1219 lines
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@CBBSLIST(tm) 2.05 70
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| Issue LXXIX, 8 August 1996 |
| |
| Covering Chicagoland area codes 219, 312, 630, 847, 708 and 815. |
| Copyright (c) 1988-96 The CBBSList Team |
| |
| |
| ____________________/\____________________ |
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| ^^^^ |
| ^^^^^^ |
| - Modem Addictus Seal of Approval - |
| |
| The Home of The CBBSList(tm) |
| |
| The Wolf's Den BBS |
| 847-673-8070 |
| |
| |
| The CBBSLIST(tm) can be downloaded using the |
| login name GUEST, password GUEST. |
| The accuracy of this directory is dependent upon YOUR |
| comments and messages. Please read the CBBSLIST(tm) msg area |
| on Wolf's Den for more details. Please leave reports via: |
| CBBSLIST(tm) echo available throughout Chicagoland |
| CBBSTEAM(tm) internet listserver |
| Internet Phill_Congleton@techknow.com |
| World Wide Web http://techknow.com/wolfsden/cbbs.htm |
| FTP ftp.techknow.com |
| Freq Magic name CBBSLIST 1:115/226.0 |
| ... or on Wolf's Den. |
| This list is a product of these people's effort: |
| |
| Roger Heath (heath@Techknow.com) |
| Phill Congleton (Phill_Congleton@techknow.com) |
| Donna Congleton |
| Bruce Mccormick (Sysop@hom.com) |
| Max Kohn (Max_Kohn@cpsnet2.cop.edu |
| Jay Martin |
| Chuck Erickson (sysop.wincity.com) |
| Ed Keller |
| Tom Young (tom.young@ocular.com) |
| |
| ... and all that have supplied information, of course! |
| |
| On behalf of the CBBSList(tm) Team, |
| Phill Congleton, Editor |
| Donna Congleton, Co-Editor |
The CBBSList(tm) is published as a public service by the CBBSList(tm)
Team, and may be freely distributed in any form as long as its
contents, authorship and title page remain unaltered.
Boards marked with a * after the number are either perpetually
busy or we were not able to establish a connection. Please
inform us.
Boards marked with a + after the number will disappear before the
next list is published.
Boards marked with # after the number had their listing modified
this month.
708-849-0073 1984 PC/PCBB *8-M Mar-90
219-464-9075 2-Way BBS PC/SLBB *8 Jul-95
312-275-1785 20/20 {769} PC/TBBS *8D
312-769-2020 20/20 {769} PC/TBBS *8#
708-893-5601 Sins & Vices <Adult> PC/WILD *8#S Jul-93
708-677-3369 Absolute Pleasure <Adult> PC/MAJR *8# Mar-94
708-832-7754 Addison DOS Haus PC/WILD *8# Jul-93
219-262-1370 After Five PC/PCBB ? Feb-90
312-525-4897 After The Bars <Adult> PC/DLXB *8- Jan-93
708-460-6462 Age of Information [$] PC/TCOM *8*LU Jan-96
815-744-5579 Agima AM/CNET *8+ Mar-92
708-395-5140 Air Power PC/MAXI *8V Mar-93
312-278-1195 Aircrash Bureau {327} PC/TLGD *8* Apr-93
708-369-8725 Airlock 12 PC/RNGD *8# Dec-94
708-359-0545 Alderaan System PC/RNGD *8# Apr-94
708-985-5784 Alienation K'afe PC/WILD *8* Jun-93
708-418-5805 Alpha-Complex {2222/454} PC/RACC *8# Oct-93
708-827-3619 AlphaOne Online PC/TBBS *8-H Apr-91
708-438-5065 Alpine Village PC/TBBS *8H Jul-93
815-459-2645 Altered Reality ??/???? ???? Nov-95
847-970-9843# Always Under Construction {948} PC/VBBS *8# Oct-94
708-991-7112 Amalgamated PC/WILD *8E Aug-90
708-426-8903 American Archive PC/PCBB *8V Jan-94
708-351-8815 Amiga Doc AM/CNET *8&S
708-622-0556 Andromeda PC/RNGD *8# Oct-93
815-633-0188 Apple Core A2/ANET *8~ Mar-91
708-614-4914 Applied Computer Services PC/PCBB *8+
708-820-8370 Aquila {820} (Free Trial) PC/PCBB *8%
708-820-8344 Aquila {820} PC/PCBB *8-H
708-820-8544 Aquila {820} PC/PCBB *8"S
708-978-2221 Aquila {820} PC/PCBB *8BS
708-898-5672 Aquila {820} PC/PCBB *8&S
708-392-0188 Arlington Heights Public Library LC *8$
708-392-8209 Arlington Heights Public Library LC *8$ Nov-90
847-259-0215# Arte' Graphics {2235/110} PC/WILD *8#L Jun-90
708-844-2191 Asgard <Occult/pagan> PC/ILLU *8A Jun-95
312-263-0924 Assembly Not Needed PC/RBBS *8V Feb-95
815-877-2071 AWESOME GRAPHICS!!! PC/SLBB *8# May-96
312-735-9979 Axis PC/RNGD *8 Jul-96
708-655-1483 Axon PC/MAJR *8~ W Feb-95
815-434-2927 B&B Electronics PC/QBBS *8# May-91
708-489-0031 B&R Enterprises PC/PCBB *8& Nov-90
708-489-0032 B&R Enterprises PC/PCBB *8& Jul-91
815-233-5008 Bachelor's BBS ??/???? *8# May-96
219-663-3107 Bad Connection {230/30} PC/SLBB *8& Jan-91
708-733-3586 Baha'i National Center PC/TBBS *8- Jan-92
815-740-5625 Baroness's Bungalow PC/SLBB *8#L Dec-93
708-377-5467 Basement [$] PC/PCBB *8* Jul-96
312-476-1508 Battle of Evermore PC/RNGD *8* Aug-95
708-839-8709 Battleground PC/MAJR *8FL Jan-95
708-615-0845 Beacon PC/RBBS *8- Feb-90
312-727-5043 Bell Microcomputer Club [$] PC/PCBB *8+ Sep-89
312-727-8809 Bell Microcomputer Club [$] PC/PCBB *8& Nov-91
312-582-2458 Big Den's Pen PC/SPIT *8F May-92
815-234-8445 Black Days ??/???? *8# May-96
312-434-0142 Blade Shop 64/C128 *8- Feb-93
815-337-0191 BMC West PC/PCBB *8V Feb-94
847-223-6941# Bomb Shelter* ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-966-2095 <20>BoneHead Tech. BBS PC/WILD *8* Jan-96
815-868-2422 Boomtown BBS PC/RACC *8A May-96
708-785-1236 Bryan's Place PC/MAJR *8# Apr-95
708-785-1547 Bryan's Place PC/MAJR *8# Apr-95
708-785-1651 Bryan's Place PC/MAJR *8# Apr-95
312-736-5415 Bu$inessman's Special PC/WILD *8ES May-92
708-519-1699 Burbs PC/RACC *8# Jul-94
708-382-2435 Burnt Cheese BBS PC/SLBS *8# May-95
312-616-1071 BYTE demolink ?? y8- May-91
708-234-8169 Cactus Ranch PC/SPIT *8+ Aug-92
708-854-0255 CAP/USA PC/RNGD *8* Mar-95
708-672-7611 CAPPS Remote PC/RBBS *8- Feb-91
708-852-1292 CARMA BBS [$] HAM/RADIO/SCANNING> PC/MAJR *8* Apr-95
708-516-8692# Cary Shareware PC/WILD *8VM Sep-91
708-910-5185 Catacomb [$] PC/MAJR *8*LW Jan-96
312-248-0900 CCS BBS PC/WILD *8~L Feb-95
312-761-1116 Ceasars Gyrp Palace PC/RNGD *8 Jun-95
708-852-5838 Celestial Haven (A) MC/NVLP *8*LU Apr-94
312-792-1374 Cell Block 9 PC/RNGD *8# Jun-95
312-581-1180 Cellar <Adult> PC/PCBB *8&S Jul-93
800-522-6388 Centers for Disease Control LPIES ?? *8& May-91
708-352-9231 Cess Pool {320} PC/SPIT *8# Nov-92
708-458-1143 Chi-town PC/WILD *8# Oct-94
312-388-0170 Chicago's Amature Erotica [$] PC/XCLB *8V Sep-95
708-998-6727 Chicago Clipper/VO Users Group PC/PCBB *8# Nov-94
312-248-3809 Chicago Conservative PC/WILD *8# Sep-93
312-233-9607 Chicago Machine MC/FRST *8# Oct-92
312-283-4035 Chicago Megaphile PC/SPIT *8E Dec-90
708-894-9989 Chicago PC Jr User Group PC/OPUS *8-
708-581-1505 Chicago Programming Society PC/TLGD *8* Jan-93
312-767-1572 CHICAGO Station PC/RNGD *8# Jul-94
708-795-4442 Chicago Syslink [$] {622} PC/TBBS *8-
