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Thank you for downloading this information file concerning U'NI-net,
the network for users. The purpose of this document is to let you know
a little more about what many think is the best managed and
friendliest EchoMail network.
þ WHAT IS U'NI-net? þ
U'NI (Pronounced YOU AND I) network was formed by a small
group of volunteer sysops to provide EchoMail service suitable
for users of all ages. The network continues to be operated
and administered by volunteers dedicated to serving the users
of U'NI-net.
The goal of U'NI is a simple one: to promote the exchange of
information. As a distributor of electronic mail, we focus
our efforts on the users, eliminating nearly all of the
political infrastructure which can be found in any other
EchoMail network. This focusing allows quality, current
information to be distributed quickly to everyone.
To get the latest quality information requires the right
connections and we certainly have them. Many of our hardware
and software related conferences are hosted by the author, or
a representative of the vendor.
Many of our users are working professionals in the computer
industry that offer experiences, advice, and tips that cannot
be found anywhere for any price.
Diversity ! That's how we achieve our goal. We want to find
users with knowledge of subjects from Alchemy to Zymurgy
who are willing to share it. The network exists for users
to help each other.
In sysops we look for people who want to be actively involved
in the day-to-day operations of the network. U'NI-net
continues to evolve and there is a plethora of opportunities
available to help shape and determine the direction of this
If you are interested in becoming a member sysop of U'NI-net
please read read files UNISYSOP.TXT in this archive.
In an effort to maximize quality, minimize regulations and
provide you the best service possible we have "Guidelines"
which apply to all (sysops and users) and they are as
1) The Network may only be used for legal purposes. Even
through the network is available world wide, Federal
laws of the United States will be observed.
2) Abusive or offensive language (profanity and
non-profanity included), name calling, personal
attacks and other such forms of verbal combat
will not be tolerated.
3) U'NI-net provides access to users of all ages from all
over the world. In that all ages of users are welcome
it is requested that discretion be used so "message
text as well as subject matter" is suitable for
viewing by users of all ages.
4) Aliases which are obvious are not permitted. Real
sounding aliases are allowed if the local sysop
approves. Dynamite Dan would not be allowed, where
Dan Smith would be.
In an effort to keep each conference on topic and minimize
user distraction, Conference Guidelines have been established
as follows:
The posting of messages which contain ANSI or other color
code sequences is restricted to the ANSI-ART conference
ONLY. In this case the term "message" includes the header,
body and any tagline(s) if used.
The posting of messages offering one or more items for sale or
trade or for free are permitted only in the BUY-SELL and
WORLDMARKET conferences subject to the following exceptions;
Firearms and/or munition offered for sale, trade or free
will be posted in the GUNS conference ONLY.
3) ENCRYPTED MESSAGES: The posting of encrypted (scrambled)
messages is not allowed. This includes encryption "keys"
as part of non-encrypted messages. Messages that contain
short binary executable files that have been converted to
text characters by programs such as UUENCODE so that they
may be transmitted as a message and posted in a conference
such as DOS-TIPS are not considered to be an encrypted
The management team may approve a Conference Host' request for
exception to a conference guideline. Please contact the
Conference Host for complete details.
This conference provides our users with a means of contacting
U'NI-net management directly should they care to offer a
suggestion or comment, or to report violations of Network
Guidelines. If you feel you have been the victim of a
guideline violation or you are experiencing a problem or
difficulty within a particular conference you are encouraged
to advise the Network Host by posting a message addressed to
Network Host CAM DEBUCK in the "UNI-USERS" conference. If
possible please provide a copy of the offending message
including all header and tagline information.
EchoMail sent on U'NI-net is sorted by "Conference" with each
conference having an assigned topic and a "Conference Host"
whose duty is to welcome new users, keep the conference
messaging "on topic" and to provide assistance if or when
Conference Hosts are solicited by the Conference Coordinator
who will in most cases post one or more public message(s) as
new conferences are formed, when vacancies occur or as the
need for a conference host (or co-host) arises.
Conference Hosting is performed on a "voluntary" basis and any
user may apply to the Conference Coordinator for consideration.
A list of available conferences with a brief description of
each conference can be found in file "conflist" in this
archive, or a more detailed description with the name of the
conference host and their access point is contained in file
UNICONF.DES within archive UNI###CD.ZIP. If you find a U'NI
conference whose topic is of interest to you but is not
available on the U'NI-net BBS you access, send a request to
your sysop to carry the conference.
The transmission of EchoMail generated on U'NI-net often
results in toll, long distance, and international telephone
charges. These charges are voluntarily paid by the U'NI-net
sysops as a service to our users. For this reason we request
of our users:
1) Do not overquote previous message text, please limit quoting
to the minimum text necessary for the receiver to understand
or remember the subject under discussion.
2) The size and length of signatures be kept to a minimum.
Day to day decisions regarding normal operations of the
network are handles by Network Host Cam Debuck. Major
decisions are decided by discussion and majority vote of the
U'NI-net Management Team.
The Management Team is made up of the following individuals:
Network Host
Cam Debuck
Official Hubs
Alan Bevis
Cam DeBuck
Dave Franks
Dave Halliday
Hans Joergen
John Kirkman
Marius Kirschner
Osman Noor Mohamed
Cindy Niespodzianski
William Padilla
Doug Reigler
Charles Shapiro
Charles Shapiro
Conference Coordiator
John Ewin
Members may be added or removed by a majority vote of the
existing Management Team.
Any member of the Team may initiate a discussion or propose a
vote. Sysops or Users who would like to see a change made in
the way the Network operates should contact a member of the
Management Team regarding a vote proposal.