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BBS Listings
To Add, Change, or Delete Listings, please contact Deanna Luke at Beggar's Forum BBS
Phone Net/ Baud Software High Speed
BBS Name Number Sysop Name Node Rate Used Type
--------------------- -------- ------------------ ------ ----- ---------- ----------
#1 Marketplace Square 787-1624 Ed Price 147/43 9600 QuickBBS HST
19th Hole BBS 946-5222 Gary Blackburn 147/39 14400 QuickBBS HST,V32b
49'er BBS-Node 1 722-4231 Ed Simich 147/52 14400 Wildcat! HST,V32b
49'er BBS-Node 2 722-7938 Ed Simich / 14400 Wildcat! HST,V32b
4M BBS 755-7047 Marty Rhodes / 14400 Wildcat!
5150 BBS 722-0743 Mac Short / 2400 Telegard
Acropolis 749-9906 Paul Cardin / 14400 MajorBBS V32,V42b
Addicted's Rose Garden 741-7673 Trayce McCray / 2400 Telegard
After Hours 947-0124 Michael Stockwell / 9600 Maximus V32b,V42b
Alchemist's Shoppe 749-8857 Randy Webster / 2400 Telegard
Alkar's Keep 677-6159 Taurie Rollins / 2400 WWIV
All Wave BBS 947-6275 Mark Mumma / 14400 Wildcat! V32
ALOHA 324-0943 Alan Perkins 147/47 9600 Telegard V32,V42b
Altered Reality 721-5022 Brian Burbridge 147/2007 14400 Telegard HST
Altered Reality III 721-0131 Mark Doyle / 2400 Telegard
American S.I.T.E. 366-1449 Les Barr 147/41 14400 Opus CBCS HST
Arabian Stables 745-5929 Roger Jackson 147/71 9600 SCream V32
Armageddon 527-9350 Zak Taylor / 2400 WWIV
Arrakis 752-8955 Charles West 147/61 2400 RiBBS
ASTROLABE 769-6757 Tom Graham 147/1020 2400 Maximus
Aviator's Haven 685-6960 Paul Konrath 147/3027 14400 Telegard V32b,V42b
Barka-Lounger's BBS 685-4254 Steve Barker / 9600 Wildcat! V32,V42b
Barrayer BBS 681-5320 Greg Cook / 14400 Telegard V32,V42b
Beggar's Forum 685-5558 Deanna Luke 147/1012 14400 Telegard V32b,V42b
Beggar's Forum II 737-5025 Bob Miller 147/1024 14400 Telegard V32,V42b
Beggar's Forum IV 686-0058 Lonnie Johnson 147/58 9600 Rem. Acs V32,V42b
Black Box BBS, The 736-0776 Robert Riley / 14400 Virtual V32,V42
Black Hole BBS, The 728-7960 Craig Smith 147/3008 14400 SuperBBS V32b
Blue Heaven BBS 787-5056 Matt Fryett / 14400 Wildcat! V32,V42b
Blue Note BBS 1 354-4338 John Markham 147/2002 2400 Telegard
Blue Note BBS 2 354-3343 Daniel Davis 147/2006 2400 Telegard
Bull BBS, The 359-6929 Mark Howard 147/6 14400 Telegard HST,V42b
Butterscan BBS 732-8862 Donald Butterfield 147/5 14400 Telegard V42b,V32b
Can-Do Express 224-8621 Curtis Norton / 2400 ROBOboard
CD/ROM Electron.news 751-8096 Bob Hall 147/23 9600 QuickBBS HST
Chop Shop, The 787-6052 John Reed 147/2016 2400 Telegard
Citadel, The 376-1610 Jim Elliott 147/3037 14400 Telegard HST,V42b,V32b
Clark Software 752-5657 David Clark / 2400 Wildcat!