708-795-4471 Chicago Syslink [$] {622} PC/TBBS *8+
708-862-0182 Chicago TI-99/4a User Group TI *8- Dec-92
312-374-0039 Chicago Trading Post PC/PCBB *8E Sep-90
847-297-1591 Chicago BBS {396} PC/RACC h8D
312-283-0559 Chinet UX *7-
708-356-4417 ChiTown Network PC/XCLB *8*MU Aug-95
219-464-9164 Christian Connection PC/PCBB *8& Apr-91
708-966-2342 City Limits PC/SPIT *8+
708-361-2436 City of Illusions <Adult> PC/PCBB *8* Mar-94
708-453-5589 Clip Heaven II PC/PCBB *8E Aug-90
708-530-4305 Clockwork Apple A2 *8# Jan-94
815-476-0407 Coal Valley PCUG PC/VBBS *8# Jun-90
708-789-3610 Code One PC/PROB *8- Dec-89
815-899-4702 College Town PC/PCBB *8+ Jul-92
815-838-3104 Colt PC/TLGD m8- May-93
708-717-9370 COM*ONE PC/FALK *8- Jun-92
708-717-9379 COM*ONE PC/FALK *8+ Jun-92
708-526-2334 Comm Suite PC/POWR *8# Aug-94
219-662-0986 Commlink PC/SLBB *8- Feb-90
708-803-2146 CompCity PC/RNGD *8# Nov-94
708-858-4469 ComPlex PC/WILD *8# Jan-93
312-902-3599 CompuErotica <Adult> [$] VX/CUST *8#X
708-834-2008 CompuJudaica BBS <Jewish> PC/RNGD *8# Jul-95
708-388-1723 Computer Connection PC/VBBS *8& Oct-92
708-748-7449 Computer Room PC/ROBO *8# Jun-93
708-734-1177 Computer Sports Connection PC/TBBS *8& Sep-93
708-734-1818 Computer Sports Connection PC/TBBS *8# Sep-93
708-882-5903 Computer's Plus More PC/WILD *8+ Jan-93
708-983-0279 Contiuum PC/RNGD *8 Mar-95
708-968-0149 Coordinate Axis PC/GTBB *8# Feb-91
312-436-0559 COPH ?? *8- Dec-92
312-582-4657 Corona PC/SPIT *8~ Feb-93
815-886-9388 Corporate Headquarters PC/PCBB *8V May-96
708-432-2558 Corpsmans Corner {2335/429} PC/TAGG *8# Nov-94
815-886-9388 CorpSoft ? *8VS Jan-95
708-581-1735 Corner Cafe BBS PC/POWR *8# Aug-95
312-583-0053 Cosmic's Universe PC/MAJR *8# Nov-92
312-685-2393 Cougar's Compound PC/SPIT *8# Apr-94
312-847-2115 Cove BBS PC/WILD *8* Jan-96
312-535-8282 CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools) UX/MGPE *8# Dec-89
312-535-8512 CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools) UX/MGPE *8- Dec-89
312-535-8513 CPSnet (Chicago Public Schools) UX/MGPE *8- Dec-89
708-468-7641 ---===CrAsH*PaLaCe*BBs===--- PC/PCBB *8E Sep-95
708-910-5185 Critical Mass Online [$] PC/MAJR *8*HS Jun-96
312-587-8756 Crossroads {743} PC/RACC *8EV Nov-91
219-663-9177 Crown Point AM/CNET *8- Feb-90
815-729-8585 Crypt BBS, The PC/RNGD *8* Jan-95
219-929-4254 Crystal Palace PC/PCBB *8D Dec-90
708-782-0948 Cue Ball Online PC/TBBS *8# Jan-94
708-697-9572 Cyber Comm Networks PC *8# Feb-94
708-697-9573 Cyber Comm Networks (Adult line) PC *8# Feb-94
708-457-2219 Cyberlit PC/WILD *8#
847-689-2959# CyberTown TBBS {942} PC/TBBS *8* Oct-95
847-689-2961# CyberTown TBBS {942} PC/TBBS *8* Oct-95
708-547-8360 D'Ol'Mans Online for Windows PC/XCLB *8# Jun-94
708-879-0480 Dan's Dungeon GIF/File Exchange PC/WILD *8V Jul-93
708-734-1350 Danger Zone {314} PC/TAGG *8*M Aug-95
815-363-1351 Dark Globe PC/RNGD *8# Jul-93
815-544-2228 Dark Side PC/RNGD *8V May-96
708-253-6592 Dark Side Of The Moon PC/MAJR *8# Jan-96
708-554-6254 DarkHaven {554} PC/RNGD *8#SU Jul-93
708-439-4708 Database II PC/COLI *8- Jul-91
847-635-8050# Daze Inn {437} PC/RACC *8E Jan-92
815-338-1627 Dazed and Confused ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-223-6408 Dead Zone PC/TAGG *8+ Jul-92
708-333-4772 DeadBeatt Page PC/NEXS *8V Sep-93
815-623-2331 Defunct Society PC/PIPE *8V May-96
708-406-7978 DeltaCom! PC/WILD *8# Mar-94
815-834-0460 Depot PC/TLGD *8& Jan-92
708-301-2948 Despair ][ PC/TLGD *8# Dec-93
708-403-2131 Destination Nowhere PC/SPIT *8H Nov-95
847-697-5775 Devil's Playground PC/RNGD *8~S Sep-95
708-852-4893 Digital Crew PC/RNGD *8F Sep-94
708-934-5517 Digital Data Labs PC/WAFF *8- Feb-94
708-549-0550 Digital Future BBS PC/TBBS *8#S Apr-95
708-510-3455 Digital Oasis PC/JETB *8* Aug-95
708-464-0120 Digital Overdrive PC/TLGD *8- Dec-92
815-941-0971 Digital Speakeasy UX/EAGL *8# Aug-95
708-967-6154 Digital Vortex PC/SPIT *8# Feb-94
800-234-1998 Digital's Electronic Connection ?? d8+ Nov-92
708-653-0376 Disillusioned Society PC/INIQ *8# Aug-94
708-823-0628 Distortions PC/TLGD *8& Dec-90
708-830-8805 Dog House <Amiga> AM/CNET *8& Feb-90
708-759-7039 Dolph's World PC/TLGD *8- Mar-92
708-838-0919 Domain [$] ? *8- Sep-94
708-543-4234 Doom <Id Software's game DOOM> PC/RNGD *8V Sep-94
708-724-6715# Dragons Hoard <Gaming> PC/MAJR *8*LW May-95
815-372-3263 Dream Zone PC/RNGD *8V May-96
708-232-9307 Dreaming BBS PC/RNGD *8#M Jun-96
708-965-9481 DuffWorld PC *8# Apr-94
708-635-7427 Dungeon PC/WILD *8VS Jan-95
708-232-7577 DuPage Library System LC *0$ Jul-89
708-964-0526 DuPage Project Associates PC/PCBB *8&
815-939-2515 Dynamic Duo BBs PC/RACC *8#SU Nov-95
708-520-2659 Universal Depot PC/PCBB *8# Nov-91
219-674-6243 E.T.'s PC/QBBS *8- Feb-90
708-483-2890 EAA Chapter 153 <aircraft> PC/PCBB *8- Mar-93
708-449-8291 Earth Port PC/DBSB *8# Mar-94
708-450-1832 Earth Port Outpost PC/DBSB *8# Oct-94
312-777-2574 East Village PC/TRIT *8#S Nov-91
847-966-4372# Easy Access {966} PC/WILD *8* Sep-93
708-299-0060 Eater's Club <Adult> PC/WILD *8+ Apr-93
708-299-0061 Eater's Club <Adult> PC/WILD *8# Apr-93
708-299-0062 Eater's Club <Adult> PC/WILD *8+ Apr-93
708-888-7381 ECC! PC/RNGD *8& Dec-92
815-223-6413 Egg Sep-95
815-886-0109 Electric Estates PC/PCBB *8# Mar-92
815-886-0494 Electric Estates PC/PCBB *8- Mar-92
815-653-7902 Electrical Discharge PC/WILD *8V May-96
708-564-1313 Electronic Toy Store <Adult> PC/WILD *8#M Jul-94
708-529-1586 Elk Grove Repeater PC/EZCM *8D Jul-92
312-631-3467 Emergency <Emergency info> PC/MAJR *8- Apr-91
708-551-9275 Emporium PC/RACC *8D
708-478-8245 Enchanta BBS May-96
708-747-6311 Enchantica 64/C128 *8$ May-91
312-735-1879 Engine One PC/RNGD *8E Aug-94
312-508-9980 Engine Shop PC/WILD *8H Jul-96
708-205-0935 Entropy PC/RNGD *8# May-94
312-254-3413 Equinox PC/PCBB *8# Dec-94
815-337-0279 ESP-BBS PC/TBBS *8# Mar-90
815-337-0296 ESP-BBS PC/TBBS *8# Nov-95
815-337-1214 ESP-BBS PC/TBBS *8# Nov-95
815-337-1215 ESP-BBS PC/TBBS *8# Nov-95
815-337-1216 ESP-BBS PC/TBBS *8# Nov-95
708-946-6478 Euphoria MC/FRST *8F Nov-95
708-864-6720 Evanston Public Library LC n8$
708-866-9402 Evanston Public Library LC n8+
312-646-6523 Ever-Random Llamo AM/CNET *8# Feb-94
219-923-7611 Excaliber PC/PCBB *8* Feb-90
312-202-0932 Excellent BBS (NOT!) PC/TRIB *8* Jun-95
312-380-7603 ExIS Inc. DataEase Support PC/SPIT *8+ Feb-91
708-304-9804 ExpresSearch PC/SLBB *8- Sep-93
815-943-3721 Extensive Damage PC/RNGD s8? Nov-95
