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September 9, 1993
Electronic Cleansing of Tissue
by Jerry W. Decker
This is a "hypothetical" file based on observations, various books
and papers, discussions, my own admittedly limited understanding,
the file AGE7 and the file PAPIMI, (both on KeelyNet).
The entire idea is based on a very simple principle. We eat, we
drink, our bodies are SUPPOSED to process all the food, that is
remove the energy and some of the mass; which is converted into
tissue, and excrete the depleted mass as waste.
A truly efficent and optimized organism would not leave ANY waste
material in the body and would extract the MAXIMUM ENERGY from the
food or drink. What the body fails to remove, remains and
PUTREFIES, becoming toxic to the body. These toxins irritate the
tissue which manifests as disease. The disease then alters the flow
of energy in the body, loading the circuit as it were and helping to
detract from the creation of new, optimized tissue.
As specified in AGE7, these toxic buildups could be thought of as
the clogging of a filter where the body IS the filter. So, how can
we "backflush" this filter to remove the accumulations?
Nikola Tesla spoke of an "electric bath" to invigorate and help the
body to heal. This does not mean to imply a literal bathtub type of
bath, with immersion in an electrified fluid such as water, but
rather to be bathed in electricity from the secondary of a Tesla
We do have some information regarding "galvanic baths" where metal
plates are suspended in a bathtub filled with water. The person
sits in the tub and the current flows through their body as part of
the circuit. This is circa 1900 to 1940 information, so PLEASE
I must admit succumbing to a "test" of this principle to see how it
worked. It took advantage of a battery powered (9 volt) TENS unit
with adjustable frequency and intensity. I wondered if it would
work in a shower if the shower was "dense" enough (like me), so I
hooked up one electrode to the showerhead and the other to a piece
of aluminum foil in the shower base. This was then connected to the
TENS unit at about half power.
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Nothing happened. I did feel a slight tremor when touching the
showerhead direct, but nothing to write home about. So, I increased
the power to full (new battery) and again touched the showerhead.
My muscles locked in place and I could not let go! It was VERY
STIMULATING but I had no control of my arm muscles, stricture I
think they call it. But I finally broke loose. The after effects
were simply EXCELLENT. I felt very exhilarated and full of energy.
That feeling lasted for several hours.
The second attempt was with a bathtub full of water after reading
several papers on the "galvanic bath". I used the same TENS unit
but at MUCH LESS power and with about 2 tablespoons of salt to
enhance the conduction. The effect was similar but not nearly as
invigorating. I attribute that to surface area because the arms
were not the primary method of current transfer as before, rather
the energy was through the water with the body being simply a part
of a larger conductive body. The power was increased and although
it was detectable, I did not "lockup" as with the earlier shower
The third attempt was when Ron, Chuck and I did our Zap Dallas
lightning show. We all tried standing on an elevated metal plate
that was connected to the secondary of a Tesla coil with an
adjustable power output. The idea was to shoot the bolts off the
hands. The top sustained power (for prolonged periods) was 900,000
volts normally; with one test at 1,000,000 volts (only about 5
seconds, that hurt!). The frequency was 170KHZ.
The emission of the high potential charges from the body created
quantities of ozone that were very stimulating. Additionally,
despite the "skin effect" contentions, there seemed to be some kind
of invigorating influence beyond that of the ozone. This was most
probably the ozone but I think there was also something to do with
the electricity or frequency. The point is, it was very stimulating
and that feeling remained for about 2 hours afterward.
So, is it possible to use "ionic conduction" to remove foreign
toxins from the body tissues? If you stood on a plate that was
"excited" by a Tesla coil and let the energy flow from your skin,
would it "takeup" anything loose enough to be considered foreign?
Would this include dead tissue? The tissue could be "milked" by
successive polarizations at the induced frequency. This milking
effect would dislodge and displace to the surface of the skin
(because of the energy flow from inward to outward) any loose or
foreign components and that might include toxins or dead tissue.
The overall electric output as it exits from the skin should NOT be
high enough to create sparks, SIMPLY A CORONA, so the amplitude and
frequency should be adjustable to achieve that effect. Although air
is the normal "ground" for this process, the effect might be
accelerated by using a metal collector that would act as ground for
the corona field.
