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Most recent count of nodes - 951 Most recent count of hubs - 57
Currently-active International Conferences - 280
RIME Times Staff
Editor.....................................................Curt Akin ->MORE
Editorial Associates:
Security and Safe Computing..............Carol Carmichael ->STRUPPI
Interviews..........................................To Be Announced
Tag Lines and other Lurking.......................Brian Lee->THEHUB
Who's Who.....................................Patrick Lee->RUNNINGB
Table of Contents
Article# Subject Author
1 Frankly, Curt Curt Akin
Node ID ->MORE
2 Conference News James Wall
3 Automated Phone Answering Michael J. Clark
from NIST's RISKs
4 Toward the Secure Ed Lazarowitz
5 Beware the 6th of March!! Curt Akin
6 Who's Who and What's What Patrick Lee
7 Notices
1 - FRANKLY, CURT from your Editor Node ID->MORE
Time is, always, the rarest of resources, and a strange one, too. It cannot
be recycled; it cannot be conserved. One can not dam it up for later use,
can it, pickle it, or otherwise put it in a special pocket for a wild fling
at some more appropriate later moment. One is given a supply when one is
born, but the supply can never be measured; so one never knows how much
there still is in the time account. Nor does one ever know whether one is
getting value for time spent until much, much later.
I join many others in thanking Michael Brunk for the "checks" he
wrote against his time account while tending to RIME Times in the many
months past. His is a very hard act to follow, but one I am proud to
inherit, since Michael built a kind of stature into the newsletter, gave it
a momentum, and passed it on because his time budget needed to be applied to
other "creditors." Michael is fortunate, though, in one respect. His
dividend from this time spent is obvious in the many "Where the honk are the
recent issues of RIME Times?" Good work, Michael. I trust you will look
over our shoulders as we put together each issue and lend us a bit of the
spirit you have for RIME and its members.
"Time present and time past are all, perhaps, present in time
future." I trust in Eliot's words. To throw away either is the act of a
fool. This is a continuum of Michael, of RIME, of each of the members, of
the folk on the SC, of Bonnie, and, most important of all, of Kip who made
it all possible in its present form. Where are we going? Well, we will
continue for the next 2 months with essentially the same format that you
have seen in RIME Times for the last many months. By June, I hope to have an
issue that will be distributed in 2 formats; one, the current ASCII format;
the other, a Word Perfect version complete with photographs and other
graphics. Wouldn't you love to see the Mother Hub? And equipment ensembles
from many of our big (CHANNEL) and small (MORE) nodes?
We are in the process of building a staff of editorial
entrepreneurs, folk who will build on the past to bring you the future.
Joining us for the first time this month is Carol Carmichael who will try to
keep us on our toes in matters of safe computing. James Wall continues to
provide information on conference additions and changes. Who's Who and
What's What is kept up to date by Patrick Lee. Matt Roberts is to join us in
the next issue with a monthly column on issues concerning the visually
impaired. Stay tuned. Let me know if there's something burning in your
breast to write about or have written about.
2 - CONFERENCE NEWS by James Wall Node ID->DREAM
New conferences added since January 1, 1992:
DESCRIPTION: This conference is dedicated to all POW/MIA's from all of
the wars. The purpose is to provide information to anyone
who is interested in efforts to put pressure on the Local,
State and Federal Governments to help bring them home.
HOSTS: Ted Bouzounis Node ID ->OLYMPIC
Joni Bouzounis Node ID ->OLYMPIC
ACTIVITY: * NEW * 11/9/91
DESCRIPTION: This conference is for those that collect sports and
non-sports "bubble gum" cards. This hobby is one of the
fastest growing in the country. This conference is where
one who collects these cards can post, buy, sell and trade
messages or collect information from other collectors.
HOST: Mike Tilford NOde ID ->MEOW
ACTIVITY: * NEW * 12/1/91
DESCRIPTION: Devoted to all things Disney.... from the Theme Parks
(Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland and
Euro Disney Resort), to the classic motion pictures, to
Disney Television, collectibles and much more. Answers to
your questions, information for planning your trips and
much more. (NOTE: The Disney Conference is in no way
sponsored by the Walt Disney Corporation or any
subsidiary, and the "RIME NETWORK" or the host of this
conference has no personal or professional ties with any
Disney Company.)
HOST: Chris Harrower Node ID ->LABB
ACTIVITY: *NEW* 12/9/91
DESCRIPTION: This conference discusses GEOWORKS Ensmble and Geoworks
Pro, and operates as a medium for other geoworks users to
exchange information and inform other users of the
features of these programs.