847-299-0687# Eye Resources Network {299} PC/RACC *8*MU Nov-91
708-739-0033 Familynet PC/RACC *8~ Jun-94
815-462-1387 Familytown Online [$] PC/MAJR *8VHW Jan-96
708-358-5041 Fantasy Land BBS PC/PCBB *8*? Apr-95
815-477-8263 Far Side of The Sun PC/SPIT *8# Oct-93
312-274-6128 FarPoint PC/RBBS *8-M Nov-93
708-232-8140 Faster Disco III PC/RNGD *8& Oct-92
312-732-5790 Fibber's Closet PC/WILD l8F Dec-95
815-729-4707 Fido's Hideaway {2222/707} PC/INIQ *8V U Mar-95
708-902-0497 File Depot PC/WILD *8# Dec-92
815-455-7279 File Depot PC/WILD *8V Dec-92
847-223-6941# File Sponge PC/RNGD *8* Jul-93
312-334-8638 Final Frontier PC/ORAP *8- Oct-92
219-447-3011 Fire Department PC/WILD *8- Feb-90
708-652-9278 Fire House PC/RNGD *8E Aug-94
708-885-1913 First Byte PC/SPIT *8~ Jul-93
815-338-6629 Flannigan's Funky Funhouse ??/???? ???? Nov-95
847-746-0548# Flat Cat Alley {969} PC/OPUS *8E Sep-89
312-286-7870 Flying High <Aviation/Flight sim> PC/ROBO *8# Dec-94
800-222-0185 Food and Drug Administration UX *7+ Aug-92
708-623-4988 Fourty Plus BBS & Friends BBS PC/WILD f8# Mar-95
708-377-5988 Fox Valley PC/PCBB *8D
847-888-1112 Fox Valley CS {888} [$] PC/QBBS *8- Jul-89
847-428-7292 Foxx Board PC/WILD *8 Jul-96
312-478-1439 Fremen Mountain PC/FRMN *8- Dec-89
815-282-1886 Frenche's Place PC/SLBB *8# May-96
708-540-8424 Friends of Revilo PC *8# Jan-94
708-279-1647 FS Midwest PC/TRIB *8#S Apr-94
708-501-4851 Fully Automatic PC/VBBS *8# May-94
708-372-1417 FutureLink BBS [$] PC/MAJR *8*S May-96
708-582-4442 Galatic Nebula PC/SPIT m8+ Jul-93
708-673-3256 Gallows Pole ? *8# Aug-94
708-884-0133 GateWay PC/POWR *8FSU Dec-95
815-398-4678 Gateway Elite PC/MAJR *8# May-96
815-398-4753 Gateway Elite PC/MAJR *8~ May-96
815-398-4763 Gateway Elite PC/MAJR *8V May-96
312-384-7957 Gateway Chicago <Adult> PC/PCBB *8TLU Jan-94
312-384-3925 Gateway Chicago <Adult> PC/PCBB *8TLU Jan-94
312-284-7983 Gateway Chicago <Adult> PC/PCBB *8TLU Jan-94
312-284-7957 Gateway Chicago <Adult> PC/PCBB *8TLU Jan-94
708-780-9287 GIF(t) Exchange PC/PCBB *8E Jun-89
708-587-9837 Glenside CoCoRama BBS TR *8- Dec-89
708-428-0436 Glenside's Cup of Coco TR/COCO *8- Jan-92
708-964-5281 God's Country A2/DIAL *8! Jul-90
708-916-6343 Gold Dragon West AM/TRNS *8+ Apr-93
708-934-1649 Gospel Outreach Download System PC/PCBB *8-
708-871-9617 Graf/x [$] PC/PCBB *8& Nov-95
708-634-2828 Graphicon <Amiga> AM/MTRO *8- Dec-90
312-568-1965 Graveyard PC/RNGD *8? Dec-94
708-980-3207 Gravitational Colapse PC/RNGD *8*SU Feb-96
708-683-3666 Great Cavern PC/PCBB *8E Aug-92
708-532-8209 Great Lakes Region CAP PC/RBBS *8- Sep-89
847-689-2180 Great Mistakes <ADULT> PC/WILD *8? Jun-96
708-549-0909 Great NorthWest PC/RNGD *8# Mar-94
708-587-5389 Greater Chicago AutoCAD U.G. PC/RBBS *8E Apr-91
708-259-1146 Greater Chicago Diving Board ST/RYEB *8- May-89
708-895-4042 Greater Chicago Online PC/WILD *8+ May-92
708-963-0656 Greg's Place PC/PCBB *8*L Dec-94
708-904-2149 GREGdoor {904} PC/EPIC *8& Jan-90
847-266-0834# Grey Matter PC/WILD *8FM Sep-92
708-623-6660 Greymark PC/MAJR *8#? Oct-94
708-632-0274 GridPoint PC/TLGD *8+ Apr-94
708-928-0192 Group <People & activities> PC/MAJR *8#S Nov-94
708-978-7287 Ground-ZER0 PC/RNGD *8# Feb-94
708-369-9183 Gus 'n Golf {369} <Music/JNSE> PC/WILD *8* Feb-94
708-801-0823 H.U.R.K. PC/SPIT *8" Nov-90
708-801-9872 H.U.R.K. PC/SPIT *8# Oct-92
815-937-9834 Hagios Hodos <Christian> PC/TLGD *8- Aug-93
815-338-7225 Hang-Out BBS ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-213-5690 Hanover File House PC/WILD *8~ Feb-95
708-887-7685 Harvester Network PC/TBBS *8ES Jun-91
708-972-3275 Hazardous Materials Info Exch PC/PCBB *8E Sep-89
708-892-2811 Heaven <Adult> PC/RNGD *8- Nov-92
708-739-3022 Heaven on Earth PC/PCBB *8F Apr-93
708-623-2075 Heaven's Gate ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-830-5852 Hell's Front Gate ? *8# Jul-94
708-255-0002 Hemisphere A2/GBBS *8& Jul-89
805-836-9162 Hidden Door BBS PC/WILD *8V Jan-96
708-491-9070 Highway 66 PC/KBBS *8~M Mar-95
708-550-6309 Hispanic Biz Mgmt of Ameritech ?? *8- Jun-93
708-727-4800 Hispanic Biz Mgmt of Ameritech ?? *8+ Jun-93
708-884-0169 Hoffman BBS [$] PC/POWR *0*SU Jun-95
312-665-7319 HOME AGAIN! PC/PCBB *8VSU Nov-93
708-705-7263 Home Brew University - Midwest PC/RBBS *8# Aug-93
847-437-5378 HomeLink SHAREWARE BBS PC/WGRP *8VLU Aug-95
815-727-1195 Hook, Line and Sinker PC/RACC *8V May-96
708-587-9214 Horse Feathers PC/SPIT *8- May-93
708-587-0309 Horse Feathers ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-653-6089 Hotel Amiga AM/CNET *8& Sep-89
708-746-0377 Hotel Kalifornia ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-690-2902 Hotrock's PC/RNGD ? Dec-94
815-459-0825 I.C.I.X. PC/SPIT *8# Mar-90
815-459-9201 I.C.I.X. PC/SPIT *8# Feb-94
815-459-8592 I.C.I.X. PC/SPIT *8A Apr-95
312-693-1223 IBEW Local 1220 PC/WILD *8+ Aug-89
847-949-2465 Ice Palace BBS PC/RNGD *8H Jul-96
708-964-4901 Identity Crisis PC/RENE *8# Aug-93
708-818-8315 IL Institute of Virus Research PC/RNGD *8# Oct-93
708-790-8272 Ill Communication PC/RNGD *8# Jan-95
312-362-5368 Illinet Online/Carl Uncover LC/LUIS *7- Sep-89
312-996-8844 Illinet Online/Carl Uncover LC/LUIS *7- Sep-89
312-996-8859 Illinet Online/Carl Uncover LC/LUIS *7- Sep-89
708-295-0077 Illinet Online/Carl Uncover LC/LUIS *7- Dec-92
708-355-9528 Illinet Online/Carl Uncover LC/LUIS *7- Dec-92
312-993-3475 Illinois CPA Society PC/PCBB *8- Apr-91
708-213-3606 iLLUSiONS OF REALiTY PC/RNGD *8* Oct-95
815-459-0825 Illustrious I.C.I.X. PC/SPIT *8~ May-96
815-459-9201 Illustrious I.C.I.X. PC/SPIT *8# May-96
312-637-0585 Imperial City PC/RNGD *8* Mar-95
708-888-8613 Immortal Bob's ?? *8- Jul-93
708-371-4892 In Debt PC/PCBB *8* Jan-95
219-762-3775 Indiana Online PC/VBBS *8- Nov-92
708-251-1725 Infinity Online MC/PRST *8*L Nov-95
708-462-7479 Info Expressway PC/XCLB *8# May-94
708-462-9748 Info Expressway PC/XCLB *8# May-94
708-462-2572 Info Expressway PC/XCLB *8#M May-94
219-762-2141 Info=Power PC/SLBB *8- May-92
312-751-1503 InfoComm Co MC/SSIT *8-
815-765-3136 Inner Sanctum PC/VBBS *8# May-95
708-918-1231 Innovators MC/FRST *8# Oct-92
312-274-9515 Insane Domain MC/FRST *8& Mar-91
618-257-1682 Insight BBS PC/RNGD *8V Jan-96
312-436-4505 Insomnia Central PC/RBBS *8- Oct-95
708-481-4177 Integrated System Solutions PC/WILD *8% Aug-89
708-671-0237 InterAccess UX/UNIX *8#I Aug-93
847-432-9683 Interactive Imagination [$] PC/OMNI *8SU Jun-95
708-345-7202 Intercept PC/GTBB *8E
815-729-3494 Intercept Vector {103} PC/RGND *8# Feb-95
