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Combining Applesoft with Assembly
Inspired by an article in Nibble
The latewt issue of Nibble Magazine ,October '85, has a very interesting
article in it regarding the combination of Applesoft and Assembly into one
Applesoft file. I am extremely upset that I didn't think of this before! It
really is an interesting trick! If you have read the article and had trouble
using the instructions provide there or if you did not see the article, then
please read on....
When an Applesoft (referred to as A/S from here on) pvogram is loaded into
memory either as you program or loaded from disk, the length of the A/S program
is held in a specific memory location: AF.B0. To add some additional assembly
to the program, you merely move the assembly code in memory down to the location
right after whatever is stored in AF.B0. For example:
1. The A/S program is loaded first.
2. Enter monitor by using CALL -151.
3. Type AF.B0 anl read the last address used by the A/S program.
4. Remember that the lo-byte is used first (AF) and that the hi-byte (B0) is
last. If you see this:
AF.B0-18 08
this means that the last address used by the A/S program is 0818.
5. The SAVE command in A/S uses this location as a pointer to the last
aldress in the program and saves everything from 0800 upward to the
address held at AF.B0.
6. To add the assembly program to an A/S file, you would BLOAD the assembly
portion just past the end of the A/S program.
7. Thys will put the assembly right on Top of the A/S program!
8. OK but how do I save it??? Easy! Simply add the length of the assembly
program to the address at AF.B0 anl the change the |