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Original Message Date: 27 Nov 91 23:13:12
From: Gary Vedvik on 1:102/1006
To: Tom Jennings on 1:1/1
^AMSGID: 1:102/1006@fidonet.org a5965660
Hiya Tom, I managed fall a little behind in reading the weekly fidonews, <20>
but after catching up and noticing your call for "old-stuff" I couln't <20>
resist shooting off a message to you.
I have a couple of oldies but goodies attached (fidohist and struct2). You <20>
may have already received them from someone else, but what the hell. I <20>
EVEN still have a copy of 2 versions of minitel! Want 'em? I'd be MORE <20>
than happy to ship 'em to ya -- just let me know. Look ma! No stamps!
minitel exe 44928 06-05-85 12:33p
minitel2 exe 45056 01-23-85 9:55a
Pardon me while I walk down memory lane in your mail-box. :)
I remember using these two programs for quite a while. I loved them -- <20>
mostly for their simplicity. I think they were also a partial motivator <20>
for me to teach myself C. The phone book lookup was great and to date I <20>
still don't know of a (strictly) telecommunications program that uses <20>
anything like it. I'm refering to the string search.
I remember using Fido v7m (I think that was it). I had just started <20>
getting interested in modeming (is that a verb?) using RBBS and stumbled <20>
upon this funky program called Fido. I couldn't resist running it. It <20>
was so -- different from the other (few) BBS's out there. I immediately <20>
applied to you for a node number -- node 52 it was. I think node 51 <20>
belonged to one of the guys in St.Louis! Wasn't it Ken Kaplin -- or was <20>
that Ben Baker?
Tom its all your fault! I blame you for getting me hooked on BBSing and <20>
being involved with the network in my corner of the world from that point <20>
on. Its all your fault -- and I can't thank you enough. :)
Let me know if ya want those 2 versions of minitel and I'll send 'em right <20>
BTW, any news on the video cassettes of FidoCon? (Flashback! I remember <20>
seeing a single column article in SOME rag that had your picture in it.) <20>
Sorry, I didn't keep that one. :)
Anyway, I've always wanted to see the faces behind the messages. I'd love <20>
to go some year. Maybe FidoCon can be held in Vegas some year, or better <20>
yet here in southern california!