815-633-5648 Inter-City BBS *8# May-96
815-633-5658 Inter-City BBS *8# May-96
708-991-4879 Interstellar Overdrive PC/TLGD *8# Mar-91
708-934-3045 Intimate Mansion <Adult> PC/DLXB *8-L Aug-90
708-482-4477 IrishEyes <Notre Dame sports> PC/MAJR *8# Oct-94
708-441-9122 Island Paradise BBS MC/FRST *8V Dec-95
708-752-0174 It's a Free Country PC/WILD *8# Oct-92
312-545-9764 J&K BBS PC/WILD *8V U Jun-96
815-725-4195 JAAG PC/MAJR *8# May-96
708-425-4380 Jack's PC/MAXI *8- Aug-94
708-425-4380 Jack's PC/MAXI *8- Sep-94
708-596-7556 Jail House PC/WILD *8E Dec-92
312-881-1142 Jim's Fly Inn PC/MAXI *8& Jan-92
312-792-1093 Jungle PC/WILD *8*S Jun-96
708-668-8344 KA3SHW Ham BBS {668} PC/MAXI *8#
815-937-0099 Key BBS *8# May-96
708-439-5769 Kooler than Jesus PC/RNGD *8# Jul-94
312-743-7741 Krishna Yoga Foundation {800} PC/RBBS *8V Feb-93
708-872-3143 LAKE COUNTY ONLINE PC/WILD *8F Nov-95
708-566-9819 Lake County Radio Group PC/RNGD *8- Jan-96
708-872-8086 Lakes Region PC/PCBB *8&
708-872-8889 Lakes Region PC/PCBB *8D
312-281-7018 Lakeview Links PC/SPIT *8# Oct-94
708-837-7397 LAMBs BBS PC/TCOM *8* Jan-96
312-534-5588 Lane Tech BBS PC/WILD *8* Feb-95
708-339-6182 Lar-Mar Production <ADULT> PC/WILD *8F Nov-94
708-690-9860 Laran Communications PC/WILD *8+ Jan-92
708-469-4850 Laser Stuff PC/PCBB *8& May-89
847-769-4084 Lattice PC/DBBS *8- Sep-89
847-769-4087 Lattice PC/DBBS *8& Sep-89
312-661-1740 Law MUG {661} PC/RBBS *8& Jun-89
847-970-9839# Left Side of Normal {949} PC/VBBS *8F Feb-94
847-571-0015 Liberty [$] PC/MAJR *8ZL Oct-94
708-736-8478# London Underground {858} PC/RACC *8VSU Apr-91
847-299-7220 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7221 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7222 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7224 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7225 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7228 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7230 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
847-299-7238 LOOP Premium Graphics [$] <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Nov-89
312-474-0410 Lost PC/XZOT *8# Feb-92
847-455-8465 Lucky 13 [$] <ADULT> PC/BPRO *8#MU Jul-93
708-232-0565 Lunatic Phringe Chat BBS [$] PC/GINS *8? Apr-95
847-442-8117 Lyons Den PC/SPIT *8# Aug-93
815-937-6997 Madhouse AM/CNET *8# May-96
815-398-4678 Magic Gateway PC *8- Dec-90
708-759-7908# Magrathea {708} PC/RACC *8E May-90
815-478-5026 Main Street PC/SPIT *8# Nov-91
847-843-2871 Majestik Moose PC/PCBB *8*S Nov-92
847-884-6289 Majestik Moose PC/PCBB *8BS Aug-95
312-205-0915 Malkavia BBS PC/RNGD *8# Jan-95
847-266-9644 Mana BBS PC/XCLB *8*S Apr-95
312-881-4356 Marist PC/PCBB *8- Nov-93
312-881-8920 Marist PC/PCBB *8- Jan-93
847-967-7503 Martial Arts Academy A2/CUST *8& Mar-93
847-931-9641 MAX BBS PC/WILD *8E Jan-96
815-385-5031 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8E Feb-90
815-385-6776 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8- Feb-90
815-385-6777 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8- Feb-90
815-385-6778 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8- Feb-90
815-385-7113 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8E Feb-90
815-385-7167 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8- Feb-90
815-385-7906 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8- Feb-90
815-385-7956 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8- Feb-90
815-385-9011 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8D Feb-90
815-385-9013 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8& Feb-90
815-385-9347 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8& Feb-90
815-385-9936 McHenry <Adult> PC/PCBB *8& Feb-90
708-637-0900 MCSNet (Naperville) UX/AKCS *8#H
312-248-0900 MCSNet (Chicago) UX/AKCS *8#X
312-248-6295 MCSNet [PEP only] UX/AKCS *8P
847-233-1091 MED-SCI BBS PC/POWR *8# Mar-95
708-429-9160 Medfirst PC/PCBB *8& Aug-90
815-758-1293 Medugorje BBS PC/MAJR *8V May-96
847-795-1203 Mega Soft-Ware PC/SPIT *8~ Feb-95
847-832-2760 Megabyte Hotel PC/PCBB *8- Nov-93
847-484-3778 Mellow Land PC/SPIT *8# Jan-95
708-652-6784 Michelle's Mansion <$> <Adult> PC/WILD *8#M Apr-96
708-652-6785 Michelle's Mansion <$> <Adult> PC/WILD *8#M Apr-96
708-652-6894 Michelle's Mansion <$> <Adult> PC/WILD *8#M Apr-96
708-652-6984 Michelle's Mansion <$> <Adult> PC/WILD *8#M Apr-96
847-355-6942 Micro Overflow PC/PCBB *8- May-89
847-695-1251 Micro Systems PC/WILD *8&
312-631-7191 MicroLink PC/MAJR *8-M Mar-92
708-350-7863 Microsource PC/PCBB *8- Mar-89
847-851-3929 MicroTech Amiga AM/CNET *8ES Sep-89
312-764-0591 Midas Touch PC/PCBB *8E Jan-91
312-594-0813 Midnight Connection PC/PCBB *8& Oct-90
847-513-1034 Midwest Systems [$] PC/PCBB *8#L
219-873-1949 Mike's Host Mode BBS PC/TPBS *8# Nov-94
815-634-2186 Mike's Mess PC/SPIT *8# May-96
815-623-7525 Millennia PC/RNGD *8# May-96
847-265-6526 Ministry of Truth MC/PRST *8# Nov-95
847-448-1850 Mirage PC/RNGD *8# Jan-96
815-722-1081 Miskatonic PC/RNGD *8# May-96
708-629-0148 Mona Lisa <ADULT> PC/MAXI *8BS Mar-95
815-458-3910 Monkey Robinson's Corner PC/SLBB *8V May-96
312-927-9534 Monsoon Hotel PC/PCBB *8E Sep-92
847-251-2307 Morph BBS PC/RNGD *8V Jan-96
847-834-1450 Mortgage Market PC *8~ Dec-92
847-253-6224 Mount Prospect Public Library PC/WILD *8#M Jun-90
312-725-6628 Mr. Blotto PC/POWR *8+ Jun-94
815-547-3626 Multidiversions PC/KBBS *8V May-96
815-725-4195 Multiplayer DOOM PC/JAAG *8VL May-95
847-739-9355 My House PC/TRIT *8+ Sep-91
708-355-6469 Naperville Library (type opac) ?? *8- Feb-94
847-593-8703 National PC and MIDI Data Bank PC/SPIT *8- Aug-90
847-593-8724 National PC and MIDI Data Bank PC/SPIT *8+ Feb-93
847-513-6934 NC-17 PC *8F Apr-94
708-356-6897# Nessy's Lochs PC/CUST *8- Aug-89
312-283-3919 New User PC/SPIT *8# Sep-93
847-665-9876 NeWare PC/PCBB *8+ May-90
847-252-8241 NEWTON UX *8P Dec-92
815-356-7061 Nightline BBS PC/SPIT *8V Feb-94
708-208-1940 Nightmare Machine PC/RNGD *8# Jun-96
312-769-1323 NiteBeats PC/TBBS *8#M Jul-94
815-753-2308 NIU CEET PC/WILD *8- Mar-91
815-753-1800 NIU Connection PC/RACC *8- Jul-92
815-753-1836 NIU Connection PC/RACC *8- Jul-92
815-753-9513 NIU Connection PC/RACC *8& Apr-93
312-776-2383 No Ratio PC/SPIT *8# Feb-94
847-697-9778 North By Northwest PC/ *8# Jun-95
847-697-9783 North By Northwest PC/ *8V Jun-95
847-986-1295 North Pole 64/C128 *8- May-89
219-289-0282 Northern Star UX *8- Feb-90
847-491-3070 Northwestern University Library LC/LUIS *7+