Code-3 BBS 751-6104 Steve Blum / 14400 Telegard HST,V32b
Commco BBS 787-1329 Gary Horton / 14400 Telegard V32,V42
ComTek Solutions 524-0671 Henry Pham 147/1022 9600 Wildcat! V32
Coordinator's BBS 341-7042 Tony Valuikas 147/2003 16800 Wildcat! HST DS
Covenstead BBS 634-7421 Scott Ware 147/2012 14400 Maximus V32b,V42b
CPR BBS 222-0074 Robert Holten / 2400 ROBOboard
Cutting Edge, The 793-1919 Carl Chandler / 9600 PCBoard Hayes V
Cybernet 799-2911 Dwayne Garrison 147/2911 14400 RBBS HST
Damage, Inc. 390-3110 Robert Tomlinson / 14400 Telegard V42,V32b
Dead Rock Cafe 364-2254 Jim Logsdon 147/3102 14400 ??? V42b
Dead Silence 677-6910 Brent Breimeir / 14400 Telegard V32b,V42b
Deep Thoughts BBS 598-3720 Dennis Soltwedel / 2400 Telegard
Dia Com 946-3675 Jem Miller 147/33 9600 SCream V32,V42b
Digital Encounters 670-3925 Rick Howell 147/4007 14400 Rem. Acs HST,V32b
Dirty Blvd. 794-9093 Adam Fenn 147/3103 14400 Virtual V32b,V42b
Druid's Keep 348-5747 John Stinson / 14400 Renegade V32b,V42b
Druid's Tower 789-0996 Scott Graham / 2400 WWIV
Dwarven Guild 527-9350 Zak Brown / 14400 WWIV V32b
Edmond NoChange 340-1139 R. Lindenberger 147/35 9600 SCream CSP-3
Edmond Online 749-8222 Brad Boyington / 2400 Telegard
Electric Dreams 447-7668 Dwain Patillo 147/54 14400 Wildcat! HST,DS
Electronic Shopper 749-9906 Paul Cardin / 14400 MajorBBS V32b,V32b
Emergency Response 360-6620 David Seng 147/3108 14400 Rem. Acs V32b
Empire Of Confusion 677-2858 Gary Allred / 2400 Telegard
Eternal Apprentice 447-3772 Tom Egelston / 14400 Waffle V32b,V42b
Event Horizon 741-4141 Alex Santa-Pinter / 14400 Wildcat! V32b,V42b
EXXXtasy 685-4522 Bill Phipps / 9600 QuickBBS HST
FAMILy Roots, The 329-4262 J.R. Goff 147/45 9600 QuickBBS HST
FAMILy Tree, The 321-0642 J.R. Goff 147/32 9600 Wildcat! HST
Fantasy World BBS 794-3491 Michael Nevez / 2400 WWIV
Far Side QuickBBS 341-4720 Zack Williams 147/3423 2400 QuickBBS
Fast Lane BBS 350-0119 John Fleming / 14400 Telegard V42b
Feast Of Friends 733-1337 Ronn Folk 147/1019 9600 Wildcat! V42b
Filthy Habits 721-8513 John Schlichting 147/2021 14400 Rem. Acs V32b
Final Frontier, The 681-3027 Shawn Gulikers / 2400 Telegard
Fireside BBS 634-2666 Brad Miller / 2400 Telegard
Fort Knox #1 843-5002 John Knox 147/7 16800 Maximus HST,V32b,V42b
Fort Knox #2 843-3545 John Knox 147/49 14400 Maximus HST
Fortress, The 478-0896 Brandon Jackson / 14400 PC-Xpress HST
GameRoom BBS, The 391-4713 Bob Hibbler / 9600 Wildcat!
GateWay BBS 672-5366 James Cabaniss / 2400 Telegard
General, The 670-6428 Joe Lookabaugh / 14400 PCBoard V32,V42
General Store, The 943-8638 Kent Mason 147/31 14400 TBBS HST
Ground Zero 721-6061 David Drid / 2400
Hell BBS 842-8041 Rick Ramo / 2400 Searchlight
Hillbilly Haven 793-0247 Jim Hlad / 14400 Wildcat! V32,V42b
Huggy Bear's BBS 949-2090 Donald Burch 147/30 2400 Telegard
Hyperspace Junction 447-6398 Trevor Hayes / 14400 WWIV V32b,V42b
Immaculate Connection 634-4866 Gene Paris 147/69 14400 Maximus V32,V42
Infectious Insanity 728-4874 Barry Anderberg / 14400 Telegard V32,V42
Jet Express 222-3200 James Thompson 147/3200 9600 ROBOboard V32,V42b
Knight Mare 672-5644 Michael Johnson 147/3006 14400 Telegard V32b,V42b
KRON COMPUTERS BBS 681-5408 Krista Murchek / 2400 Wildcat!
