2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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The Official BBS Listing of QuickBBS Systems World Wide
[ QuickBBS is a trademark of Pegasus Software ]
- QBBSL List November 1994 * Edition 1 -
The QuickBBS BBS List has been prepared and Copyrighted (c) by
Scott Drake of The T.E.R.N. BBS, Irvington, NJ (201) 399-4772.
It is very difficult to keep track of the QuickBBS Systems that
are Operating all over the World, and to make this task even more
difficult I've included Bulletin Boards are run for and by young
Sysops. These boards come and go quickly, some grow and become
very successful. In either case I NEED YOUR HELP !! Please report
any boards no longer in service. It's your participation that
makes us a QuickBBS Community.
³ It's so easy to report errors or updates to QBBSL, by mail or ³
³ modem! Please report any omissions, changes, errors etc. to: ³
³ ³
³ The T.E.R.N. BBS (201) 399-4772 Scott Drake, Sysop ³
³ ³
³ Now you can send your updates addressed to QBBSL at 1:107/922 ³
³ FidoNet, 19:19/4 JerseyNet or qbbsl%ternbbs@cjbbs.com InterNet ³
³ ³
³ You can also FREQ QBBSL from The T.E.R.N. BBS 1:107/922 ³
³ ³
If you are requesting a new listing please be sure to fill out
the enclosed QBBSL.APP and return it to either The T.E.R.N. BBS,
or one of the other systems listed in the DISTRIB.TXT. Please
fill out this form completely so that your entry is correct.
Feel free to post this file on other BBS's as long as no changes
or alterations are made. QBBSL is Copyright 1994 by Scott Drake,
see additional information at the end of the listings. Next issue
due out on December 1st.
We've attempted to list all the information correctly for each
system, If you spot an omission or error please let us know.
Tell the Boards you Call that you Saw their Listing in the QBBSL List!
³ QuickBBS Systems in Alabama ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
205-285-5948 King James Bible BBS Ralph Stokes Millbrook 14.4
³ GET YOUR BBS NOTICED FOR ONLY $20.00 PER YEAR. Just send us your copy and ³
³ your check and be included in the next issue. See details below ... ³
³ QuickBBS Systems in Alaska ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
907-488-3751 T.C's Byte Bank System Tom Creek North Pole 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Arizona ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
602-326-2999 The Hour Glass Lyn Borchert Tucson 14.4
602-452-1693 Micro City Michael Kerr Sierra Vista 14.4
602-458-8342 The HOMETOWN BBS Robin Moore Sierra Vista 14.4
602-459-2412 The New Way BBS - Node 2 Tom Held Fort Huachuca 28.8
602-814-7894 ACCENT! Amiga Greg Smith Chandler 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Arkansas ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
501-664-2237 MinnTelligence On-Line Scott Walter Little Rock 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in California ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
213-653-7508 Horray for Hollywood Gene Gjesvold Los Angelos 14.4
619-283-1721 BIZynet BBS Chris Gunn San Diego 14.4
619-697-4073 STAR One BBS Victor O'rear La Mesa 14.4
*805-473-2414 Jerris's BBS Node 1 Jerry Ferris Grover Beach 14.4
*805-481-2088 Jerris's BBS Node 2 Jerry Ferris Grover Beach 24.0
*805-489-1966 Message Center Arroyo Jim Tinlin Grover Beach 14.4
909-924-1807 WallStreet BBS Paul Andries Moreno Valley 14.4
916-334-4470 The Extinguisher BBS Frank Brehm No Highlands 14.4
916-334-4478 The Extinguisher BBS Frank Brehm No Highlands 9600
916-338-1571 The Shuttle BBS John Riley No Highlands 14.4