847-998-0008 Nuclear Greenhouse PC/GTLK *8-L Jan-93
800-874-2937 Online with Hayes *8+ Oct-92
847-885-8865 OPOWD Crowd PC/WILD *8# Oct-91
847-482-0404 Optimus BBS PC/WILD *8# Sep-94
312-772-2452 Orgasm! [$] *8-
847-298-1600 Outer Edge [$] PC/MAJR *8FL Nov-94
708-289-0034 Outer Limits (B) <Adult> [$] PC/SYNC *8#L Nov-91
847-949-4860 Outpost BBS PC/RNGD *8 Aug-95
815-229-9873 Palace ??/???? *8# May-96
847-689-2151 Palantir PC/PCBB *8* Dec-93
847-359-8080 PalNet UX/AKCS *8-
219-674-5292 Panoptic Net 64/CNET *8- Feb-90
708-543-4629# Panther Post {868} PC/RACC *8# Sep-95
815-229-3924 Paradigm PC/MAJR *8# May-96
815-227-1324 Paradigm PC/MAJR *8V May-96
815-229-2545 Parallel Dimension ??/???? *8# May-96
847-307-8596 PCPS Support PC/PCBB *8E Aug-92
312-583-2271 PCsource BBS583 PC/ANET *8VS Jan-96
815-284-9036 Pegasoft PC/WILD *8V May-96
847-623-9570 Pegasus (A) ST *8-
815-433-0787 Pegasus (B) PC/MAJR *8- Aug-91
800-752-3012 Penny Wise Ordering System PC/CUST *8- Jan-93
847-304-9804 Personal Connection [18+ only] PC *8- Nov-93
312-774-9631 Phone Booth PC/TAGG *8+
847-830-2597 Pirates Cove PC/TLGD *8- Mar-92
312-281-6046 Pisces Financial PC/TBBS *8E Nov-90
847-687-4413 PitStar PC/PCBB *8F Apr-92
847-687-4476 PitStar PC/PCBB *8# Feb-94
847-687-4489 PitStar PC/PCBB *8# Dec-92
847-687-4498 PitStar PC/PCBB *8& Jun-93
708-552-7830# PLANO CONNECTION BBS {552} PC/PCBB *8*S Jan-96
708-552-7845# PLANO CONNECTION BBS PC/PCBB *8*S Jan-96
847-432-9028 Point Zero A2/DIAL *8! Jun-90
312-202-8072 Pol BBS PC/TRIB *8 Apr-95
847-689-4820 Posse Board PC/POWR *8V Jun-96
312-735-6831 PowerForce BBS PC/RNGD *8V Jan-96
847-980-9544 Precision Board PC/WILD *8Z Aug-89
847-741-1995 Prime Time MC/HRMS *8E May-90
312-286-2491 Psycho System PC/RNGD *8 May-95
847-680-5105 Python ST/BPRO *8+
815-633-1558 "R" World PC/MAJR *8# May-96
815-633-2880 "R" World PC/MAJR *8A May-96
815-729-9793 Radio Free Illinois PC/PCBB *8V May-96
847-537-4663 Radio Hill PC/RNGD *8- Sep-89
847-518-8336 RadioLink PC/TBBS *8~ Sep-93
847-640-0073 Red+Sky PC/RNGD *8V Mar-95
815-962-9763 Register Star PC/MAJR *8# May-96
708-530-1694 Renaissance Faire PC *8- Dec-93
815-786-6240 Resting Place PC/WILD *8# May-92
815-727-3398 Revelations PC/MAJR *8V Feb-90
312-665-0065 Ripco <Internet> ? ? Aug-94
312-528-5020 Ripco II PC/SLBB *8& Oct-90
847-295-8703 Rival MC/FRST z8- Feb-94
312-867-5309# River Styx II ST/BPRO *8& May-89
219-325-3655 Rob's BBS Arcade PC/PCBB *8V Mar-95
219-324-4713 Rob's BBS Arcade PC/PCBB *8# Mar-95
847-526-8545 Robbie's Retreat PC/WILD *8# Jul-90
815-394-5153 Rockford College BBS PC/RACC *8# May-96
312-777-9480 Round Table (A) PC/SLBB *8# U
847-665-7892 Roundhouse AM/CNET *8ES Jul-93
847-967-7157 Rude Attitude PC/WILD *8E Feb-94
847-268-8830 Rusty Nail BBS PC/WILD r8V Jan-96
847-394-0071# Samson {108} PC/FIDO *8D
708-636-8259 Satalite PC/PCBB *8E Aug-90
847-724-2427 SaveWare Shopping <new users> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-2449 SaveWare Shopping <new users> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-5117 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-5154 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-1876 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-1877 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-1878 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-1879 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Aug-91
847-724-3553 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Jul-95
847-724-3368 SaveWare Shopping <w/Adult> PC/RNGD *8F Jul-95
800-697-4636 SBA Online PC/TBBS *8# Nov-92
847-356-5633# Scandal's {266} PC/RNGD *8F May-94
708-885-9983 Schaumburg Township Library LC *0$
708-487-6859 Seige BBS PC/MAJR *7$ Apr-95
708-517-1898 SGS-Thomson Apps Lab PC/RACC *8! Aug-92
708-836-5008 Shadow Realm (B) PC/RNGD *8# Oct-94
708-637-8528 Shadows of Hell PC/RNGD *8* Oct-95
708-985-3761 Shannara Odyssey PC/RNGD *8H Nov-95
815-727-6072 Shareware Library PC/TELE *8# Sep-92
815-223-6413 Shell PC/SLBB *8V May-96
708-836-0160 Shoppe PC/PCBB *8E May-92
312-685-8108 Silky's Chambers <Adult> PC/PCBB *8# Jan-93
708-724-2600 Simple MC/SSIT *8+ Mar-91
219-232-1484 Simple Simon's BBS PC/Spit *8*S Jun-95
815-962-2902 Sinnissippi Valley UX/LINX *8+ May-96
312-271-4733 Sit'N'Bull <CHAT>[$] PC/SDLX *8~M Apr-96
708-453-0998 Sky's the Limit {453} PC/TAGG *8# Apr-93
312-274-9982 Skyway BBS [$] {270} PC/TCOM *8FLS Jan-96
708-863-1766 Snuggler's Cove PC/MAJR *8#L May-95
312-684-9267 Snow's Dorm PC/WILD *8+ Dec-91
847-724-0975 So That's Whatcha Call It PC/WILD *8* Feb-94
708-293-5975 Social Goats Realm {293} PC/RNGD *8* Jun-95
708-293-9869 Social Goats Realm May-96
708-259-0474 Software Express Line PC/WILD *8~ Mar-95
708-769-0799 Software Tool Box Jan-96
847-872-4096# Sojourner BBS PC/SLBB *8V Feb-95
708-566-5973 Some Other BBS PC/WILD *8E Jun-95
708-949-5397 Sound Management <MIDI> PC/PCBB *8D Sep-89
708-949-6434 Sound Management <MIDI> PC/PCBB *8E Sep-89
708-949-4227 Sound Management MIDI ??/???? ???? Nov-95
708-949-4301 Sound Management MIDI ??/???? ???? Nov-95
312-767-6678 SouthSide BBS PC/VBBS *8# U Dec-95
708-748-4025 Space City PC/PCBB *8& Sep-89
847-657-1113# Spectrum MACinfo <Mac> {729} PC/OPUS *8E
708-530-4850 Speed Shop AM/CNET *8# Jul-93
312-774-6698 SQLBBS <SQL> PC/WILD *8F May-90
708-433-7509 Squirrel's Next PC/TLGD *8- Nov-92
219-763-0826 Stalag 13 BBS [$] PC/TRIB *8VS Jun-96
847-546-3044 Star's On-Line PC/RNGD *8V Jan-96
312-348-3508 Starz PC/MAJR *8-S Sep-92
708-258-6475 Station 1 {222/258} PC/SPIT *8* Feb-93
708-258-0048 Station 1 PC/SPIT *8# Feb-95
708-940-1241 Stratagem MC/PRST *8*S Dec-95
708-229-0665 Suburban File Fountain PC/SPIT *8# Oct-94
708-636-6694 Suburban Software [$] PC/PCBB *8#
708-636-6695 Suburban Software [$] PC/PCBB *8# Jun-92
708-636-6697 Suburban Software [$] PC/PCBB *8D
708-453-6630 Sun, Surf & Serenity {113} PC/WILD *8+ Nov-91
708-636-0956 Sunset Ridge PC/SPIT *8F Jun-94
708-636-0971 Sunset Ridge PC/SPIT *8F Jun-94
708-636-1195 Sunset Ridge PC/SPIT *8F Jun-94
708-983-5147 SunValley Amateur Radio UX *0- Dec-92
708-983-8138 SunValley Amateur Radio UX *0= Dec-92
815-397-0177 SurfBoard BBS PC/PROP *8# May-96
708-325-9272 Swan System LC i8$ Mar-91
708-325-9403 Swan System LC i8$ Mar-91
312-539-1625 Sweet Home Chicago BBS PC/PCBB *8*S May-95
312-583-1745 Sysop Central PC/NEXS *8# Jul-96
312-334-9092 Talamasca PC/WWIV *8# Jun-94
708-656-9776 TBSI BBS PC/PCBB *8E Aug-95
