173 lines
9.6 KiB
173 lines
9.6 KiB
BBS List for these areas:
Monterey Peninsula--Salinas--North Monterey County--Gilroy--Morgan Hill
ALL Systems: 408 Area Code
Updated: 5/01/95
CN ..... C-Net Amiga RA ..... Remote Access
CT ..... Citadel RB ..... RBBS
CU ..... Custom Designed RN ..... Renegade
GP ..... GAP SF ..... Spitfire
GT ..... GTPowercom SL ..... Searchlight
HM ..... Hermes TE ..... Telegrad
IM ..... Image TB ..... TBBS
MJ ..... MajorBBS TR ..... TriBBS
NV ..... Novalink TT ..... TriTel
PB ..... PowerBBS WC ..... Wildcat
PC ..... PCBoard WW ..... WWIV
PO ..... PowerBoard UN ..... UNIX Based/Internet
OB ..... Oblivion/2 VB ..... Virtual BBS
h ..... USR HST
d ..... USR Dual Standard v.32/HST
u ..... USR Dual Standard v.32bis/HST
s ..... USR Dual Standard v.32bis/16.8k HST
t ..... USR v.32terbo 21.6k
z ..... ZyXEL 16.8k
----< Monterey Peninsula >---------------------------------------------
BBS Name Phone Baud SW Megs Nodes Features
-------------- -------- ---- -- ---- ----- ---------------------------
Anim Exchange 899-4147 3-28.8k PC 420 1 DOS/Animation files
BIX 655-2090 3-9600 -- --- - Commercial Online Service
Closet Gouge 655-8785 12-14.4 PC 320 2 DOS/Mac/Amiga/NPS Academic
Closet Gouge II 655-8787 12-14.4 PC 320 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compuserve 646-1687 3-24 -- --- - Files/SIGS/Forums/Files etc
Compuserve 648-0139 3-14.4 -- --- - Files/SIGS/Forums/Files etc
Cricket 373-3773 s12-16.8 PC 1022 3 DOS/OS2/Win 3x/MBUG
Digital Resrch 649-3443 3-24 ? ? 1 Digital Research Support
El Observador 372-9054 12-14.4 PC 1000 1 DOS/Win/OS2/Spanish Lang
Eternity II 899-3032 24-28.8 RA 6708 1 DOS/Fidonet/Icenet, FDNet
EyeOfTheStorm 883-9335 ? ? ? ? ?
GENie 372-0347 3-24 -- --- - Online Service
Hacker Heaven 375-5455 3-14.4 SF 80 1 CP/M-DOS-Apple-Others
Hard Drive Cafe 394-2839 ?-14.4 WC ? 1 Dos/Windows/Amiga/Adult
Holonet 646-1687 3-24 UN --- Holonet Internet Service
7E1, type @<cr> at login
Then type Holonet <cr>
Jabong 373-1372 ?-28.8 RA 500 1 Fidonet/Icenet echomail
JUMPin 394-8842 3-24 RB 40 1 DOS/PCjr/Files
LingNet 242-5333 3-14.4 WC 240 1 Dos/Linguistics
Logos 899-4552 3-14.4 RB 1550 1 DOS/Christian/EchoMail
Lottomania 394-0819
MPTV Employrees 649-0177 3-96 WC 35 1 MPTV employees/public welcome
Mtry Gaming Sys 655-5555 3-14.4 CU 660 32 Online Games/Chat/Intnt Email
Music Room 393-2819 3-14.4 WC ? ? Music Interests
Netcom 644-7850 ?-14.4 UN ? ? Internet services: Shell
UUCP/Netcruiser. 8N1/VT100
Nitelog 655-1096 3-14.4 PC 18400 45 DOS/MAC/UNIX/OS2/Win3&NT/Amiga
Nitelog 655-8344 3-28.8 PC 18400 45 Newton & Adult files. ILink/
Nitelog 655-8297 u3-14.4 PC 18400 45 Rime/Internet email/Usenet/
Nitelog 655-8344 s3-16.8 PC 18400 45 Telnet/Rlogin/Rshell/Ftp/
Nitelog 655-2973 z3-16.8 PC 18400 45 Gopher/Archie/Finger/Whois
Fidonet. Weather summaries
summaries Nat. TV Listings
Aviilable via BBS Direct
Novell 649-3696 3-14.4 TB ? ? Novell Netware Support
Phallicide 883-9535 ?-14.4 RN ? 1 ?