La-Grange 943-5126 Robert Harrison 147/1018 2400 Telegard
LASERSTAR BBS 631-1457 Boyd McCage / 2400 Telegard
Late Night Talk BBS 794-8255 Bobbie Burgett / 9600 Wildcat! V32
Lee's Almost BBS 799-6714 Lee Hodges 147/1011 16800 Telegard HST
Legion Outpost BBS 329-2764 Barbara Jarvis / 2400 WWIV
Lost Realm Of Fantasy 376-4785 Robert Smith / 2400 Telegard
Magic Rat University 799-9052 Ricky Gibson 147/1029 2400 Telegard
Meridian Connection 586-2484 ??? / 14400 Wildcat! V32b,V42
MetroCop 631-6971 Earl Faubion 147/911 9600 Telegard V32,V42b
Midi-Man 755-6699 Tim Soldan / 14400 PCBoard HST
Midnight BBS 224-0859 David Mabry 147/859 2400 ROBOboard
Midnight Run! 728-8419 Christopher Cox 147/4009 2400 SuperBBS
Midwest MIDI 733-3102 C.W. Detrixhe 147/50 14400 Opus CBCS HST
Mindcrime BBS 722-4059 David Kalbert / 2400 Telegard
Mind Warp 741-6921 Scott Griffith / 14400 ??? DS
Mirrors of Infinity 737-0953 Greg Kubica 147/1040 9600 Telegard HST
ModemLink BBS 354-6024 Robert Jackson 147/24 14400 Telegard HST-V32b
Mpower 324-7697 Greg Boyd 147/4010 2400 TBBS
My Place BBS 354-8311 Sheldon Cain / 2400 PCBoard
My Place BBS #2 354-8655 Sheldon Cain / 14400 ??? V32b,V42b
Needful Things #1 677-0871 Eric Lashley / 2400 WWIV
Net's BBS 720-7645 Larry Fulks / 9600 Rem. Acs
Night Games BBS 634-3073 Ray Chambers / 2400 Telegard
Night Line 728-9907 Sam Wilder 147/1028 14400 QuickBBS HST-V32b
Nutcracker, The 677-7722 Wayne Haskett 147/3016 2400 Telegard
O.U. BBS 325-6128 Ronnie Parker 147/2051 14400 TBBS HST-V32b
OKC-PC User's Group 348-9810 Tony Valuikas 147/1001 9600 Wildcat! V32,V42b
OKIE One BBS 789-3674 Ken Busch / 9600 QuickBBS HST
Oklahoma Info Exchange 386-4599 Tony Davis 19/150 9600 TBBS HST,V32,V32b
Oklahoma's Wastelands I 733-0965 Toan Nguyen 147/1035 14400 Renegade V32,V32b,V42
Oracle, The 391-6604 David Elston 147/3032 14400 SCream V32b,V42b
Our Potpourri BBS 741-5120 Art Dunkle 147/72 14400 Wildcat! HST
Panthera 769-7343 Ian Pugh / 14400 Renegade V32b,V42b
P.C. Info 521-0687 Mark Grennan 19/6 2400 Opus CBCS
P.C. Trader 682-6060 Ron Hines / 2400 Rem. Acs
Personal Connection 354-5337 Wayne Langford 147/1023 9600 ??? V32b,V42b
Pleasure Zone, The 681-8866 Steve Shelton / 9600 Wildcat! HST
Point, The 732-2968 Mark Campbell 147/68 9600 QuickBBS V32,V42
PowerQuest BBS 752-7697 Alan Chavis 147/55 14400 Telegard V32b,V42b
Protoboard!, The 275-6827 Stephen Nolen / 9600 PowerBBS V32
Retriever's Retreat 359-1540 Ron Griffing 147/2001 14400 Opus CBCS CSP/V32b
Rockefeller Center 789-2222 Richard Minick / 2400 EZYcom
Rock'n BBS 525-7832 Richard Farrar / 1200 WWIV
S.L.I.M.E. 670-3905 James Neighbors / 2400 WWIV
SSBBS 359-5682 Travis Nelson 147/3005 14400 QuickBBS V32b,V42b
Sandbox, The 736-6878 John Burton 147/34 16800 TBBS HST,V32b,V42b
Sandbox, The 737-9540 John Burton 147/34 9600 TBBS HST
Scooter Dome 634-1359 Rob McClure / 9600 Wildcat! HST
Sea Of Fantasy 677-4445 Peggy Cook / 2400 Telegard
Serengetti 478-0686 Barry Wainwright / 14400 ROBOboard V32,V42
Shadow's Keep 321-9992 Steven Anderson / 14400 Telegard V32b,V32,CSP
Shadow Realm 799-5590 Kirk Garrison / 2400 WWIV
Shotgun BBs 691-8621 Gary Bristol 147/1234 14400 Telegard V32b,V42b
Something Wicked!! 737-0640 Rob Carter / 2400 Telegard
Sound System BBS 686-0075 Jeremy Brown / 2400 Telegard
Spellbound 354-0005 Dan Kissner 147/2004 14400 Renegade HST,V32b,V42b
Sports Fan BBS, The 799-0789 Randy Cook / 2400 WWIV
Star Frontiers 789-7624 Bill Williams / 14400 WWIV V32,V42b
StarGate 682-0486 Shawn Evans 147/1032 19200 Telegard V42b,ZYX
Starview BBS 282-6766 David Kennedy / 14400 Wildcat! HST
SugarBBS 275-4466 Leroy Butler / 2400 ???