312-282-4851 Tech Support Resource PC/PCBB *8# Dec-94
847-674-1989# TechLine {989} PC/RBBS *8& May-89
708-526-1472 TecNiCom Systems PC/RNGD *8B Jul-95
815-935-5020 Tele-Rag 64/CL64 *8- Mar-90
708-863-2392 Ten Forward PC/WILD *8~ Aug-94
312-778-3287 Terminating Experience BBS PC/SPIT *8H Jun-95
847-657-9543# Terrapin Station {678} PC/TBBS *8D
708-658-3115 That's It ??/???? ???? Nov-95
847-587-9550 Thrillseekers BBS PC/RNGD *8D Jul-96
312-248-0109 Thunderbolt (signup line) PC/MAJR *8TLU Apr-91
708-730-0840 Tiger's Den IV BBSystem {730} PC/NEXS *8# Jan-96
708-487-1093 Timber Lake PC/WILD *8+ Jun-92
815-458-0138 Time Machine PC/PCBB *8#M Jan-95
815-741-3544 Time Vortex PC/RNGD *8# Dec-92
708-468-7463 Time Warp PC/RNGD *8# Apr-93
708-799-7756 TJ's Basement PC/RACC #8# May-96
219-696-3415 Toolkit PC/PCBB *8D Jun-90
708-964-9610 Toolroom PC/WILD *8F Sep-94
815-740-1814 Tom's BBS PC/SPIT *8V May-96
708-941-7095 Trading Post PC/PCBB *8# Sep-89
708-941-7140 Trading Post PC/PCBB *8# Sep-89
219-287-4326 Treasure Chest PC/TBBS *8- Feb-90
708-759-9214 TrendTec MC/HRMS *8& Sep-90
708-742-6503 Trolley Park BBS [$] PC/WILD *8 Jul-95
847-982-5092# U.S. Robotics Tech Support {500} PC/PCBB *8E
708-766-1089 UBU-Midwest PC/MAXI *8# Feb-90
815-942-2930 Under The Influence {2235/10} PC/RACC *8A Mar-92
815-942-4403 Under The Influence {2235/10} PC/RACC *8A Mar-92
708-223-9583 Underworld PC/RNGD *8H Feb-96
708-961-3354 United Federation of Planets PC/RNGD *8* Jan-96
708-752-1909 Unity PC/POWR *8# Jan-94
800-222-4922 US Dept of Education - OERI PC/RBBS *8- Dec-92
800-358-2663 USGS Global Seismology Info ?? *8$ Nov-92
708-717-1087 Vampire's Lair PC/RNGD *8~S May-93
312-353-2382 VARO Chicago Property Management PC/PCBB *8- Aug-89
708-545-0198 Virtual Graphics PC/RNGD *8# Apr-95
708-483-3450 Virtual Village PC/XCAL *8VS Apr-96
312-258-8423 Vivacious Vibrations <ADULT> PC/MAJR *8#L Apr-95
708-833-8126 Vpnet UX/AKCS *8-
708-833-8127 Vpnet UX/AKCS *8+ Apr-91
708-833-8140 Vpnet UX/AKCS *8P Oct-90
708-382-2844 VR Studio PC/MAJR *8VS Dec-95
708-215-8614 VTech Video Technology Corp PC *8- Aug-93
708-597-2911 WAFAR PC/WILD *8~ Feb-95
847-776-2395# Warp Speed BBS {2235/185} PC/SPIT *8VU Aug-95
800-544-1936 Wastewater Treatment Info Exch PC/PCBB *8- Apr-91
708-931-7966 Watch City AT/EXPR *8- Oct-92
708-526-4143 Wauconda Education Station PC/WILD *8& Mar-93
708-623-1125 Waukegan Public Library PC/TBBS *8- Sep-90
708-623-2226 Waukegan Public Library PC/TBBS *8E Sep-90
800-827-2727 WeatherBrief [$] ?? *8- Jan-93
708-462-1691 Wheaton File Exchange PC/WILD *8- Mar-93
708-497-4956 Widow Maker PC/MAGN *8-
708-742-9930 Wild Majik PC/RNGD *8#M May-94
708-993-0461 Wild Onion PC/MAJR *8*I Aug-93
708-232-1250 Windmill PC/PCBB *8- Apr-92
708-232-1015 Windmill [9600+ only] PC/PCBB *8D Mar-92
630-595-1894# Win-dy City Windows PC/XCLB *8- Dec-89
708-729-2902 Windows Techknow(tm) <w/Adult> PC/XCLB *8#M Jun-94
815-626-6695 WMCCI PC/WILD *8V May-96
847-673-8070 Wolf's Den <CBBS List> PC/XCLB *8#M Jul-93
708-564-4518 World of CD Roms PC/WILD *8* Dec-95
815-389-3113 World Reach Ent. PC/MAJR *8# May-96
312-632-0000# WorldWide Access UX/UNIB *8#MW Jan-93
312-282-8605# WorldWide Access UX/UNIB *8ZLW Jan-93
708-582-0146 X-Files PC/RNGD *8# Jul-94
847-674-2856# XxX Gif Shop[$]<ADULT> PC/XCLB *8*LT Feb-96
312-637-3205 XXX-Perts BBS <ADULT> *8#M Nov-95
708-983-6435 XNet Info Systems UX/UNIX *8#X Dec-93
708-882-1101 XNet Info Systems UX/UNIX *8#H Dec-93
708-808-2264 Zlink-Com1 PC/TBBS *8-H Nov-92
312-743-9791 ZOO [$] <ADULT> PC/SDLX *8-L
312-743-9452 ZOO [$] <ADULT> PC/SDLX *8#H May-95
708-834-8880 Zoot's Place PC/ROBO *8#S Sep-94
708-834-8807 Zoot's Place PC/ROBO *8*S Sep-94
708-527-9574 Zorda PC/RNGD *8# Jul-94
------------ New listings this month ----------------------------
312-764-7211# North Chicago Online BBS/ISP PC/WILD *8V S Jul-96
708-978-9186# X-Factor PC/RNGD *8* Jul-96
847-587-5420# Salvage Planet [$] PC/RNGD *8# Aug-96
847-724-7037# TCS RBserver PC/CUST *8Z Aug-96
708-338-2878# Underground Garage(TUG) PC/XCLB Aug-96
630-372-0094# Off The Wall PC/GTBB *8* Aug-96
------------ ISDN listings ----------------------------
708-230-9068 Family Net International Aug-96
708-629-0148 The Mona Lisa Aug-96
847-884-6289 The Majestik Moose Aug-96
------------ Internet IP Addresses ----------------------------
IP Address BBS Name Port
|| Chinet BBS
|| Wolf's Den 1961
----- These numbers have not answered after several attempts ----
708-843-2868 Techno Head {286} PC/TLGD *8- Aug-92
708-279-9647 Knight Skies PC/RNGD *8# Nov-93
847-740-7953S Lakeside BBS <ADULT> PC/WILD *8* Dec-95
708-595-4132 Late Night PC/PCBB *8E
708-739-4813 Loxodonta PC/RNGD *8# Dec-94
708-263-5366 LZ High Meadow BBS PC/WILD *8T Oct-95
708-872-8010 MACrocosm MC/HRMS *8# Jun-93
708-872-8013 MACrocosm MC/HRMS *8- Jun-93
708-238-1776 Mensa PC/OPUS *8# Jun-93
708-933-0203 Mischevous Spectrum PC/RNGD *8F Jun-94
708-983-3228 Mogyland MC/HRMS *8ES Apr-94
708-251-5049 Mountain BBS PC/RNGD *8V Mar-95
708-428-6125 Murphy's Place PC/MAJR *8#I Oct-92
708-535-9937 New Demension PC/RNGD *8#S Aug-95
708-894-3052 NorthWest WeatherLink PC/IBBS *8F Jan-96
708-961-1658 OS/2 Solution PC/PCBB *8ES Sep-93
708-824-2235 Other Side BBS PC/WILD *8Z Aug-95
708-748-0655 Our Place PC/RNGD ? Nov-94
708-289-0034 Outer Limits (B) <Adult> [$] PC/SYNC *8#L Nov-91
708-232-6339 P.S. Meeting Room PC/WILD *8E Apr-91
708-991-4406 Paper Eaters Anonymous PC/RNGD *8* Jul-95
708-892-3449 Park Place PC/RACC *8V Feb-92
708-632-0757 Perspective Reality PC/RNGD *8# Aug-94
708-526-4161 Phoenix Fantasy Hide-Away PC/WILD *8& Jan-93
708-331-4494 Photo Exchange PC/WILD *8# Sep-91
708-481-2211 Pro-AppleTree A2/GBBS *8# Oct-89
708-458-3188 Quad State PC/ROBO *8# Oct-92
708-653-9076 Racer's Edge PC/WILD *8E Nov-91
708-653-9143 Racer's Edge PC/WILD *8# Jul-93
708-668-1009 Reconstruction II PC/TLGD *8- May-92
708-629-9293 Renegade PC/RNGD *8+ Dec-92
847-677-1221 Nightmare Cafe PC/TLGD *8+ Nov-92
847-513-6358 Nocturnal BBS PC/RNGD *8# Aug-92
847-372-0094 Off the Wall PC/GTBB *8& Apr-91
847-462-7560 Prince Charles Message Service TR/CUST *8$
847-870-0523 Renegade's Rendezvous PC/RNGD *8*S Jul-94
847-895-1926 Republicans On Line {896} PC/WILD *8VS Dec-94
708-392-0460 Smileyface Inc. PC/RNGD *8- Feb-94
708-677-7629 Starfleet Command PC/VBBS *8~ Jul-94
708-365-2155 Silent Society PC/TLGD *8# Oct-92
708-587-2398 Security <survivalist> PC/RBBS *8- Dec-92
708-778-0948 Spectre's Lair PC/WILD *8F Feb-94