HOST: Bob Neal Node ID ->CHQBBS
ACTIVITY: * NEW * 12/14/91
DESCRIPTION: This conference is for the use of RIME participants to
search out those hard to get files, or to find files to
do a specific job or task. Users will place their post
requesting a specific file name that they are looking
for, or post a description of what the file should
accomplish. Responders will reply to the message
with a specific filename, and where the user will be
able to pick it up. This conference is also open to
those hobby programmers that would be willing to write a
program for the user to fulfill the end result. This
conference will also help BBS Sysops in that it will
eliminate the constant request from their users regarding
the searching of files as described above
DESCRIPTION: This conference is dedicated to the various Maildoors
that are offered and are now is use. Author support of
their various products is encouraged.
HOST: Dennis McCunney Node ID ->RUNNINGB
ACTIVITY: *NEW* 1/18/92
NAME: FGS (Fifth Generation Systems Support)
DESCRIPTION: Fifth Generation Systems Inc. supported conference.
Technical Support for all FGS products. Any questions
you have about FGS products will be answered directly by
FGS Tech Support on a daily basis.
HOST: Russell Jackson Node ID ->SOSINC
ACTIVITY: * New * 2/2/92
DESCRIPTION: This is an ANNOUNCEMENT only conference that MUST be
carried by each node on the Network. We ask that you
specifically name this conference RIMENEWS and that you
clearly inform your users that this is an announcement
only conference and NO posting of any message is
permitted. This conference is open to all users and
sysops of the network for reading purposes only. All
posting to this conference will be done by the SC or the
Conference Coordinators. Any replies to announcements can
be made as routed and or r/o messages in USERS, ADMIN or
COMMON. Any replies placed in this conference will be
immediately moderated. If you as a sysop/conference
host/co-sysop/user, wish to have a message placed in this
conference, send the message (using any appropriate
conference such as Common, Admin, Hosts, Users) to Bonnie
Anthony (RUNNINGA), Howard Belasco (RUNNINGB), James Wall
(DREAM) and we will post it for you.
HOST: Steering Committee
NAME: DOS (Disk Operating System)
DESCRIPTION: MS-DOS and PC-DOS is an increasingly complex operating
system, no longer "install it and forget it." This
conference discusses the MS-DOS and PC-DOS settings,
options, utilities, optimization and problems.
HOSTS: David Dean Node ID ->OLDTOWN
Allen Johnson Node ID ->OLDTOWN
ACTIVITY * NEW * Date 10/91
DESCRIPTION: This conference will provide a public forum to discuss
racial issues. It will also provide a path of
communication that will hopefully lead to meaningful
dialogue between the participants. All users are invited
to participate.
HOSTS: Derek Anderson Node ID ->DNET
Linda Anderson Node ID ->DNET
ACTIVITY: * NEW * Date 10/20/91
DESCRIPTION: This conference deals with all Norton Products. Including
Norton Utilities, Norton Guides, Norton Backup, Norton
Anti-virus, Norton Desktop for Windows and any of Peter
Norton's Theories.
HOSTS: Eddie Brown Node ID ->TSUNAMI
Robert Buckner Node ID ->TELEPHNE
ACTIVITY: * NEW * Date 10/20/91
The following conferences had name changes.
NAME: INTELLICOMM (Previously Liberator)
DESCRIPTION: Dedicated to Support and discussion of the new Intellicomm
communications program. Designed to automate your mail/file
runs to most BBS types. BBS users and Sysops alike will find
this product and conference of interest.
HOST: Wayne Duff Node ID ->CRS
NAME: RBBSQWK (Previously Jimmer)
DESCRIPTION: Support conference for all RBBS .QWK mail door. Hosted by
the author.
HOST: Jim Goodenough Node ID ->DIRASNT
ACTIVITY: New Conference
NAME: MLM (Previously American Dream)
The SAUDI CONFERENCE (250) has been renamed to SIA (Servicemen in
DESCRIPTION: This conference is for support between families with members
in the Armed Services for any conflict or uprising.
The PRODOOR CONFERENCE (57) has been renamed TOOLSHOP
DESCRIPTION: This forum directly supports Sam Smiths programs including
Prodoor, ProBank, ProPack, ProKit and the HS/Link protocol.
Discussions of upcoming releases, bug reports as well as
technical advice for both door writers and users on all
available products.
