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Lighting Your Apple II Path | |
"Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"
The Lamp! An Onipa'a Software Production Vol. 5, No. 5
Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
Internet Email, Editor................................lyle@FoxValley.net
May 15, 2002
HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
On the Fence?
Types of Fences
Signature From the Net:
A2 FORUM AT Syndicomm Online (A2Central.com) DISTILLATIONS
The Ten Most Influential People in Computing History-------------[ICH]
Silvern Castle Available in Library------------------------------[SCA]
SOAR and Collection of Topics on Syndicomm Online----------------[COT]
Net Time Control Panel (CDev) v1.0.1-----------------------------[NTC]
About Juiced.GS--------------------------------------------------[AJG]
Juiced.GS Vol 7 No 1 on the Way----------------------------------[JGW]
Accolades for Juiced.GS------------------------------------------[AJG]
Advanced HTML Course---------------------------------------------[AHC]
What I Really do for a Living------------------------------------[RDL]
The MPW IIgs Assembler-------------------------------------------[MSR]
TCPIPConnect() Tool Call-----------------------------------------[TTC]
ORCA/C Compiler for the Apple IIgs-Function Header Bug-----------[OCB]
May Issue of Syndicommotion Available----------------------------[MSA]
To Sign up for Syndicomm Online----------------------------------[TSU]
The StyleWriter Printer and the IIgs----------------------------[[SPG]
No Letters to the Editor This Month------------------------------[NLE]
An Invitation----------------------------------------------------[LTE]
KFEST 2002
K-Fest 2002 Registration Information-----------------------------[KFR]
K-Fest - Event of the Year---------------------------------------[EOY]
Undecided? On the Fence About Attending K-Fest?------------------[UKF]
Memories of K-Fests Past-----------------------------------------[MKF]
Should You Come to K-Fest?---------------------------------------[SYK]
From the K-Fest Committee----------------------------------------[KFC]
The KFest FAQ--Ready for this Year of the Palindrome-------------[KFE]
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
[*] [*] [*]
READING THE LAMP! The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
""""""""""""""""" your reading easier. To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor. In the index you will find
something like:
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN]. There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].
From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
From High Above The Rock River many kinds of fences can be seen.
Ornate fences painted in exquisite detail. Tall fences to provide privacy.
Fences falling down from a state of disrepair. Fences of metal... wood...
On the Fence?
Are -You- On the Fence? Can't make up your mind about coming to
K-Fest? Hey! It is uncomfortable sitting on top of a fence... register
for K-Fest today. See the KFEST 2002 section of this issue for
registration information.
Types of Fences
After coming in from playing outside one day, my oldest son observed,
"There are two types of fences... those that stop you... and those that
slow you down." :)
Don't let any fence stop you from coming to K-Fest... register for
K-Fest today. See the KFEST 2002 section of this issue for registration
Signature From the Net:
(Name Deleted), Apple IIe user, Since 4th grade, 1990/91 school year
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DISTILLATIONS FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com |
(A2Central.com) |
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
ComputerEdge magazine recently named the Ten Most Influential People in
Computing History, as listed at this URL:
Woz did not make the list.
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 54)
>> Woz did not make the list. <<
Curious. There are a couple people there I would think he outranks. Bill
Atkinson certainly, and Jobs as well. I don't see why the founder of IBM
belongs on the list; IBM was a typewriter and office equipment company at
the time, not a computer company. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 55)
I don't see how they can put Jobs on that list and not Woz. Maybe the head
of Microsoft's marketing department should be there instead of Gates. :)
They're casting a pretty wide net anyway. I mean, they have to go all the
way back to the discovery of binary arithmetic and forward to the
proliferation of the Internet (particularly the Web.)
(A2.TONY, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 56)
We have a new upload in the games/adventure/prodos8 directory.
File: scupdv74.bxy
Size: 334720
Date: Apr 15
Silvern Castle v7.4 update:
Major Changes:
-Automap plotting 5x faster
-More preferences:
(1) Fluctuating store prices
(2) Show spells cast by monsters
(3) Easier XP advancement
(4) Fast combat monster equip
(5) Show monster HP remaining
-New command: Quick P)lotB Inhibits plotting expended maze views with
light spells in effect
-Minor bugs fixed
-Other features
(A2.TONY, Cat 2, Top 37, Msg 6)
Well, I have procrastinated long enough. I was hoping that someone else
would have this problem and report it so that I wouldn't have to, but ...