708-249-7890 White Light PC/WILD *8# Aug-95
708-249-7891 White Light PC/WILD *8# Nov-95
708-260-9660 Working with Works MC/SSIT *8- Feb-90
708-265-0697 Uncle Bob's PC/PCBB *8* Nov-95
708-310-9014 ST Outpost ST *8&M Feb-90
708-354-2049 St. J's BBS <GAMES> PC/WILD *8V Apr-95
708-441-5780 Vox Populi MC/HRMS *8F Sep-94
708-453-1321 Sun, Surf & Serenity PC/WILD *8+ Nov-91
708-456-6875 ST Center ST/FREM *8+ Nov-90
708-462-1509 Wheaton FIle Exchange PC/WILD *8& Mar-90
708-487-6859 Seige BBS PC/MAJR *7$ Apr-95
708-540-7341 Terabit Technologies ? ? Aug-94
708-636-0956 Sunset Ridge PC/SPIT *8F Jun-94
708-655-0746S Shadowland PC/ULTR *8+ Jan-95
708-655-1855 Shallow Ground PC/OBLV *8-M Aug-93
708-681-4722 Suburban PC/PCBB *8# Jan-93
708-682-9034 St Charles Graphics Xchange<Adult>PC/WILD *8E May-92
708-682-9211 St Charles Graphics XChange<Adult>PC/WILD *8- Sep-93
708-754-0431 Time to Kill PC/SLBB *8# Aug-94
708-759-1916 Silver Tongue A2/GBBS *8- Apr-91
708-778-8620 TurboSof <MIDI> PC/PCBB *8& Oct-91
708-831-1595 Six Feet Under PC/RNGD *8# Oct-93
708-876-9594 Well of Souls PC/RNGD *8#S Dec-92
708-934-8738 Youth Gone Wild PC/RNGD *8# Aug-93
708-960-1480 Uncle Sam's MC/HRMS *8V Feb-95
708-985-7775 T&R PC/WILD *8# Aug-94
If this is your bbs or you know of it please send us an update or
these listings will be deleated totally from the list
If there is a letter right of the number the Sysop of the affected
board has informed us of the reason for a temporary shutdown.
<E> .... Equipment problems.
<L> .... Legal difficulties.
<S> .... Changing or reconfiguring software.
<C> .... System sold/changed hands.
<M> .... System moving.
<+> .... Marked for deleation in next list unless notified.
Please inform us if you have any information about the NO ANSWER
board list.
Please note the use of the various brackets:
{ } indicates FidoNet system, with node number; {xxx} is node
1:115/xxx (net ChicagoLand), {yyy/zzz} is node 1:yyy/zzz.
=[ Contact {950} for help on joining Fidonet ]=
[ ] indicates private or otherwise restricted system.
[$] means subscription only.
< > indicates board orientiation or specialization.
( ) with a letter indicates different boards with the same name
<?> .... We miss information here - Please contact us.
<*> .... Full Time: 24 hours, except for mail/maintenance.
<a> .... Part Time: 12pm-12am, Mo-Su.
<b> .... Part Time: 12pm-1am, Mo-Su.
<c> .... Part Time: 6pm-6am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<d> .... Part Time: 5:30pm-6:30 Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<e> .... Part Time: 8:00pm-4:00am Mo-Su.
<f> .... Part Time: 7:00pm-5:00am Mo-Fr 2:00pm-5:00am Sa-Su
<g> .... Part Time: 9pm-6am, Mo-Su.
<h> .... Part Time: 7pm-8am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<i> .... Part Time: 8:30am-9pm Mo-Fr, 9am-6pm Sa, 11am-5pm Su.
<j> .... Part Time: 4pm-8pm Mo-Fr, 1pm-8pm Sa-Su.
<k> .... Part Time: 6pm-9am, Mo-Su.
<l> .... Part Time: 6pm-7:30am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<m> .... Part Time: 7pm-6am, Mo-Su.
<n> .... Part Time: 6am-12am, Mo-Su.
<p> .... Part Time: 10pm-3pm, Mo-Su.
<q> .... Part Time: 5pm-5am, Mo-Su.
<r> .... Part Time: 6:30am-10pm, Mo-Su.
<s> .... Part Time: 3pm - 7am Mo-Su.
<u> .... Part Time: 10pm-7am, Mo-Su.
<y> .... Part Time: 6pm-12am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<z> .... Part Time: 10am-9pm, Tu-Su.
----> 12am = midnight, 12pm = noon. <----
<0> .... UART settings = 7-1-Odd Parity.
<7> .... UART settings = 7-1-Even Parity.
<8> .... UART settings = 8-1-No Parity.
<B> .... ISDN line (B channel) Max rate = 64000 bps.
<A> .... USR HST/v32terbo/V.FC/V.34 Max rate = 33600 bps
<V> .... CCITT/ITU-T V.34 (usually with V.FC) Max rate = 28800 bps.
<*> .... USR HST/V.32terbo/V.FC/V.34 Max rate = 28800 bps.
<F> .... V.FC (incl. 24k models) Max rate = 28800 bps.
<T> .... V.32terbo Max rate = 19200 bps.
<Z> .... ZyXel 19.2k Max rate = 19200 bps.
<P> .... TeleBit PEP/V.32/V.32bis Max rate = 18000 bps.
<=> .... TeleBit PEP (TrailBlazer) Max rate = 18000 bps.
<E> .... USR Dual Standard HST/V.32bis Max rate = 16800 bps.
<H> .... Hayes Optima Max rate = 14400 bps.
<#> .... CCITT/ITU-T V.32bis Max rate = 14400 bps.
<D> .... USR Dual Standard HST/V.32 Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<&> .... US Robotics HST Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<~> .... Unknown/other high speed type Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<+> .... CCITT/ITU-T V.32 Max rate = 9600 bps.
<%> .... Hayes Smartmodem Ping/Pong Max rate = 9600 bps.
<"> .... CompuCom SpeedModem Max rate = 9600 bps.
<-> .... CCITT/ITU-T V.22bis Max rate = 2400 bps.
<$> .... Bell 212A Max rate = 1200 bps.
<!> .... Bell 103 Max rate = 300 bps.
Note: There may still be some <*> modems that do not support V.34
(but do support V.FC). Since these modems are software upgradable,
they should get upgraded soon.
Multiline ("hunt") numbers:
<S> .... "small" hunt group (2-3 lines).
<M> .... "medium" hunt group (4-7 lines).
<L> .... "large" hunt group (8-15 lines).
<H> .... "huge" hunt group (16-31 lines).
<X> .... "extremely large" hunt group (32-63 lines).
<I> .... "immense" hunt group (64+ lines).
<?> .... it's a hunt group, but we don't know how big.
Internet Service:
<U> .... Usenet/Internet mail.
<T> .... Telnet.
<S> .... SLIP/PPP Access.
<W> .... World Wide Web.
Note: It is taken for granted that a system with Telnet has Usenet,
a system with Slip has Telnet and Usenet, and a system with WWW has
Slip, Telnet, and Usenet.
<? > .... System unknown to us.
<64> .... System: Commodore 64/128.
<A2> .... System: Apple II.
<AM> .... System: Commodore Amiga.
<AT> .... System: Atari (not ST).
<CP> .... System: Any CP/M system.
<LC> .... System: Any library catalogue system.
<MC> .... System: Apple Macintosh.
<PC> .... System: IBM PC and compatibles running DOS, OS/2 or NoT.
<ST> .... System: Atari ST.
<TI> .... System: TI-99/4a.
<TR> .... System: TRS-80.
<UX> .... System: Any UNIX (or Linux, 386BSD etc...) system.
<VX> .... System: Any VAX/VMS or other mini based system (not UNIX).
<AKCS> .... A Killer Conferencing System <UX>.
<ANET> .... Unknown <A2>.
<AUNT> .... Auntie <PC>.
<BBPC> .... BBS-PC <AM>.
<BBSE> .... Unknown <ST>.
<BPRO> .... BBS-Pro <AT>.
<BULL> .... Bulletron <PC>.
<CARI> .... Carina <AT>.
<CELE> .... Celerity <PC>.
<CL64> .... Color 64 <64>.
<C128> .... Color 128 <64>.
<CNET> .... C-Net <64,AM>.
<COCO> .... Coco <TR>.
<COLI> .... Collie Bulletin Board <PC>.