916-726-4096 KnotHole Floyd Shell Citrus Heights 9600
916-729-6851 USS Yamato NCC-1305E Cy Welch Sacramento 16.8
³ QuickBBS Systems in Colorado ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
303-428-2426 The REC Room Dan Fitch Denver 14.4
303-766-8035 The Silver Hammer Bob Lester Aurora 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Connecticut ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
203-963-7015 Brain Damaged Paul McCoy Pomfret 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Florida ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
305-473-2314 Misty Moonlight BBS Sherry Levine Davie 2400
305-828-5697 Careers Jesus Dacal Miami 14.4
³ NCC-1701 * Home of Pegasus Software and QuickBBS * ³
³ (407) 249-1701 Node1 * (407) 380-1701 Node 2 - Connections up to 28800 ³
³ Brenda and Steve Gabrilowitz - Sysops ³
*407-249-1701 NCC-1701 Steve Gabrilowitz Orlando 28.8
407-277-8192 Bill's MailBag Bill Hoenstine Orlando 14.4
407-295-0594 The Hy-It Express John Creamer Orlando 14.4
407-380-0204 Thunderdome Max Vonderhorst Orlando 28.8
*407-380-1701 NCC-1701 Node 2 Brenda Gabrilowitz Orlando 28.8
407-439-9170 Screaming In Digital Jesse Sipprell Lake Worth 14.4
407-575-3853 Jupiter BBS Ted Parsons Jupiter 14.4
407-831-6077 Rush Room R Green & S Lee Winter Park 28.8
407-845-2079 Microcosm BBS Dennis Reichel Riviera Beach 14.4
407-896-0494 The Digital Connection Richard Creighton Orlando 28.8
407-896-5772 Bullwinkle's Corner Bob Nocero Orlando 14.4
813-727-9201 The Online Shop Charles Reeves Bradenton 9600
813-750-9051 FLWG-CAP Operations BBS Michael McCormick Bradenton 14.4
813-977-7065 Southern Systems Talley Ragan Tampa 28.8
904-822-6951 Silver Bullet BBS Vincent Kaye DeLand 28.8
904-862-8643 221B Baker St James Young Ft Walton Bch 28.8
³ QuickBBS Systems in Georgia ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
404-603-1110 The Sky System David Virden Riverdale 14.4
404-636-2991 ACS Inc BBS Newton White Decatur 14.4
404-732-0097 BBS Town Dan Chamberlin Austell 2400
404-957-9113 DreamScape Jimmy Pate McDonough 14.4
706-322-7940 The Data-Base BBS Chip Nelson Columbus 14.4
706-569-7573 Hill Side BBS Roger Hartline Columbus 14.4
706-637-9276 Potters House Nancy Powers Hogansville 14.4
706-682-1228 Ridge Runner Eric Alexander Columbus 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Indiana ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
219-273-2291 The SQUAWK BOX Mary McGill South Bend 28.8
317-539-6579 H.O.M.E. BBS Bruce/Cissy Bowman Indianapolis 28.8
812-522-7371 The Derech Ben No'ach John Hill Seymour 9600
³ QuickBBS Systems in Kansas ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
913-894-5173 Center Of The Universe Jason Peterson Lenexa 19.2
³ QuickBBS Systems in Kentucky ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
502-363-5001 The Sandcastle Fred Akers Ft Knox 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Louisanna ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
318-484-9242 The Isle of Melnibone Jim Hale Alexandria 2400
504-851-4230 Computer Associates Rick Luquette Houma 16.8
³ QuickBBS Systems in Maryland ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
410-551-4643 Outlands John Bartley Odenton 14.4
410-687-6890 Waterfront East Mike McCullough Baltimore 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Massachusetts ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
508-250-0135 Mass Connections BBS 2 Jim Ouellette Chelmsford 14.4
508-250-0187 Mass Connections BBS 3 Jim Ouellette Chelmsford 14.4
508-250-4672 Mass Connections BBS 4 Jim Ouellette Chelmsford 14.4