The collector would function as the cathode for the accumulation of
any material that was exuded from the body. It should also reduce
the energy required to achieve the effect because of a controllable
dielectric, based on spacing of the metal cathode from the skin,
rather than just stochastic discharges into the air dielectric.
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Since waves travel longitudinally, that is, up and down as
compression and rarefaction, the depth of penetration of the signal
will be dependent on two factors, i.e., the amplitude and the
wavelength of the signal.
Pain would only be generated when the current was too intense and
this is regardless of frequency. The pain results from the
alternate polarization of the tissue, a jerking back and forth under
control of the charge polarities. So the greater the current, the
more intense the jerking and the greater the pain. In fact, it
could result in rupturing of tissue because of the amplitude of the
jerking action/reaction.
Now if we think of the wave as having a crest (positive) and a
trough (negative), that are equal in amplitude, the zero crossing
or "ground" reference would be the skin. So, the amplitude would
determine the depth to which the signal would penetrate the skin.
There are two types of energy involved here, one is current, the
other is voltage. Both are present in a normal Tesla coil output,
however, the Tesla coil puts out a much higher voltage than current.
Typical current values are in the microamp range, with voltages
ranging from 20,000 volts up to 2 million, though they can go higher
or lower.
So, we have an "envelope" that makes up the wave crest and trough.
That envelope consists of both voltage and current, so the higher
the voltage the larger the heighth of the wave, the more current,
the denser the field within that wave. We therefore try for the
least possible current with the best workable voltage. The reason
is to affect the majority of tissue, that is, to penetrate as deeply
as possible for complete saturation and the maximum successive
"milking" effect.
In Tesla's work, he used high frequency, high potential currents
which created a "flame" type of corona as seen in some of the
photographs where the electrical currents were streaming from the
skin. This was not in the least painful because the frequencies
were high, the potential was high and the current was probably in
the picoampere range.
I have been thinking on this for several years now as an alternative
health technique that might prove beneficial. Based on our
experiences with Zap Dallas, there are safety considerations which
can be implemented to minimize the risk.
The basic idea involves using a tuneable Tesla coil to provide the
high frequency driving signal. It is similar to the Lakhovsky
Multi-Wave Oscillator which uses a multi-frequency broadband
electrostatic antenna that is beamed toward the subject.
The idea is that all tissue vibrates at many different frequencies.
When the tissue is in the presence of a frequency that resonates
with it, the tissue will be energetically "pulled up" to match the
amplitude of the driving signal, just like a tuning fork
sympathetically resonates with other forks or bodies of the same
Lakhovsky had astounding results with healing various diseases
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including cancer, tumors and a host of other viral and bacterial
Though a Tesla coil is MOST EFFICIENT at its resonant frequency, it
will still pass any frequency that is put into it, it is simply that
the closer the frequency is to the actual resonant frequency, the
greater is the output.
The way the Lakhovksy MWO works is to use a series of separated
concentric rings, i.e. one within another and with a gap in each
ring. The distance from one ring to the other determines the
discharge time and therefore the electrostatic frequency that is
emitted. That is how one basic frequency from the Tesla coil can
produce MANY frequencies...the secret is in the antenna.
As to producing multiple waves from a Tesla coil as does the MWO, it
is impossible because of the wide range of the MWO signals. They
span from about 3cps up to about 3gigacps (billion). However,
experimentation with the RIFE frequencies as well as various others
in the thousand or million cps ranges will yield the best results,
and we have not even mentioned modulated or nested signals.
The layout of the equipment would be
1) the Tesla coil (with optional tapped primary and secondary
to tune the coil to resonate with the applied frequency)
2) fed by a variable oscillator,
3) a non-conductive stand about 1 foot high to prevent arcing
to the floor,
4) a metal plate or pan of water which the subject stands in or
on to achieve maximum conduction of the signal.
The Tesla coil would ideally be battery driven for safety. The
subject would stand on the plate, while the assistant would operate
the power and frequency controls, all the while monitoring the
subject for any adverse reactions. Everything should be documented
for future reference. (An interesting file that describes this
principle for viewing the aura is AURAVIEW.ZIP on KeelyNet.)
Not only would this machine provide an invigorating effect to the
subject but it would also have health implications that at present
are only speculative.
I have yet to do this experiment but plan to do so in the future and
will report on any results, good or bad. If anyone else chooses to
try it, I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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