I am using SOAR on a real GS. It has worked fine for several months.
During that time it collected topics the first time I logged in in a month
just as it is supposed to do. This month though was different. I didn't
notice it at first as I wasn't looking at the screen, but just thought that
the Mac and Syndicomm forums didn't have any posters. Then one night I was
watching and something strange appeared. It was collecting the topics and
it wasn't the first time in April that I had been on. Then it quit.
I tried it again and kept close watch and discovered that it was trying to
collect topics, and failing (the error posted was "Capture failed") and
then quitting without going on to the next forum. I deactivated A2, went
online and had the same problem with Syndicomm. I deactivated that forum
and went online and got the Mac forum and again it quit after trying and
failing to get the topics.
Since no one has posted about this problem, I can only assume that my
machine is at fault. What should I look at first? Incidentally, when
I first went to write this message, I couldn't get a listing of topics (or
categories). I could get a listing of forums. :) I seem to have plenty of
space on my HD and the messages do come through fine.
So, is there any way I can disable the topic collection if I can't figure
out why my computer is not saving them?
David R. Pierce
Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8
(DAVIDP, Cat 10, Top 59, Msg 235)
There is indeed a problem...
Back last November, the way that the Categories and Topics were reported
changed with extra CRs being introduced. I reported the problem, and it was
down on the list of things to fix at the Syndicomm end. However till it got
fixed, I turned off the auto collection of Topics on my working version of
SOAR. Red faced, I can now report that I forgot to check that it had been
fixed, and forgot to turn the collection on again on my machine...
I think a tweak may be needed to the collection routines as SOAR failed to
see the prompt it was expecting when I checked it out just now. I will look
at this and see what needs doing to the script set. It will probably mean
an update will need to be posted on my web site.
In the meantime, delete any 'reset' files from the 'SOAR:Configs:Topics'
folder, and put back a copy of the 'cats' and 'dat' files for all the
Forums you use.
I will report back when I have it fixed.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Wed 17 Apr 2002 - 97 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 10, Top 59, Msg 236)
Okay, I'll see what I can do. And thanks for all the work you put in on
this great program.
David R. Pierce
Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8
(DAVIDP, Cat 10, Top 59, Msg 237)
When I looked for a second time at this, even after fixing some things in
SOAR, I find that the CR problem I originally saw last November is not yet
fixed. The data line for the Topics is broken when it exceeds a certain
As SOAR relies on single line entries for the Topic data, this is a real
problem. I shall report it to Dave and see if we can get a fix.
I found a second problem when I tried to retrieve all the Topic lists for
the A2 Forum. After about twenty or so Topic lists, Syndicomm output
stopped, and SOAR timed out. Whether this is a Syndicomm issue, or a
Marinetti issue, I don't know.
Meanwhile, copy the lists from SOAR archive into the Topics folder and use
those. These will at least get you by in the Forums that I have prepared
with SOAR. For other Forums, put in dummy files, and make sure you have
unchecked the box that automatically builds the files.
If you follow the format of the files SOAR provides, you can manually build
your own for any other Forums you visit.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Thu 18 Apr 2002 - 96 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 10, Top 59, Msg 238)
I have not forgotten your report about the Topic/Category building in SOAR.
The original problem is that Syndicomm is adding spurious CRs when a Topic
line exceeds 80 characters. This has been reported to Dave, and I await a
response from him.
However, I am being plagued with problems that are stopping me creating an
alternate solution to building the lists.
SOAR currently retrieves the Topic lists separately for each category, this
takes time, but has been foolproof. I have tried using the alternate 'IND'
command, but I cannot get a complete list returned, as the data flow stops
part way through. This is probably a Marinetti issue, as it seems fine
using a Telnet application on the Mac.
For some reason we cannot fathom, Syndicomm will not let me Telnet in to
it, or accept sent mail, if I use my main BTInternet ISP in the UK. As
BTInternet is probably the largest ISP in the UK, this is a real problem
for me and others. I can use an alternate ISP, but instead of free calls,
this means a cost of 10 cents a call. This obviously limits my testing
As soon as I can get a solution and make fixes to SOAR, I will report back.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Wed 24 Apr 2002 - 90 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 10, Top 59, Msg 239)
Wow, I didn't know I had my own topic...