508-256-1222 Mass Connections BBS 1 Jim Ouellette Chelmsford 14.4
508-372-3013 TDOOR Support BBS Gary Blydenburg Haverhill 9600
508-994-6797 Zombie BBS Jim Correia New Bedford 14.4
508-995-0085 Archives BBS John Viera Acushnet 14.4
508-995-9876 Xanadu BBS Heather StPierre New Bedford 9600
508-998-6434 @ Secret BBS Michael Driscoll Acushnet 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Michigan ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
810-552-8605 Holiday Magic BBS Bob Holiday Southfield 16.8
³ QuickBBS Systems in Minnesota ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
612-624-4318 U Of Mn Libraries Audrey N Grosch Minneapolis 9600
³ QuickBBS Systems in Missouri ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
314-339-0248 Wally's BBS Arthur Caby Cape Girardeau 14.4
417-623-3187 Second City Mike Brandon Joplin 14.4
417-862-5329 The ABYSS Tom Kirby Springfield 14.4
816-454-3787 The Unicorn EIE James Hale Kansas City 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Nebraska ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
*402-291-2453 Ready Room Jason Steck Omaha 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in New Jersey ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
*201-216-0292 Murphy's Law Paul Murphy Jersey City 28.8
*201-256-6146 The Box 777 BBS Rich Perry W. Paterson 14.4
³ GET YOUR BBS NOTICED FOR ONLY $20.00 PER YEAR. Just send us your copy and ³
³ your check and be included in the next issue. See details below ... ³
*201-340-1340 The Child of Isis BBS D.S. Mandrake Garfield 14.4
*201-399-0717 Yours Truly BBS Walter Woloczyj Irvington 14.4
³ The T.E.R.N. BBS (201) 399-4772 * 24 Hours a Day * Connections up to 28800 ³
³ 100+ Online Games, 175+ Message Areas & 130+ File Areas Member of NJ_GOFER ³
³ FidoNet, JerseyNet, InterNet, PoliceNet, HSA-Net, SAF-Net and AdultLinks ³
*201-399-4772 The T.E.R.N. BBS Scott Drake Irvington 28.8
*201-451-3063 The Wrong Number BBS Clark Matthews Jersey City 14.4
*201-667-3326 The Roach Motel Joe Roach Nutley 28.8
*201-786-5403 Zardan BBS Dan Vannieuwland Andover 14.4
*201-887-0210 The Narrow Way Christopher Modin Whippany 14.4
*201-893-8084 The Sportsman's Den Dennis Borbon Bloomfield 14.4
*201-948-3428 Poison Pete's Mike Brandt Branchville 14.4
*609-547-1581 G. I. F BBS Richard Bunt Audubon 14.4
*908-446-0612 Eagle Command James Bearce Manalapin 14.4
*908-769-7882 Vulcan-Net BBS John Alston Plainfield 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in New York ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
518-377-2577 Gaylaxia Joe Leonard Schenectady 2400
716-334-3582 Infinity BBS Jim High Rochester 9600
*716-334-6541 The Matrix Data Bank BBS Benjamin Schollnick Rochester 28.8
*914-667-9385 Joe Brown's BBS Joe Brown Mount Vernon 28.8
³ QuickBBS Systems in North Carolina ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
919-460-0523 Justice For All Tim Brown Cary 14.4
919-751-0245 The Jungle Kurt Schroeder Goldsboro 14.4
919-779-7536 The Red Baron JM Barron Garner 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Oaklahoma ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
405-341-4720 The Far Side QuickBBS Zack Williams Edmond 14.4
405-624-0301 Amiga Frontier 1 Paul Cather Stillwater 14.4
405-624-2429 Amiga Frontier 2 Paul Cather Stillwater 14.4
405-947-0446 THE DAYTONA BBS Jo Harris Oklahoma City 14.4
918-272-5192 The Monster Factory Mike Sexton Owasso 2400
918-622-1805 The Undiscovered Country Ed Grinnell Tulsa 14.4
918-835-0257 Data Infor Exchange David Walker Tulsa 2400
918-835-2429 Purgatory Jason Reynolds Tulsa 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Ohio ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
