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This is Part Two in the history of FidoNet. It<49>
turned out that the original FIDOHIST.DOC (now called<65>
FIDOHIST.DC1, or just "Part One") was useful, and many<6E>
people read it. Unfortunately, by the time everyone read it,<2C>
it became totally obsolete. Oh well. Here is Part Two.
FIDOHIST.DOC covered the early history of FidoNet,<2C>
why it was done, how it was done, and the reasons for the<68>
organization and obscure rituals surrounding node numbers.<2E>
If you havent read it yet, I suggest you do now, because<73>
I'll probably refer to things that won't make any sense<73>
The original FidoNet was organized very simply; each<63>
FidoNet system (each node) had a number that served like a<>
phone number, uniquely identifying it. The NODELIST,<2C>
generated by the folks in St. Louis that had all FidoNet<65>
nodes in it, contains information on all known FidoNet<65>
systems. Every system in FidoNet had a current copy of the<68>
NODELIST, which served as the directory of systems.
(In the interests of brevity I'm leaving out huge<67>
amounts of information; I hope you have read FIODHIST.DOC by<62>
now ...)
FidoNet has been growin7 steadily since it started<65>
by accident in May 84 or so. The node list continued to /et<65>
out of hand; the ori7inal FIDOHIST.DOC was written to try<72>
and help smooth things out. It is impossible to<74>
overemphasize the amount of work inrïlved in keeping the<68>
node list accurate. Basically, the guys in St. Louis were<72>
keeping track of hundreds of FidoNet systems in Boston, Los<6F>
Angeles, London, Stockholm and Sweden, and publishing the<68>
results weekly. There has never been such a comprehensive<76>
and accurate list of bulletin board systems generated.
We talked for many months as to how we could<6C>
possibly find a solution to the many problems; it was at the<68>
point where if a solution was not found in a few months (by<62>
Aug. 85 or so) that FidoNet would collapse due to the sheer<65>
weight of it's node list.
The newsletter, FidoNews, was, and still is, an<61>
integral part of the process of FidoNet. FidoNews is the<68>
only thing that unites all FidoNet sysops consistently;<3B>
please keep up to date on it, and stock it for your users if<69>
you have the disk space. And contribute if you can!
There were many constraints on the kind of things we<77>
could do; we had no money, so it had to be done for zero<72>
cost. Centralization was out, so obviously localization was<61>
in; just how to do it was a total unknown. We thought of<6F>
going back to having people in different areas handle new<65>
node requests in their area, but that always generated<65>
confusion as to who a person should go to, how to avoide<64>
having someone requesting a node number from different<6E>
people simultaneously, etc etc.
The old method of routing was very different than<61>
the current method, and much more complex; instead of Fido<64>
automatically routing to hosts, each sysop had to specify<66>
(via the ROUTE.BBS file) how all routing was done in the<68>
system. The was done originally by hand, later by John<68>
Warren's (102/31) NODELIST program.
Then of course there was the problem that no matter<65>
what we did, it would not be done overnight. (ha ha.) It<49>
would take many weeks at the least, possibly months, so that<61>
whatever we did had to be compatible with the old method as<61>
We went through probably hundreds of ideas in the<68>
next few months, some possibly useful, some insane.<2E>
Eventually the insanity boiled down to a pretty workable<6C>
system. We chatted by FidoNet and by voice telephone.<2E>
Eventually, we settled on the two part number scheme, like<6B>
the phone company does with area codes and exchanges. It<49>
accomodated backwards compatibility (you can keep your<75>
present node number) and the new "area code" (net number)<29>
could be added into an existing field that had been set to<74>
zero. (This is why everyone was originally part of net #1).
When a fortunate set of circumstances was to bring<6E>
Ezra Shapiro and me to St. Louis to speak to the McDonnell<6C>
Douglas Recreational Computer Club on XXXX 11th, we planned<65>
ahead for a national FidoNet sysops meeting that weekend.<2E>
Ken and Sally Kaplan were kind enough to tolerate having all<6C>
of us in their living room.