Discontinued conference:
The MarkMail for PCBoard Conference (131) has officially been CLOSED and
will be shut off at the NetHub. Please de-configure this conference in
your Relay Set-up.
Host Changes:
David Tay Node ID ->SHOPPER Japanese Conference (173)
Adam Wiggins Node ID ->SOARING SoundCard (158)
Garry Baker Node ID ->SEVENSEA Star Trek (101)
Ben Sansing Node ID ->CHAOS Medieval (239)
Paul Sink Node ID ->CCSBBS Fantasy (38)
Bart Lidofsky Node ID ->RUNNINGB Comics (175)
Peter Mengel Node ID ->MODEMZNE BBS Software (137)
Ben Sansing Node ID ->CHAOS Horror (126)
Christopher Bolin
Node ID ->EMERALD DR-DOS (201)
Jeff Altman Node ID ->CAREER Running and Being (164)
Mike Baumann Node ID ->APPLEWIZ Apple (119)
Jim O'Connor Node ID ->DREAM GAMES (34)
Dennis McCunney, Node ID ->RUNNINGB is Co-Hosting Unix (74) along with
John McNamara
Host Node change:
Ken Fowler hosting SCANNERS/SWL Conference (209) from Node ID ->FFORUM
The scout is being conducted by Andrew McElroy of Node ERBBS. His scout
number is '481'. He will be scouting in the following conferences:
Programming (10), Technical (6), Windows (44), IBM (60), Relay Users (104)
3 - AUTOMATED PHONE ANSWERING by Michael J. Clark via Allan Meers
from Internet RISKS in COMPUTING
By Michael J. Clark
The setting is a typical bedroom, a woman is in the bed asleep, next to her
bed is a night stand with an alarm clock and a telephone. Suddenly the
woman awakens to the sound of a strange noise in the house, she looks
around, starts to panic and then picks up her phone to call the police.
Woman: (Startled and panicked, talking out loud to herself in a low tone)
"I-I-I-I've got to call the police, there's someone here, oh God I know
there is, let's see...what's the number, (she nervously punches the numbers
into the phone.)
After a few rings the phone is answered, there is a delay, then we hear:
"Welcome to our emergency phone mate 911, the automated emergency answering
system, the latest in emergency response technology! If you are calling
from a touch tone phone, please enter a 1 at the tone, enter now"......(the
woman looks both shocked and puzzled as she nervously punches in a "1")
"Thank you, our emergency phone mate 911 recognizes that you are calling
from a touch tone phone......To serve you better your police and emergency
services have set up this system to route your call to the appropriate
emergency service personnel......If you are in need of police assistance
enter a 5, if you require information in Spanish, enter 7, in Chinese enter
4, in Greek enter 9, in French enter 6 or Italian enter an 8, if you wish
fire or medical service enter a 3 and the corresponding numerical code for
the language in which you will be speaking or in need of translation......to
repeat the previous information please enter 0.......Enter your code now
please"......(the woman, who has now gone from fear and panic to being
irritated and confused enters a 5 and waits.....) "Emergency phone mate 911
recognizes that you have requested police assistance in English....In order
to better serve you, please enter the appropriate number at the tone....a 1
if your call is not an emergency, a 2 if you need information, a 3 if you
are returning a call from a police official, a 4 if you are inquiring about
a parking ticket, or a 5 if this is an emergency, enter your code
now"........(she shakes her head and rolls her eyes and enters a 5 quite
forcefully) "Emergency phone mate 911 recognizes that you have a police
emergency, please enter a 1 if it is a life threatening emergency, a 2 if it
is a non life threatening emergency, a 3 if there are weapons involved, a 4
if there are multiple perpetrators, a 5 if the perpetrators are non English
speaking and will require a Miranda warning in any other language....Please
be sure to enter the appropriate language code if you enter a 5....if the
police emergency is a non life threatening rape or physical assault please
enter a 7.......
(the woman now has lost her temper, she punches in a 2 saying out loud "How
the hell do I know if it's life threatening or not you imbecile!)
"Emergency phone mate 911 recognizes that you have a police emergency that
is non life threatening, emergency phone mate will now direct your call to
the appropriate department for response.....please hold while your call is
transferred.....(we hear ringing......, the phone is answered) "Dunkin'
Donuts, may I help you?" ........
