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April 2, 1994
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Robert Bonner.
(Reprinted from The Herald News, Tuesday, March 1, 199O)
Doctors World Wide Proclaim Its Effectiveness!
BUCHAREST, Romania. - On January 6th of this year, only two days
after the communist-backed Romanian Government was overthrown, an
American Doctor named Larry Wood started negotiations with the new
Democratic Government of Romania to acquire the long-standing secret
"anti-aging" formula of the famous Romanian Rejuvenation Clinic.
For three decades now, gossip columnists in our newspapers have
reported frequently that certain aging movie stars or dignitaries
were making trips to the famous Geriatric Institute of Romania for
its famous rejuvenation therapy.
It seems like every movie star or famous person has been there at
one time or another; Liz Taylor, Cary Grant, Onassis, Kirk Douglas,
Marlene Dietrich, Prince Ranier, Sommerset Maugham, Charles
DeGaulle, Sukarno, Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos, Stalin, Chairman
Mao---even John F. Kennedy, who went there for back treatments.
Zsa Zsa Is Frequent Visitor
Of course we all see how young 72-year-old Zsa Zsa Gabor looks on
TV. The press has reported that Zsa Zsa, her sister Eva and her
mother Magda have been there several times. At $1O,OOO for a week's
therapy plus the travel costs, food and lodging, the treatment was
affordable only by the rich. But just one week ago, all that
changed. Now anyone can afford the famous and proven anti-aging
It all began in 1951 when Dr. Ana Aslan was assigned to a geriatric
hospital in Bucharest, Romania (she was Romania's first female
physician and cardiologist).
After a year of frustration trying to help thousands of people with
a multitude of age-related problems, she began studying medical
journals in her spare time, looking for something that might help
these poor, helpless people.
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MAO Goes Up When You Reach 35
Dr. Aslan learned from the Journal of Physiology that there was an
enzyme in our bodies called "monoamine oxidase" (MAO), which stays
at about the same level until we reach about age 35. Then it goes
up dramatically every year as we get older. Many doctors had found
that the level of MAO was even much higher in people who suffered
debilitating diseases such as arthritis, neuritis, arteriosclerosis,
senility and depression.
Lowers MAO 85% In Two Weeks
Dr. Aslan began experimenting with various formulas on old white
rats to see if she could lower their MAO levels. Finally, after
over a year of experimentation, she found the right combination
which lowered the aged rats' MAO levels by an astounding 85% in just
two weeks.
Test Subjects Lived 21.2% Longer Than Normal!
The doctor knew she was onto something special and continued to
treat the rats with her new formula. To make sure their treatment
was scientifically valid, she tested it on 92O aged rats. The
average test subject lived an incredible 21.2% longer than normal.
After the long years of experimentation, she was finally ready to
try her formula on a human. Dr. Aslan was fairly sure it was safe
because she had given numerous rats huge doses without any ill
Patient Thought It Was A Miracle!
In the hospital where she worked was a man suffering from arthritis
so badly that he couldn't even move one leg. Dr, Aslan asked him if
he was willing to volunteer; the bedridden man and depressed man
said he was willing to try anything. Within a day after taking her
secret formula, the man was moving his leg freely. Two days later
he went home from the hospital, walking as if he had never had
Shortly thereafter, a homeless man was brought to the hospital by
the police. He was dirty, disheveled, mute, depressed, in a
terminal stage of senility, had no memory, and was crippled. Dr.
Aslan felt if she could help him, she would really prove that her
formula worked.
1O9 Year Old Man Revitalized!
Within a year of her special therapy, the old man was alert,
vigorous, very mobile, and with much of his memory restored. He was
an Armenian named Parsh Margosian. Newspapers printed the story
with his picture. A daughter who hadn't seen him in years
recognized the man as her father and brought documents to the doctor
showing Parsh to be 1O9 years old.
KGB Came In The Middle Of The Night
Rumors at the time were that Nikita Khrushchev was suffering some
affliction and didn't have long to live. After the news of the 1O9-
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year-old man, Dr. Aslan said the KGB came to her quarters in the
middle of the night and told her to pack.
A month later, Khrushchev appeared in public, remarkably
revitalized. At the same time, Dr. Aslan was made the Chief Doctor
and Administrator of the Bucharest Geriatric Institute, and soon
became famous throughout the world. And so did her formula, which
she calls "Gerovital H3".
Test Patients Lived 29% Longer Than Normal!