Switch, The 232-3359 Dennis Smith / 2400 Wildcat!
Synergy 942-4845 Mary Link 147/22 9600 SCream V32b,V42b
Synapsis 681-9601 David Murray / 9600 WWIV V32
T.C.S. Starlight 360-6619 Roy Nicholson / 2400 Telegard
T.O.B.U.G. 722-1524 Terry Brookshire / 14400 Telegard HST,V32b
Tackle Box, The 359-3301 Neil Clark / 9600 Wildcat! V32
Tallboy's BBS 376-0905 Bob Seymour 147/57 14400 Wildcat! HST
Teacher's Pet 728-8228 Judy Sneed 147/70 2400 Maximus
TECH2000 631-9939 Derek Bumpas 147/4006 14400 Rem. Acs HST,V42b,V32b
This Old House 672-0049 Jeff Brown 147/1031 14400 ROBOboard V32,V42b
Timewarp 672-8094 John Whitehead / 2400 Telegard
Tomcat's BBS 282-8250 Tom Brewer 147/53 2400 ???
Torii Station I 733-7083 Jim Oxford / 14400 TBBS V32b
Torii Station II 733-7085 Jim Oxford / 14400 TBBS V32b
Torii Station III 737-7565 Jim Oxford 147/20 14400 TBBS V32b
Torii Station IV 733-7084 Jim Oxford / 14400 TBBS V32b
Torii Station V 733-7086 Jim Oxford / 14400 TBBS V32b
Torii Station VI 733-7091 Jim Oxford / 14400 TBBS HST,V32b
TradeWinds 728-2061 Mona Shaver 147/60 9600 QuickBBS HST
Tranquility Base 682-2352 Ernie Barnes / 9600 Wildcat! V32,V42b
Trinity ]I[ BBS 692-2289 Kevin Kitchen 147/2777 14400 Remote Acs HST-V42b
Turbolink West-Node 2 354-5835 ??? / 14400 Wildcat! HST
Twilight Zone BBS 749-0009 Paul Davies 147/9 2400 SuperBBS
TYAIS 733-5014 David Devault / 2400 ???
Vanishing Point 360-7161 Douglas Taylor 147/1077 9600 SuperBBS V32
Viper's Den 359-8519 Will Crain 147/4008 14400 Telegard
Warden Diamond 755-1372 Blake Stover 147/2112 14400 Rem. Acs HST
WEB, The 350-7762 Joyce Jordan 147/2011 2400 Maximus
WildSide BBS 672-5538 Sharon White 147/3001 14400 SuperBBS HST,V32
Will's House 670-1100 Will Hargrave / 9600 Telegard
Wizard's BBS 282-5089 George Ainette / 57600 Wildcat! DS
Wizard's Council 733-1216 Shawn Baker 147/3029 14400 Telegard V32,V42b
Wizard's Council ][ 677-0429 Dennis Eppley 147/3030 2400 Telegard
Wizard's Council ]I[ 672-4593 Dennis Eppley 147/1021 14400 Telegard V32,V42b
Worldspan BBS 848-6944 Ben Freeny / 19200 QuickBBS HST
Alpha-1 BBS 692-4408 Chris Swann / 2400 PrimeTree
Granny Smith's Sandbox 495-3995 John Thompson / 9600 GBBS
Phoenix Foundation, The 942-2473 Brent Kirkwood / 14400 Metal/FV V32b
Get Smart 341-8891 ??? / 2400 Turbo ST
Infinity 793-7971 ??? / 9600 ???
Late Nite Atari 495-3209 Mike Fuglsang / 2400 ???
Online Connections 691-0244 Brian Hilburn / 14400 Express V32,V42b
Operation Starhawk 942-6279 Matthew Campbell / 14400 Express ST V32b
Phoenix Base 722-7574 ??? / 9600 Turbo ST HST
Amiga Line 1, The 794-8538 Mike Rider 147/27 2400 DLG-Pro
Amy Source 793-1097 David Grothe 147/2020 14400 DLG-Pro HST,V42,V32
Lowlander BBS 222-2029 Terry McCoin / 14400 Galacticom V32b
Seahawks BBS 793-1906 Robert Tuckey 147/1906 14400 Star-Net HST,V42,V32
Caverns, The 840-4077 Mike Patterson / 2400 C-Net 128
GOCC 360-6130 Chuck Pendley / 1200 BBS64.5
George's Den 681-6797 George Vaughn / 1200 HMBBS
Herkimer's Pond 942-3862 ??? / 1200 CNet 128
Mega-Mania 681-8119 William Trussel / 2400 Image