Prodigy 375-2644 12-24 -- --- - Prodigy online service
Prodigy 655-2090 12-9600 -- --- - Prodigy 9600 bps lines
Red Shift 655-6714 3-28.8 UN 6150 20 Internet services: SLIP/PPP
WWW/Shell-8N1/VT100. Signup
For accounts on Nitelog 655-
1096 (type "S") or Red Shift
(use username of "new")
Riverworld 375-9531 2400 WC 102 1 Dos/Windows
Sea Otters 883-1660 ?-14.4 GP ? 1 Dos/Windows
Seaside BBS 899-6397 3-14.4 MJ ? 4 City/politics/email (open to
the public)
Sunset 883-0106 24-14.4 ? 1700 2 Dos/Windows
Telenet 1 646-9092 3-12 -- --- - Network Link
Telenet 2 646-5122 3-24 -- --- - Network Link
Titanium 373-7673 ?-14.4 RN ? ? ?
TORB 384-9643 ?-14.4 WC 2430 2 Dos/Win/OS2/Adult
Tymnet 1 375-2644 3-24 -- --- - Network Link
Tymnet 2 375-2645 3-24 -- --- - Network Link
Tymnet 3 375-8213 3-24 -- --- - Network Link
UnderTheBridge 622-0253 24-14.4 ? ? 1 ?
Visionsoft 626-0302 3-24 CN 1500 9 DOS/Amiga/Mac/Games/Internet
Visionsoft 625-6580 3-14.4 CN 1500 9 Usenet/Adult
Vulture's Roost 647-9693 3-14.4 WC 1800 2 OS2/Adult/Wildnet
WWWA 626-4425 ?-14.4 CT ? 1 Chat
----< Salinas::Prunedale::Castroville::Moss Landing >---------------
BBS Name Phone Baud SW Megs Nodes Features
-------------- -------- ---- -- ---- ----- ---------------------------
Artic Insanity 757-2623 ?-14.4 RN ? 1 ?
Baseball's BBS 663-0256 3-14.4 VB 540 1 Chat/ANSI/Files
Bitstream 449-2150 3-14.4 FR 600 1 Atari/DOS/Amiga/Apple/Other
BIX 754-8722 3-9600 -- --- - Commercial Online Service
Compuserve 754-2751 3-24 -- --- - Files/SIGS/Forums/Confs
CRC 424-0108 3-14.4 UN --- - CRC BBS Direct Allowing calls
to 30 BBSes for $30.00 per
month flat fee/UNLIMITED time
Dragon's Byte 633-8677 3-28.8 ? 850 1 Files/Msg/DOS
GENie 455-1020 3-24 -- --- - Online service $2
Holonet 754-2751 3-24 UN --- Holonet Internet Service
7E1, type @<CR> at login
Then type Holonet <cr>
Mega Connection 754-2105 28.8 1300 1 DOS
Prodigy 754-2206 12-24 -- --- - Prodigy online service
Prodigy 754-8722 12-96 -- --- - Prodigy 9600 line
Slugo's 754-1762 3-14.4k ? 500 1 DOS
Spectra! 443-8740 24-14.4 WC 8000 2 DOS/Adult/Doors
Spectra! 443-9781 24-14.4 WC 8000 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Telenet 1 443-4940 3-12 -- --- - Network Link/PCPursuit
Telenet 2 443-8791 3-24 -- --- - Network Link/PCPursuit
Tymnet 754-2206 3-12 -- --- - Network Link
Xtreme Psycho 757-2673 ?-? OB ? 1 ?
----< Big Sur >--------------------------------------------------------
BBS Name Phone Baud SW Megs Nodes Features
-------------- -------- ---- -- ---- ----- ---------------------------
Cliffside 667-0360 d3-14.4 PC 440 2 DOS/HAM-Scanner
Cliffside 667-0372 3-14.4 PC 440 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
----< Gilroy >---------------------------------------------------------
BBS Name Phone Baud SW Megs Nodes Features
-------------- -------- ---- -- ---- ----- ---------------------------
Atlas 847-5202 3-24 MJ ? ? ?
Garlique 847-0665 u3-14.4 WC 2820 13 Dos/Win/OS2/Adult
Garlique 847-1240 s3-16.8 WC 2820 13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
U.F.O. 847-7910 3-24 ? ? ? UFO data only
----< Watsonville >----------------------------------------------------
Fault Line 763-2602 u3-14.4k VB ? 1 DOS/Usenet-Internet/Fido
Prime Connect 724-0599 ?-28.8 SL 2000 8 Dos/Win/OS2
WWIVnet and other nets
----< Hollister >------------------------------------------------------
Infinite Vision 637-5181 ?-14.4k PC ? 1 Dos
Special Notes:
To add, edit or delete a listing from this list leave a message on
Nitelog BBS 408-655-1096 (300-14400 bps nodes). I cannot guarantee changes
will be made if you leave mail to me on other systems, if I see updates in
my travels I'll note them but I will *always see mail left to me on Nitelog.
My internet email address is: sysop@nitelog.com
Please let me know about updated information on local BBSes, thank you.
Compiled by: Karl Van Lear, Nitelog BBS 408-655-1096
Red Shift 408-655-6714
Salinas Valley info section updated by: Dale Meisenheimer of Bitstream BBS
(408) 449-2150