<CUST> .... Custom BBS software <any>.
<DBBS> .... Dan Doman's dBBS for MS-DOS networks <PC>.
<DIAL> .... Diversi-Dial Chat System <A2>.
<DIGI> .... DigiSystem <A2>.
<DLXB> .... DLX (Deluxe) BBS <PC>.
<DSBS> .... DBS BBS <PC>.
<EAGL> .... Eagles BBS <UX>.
<ELIT> .... Elite <AM>.
<EPIC> .... Epi-Center <PC>.
<EXPR> .... BBS Express Professional <AT>.
<EZCM> .... Ez-Comm <PC>.
<FALK> .... Falken <PC>.
<FIDO> .... FidoNet International BBS Network Software <PC>.
<FRST> .... First Class <MC>.
<FORM> .... Forum-PC <PC>.
<FREM> .... Forem-ST <ST>.
<FSTP> .... Fast Plus BBS <PC>.
<GAPC> .... GAP Communications <PC>.
<GBBS> .... GBBS <A2>.
<GENE> .... Genesis <PC>.
<GINS> .... Ginsu Talk <PC>.
<GTBB> .... G.T. PowerComm System <PC>.
<GTLK> .... GTalk Chat Software <PC>.
<HRMS> .... Hermes <MC>.
<IBBS> .... PC Bulletin Board System (not PC-Board!) <PC>.
<ILLU> .... Illusion BBS <PC>.
<INIQ> .... Iniquity BBS
<IMAG> .... New Image BBS Software <64>.
<JETB> .... Jetbbs <64>
<JAAG> .... JAAG BSS apcidoom network <PC>
<KBBS> .... KBBS <PC>
<KEEP> .... ST-Keep <AT>.
<LABB> .... LA-BBS <PC>.
<LINX> .... Linux O.S.
<LSDB> .... L.S.D. BBS <PC>.
<LUIS> .... Library User's Information System <LC>.
<MAGN> .... Magnum-OS/2 <PC>.
<MAJR> .... GalactiComm MajorBBS <PC,UX>.
<MAXI> .... Maximus/CBCS <PC>.
<MEPS> .... Matchmaker Electronic Pen-Pal System <UX>.
<MGPE> .... MagPie <UX>.
<MICH> .... MichTron <AT>.
<MTRO> .... MetroBBS <AM>.
<NEXS> .... Nexus <PC>
<NITE> .... NiteLine <AT>.
<NVLP> .... Nova-Link Pro <MC>.
<OBLV> .... Oblivion II <PC>.
<OMNI> .... Online Multimedia Networking Interface <PC>.
<ONLN> .... 64 Online, a chat system <64>.
<OPUS> .... Opus Computer-Based Conversation System <PC>.
<ORAP> .... OraComm-Plus <PC>.
<OSIR> .... Osiris <PC>.
<PARA> .... Paragon <AM>.
<PCBB> .... PCBoard <PC>.
<PHOE> .... Phoenix Remote Communications System <PC>.
<PIPE> .... Pipeline <PC>.
<PLIN> .... ProLine <A2>.
<POWR> .... PowerBBS <PC>.
<PROB> .... ProBoard <PC>.
<PROP> .... Proprietary
<PROT> .... ProTerm <A2>.
<PUNT> .... PC-Punternet <PC>.
<PYRO> .... Pyroto BBS <PC>.
<QBBS> .... Quick BBS <PC>.
<RACC> .... Remote Access BBS <PC>.
<RBBS> .... Remote PC Bulletin Board (RBBS-PC) <PC>.
<RNGD> .... Renegade BBS <PC>.
<ROBO> .... Roboboard BBS <PC>.
<ROCT> .... Roman Catacombs (RoCat) <UX>.
<RTWO> .... R2HOST <PC>.
<RYBS> .... RyBBS (Greg Ryan BBS System) <PC>.
<RYEB> .... Rye-BBS <AT>.
<SBBS> .... Scooter BBS <PC>.
<SDLX> .... SuperDLX <PC>.
<SILB> .... Silver Bullet BBS System <PC>.
<SKYL> .... Sky Line <MC>.
<SLBB> .... SearchLight BBS <PC>.
<SPIT> .... Spitfire Bulletin Board System <PC>.
<SSIT> .... Second Sight (old Red Ryder) <MC>.
<SUPR> .... SuperBBS <PC>.
<SYNC> .... Synchronet <PC>.
<TAGG> .... T.A.G. BBS <PC>.
<TBBS> .... The Bread Board System <PC,TR>.
<TCOM> .... Total Communications System <PC>.
<TELF> .... TeleFinder <MC>.
<TLGD> .... Telegard board system <PC>.
<TLXH> .... Telix/Executive Host <PC>.
<TPBS> .... Turbo Pascal Board System <PC>.
<TRIB> .... Tri-BBS <PC>.
<TRNS> .... Trans-Amiga <AM>.
<TURB> .... TurboBoard <PC>.
<UBBS> .... UBBS <A2>.
<UNIB> .... UniBoard <UX>.
<UNIX> .... Public access UNIX system <UX>.
<ULTR> .... UltraBBS <PC>.
<VBBS> .... Virtual BBS <PC>.
<VBLS> .... Vision-Blast <PC>.
<VSNX> .... Vision-X <PC>.
<WAFF> .... Waffle <PC,UX>.
<WGRP> .... World Group <PC>.
<WILD> .... Mustang's Wildcat <PC>.
<WWIV> .... World War IV <MC,PC>.
<XCLB> .... Excalibur BBS <PC>.
<XLNK> .... X-Link Chat System <PC>.
<XPRS> .... Express <AM>.
<XZOT> .... X-Zot-Iks BBS <PC>.
* * * * EDITOR'S SOAPBOX * * * *
Dear Chicagoland BBS'ers:
Our BBS is up totaly now. You can connect to it at 847-673-8070
or via telnet @ (port 1961)
We are in dire need or List team members who can check the list
each month. If you are interested please leave me e-mail.
If you have a web site, ftp site, or simply want a web ad for your
BBS we are offering presence on the CBBSlist(tm) web site. For more info
log in to http://techknow.com/wolfsden/cbbs.htm
Chicago's oldest and most popular BBS list, the CBBSList(tm) now
has an internet mailing listserver anyone can join. This is
intended as an interactive forum for those interested in receiving
regular updates about BBS and online services throughout Chicago.
You may subscribe to this list and receive messages on a regular
basis from those participating in the list and announcements from
the CBBSTeam(tm) Members! Those sending changes to the list may
also do so for updating this popular list. there are now over 1100
systems in metro Chicago!
To join the internet e-mail listserver just do the following:
Send an e-mail message to: listserv@techknow.com
In the text of the message put: subscribe cbbsteam <name>
Where <name> is your real name.
If you have any questions about the list just send inquiries
to heath@techknow.com or phill_congleton@techknow.com. Or visit the
CBBSTeam(tm) Web Page at: http://techknow.com/wolfsden/cbbs.htm
Hope to see you there!
Just a few friendly reminders:
1. The date presented is _not_ when a board went online but when
it was first listed here. A blank means it was first listed
before February 1989.
2. Boards marked (A), (B) ... are DIFFERENT boards with the same
name. A repeated name without letter is a multinode board.
3. The operation time codes change since often only one or two
systems use the same code. One code may change meaning
from one month to the next, although we try to avoid it.
4. Please use a recent issue of the List! I sometimes get
reports telling me about errors on six months old lists.
Don't use an outdated list - you may wake somebody up!
5. When sending in an update/change/add request, please give
ALL pertinent info. There is a bulletin on the Wolf's Den
pertaining to how to submit an update.
With the changes of the area codes all sysops will need to let me
know what their new areacodes Internet mail to
Phill_congleton@techknow.com,(can also be accessed from the web
page), or log onto the bbs and leave me a message. Please leave
the BBS name, old number, new areacode, and if you notice any
info missing please let me know. Please spread the word around.
The CBBSteam(tm) needs more people! We need several dedicated
individuals who can help us check on the status of the
always-changing Chicagoland BBS scene.
Notice: CBBSList(tm) and CBBSTeam(tm) are trademarks of the CBBSTeam(tm)
and all rights and copyrights are reserved. The CBBSTeam(tm) assumes no
liability for the above telephone numbers. The CBBSTeam(tm), to the best
of its abilities, attempts to keep the above numbers accurate and valid
based on its own independent surveys and actual reports from system
operators, but some may have become reassigned by the phone company as
private numbers. Use these at your own risk. The phone company does not
inform the CBBSTeam(tm) as to the discontinuation or reassignments of
any of the above numbers. This List may not be reproduced, reprinted,
in whole or in part without written permission of the list owner, Phill
Congleton. Permission is granted for distribution of this list in its
unaltered form within online systems only and in its original and
conventional ZIP file format.
Special Request: System Operators involved in the distribution of the
CBBSList(tm) on their systems are responsible for deletion of old list
copies. This is beyond the control of the CBBSTeam(tm). Old list copies
may have invalid numbers on them. The CBBSTeam(tm) assumes no liability
for improper distribution of outdated noncurrent copies of the
(C)opyright 1981-1996,The CBBSTeam(tm) All rights reserved.
On behalf of the CBBSteam(tm),
Phill Congleton