Dr. Aslan kept meticulous records on the next 111 patients for over
15 years, making sure they continued their treatment. On the
average, these patients lived 29% longer than the normal life
Increased MAO Affects All Parts Of The Body!
MAO circulates throughout the body, but its heaviest concentration
is in the brain - the central nervous system. A malfunction in the
central nervous system affects every part of the body.
Many Doctors Didn't Believe It Worked!
Dr. Aslan proved with her thousands of patients that Gerovital
alleviated many aging problems such as arthritis, neuritis,
impotence, mental deterioration, memory loss, psoriasis, asthma,
angina pectoris, ulcers, arteriosclerosis, depression, skin and
muscle tone, sexual drive, wrinkle smoothing, loss of energy,
osteoporosis and hearing loss. Some patients even found their hair
MAO Level Drops 87%!
But most doctors didn't believe one formula could help all those
problems until 1973, when Dr. Joseph P. Hrachovec of the University
of California found Gerovital reduced the MAO level by as much as
87%. Dr. Hrachovec was considered the top scientist in the United
States in geriatric and gerontological research.
Many Doctors Confirm Gerovital's Power!
Dr. David Macfarlane of USC confirmed Dr. Hrachovec's research. Dr.
Arnold Abrams of the Chicago Medical School conducted a series of
carefully controlled double blind tests of GH3 with very positive
results that caused the enthusiastic doctor to visit Romania for
more information.
Works Very Fast!
An East German physician, Dr. Fritz Wiedermann, treated over 6OO
patients with Dr. Aslan's formula and said, "The results were
stunning and happened very fast."
To demonstrate his point about the speed of results, he showed
reporters a file on a sixty-seven-year-old female patient given to
crying jags, suffering from arthritis and a total inability to work,
who was back on the job within one week of Gerovital H3 therapy.
Within three months after beginning the treatment, her swollen hands
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became thin again and her arthritis pains disappeared.
Hair Regains Color
Two months later her hair regained its former color and began to
grow in where it had fallen out. To top it all, in her sixty-eighth
year, the woman's wisdom teeth appeared, "proving how extensively
the regeneration had occurred in her case," says Wiedermann.
Doctors Say It Makes People Feel Younger!
Dr. Keith Ditman, Medical Director of Vista Hill Psychiatric
Foundation in San Diego, and Dr. Sidney Cohen, Professor of
Psychiatry at UCLA reported to the Gerontological Society in 1973
that they found 89% of aging patients reported less depression and
an increased sense of well-being after taking Gerovital H3.
Slept Better At Night
In describing the therapeutic benefits of Gerovital, Cohen and
Ditman reported that most patients who took the drug "felt a greater
sense of well-being and relaxation, slept better at night, and many
obtained relief from depression and the discomforts of chronic
inflammation or degenerative disease."
Dr. William Zung, Professor of Psychiatry at Duke University and
associate professor Dr. H. S. Wang, reported at the 1975 American
Geriatrics Society annual meeting that their double blind test with
Gerovital H3 and placebo showed significant improvement of mental
condition of those getting Gerovital H3.
Double Blind Tests Confirm!
Dr. Leonard Cramor of the New York Medical College agreed, after
conducting his own double blind test. Dr. Albert Semord, a
prestigious member of the American Medical Association (AMA), the
New York County Medical Society, the New York Academy of Science,
the American Geriatrics Society, and the New York State Medical
Association, said after using Gerovital H3 on 5O patients and
himself for several months, "Every month I'm more stupefied with the
results---not only physically, but mentally and emotionally."
78-Year-Old Makes Love Twice A Week!
"And all my patients feel the same as I do. I don't look my age
(78), I fish, I hunt, I ski. I make love twice a week. I feel
extremely well." Dr. Edith Pakesch of Vienna, Austria, reported
that patients receiving treatments with Gerovital H3 all felt much
better physically and it had "an astonishing effect on their mental
clarity and emotional stability."
Users' Enthusiasm Surpasses Doctors'!
We asked the doctors in the U.S. if we could talk to some of their
test subjects. The response was overwhelming. Robert Entre of
Santa Barbara, California, said, "As a 41-year-old business
executive, I felt like I was getting old before my time. I had low
energy, looked pale, haggard and felt angry and irritated most of
the time. After six weeks of taking GH3, I feel like I'm in my
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early 2O's! It makes such an incredible difference! I feel like I
have a whole new attitude and outlook on life!"