If anyone is interested, I've made the latest version (v1.0.1) of my
freeware Net Time control panel (CDev) available from my web page.
The Net Time control panel allows you to synchronize your IIgs clock with
an RFC-868 compliant time server, and requires Richard Bennett's Marinetti
2.0.1 and Geoff Weiss' Time Tool Set.
I finally had time to get v1.0.1 archived and put on my web page last
night. At least nobody had yet noticed (or complained, anyway) that v1.0
gave time that was off by an hour since Daylight Savings Time started. (I
was masking out the wrong bits in the BRAM value. Easy fix, but I was
- Aaron
(A2PROGEEK, Cat 20, Top 5, Msg 1)
Spiffy, Aaron.
I actually installed Marinetti again just so I could get Net Time
installed... but now my GS won't boot anymore. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 20, Top 5, Msg 2)
Actually I noticed that my clock was off by an hour but I hadn't had a
chance to figure out why. My assumption was that I hadn't set my time zone
correctly or some other minor error on my part.
Thanks Aaron!
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 20, Top 5, Msg 3)
Juiced.GS is a print magazine dedicated to the Apple II, with a special
focus on the Apple IIgs computer. Published quarterly by Syndicomm,
Juiced.GS is written by a crack staff of Apple II experts and edited by
Ryan Suenaga.
The Juiced.GS web site can be visited at http://www.juiced.gs.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 23, Top 1, Msg 2)
Juiced.GS Vol 7 No 1 ON THE WAY
Volume 7 Issue 1 of Juiced.GS began mailing last night; all US subscribers
that had renewed or signed up by April 19 should be receiving their copies
this week.
International subscribers' copies will go into the mail in two or three
days, just as soon as I receive them.
A second batch of magazines will be run in a week or so, to pick up any
stragglers on getting renewals in.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 236)
Volume 7 Issue 1 has now been scheduled for mailing to US subscribers whose
payments arrived between April 20 and May 4, inclusive. These subscribers
should receive their copies in the next week to week and a half; they
should be mailed on Monday, May 6.
I expect to do another international mailing by the middle of this coming
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 266)
My copy has just arrived safely in the UK. In the old days this would mean
Sheppy's copy must be almost about to be delivered in Tracy! :)
After the excellent years of stewardship by Max, I was eager to see how our
beloved magazine had survived the transition of editor and publisher. I am
pleased to say that Ryan has done an excellent job, and the old friend
looks just as friendly as before. There is an excellent range of articles
to suit all tastes. I devoured Tony Diaz's words with relish...
Max deserves an enormous round of applause for having conceived Juiced GS
in the first place, and for publishing it steadfastly for the last six
years. I can see from this first issue that Syndicomm deserves an equal
round of applause for taking on the challenge of publishing Juiced GS.
Long live the king of Apple II magazines!
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Fri 3 May 2002 - 81 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 263)
I'd like to see an Advanced HTML course. The HTML course I took on GEnie
in 1996 was very useful to introduce me to the language, but my pages,
while being very accessible and readable by Lynx, lack flair in other
(KGAGNE, Cat 62, Top 4, Msg 11)
I think an advanced HTML course would be great. I'd hang out at that.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 62, Top 4, Msg 12)
Currently I work customizing Microsoft Great Plains. It is an accounting,
service management, project accounting, etc. package recently purchased by
I think my title is implementation engineer. Basically that mean I do SQL
administration for clients, VBA programming, report writing and VB/Perl/C
based integrations to other software packages.
Wayne Arthurton
(WAYNER, Cat 50, Top 2, Msg 7)
How many of the Apple IIgs programmers out there use the MPW IIgs assembler
for their assembly code?
If you do, how do you like it?
If you don't, why not?
I like it a lot. It's fast, and has some neat features you don't find in
any of the GS-based assemblers I've tried.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 52, Top 6, Msg 1)
>> How many of the Apple IIgs programmers out there use the MPW IIgs
assembler for their assembly code? <<
I haven't done any assembly programming. There's also an MPW C isn't there?
How does that compare with Orca C?