614-423-0185 Camelot Beth Kloes Belpre 14.4
614-423-4424 MegaByte Plus Jason Hall Belpre 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Oregon ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
503-234-9451 Eur BBS Al Hess Portland 16.8
503-246-3684 Wandering Wolf's Den William Allen Tigard 14.4
503-256-8451 The Overworked Dragon Katherine Stewart Portland 14.4
503-345-8517 Detox BBS Brian Coe Eugene 14.4
503-591-5103 THE BARE BONES BBS Dave Emory Aloha 14.4
503-591-5103 THE BARE BONES BBS Dave Emory Aloha 14.4
503-649-4590 CyBorg Systems BBS Terry Pinto Beaverton 14.4
503-649-4590 CyBorg Systems BBS Terry Pinto Beaverton 14.4
503-775-7980 Ancient Darklands Ben Lucas Portland 2400
³ QuickBBS Systems in Pennsylvania ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
412-635-0934 Microtech BBS Jack Lawrence Pittsburgh 9600
717-622-2421 Coal Cracker BBS Bob Thomas Pottsville 9600
³ QuickBBS Systems in Tennesee ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
615-878-2286 The Byte Board Larry Hayes Bristol 14.4
615-431-9960 Gone Fishin' BBS Sam Clark Clarksville 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Texas ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
210-359-8904 Electric Sub-Station Michael Trainer San Antonio 9600
210-492-6152 The After Hours Jeff Perales San Antonio 9600
210-497-4552 Pretzel Logic Richard Cavin San Antonio 28.8
210-625-4479 Dusty's Palace Dwight Worthey New Braunfels 14.4
210-628-1022 PG San Lloyd Kirkpatrick San Antonio 14.4
210-647-1231 Between The Lines Roy Mitchell San Antonio 16.8
210-659-0118 UNofficial BBS Bart Mullins San Antonio 2400
210-675-4787 NECRONOMICON John Clements San Antonio 2400
214-414-3770 Shadowspawn II Kevin Kaufman Garland 14.4
³ GET YOUR BBS NOTICED FOR ONLY $20.00 PER YEAR. Just send us your copy and ³
³ your check and be included in the next issue. See details below ... ³
409-798-0905 The Brazorian BBS James Kennemer Brazoria 14.4
512-357-6904 Lounge Lizard's Retreat George Vandervort San Marcos 28.8
512-376-5644 Lockhart BBS Robert Butler Lockhart 14.4
512-837-0953 JimNet Jim Westbrook Austin 16.8
806-797-2140 The Martian Frontier David Smith Lubbock 14.4
817-267-6033 Little Bits BBS Chris Molnar Euless TX 9600
817-279-1983 Greek Style Tom Goodman Granbury Tx 9600
817-545-3378 Alternate Reality BBS Dax Davis Colleyville 16.8
915-651-9520 Cactus Patch Kids! Jim Whitaker San Angelo 14.4
915-653-3396 Warrior's Path Line 1 Johnie Robinson San Angelo 9600
915-653-4174 Hyper Access BBS Dan Lee San Angelo 2400
915-659-2424 Warrior's Path Line 2 Johnie Robinson San Angelo 2400
³ QuickBBS Systems in Vermont ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
802-897-2040 The Silicon Forest Scott Remick Shoreham 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Virginia ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
703-639-0946 Perfesser Zero's Lab Scott Slayman Christiansburg 2400
703-998-2958 AD Message System James Goldbloom Falls Church 14.4
804-591-8537 Brokedown Palace Dennis Ricketts Newport News 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Washington ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
206-334-9243 Programmers Info ExchangePaul West Everett 14.4
509-735-4702 Turbo AT! BBS Michael Twiselton Kennewick 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in West Virginia ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
304-296-3649 The Back Door BBS Michael Packer Morgantown 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Canada ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