4 - TOWARD THE SECURE by Ed Lazarowitz Co-Sysop, Struppi's BBS
It's an ordinary Friday evening, and having just returned from a
nice week long vacation, you have some time on your hands. So you think,
"Hmmmm... now would be a great time to call Struppi's and get some mail and
maybe look for that new version of Telix everyone's been raving about!" So,
you fire up your comm program and go through your logon only to have a very
irate SysOp break into CHAT telling you that you're pond scum and no longer
welcome on Struppi's. "Hang on there Struppi", you type, "what've I done?"
"Well for one thing," the reply comes back, "you've raped and pillaged our
download directories for the last four days, and those vile, insulting
messages you've left to virtually every user have not been appreciated!
Consider yourself history on this board pal!" How can this be? You've been
out of town for more than four days. And in a flash, (as Struppi goes
through revoking your logon priviledges), you figure it out -- someone
must've figured out your password. You quickly get Struppi's attention, and
after explaining the circumstances, Struppi agrees to reinstate
you...conditional on your changing your password.
Sound like fiction? This this scenario can't happen to you? Well
you're wrong -- on both counts. This actually happened recently to another
prominent BBS in the metropolitan area. The board had several users come
dangerously close to being permanently locked out, simply because they
weren't careful enough with their BBS password. With that thought in mind,
we at Struppi's would like to offer some suggestions on BBS password
security. Sort of a "DO's & DON'Ts" of password security. Several of these
suggestions are obvious, while others are recommendations from top computer
security folks. Why not take a minute now, and read through them, and then
change your password? The moment you take today could save you hours of
grief tomorrow!
*First and foremost -- CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD ON A *REGULAR* CYCLE! Get into
the habit of regularly changing your password. Most mainframe-based
computer systems have a 'password interval' that is selected by the Security
Administrator. If you are regularly changing your password, it is more
difficult for an unscrupulous individual to hack into your account six
months from now - long after all traces of the password theft have faded
away. We suggest a period of at least once-a-month, but more frequently
wouldn't hurt.
*If you call more than one BBS or online service, *NEVER* use the same
password on more than one system. Even the most secure SysOp occasionally
has problems, and if one system's user list gets compromised, then your
password becomes the key to lots of systems. And if you access government,
business, or 'pay-as-you-go' subscription systems, it becomes more than just
a BBS problem - it could actually have an impact on National Security or
even worse...your pocketbook!
*Never, *never*, *NEVER* use PASSWORD, GUEST, NEWUSER, or the name of the
BBS for your password. Also bad choices are any corruption of the above,
e.g. TSEUG OR RESUWEN (GUEST and NEWUSER spelled backwards). These words are
often the first things a hacker will try when attempting to break into a
*Try and choose a password that is unique, and cannot possibly be linked to
you. Passwords that use any of the following are *easily* hacked: -Your
nickname, initials, or other corruptions of your name. -Your Ham Radio call
sign. -Your social security number (for other obvious reasons as well).
-Your birthdate or the birthdates of your immediate family. -Your wife or
mother's maiden name. -The name of a pet. -The nickname of a car, boat, or
other favorite object. -The name of your hobby.
*Several subscription systems use a double-word format, where each half of
the password is unrelated to the other. For example, a password under this
system could be BUG*SIGN. Since it is unlikely that the two words (BUG and
SIGN) could be obviously linked, this is a safe password combination. This
is an excellent system, and if used properly, offers very good security.
*Try and use the full amount of characters the system allows for passwords.
The more characters, the harder it becomes to hack. Also, mix and match
letters, numbers, and if possible, extended characters (æ, ä, etc).
*Try the following techniques to aid in selecting passwords. While not
fool-proof, they will deter most casual, (and many not-so-casual) attempts
to break your password:
-If you're a heavy reader, pick a character, place, or thing from the
book you're currently reading and add a number other than "1" to it. In
order for a hacker to break your password, they'd need to know which book
you were reading when you reset your password, what noun you selected from
the book, and what number you picked (hopefully at random). Not a very easy
combination to determine.
-Using any one of several random number selection techniques, pick a
page from your handy English Language dictionary (or Thesaurus or
encyclopedia, etc.) and select any word on that page at random. Again, add
a random number to the word, and you have your new password. The advantage
to this method is there really is nothing to easily connect you with your
-There are several good random character generation program demos
around. Find one you like, and use it to create your password. A variation
of this is to get a copy of an encryption program, and then use it to create
an encrypted password.