>> If you don't, why not? <<
I currently do all my coding on a real GS. I know it could be done faster
on Bernie on the G4, but I'm not really in that big a hurry.
>> I like it a lot. It's fast, and has some neat features you don't find
in any of the GS-based assemblers I've tried. <<
What sort of features?
Kim Howe
Newton Forum Host
(KIMHOWE, Cat 52, Top 6, Msg 2)
>> I haven't done any assembly programming. There's also an MPW C isn't
there? How does that compare with Orca C? <<
MPW C is terrible. It's a sick form of K&R (not ANSI) C that compiles into
something resembling pseudocode that then gets interpreted. MPW IIgs
ORCA/C is pretty good though. Basically equivalent to ORCA/C 2.0.3.
>> What sort of features? <<
Well, it has some neat abilities to define records and access them in a
C-like manner.
myRecord RECORD
dc.l nextPtr
dc.l prevPtr
lda myRecord.nextPtr
That kind of thing. Quite handy.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 52, Top 6, Msg 3)
>> MPW C is terrible. <<
Mind you, it's not so terrible that you shouldn't buy a copy. It's just
$60, after all. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 52, Top 6, Msg 4)
I'm just starting to learn the basics of 6502 assembler. I have Assembly
Lines: The Book and ORCA/M for ProDOS. Once I progress to 65816 assembly
and start doing some serious stuff, MPW IIgs will be on my list of things
to get. :)
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 52, Top 6, Msg 5)
The TCPIPConnect() tool call is defined in the Marinetti 2.0 programmer's
guide and the Orca header files (as found on Opus ][) as :
extern pascal displayPtr TCPIPConnect (void);
I believe this should actually be defined as :
extern pascal void TCPIPConnect(displayPtr);
I have no idea of the MOSP structure, so could someone more knowledgeable
notify the documentation manager?
(KWS, Cat 57, Top 31, Msg 1)
The standard LineEdit.h header file has a bad function declaration.
LEClassifyKey(EventRecord) (at the end of the file) should be
(I found out the hard way. Twice, because I forgot the first time :)
(KWS, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 1)
I've run into that one before myself. There are actually a couple of other
bad declarations in the toolbox headers, although I don't remember them
offhand. However, I'll see about actually getting them fixed. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 2)
So what effect does that have, (IOW, what is LEClassifyKey for and when
would you use it?)
Is there a workaround, short of re-compiling the compiler?
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 3)
LEClassifyKey is an extremely special-use function; it's only useful if
you're doing some interesting hacks.
No recompile needed; just correct the prototype in the LineEdit.h header
file. I will fix it for future distributions of ORCA/C.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 4)
Will you be making updates available, or posting the changes here as well?
This way those of us who already own ORCA/C won't have to keep finding them
on our own. I am currently going through the 'Learn to Program in C'
course, and the thought that programming errors may be bugs in the compiler
instead of in my programs is a little bit daunting.
Roger A. Schnorenberg - Roger
"Roger A. Schnorenberg" <AB0MX@ARRL.net>
Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8 with NiftySpell 1.0
Via Marinetti 2.0.1 TCP/IP stack on a ROM 0 IIGS upgraded to the max!
(SCHNORENBERG, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 5)
the LEClassifyKey declaration isn't a compiler bug, it's a function header
bug (the function header is reparsed every time you #include it). The
Orca/Pascal header files are precompiled (but the source is included, so
they can be recompiled). I'm not sure about Orca/Modula2 or GSoft offhand.
LEClassifyKey is useful if you want to only allow certain characters in a
Line Edit field. The one time I used it was for preprocessing user input
to only allow numbers to be entered into a Line Edit field. The user
presses a key, I call LEClassifyKey and check if it's a number, and if so,
send it to the control.
(KWS, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 6)
I intend to make updates available over time.
And I repeat that if anyone has fixes for Byte Works product bugs to please
share them with me. I'm authorized to distribute updated versions of Byte
Works products.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 22, Top 5, Msg 7)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
The May issue of Syndicommotion, Syndicomm Online's free newsletter, is now
available! You can read it at http://www.syndicomm.com/syndicommotion or
by choosing option 3 on the customer service menu at page 2, keyword
(Logon Banner, Syndicomm.com)
Please visit our web site at http://www.syndicomm.com for information or to
sign up!