The people who showed up were (need that list) The<68>
meeting lasted ten continuous hours; it was the most<73>
productive meeting I (and most others) had attended. When we<77>
were done, we had basically the whole thing layed out in<69>
every detail.
We stuck with the area code business (now known as<61>
net and region numbers) and worked out how to break things<67>
up into regions and nets. It was just one of those rare but<75>
fortunate events; during the morning things went "normally",<2C>
but in the afternoon solutions fell into place one by one,<2C>
so that by late afternoon we had the entire picture laid out<75>
in black and white. Two or three months of brainstorming<6E>
just flowed smoothly into place in one afternoon ...
What we had done was exactly what we have now,<2C>
though we changed the name of "Admin" to "Region", and added<65>
the "alternate" node and net numbers. (We still seem to be<62>
stuck with that terrible and inaccurate word, "manager". Any<6E>
ideas?) I previously had a buggy test hack running using<6E>
area codes, and the week after the meeting it was made to<74>
conform to what we had talked about that Saturday.
When version 10C was done, it accomplished more or<6F>
less everything we wanted, but it sure did take a long time.<2E>
10C was probably the single largest change ever made to<74>
Fido/FidoNet, and the most thoroughly tested version. At<41>
10M, there are STILL bugs left from that early version, in<69>
spite of the testing.
Once the testing got serious, and it looked like we<77>
had a shippable version, St. Louis froze the node list, and<6E>
started slicing it into pieces, to give to the soon-to-be<62>
net and region managers. (That word again.) This caused a<>
tremendous amount of trouble for would-be sysops; not only<6C>
was it difficult enough to figure out how on earth to get a<>
node number, once they did they were told node numbers<72>
weren't being given out just yet. Explaining why was even<65>
harder, since FIDOHIST.DC2 (ahem) wasn't written yet. (I<>
have to agree, this thing is a little bit late) It was a<>
typical case of those who already knew were informaed<65>
constantly of updates, but thse in the dark had a hard time.<2E>
Things were published fairly regularly (am I remembering<6E>
"conveniently" or "accurately" on this part?)
Eventually, 10C was released, and seemed to work<72>
fairly well, ignoring all the small scale disasters due to<74>
bugs, etc. We couldn't just swap over to the new area code<64>
business until very close to 100% of all Fidos were using<6E>
the new version. This was (for me) an excruciating period,<2C>
basically a "hurry up and wait" situation. There had not<6F>
been a node list release for a month or two, and for all<6C>
practical purposes it looked like FidoNet had halted ...
Finally, on June 12th, we all swapped over to the<68>
new system; that afternoon, sysops were to set their net<65>
number (it had been "1" for backwards compatibility), copy<70>
in the new node list issued just for this occasion, and go.<2E>
I assumed the result was going to be perpetual chaos,<2C>
bringing about the collapse of FidoNet. Almost the exact<63>
opposite was true; things went very smoothly (yes, there<72>
were problems, but when you consider that FidoNet consists<74>
of microcomputers owned by almost 300 people who had never<65>
even talked to each other ...)
Within a month or so,just about every Fido had<61>
swapped over to the area code, or net/node architecture.<2E>
With a few exceptions, things went very smoothly. No one was<61>
more suprised than pessimistic I. At this time, August, I<>
don't think there is a single system still using the old<6C>
node number method.
This is all well and fine as far as the software<72>
goes, but it made a mess for new sysops. For us sysops who<68>
have been around for a while, there was no great problem, as<61>
we saw the changes happen one by one. However, new sysops<70>
frequently came out of the blue; armed with a diskette full<6C>
of code, they attempted to set up a FidoNet node.
