulum
12. Guy Playfair & Scott Hill: The Cycles of Heaven -
detailed discussion about a number of sciences
that detail the effects of the planets on living
13. Robert Becker & A. Marino: Electromagneticism and Life -
detailed account of research that has been done
into the connection between living organisms and
14. John Evans: Mind, Body & Electromagneticism - detailed
account of scientific research into attempts to
partially verify the existence of the etheric body
and centers plus the relationships between
electromagneticism and living organisms.
15. Rupert Sheldrake: A NEW SCIENCE OF LIFE - detailed
exposition on possibility of electromagnetic
organizing fields that deeply influence living
16. Davis & Rawls: Magneticism and its Effects on The Living
17. Davis & Rawls: The Magnetic Blueprint of Life:
18. Davis & Rawls: The Magnetic Effect:
19. A.S Pressman: Electromagnetic Fields and Life -
translation of book and materials on Soviet
scientific research.
20. Benoit Mandelbrot: The Fractal Geometry of Nature - an
account of a new geometry that produces accurate
portrayal of living organisms and in the opinion
of this author accurate graphical depictions of
patterns that energy produces etherically.
21. Heinz-Otto Peitgen & Peter H. Richter: The Beauty of
Fractals - much graphics and many essays by
leading mathematicians on the subject.
22. Shaffica Karagulla & Dora Van Gelder Kunz - The Chakras
and Human Energy Fields: "correlations between
medical science and clairvoyant observation".(This
is the best book written so far this author has
come across dealing with scientific exploration of
clairvoyance and one of its applications).
Page 9
23. Hiroshi Motoyama": Theories of the Chakras - An account
of scientific research through instrumentation
detecting differences of energy fields.
24. Jane Wegscheider Hyman: THE LIGHT BOOK - a compilation
of data from scientific journals on the theme of
chronobiology in relationship to human physiology.
(a neuro-othalmologist takes a critical look at
the nature of "kundalini" in light of neurology
and brain disorders.
(collection of articles from many philosophical,
experiental and scientific disciplines dealing
with the headlines of these 3 books)
27. Edgar Mitchell: Psychic Exploration A Challenge for
Science. (anthology of articles from different
scientific disciplines)
28. Charles Muses, Arthur Young Editors: Consciousness and
Reality. (articles derived from journals on
different scientific disciples)
29. Francis Hitching: EARTH MAGIC. (a scientific and
philosphical inquiry into dowsing and
(both books about physics and math of different
dimensions and altered states of awareness)
31. Donald Hatch Andrews: THE SYMPHONY OF LIFE. (scientific
look at chemistry and biology,comparing it to
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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