(Logon message)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Looks as though I wasn't quite done upgrading my IIgs, as last night I
added a StyleWriter printer (it comes about 10 years late, but hopefully I
can now finally retire my ImageWriter II).
I've had the base of the printer for months, but only yesterday I tracked
down the sheet-feeder (just missing the top metal bar/support) and the DC
power adapter. When I had it together I found it wouldn't power up but
opening it up and changing the fuse fixed that thankfully. Then to my
dismay it would only print blank pages though instead of buying a new ink
cartridge, I discovered blowing forcefully into the air-hole unclogged the
existing one.
It's a nice little printer and prints well enough with the right kind of
paper (i.e. not the inexpensive fan-fold sheets left over from my
dotmatrix... the ink bleeds on that) though I remember there were issues
with the System 6.0.1 Stylewriter driver. By the looks of things, graphic
images seem to be the weak point of that driver.
I remember Harmonie contained a enhanced StyleWriter driver but couldn't
find anything on my versions 2.1 or 2.11 disks from Vitesse. I vaguely
remember a "2.11b" release from SSII, could that have contained it?
Incidentally, has anyone here tried the StyleWriter on a Windows-based PC?
It's supposed to be a repackaged Canon BJ-10 bubblejet but using that
driver with a null-modem hook up didn't get a response from the printer. At
the moment, I don't have a printer on my PC and thought it'd be nice to
share it between my IIgs and PC.
Mitchell Spector
(SPECTOR1, 3588.1, Delphi A2 web side)
Hi Mitch,
>> It's supposed to be a repackaged Canon BJ-10 bubblejet <<
Yes it is & all the same parts work. The Stylewriter II is a small
improvement. Both should work on a PC, but the right cable may be hard to
find, although "Star Tech" probably makes one. Try Terry Steeper at
sales@terrytech.on.ca, he will know, he's my Apple //,Mac/PC Guru in
Parkhill, ON.
(TeeC, 3588.2, Delphi A2 web side)
>> Yes it is & all the same parts work. The Stylewriter II is a small
improvement. Both should work on a PC, but the right cable may be hard to
find, although "Star Tech" probably makes one. <<
I just tried it quickly using a null-modem hookup (standard Mac/GS serial
cable, PC serial cable and null-modem adapter between the two) which should
technically work, it's the same connection I've been using to get my
ImageWriter II working on my PC.
I probably just need a different driver or need to change a few settings.
>> Try Terry Steeper at sales@terrytech.on.ca, he will know, he's my
Apple //, Mac/PC Guru in Parkhill, ON. <<
I remember Terry, I haven't spoken to him in years, neat to know he's still
dealing with the Apple II. The last time I spoke to him was back during the
days I'd pick up the CRS Apple II echo through a local BBS.
Shouldn't be too difficult to get working though on the PC, it's finding
alternate drivers for the GS that would be a bit more difficult... (I just
don't remember if Harmonie ever added a StyleWriter driver, if it did, if
Joe is still carrying it).
Mitchell Spector
(SPECTOR1, 3588.3, Delphi A2 web side)
>> (I just don't remember if Harmonie ever added a StyleWriter driver, if
it did, if Joe is still carrying it). <<
Harmonie v2.11b has a StyleWriter driver. Joe Kohn still sells Harmonie.
Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net> Editor, _The Lamp!_
published monthly at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
(LYLESYVERSON, 3588.4, Delphi A2 web side)
The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.
Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.
Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>
The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.
The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.
KFest 2002 |
+++ Please note: You MUST send the NEW registration form below (via postal
mail or fax) when you register.
KFest 2002 Registration Info... meet old A2 friends... meet new friends...
When: July 23-28, 2002
Where: Avila College, Kansas City, Missouri
The most important Apple II event of the year, KFest 2002, is on our
calendar again, and it's never too early to make sure it has a place on
your calendar, too.
Check these rates, which include your room from Tuesday and meals from
Wednesday evening (dinner) on July 24, through Sunday morning (breakfast)
on July 28. (Saturday evening dinner not included. That's KFesters' Night
Out On The Town!)
PLEASE NOTE: There is no "extra day" fee this year. Because of the
popularity, we've arranged to make Tuesday an official part of KFest!
KFest 2002 Registration Form
View and print this document using 9-point Monaco or Courier font (the
default of most monospaced font applications such as ProTERM & Spectrum).