Actually, I don't understand how anyone does it. The<68>
information needed is not recorded in any place that a non<6F>
sysop could find. On top of that, most of it is now totally<6C>
wrong! If you follow the original instructions, it said<69>
"call Fido #1 ..." if you found a real antique, or "call<6C>
Fido #51 ..." if it is more current. Of course now it tells<6C>
you to find your region manager. "Region manager???" Well, a<>
list of region managers was published in FidoNews, but<75>
unless you read FidoNews, how does anyone ever find out?<3F>
I'll probably never know.
ANYWAYS ... the original reason for all the changes<65>
was to DECENTRALIZE FidoNet. It just wasn't possible for Ken<65>
Kaplan to keep accurate, up to date information on every<72>
Fido in the US and Europe. The decentralization has been<65>
more or less a total success. The number of problem<65>
sintroduced were negligable compared to the problems solved,<2C>
and even most new problems are by this time solved.
It is interesting to note that with the hundreds of<6F>
systems there are today, the national FidoNet hour is less<73>
crowded than it was when there were only 50 nodes.
Please, keep in mind that no one has done anything<6E>
like this before, we are all winging it, and learning<6E>
(hopefully) as we go. Please be patient with problems, none<6E>
of us is paid to do this, and it is more and more work as<61>
time goes on. Somehow it seems to all get done ...
20 August 1985
This is by necessity a very general idea of how it's<>
done, and you were warned earlier that this may be obsolete<74>
this very minute; with that, here's the "current" process<73>
for starting up a new FidoNet node.
You can of course skip all or part o6 this if you've<76>
done this before; if you haven't, well, be prepared for a<>
lot of searching and asking questions.
Of course, you need to have your Fido BBS system<65>
running first. It's probably best that you play with id for<6F>
a while, and get some experience with how it all works, and<6E>
whether you have the patience to run a BBS. It can get<65>
exasperating, and you will never find time to use the<68>
computer ever again.
Obtain the most recent copy of the nodelist<73>
possible; thi may take some searching. If you get totally<6C>
lost, you can always contact Fido 125/1 or Fido 100/51;<3B>
though these are very busy systems, they both usually have<76>
the very latest of anything, and can direct you to the right<68>
The big problem here is to find out if oyu are in a<>
net or not, and if not, then who your region manager is. If<49>
you are in a lrge city (Los Angeles, Cincinnati, etc) then<65>
there is probably a net in your area. Look through the node<64>
list (use the N)odebook command in Fido, or a text editor)<29>
for the right area code or city.
If there is no net in your area, then you are part<72>
of a region. This is a little harder, because regions are<72>
large, and sometomes cover many states. Look at all the<68>
regions in the node list, you should find a region that fits<74>
Once you find this, you have to contact the net or<6F>
region manager to get your node number. Exactly how this is<69>
done depends on who the manager is, and how sticky they are<72>
fir details. A near universal requirement is that you send<6E>
your request via FidoNet, not by manully; this isn't done to<74>
make you life difficult, but to ensure that your system is<69>
really working right. IF you manage to get a FidoNet message<67>
to the manager, its usually safe to assume that you're<72>
system is working OK. If you get a reply in return, then you<6F>
know both directions work.
It is usually each sysops' responsibility to go get<65>
the latest nodelist and newsletters; they are not<6F>
distributed to all systems because of the expense. (Though,<2C>
I'm trying to get them distributed to more places than they<65>
are now, it's sometimes very difficult to get a copy of the<68>
Again, read the FidoNew newsletter regularly; it is<69>
about the only way to stay in contact with the rest of the<68>
net. Programs, problems, services, bugs and interesting<6E>
announcements can always be found there. FidoNews articles<65>
don't come out of thin air; send in anythnig you think might<68>
be of interest. They don't have to be lifetime masterpieces,<2C>
or even well written.
Please remember the entire network is made of the<68>
sysops; there is no central location from which good things<67>
come, the net consists entirely of the sysops and their<69>
contributions. If you don't do it, chances are no one else<73>
Tom Jennings
20 Aug 85
Ken Kaplan Fido 100/51 314/432-4129
Tom Jennings Fido 125/1 415/864-1418
Ben Baker Fido 100/10 314/234-1462