Feels Spry Again
Clara Key of Decatur, Georgia, stated, "My life was so slow and
painful the past nine years. Now, after three months of GH3, I feel
like a spry woman again." Gerry Stone of Moorpark, California,
replied, "I am a 5O year old design engineer who is truly grateful
for this formula. I was experiencing depression and feeling
sluggish. Now, after seven weeks of taking GH3 I feel as though I
have regained my youth! My mind is sharp and physically I feel
absolutely terrific!"
Annie Bushell of Halifas, Virginia, remarked, "I'm 89 years old. I
can remember seeing Halley's Comet as a young girl in 191O. After
taking GH3 for the past month. I feel like I'll probably live to be
over 1OO! The aches and the pains are less, and my eyesight is even
7O-Year-Old With High Energy!
Jean Finley of Palm Springs, California, said, "At the age of 7O, I
thought I was living out the last few years of my life. I was
depressed and filled with anxiety about the thought of dying. My
doctor asked me to try GH3.
"After just four weeks I noticed an increase in energy and a
comforting clarity of mind. I've been taking GH3 for several months
now and I feel like I'll probably live to be 1OO! GH3 should be a
part of every senior citizen's diet!"
Sex Life Renewed!
Ken Glen of St. Petersburg, Florida, confessed, "At age 53 I felt my
sex life was over. Now at age 62 (nine years later), I've got it
back! It really makes a difference!" 38-year-old Mary Rand of
Thousand Oaks, California, replied, "Several months ago I suffered a
severe head injury from a horseback riding accident. I thought I
would never be the same. None of my doctors' medications or therapy
seemed to work. As a last resort I agreed to test GH3, and I must
tell you that it has made a big difference. Not only did it speed
up my recovery, but I can honestly say that I feel better now than
before the accident! This is a marvelous discovery!"
Flirts With Girls At 73!
Guy Almond of Atlanta, Georgia, was very candid. "I have a clear
mind, a vibrant body and I'm flirting with the girls again! At 73
that's remarkable! I'm glad it's now available without being a test
subject." Jackie Carter of San Diego, California, said, "I am a
51-year-old nutritionist and since I've been taking GH3, I've
noticed a remarkable improvement in my ability to think clearly and
I look and feel years younger! Just when I thought I was starting
to get old, suddenly I feel like I'm getting younger."
Rebuilds Life After Loss!
Lorriane Flood of Van Nuys stated: "After my husband died I almost
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gave up on life. That was four years ago. Now, after only six
weeks of taking GH3, I actually feel like getting out of the house
and being people! It's wonderful!"
Dr. Ronald Klatz, D.O., M.D. and president of the American Longevity
Institute, retorted, "It's about time Gerovital H3, the most widely-
tested anti-aging drug in the world, is made available in the United
Why It Took So Long To Be Available In The United States!
Behind the Iron Curtain (before the recent change) communists were
not eager to share their technology with free world countries. And
the U.S. was equally not eager to share with them. In fact, we've
put people in jail for selling even computer components and programs
to the communists.
Khrushchev Made It A State Secret!
Dr. Aslan's discovery became a "state secret" after Khrushchev tried
it. And it still is a state secret today. Doctors in the U.S. and
elsewhere were given samples to test - but not told the exact
Many scientists in various countries tried to duplicate it, but
their formulas only worked about half as well, and some not at all -
until now!
Communists Are Becoming Capitalists!
Now that the Iron Curtain is down, and Glasnost and Perestroika are
here, the communists want to make money. And they are confident
that no one will figure out how Dr. Aslan compounded Gerovital, so
they are willing to sell it to us.
American Company Has Selling Rights!
Vita Industries has just acquired the rights to sell a new, improved
version of Gero Vita GH3 in the United States from Dr. Larry Wood.
A company spokesman said that it will take about a year to prepare
the packaging, advertising campaigns and distribution system, and
get a sufficient supply before it will be available at your local
drug store.
Limited Supply Available By Mail!
Vita Industries has a limited supply available now, and those who
wish to try it may order it by mail or phone. In fact, the company
president says he's so sure everyone will be pleased with Gero Vita
GH3 that you can try it for a month without risk. He says to just
send back the empty bottle for a full refund. The price for one
month's supply is $39.95, two months' is $69.95, four months' is
$119.95, and six months' supply is only $149.95. They accept most
credit cards, but add $4.OO for shipping the order.
Vita Industries' address is 37O2 South Virginia, Suite 16O, Dept.
494, Reno, NV 895O2. Their toll-free number is 1-8OO-345-9111; ask
for operator #494.
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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