306-786-6252 The Games Room BBS II Larry Dercach Yorkton Sask 16.8
306-786-6253 The Games Room BBS I Larry Dercach Yorkton Sask 16.8
514-937-7451 ABS International Abelardo Garces Montreal 14.4
519-928-2596 The Graveyard Shift Wayne Mackintosh Grand Valley 14.4
519-928-5520 The Graveyard Shift Wayne Mackintosh Grand Valley 14.4
519-973-9330 Windsor Download Paul Halyung Windsor 14.4
705-942-8370 DogStar BBS Mario Dulisse Sault St.Marie 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Germany ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
352-59-5243 NoName-Box Daniel Gulluni Sanem 14.4
49-2404-4078 R-I-K BBS Robert Maiwald Alsdorf 9600
49-3733-44510 Genesis - Projekt Christian Thiele O-Annaberg 14.4
49-5281-608285 Info Service Joachim Bartels Bad Pyrmont 14.4
49-6155-63378 ATM Box Heiko Dreyer Griesheim 9600
49-8121-769194 HH-BOX Peter Braun Poing 14.4
49-89-6925317 Monster Box Christian Beckmann Muenchen 14.4
49-89-7470795 QuickBBS-HelpNode Werner Niedermeier Munich 9600
49-89-74790082 C.A.C.-BOX ISDN-Only Werner Niedermeier Munich 300
³ QuickBBS Systems in Holland ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
31-2152-40325 QuickBBS Support Board Sander Eek Blaricum 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Sweden ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
46-321-13725 DataSweden BBS Peter Luther Ulricehamn 14.4
46-321-30658 QBBS Support Scandinavia Johnny Pedersen Ulricehamn 14.4
³ QuickBBS Systems in Australia ³
³ Spot an ERROR ? Do you Know a BBS that Should be Listed but is Not? ³
³ Leave a message to: Scott Drake on The T.E.R.N. BBS at: 201-399-4772 ³
BBS Phone # BBS Name Sysop Location Baud
61-43-29-2512 QuickBBS Support Lance Lyon Tascott NSW 9600
Please check DISTRIB.TXT for official distribution sites, and
UPDATES.TXT for update/addition information.
* = Call Verified Since Last Month's List
The QuickBBS BBS List is Copyrighted 1994 by Scott Drake of
Irvington, NJ. The QuickBBS BBS List may be copied in its
entirety, or posted as a bulletin as long as no alterations are
made. It may be used in BBS directory viewing and searching
"doors" as long as the door is capable of displaying the file
without deleting the heading or text that follows the listings.
No advertisements other than .ZIP comments and the like may be
added or deleted from the file. No part of this directory may
be used or reproduced without written permission from the
author. This includes, but is not limited to, importing text into
other files or formats.
The QuickBBS BBS List is released the first of each month, look
for it on your favorite QuickBBS BBS, and if they don't have it,
ask for it!
This list is prepared by:
º -=*> The T.E.R.N. BBS <*=- º
º 2400 upto 28.8 Baud -- 24 Hours a Day º
º Located in Irvington, New Jersey º
* 100+ On-Line Doors * 7 EchoMail Networks
* 130+ File Areas * Free Internet E-mail
* 175+ Message Areas * Free NetMail
Now you can Advertise your BBS in a Boxed Ad for just $20.00 a Year.
³ You get 76 Characters in Three Line of Text Appearing over your Regular ³
³ Listing. Just write out your Ad on a Plain Piece of Paper and Mail it with ³
³Your Payment to the Address below and Your Ad will Appear in the Next Issue.³
Mail your ad and $20.00 in a Check, or money order (made payable
to: Scott Drake) to: The QuickBBS BBS List c/o Scott Drake, 1040
Sanford Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111-1913.
Your Ad will Appear in the Next Issue. Funds are used to off-set
the cost of Verifying BBS listings. Only One Ad per BBS please.
Thank You,
Scott Drake
The T.E.R.N. BBS