
756 lines
40 KiB

GST's Miscellaneous ASCII Art: Last Updated on 1997.11.25
My home page is <http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/7676>.
These drawings are simply in chronological order. I will sort them
into categories when I have enough pictures to make it worthwhile.
Title #Lines Date Created
----- ------ ------------
"Soun in Battle Armor"________________ 69 1995.10.22
"Suezou"______________________________ 56 1995.11.19
"Ladios Sopp in Winter Raiment"_______ 57 1995.11.22
"Ladios Sopp" (sig versions)__________ 10 1995.11.27
"Alien"_______________________________ 39 1995.11.27
"Alien^2"_____________________________ 39 1995.11.27
"Kiki & Tombo Go Flying"______________ 70 1996.02.29
"This could be useful..."_____________ 33 1996.02.29
"Neon Genesis Evangelion"_____________ 56 1996.11.25
"Souryuu Asuka Langley"_______________ 89 1997.10.26
"The Alien Queen"_____________________ 47 1997.11.23
Ending Notes.
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"Soun in Battle Armor"
-- By Glenn Tarigan
(original art by Rumiko Takahashi)
From Ranma 1/2 : Volume 7, Part 10, Page 171
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__`'u'u'v' 1995.11.19
_.-' (85 minutes)
--' -- By Glenn Tarigan
(original art by Mamoru Nagano)
From "The Five Star Stories": Volume 6, Page 156
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"Ladios Sopp in Winter Raiment"
-- By Glenn Tarigan
Original art taken from Mamoru Nagano's
"The Five Star Stories": Volume 5, Page 96
Somebody asked for a 10-line version of the head:
1456 - 1506 = 10 min:
Original picture: Reduced versions: +---- ----+
(truncated ,,, ,,, | .----._ _ |
at neck) ,' ' `'',,, First | ./ `._ / ' |
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"Kiki & Tombo Go Flying"
-- ASCII rendering by Glenn Tarigan
Original drawing from Hayao Miyazaki's movie:
"Kiki's Delivery Service"
"This could be useful..." \)`o,\=\_\\::_:::;'
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|:75min:::| . . 1996.03.07 ||
This picture was taken from Issue #8 of the English translation of "Akira".
Note that this is a mirror image of the original Japanese comics.
I imagine the laser-gun was originally a right-handed model.
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` 1996.11.25 30min for logo
70min for the trio
"Souryuu Asuka Langley"
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"The Alien Queen" | | | /
1997.11.23 ,--/.__/--'
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Ending Notes
"Soun in Battle Armor"
I drew this so that I could add something to Dov Sherman's Ranma ASCII
collection. In order to fit the bow into the image, I had to scrunch
it a bit; it doesn't quite look satisfactory.
This is an example of shading achieved through patterns of lines.
It's a big drawing, but I like the large curves.
"Ladios Sopp in Winter Raiment"
This is one of my favorites. I like how the face turned out.
"Ladios Sopp" (sig versions):
I still think that sig-sized ASCII is not impressive, so I won't
likely be making more pictures this small.
Added the 8x18 version in September'97.
Added the 8x16 version on 1997.11.14.
It wasn't until November of 1997 that I figured out that this picture
has too many dorsal spikes on the Alien. The correct design should
have only 5 dorsal projections, one of which is a spike.
After attempting to fill this in with shading (to make it look black),
I decided that I'd be better off leaving it as line-art.
And here is the line-art version. It actually preceded "Alien" in
"Kiki & Tombo Go Flying"
They're riding a bike which is equipped with a propeller on the front.
I was attempting to draw a large circle to indicate the path of
the whirling propeller, but it ended up looking like a spiral.
Unfortunately, if I try to make it into a large circle, then it won't
fit on the screen.
"This could be useful..."
I chose to render this to see if I could handle what was a densely
detailed drawing (namely, the intricate gun).
"Neon Genesis Evangelion"
I drew this shortly after seeing the series for the first time.
I didn't have any of the printed material yet, so I grabbed this
image from a still-frame of the videotape copy I had: one of the
commercials displayed a picture from the manga. I then paused my
VCR there and sketched on paper what I saw. From the paper sketch,
I made an ASCII rendition. It's a bit inaccurate (compared to the
actual painting) because the TV image was a bit hard to see clearly.
"Souryuu Asuka Langley"
Asuka is my favorite character from Evangelion. Maybe it's because
she reminds me of someone I knew in real-life...
I copied this drawing from one of the sketches in the
Newtype 100% Collection.
"The Alien Queen"
This was a fast effort, by my standards. The unfortunate thing with
this drawing is that there is no real center of focus, where it would
be good to add extra details. On the other hand, when drawing a human
face, I can make it so that if you cut out an area 15x15characters in
size, it would look good as a stand-alone picture.
Stay tuned for more. I'll append any new pics to the end of this document.