*If there is a possibility that someone other than yourself could gain
access to your comm program's dialing directory, *DO NOT* store your
passwords there! If you have many to remember (and most of us do), jot 'em
down and store them in a fairly well hidden location -- preferably in
another room, far away from your PC.
*Many BBSes have installed Caller Id on their phone lines. If you even
suspect that someone might be logging on with your password, let the SysOps
know. With Caller-Id, it is very simple to track down where a hacker may be
calling from. Also, in order for this method to work real well, the data
line number recorded in your user record must be accurate. Why not check it
Password security is not something we can ignore or even treat casually. As
soon as we let our guard down, problems can occur. At the least, bad
feelings and misunderstandings can arise. At worst, National Security,
personal finances, and your life in general can be shattered. Take a moment
today, and re-evaluate your current logon password structure. If you find
it isn't adequate -- do something about it!
5 - BEWARE THE 6th OF MARCH by Curt Akin Node ID->MORE
First discovered in April of 1991, the Michaelangelo virus has not
only had a great deal of time to spread, it has been discovered on an
astonishingly large number of floppies from primary sources (software
publishers, brand new machines, etc). Its trigger date is Michaelangelo's
birthday, the 6th of March, at which time it will destroy hard disk
partition tables, write over the first 9 megs of an infected boot drive, and
write over a variety of floppies. Since this is a boot record infector, it
is extremely unlikely (nearly impossible) that you could catch this virus
from any BBS download. It is spread from boot records on floppies.
To be on the safe side, however, you should scan your machine before
the 6th of March. A number of scanners/fixers are available, including
special limited editions from leading virus detection publishers that are
written specially for Michaelangelo.
-McAfee's SCAN V86B and CLEAN86 (shareware)
-Central Point Software's CPAVM (freeware)
-Norton's NAVM (freeware)
-Ross Greenberg's VIRX20 (freeware)
The following is a list of "Who's Who" in RelayNet:
Steering Committee:
Bonnie Anthony RUNNINGA Rex Hankins IBMNET
Howard Belasco RUNNINGB JThomas Howell MORE
Mike Glenn PARTY
Conference related:
Paul Hileman BAYOU Conference Liason (handles all
intra-conference problems)
Rick Kingslan OMAHANET Marketing Coordinator (PR)
James Wall DREAM Conference Manager
To Be Announced Statistician
Auto send lists:
Bonnie Anthony RUNNINGA Nodes listing (RIME.ZIP)
Curt Akin MORE RIME Times (RIMEyymm.ZIP)
Roger Sligar TRP Conference list (CONFLST.ZIP)
James Wall DREAM Conference list (RIMECONF.ZIP)
BBS software that currently has an UTI interface with PCRelay:
dBBS MajorBBS Remote Access
Auntie Maximus Spitfire
EIS PCBoard/ProDoor TriTel
GT Power RBBS Wildcat!
The RIME Times staff is now maintaining the newsletter AUTOSEND list. If
you are a RelayNet node and would like the newsletter sent to your board
automatically each month send a message to Curt Akin Node ID ->MORE.
Please check to see if your hub will AUTOSEND it to avoid duplication.
To make life easier for the editors, the following submittal guidelines
are suggested:
1) To be included in the current month's newsletter all articles must be
submitted by the 15th of the month.
2) A routed private message in the COMMON conference is acceptable. Please
address and route to: Curt Akin Node ID->MORE
3) Your name as used on RIME.
4) Your node id if you are a RIME sysop or your "home" board id if you are a
RIME user.
5) Any special instructions.
New Node Export Software has reduced duplicates!!
Kip has released a new version of EXPORT which further eliminates
duplicate messages by detecting multiple tag lines. All nodes
should have installed EXPORT from EXP-411.ZIP FILERed recently by
Notice That the RIMENEWS Conference (200) is a READ ONLY conference. Node
Sysops can force this conference to be read only by adding the
following line immediately after the EXPORT:
PKZIP -d <path><nodeid>.RLY *.200
The RIME Times is published monthly by the membership of RelayNet
International Message Exchange as its official newsletter. Users and Sysops
are encouraged to contribute. Submittals and questions may be directed to
the editor, Curt Akin, Node ID ->MORE
(c)Copyright 1992, The RelayNet International Message Exchange. Permission
is hereby granted for unlimited distribution and duplication, provided such
distribution and duplication are strictly for non-commercial purposes and
that no alterations are made to any file contained in the distribution
archive. All other rights reserved. RelayNet and RIME are registered