Registering for KFest 2002:
NOTE: - The information requested in the KFest Registration Form below
must be sent even though the information is called in.
- If a member of the family accompanies you to KFest, please send
a separate registration form for each person.
<> Fax or email KFest Registration Form using a credit card number:
- Complete the form below and send the KFest Registration Form;
<> By postal mail: Credit card, check, Purchase Order or money order:
- Print and fill out the KFest Registration Form.
- Send the form with the payment to:
InTrec Software, Inc. <kfest@intrec.com>
Attn: KFest Registration Voc: 602/992-1345
3035 E Topaz Cir Fax: 602/992-0232
Phoenix, Az 85028-4423
Discover/Novus, Visa, Mastercard or AmEx accepted. Checks & money orders
must be payable to InTrec Software, and must be in US dollars from a US
---[ Begin Form ]-----------[ Cut Here ]----------[ Print Clearly ]---
=>___ =>___
First Name Last Name
Organization (if applicable to KFest)
Shipping Address
State/Province Zip+4 or Postal Code
=>___ =>___
Day Phone Eve Phone
Internet Mail Address
=>___ =>___
Credit Card Number (Mastercard-Visa-Discover/Novus-AmEx) Expiration Date
Name on Card (please print clearly)
Authorized Signature (If printed and mailed, or faxed.)
If you feel that using a credit card number via email may not be secure,
consider mailing via postal service, fax, or call voice to give the card
Checks and money orders must be on a USA bank and USA compatible funds.
Registration Cost Check each Applicable Line
+++ Early Bird rates (Register BEFORE May 15) +++
7 [ ] Double Room before 5/15 .............................. 265.00
8 [ ] Single Room before 5/15 .............................. 330.00
9 [ ] Spouse or child before 5/15 .......................... 200.00
10 [ ] Registration only (no room or meals) before 5/15 ...... 200.00
+++ Rates after the Early Bird Special (Register AFTER May 15) +++
Rates (after May 15 and at the door):
11 [ ] Double Room ......................................... 335.00
12 [ ] Single Room ......................................... 385.00
13 [ ] Spouse or child ..................................... 285.00
14 [ ] Registration only (no room or meals) after 5/15....... 285.00
T-Shirts must be ordered in advance
15 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Small ............................... 15.00
16 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Medium .............................. 15.00
17 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Large ............................... 15.00
18 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 1X-Large ............................ 15.00
19 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 2X-Large ............................ 15.00
20 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 3X-Large ............................ 16.00
21 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 4X-Large ............................ 17.00
22 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 5X-Large ............................ 18.00
23 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 6X-Large ............................ 19.00
24 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 7X-Large ............................ 20.00
25 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 8X-Large ............................ 21.00
26 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 9X-Large ............................ 22.00
May we send your registration confirmation via e-mail? [ ]Yes [ ]No
[ ] As a PDF (Acrobat Reader) file (preferred)
[ ] As a TEXT file mailed to the listed address
Roommate preference: =>___
Prefer smoking/non-smoking roommate: [ ] Smoke [ ] Non-smoke
Today's Date: _=>___ / /
1- Registration fee (see above dates & fees) ......... =>__
2- Registration fee for spouse if applicable ......... =>__
3- T-Shirts Quantity [ ] @ $15.00 ea) ................ =>__
4- Sub-total of lines 1-3: ........................... =>__
5- Arizona residents only add 8.1% tax: .............. =>__
6- Total cost (total of lines 4-5): .................. =>__
---[ End Form ]------------[ Cut Here ]----------[ Print Clearly ]---
Check-in will be from 1-4 pm on Tuesday. Check-out will be from 11 am-1 pm
on Sunday.
Current plans call for formal KFest 2002 sessions to begin with dinner in
the Avila cafeteria on Wednesday evening (time to be announced), followed
by the traditional opening event, the Keynote Address. We've got some great
plans again for that opening night activity. Stay tuned!!
Computer sessions will be conducted on Thursday and Friday. Software and
hardware demos are scheduled for Saturday morning, with a vendor fair
slated for Saturday afternoon.
Reminder: Meals included in the registration price are Wednesday dinner
through Sunday breakfast, with the exception of Saturday dinner.
On Saturday night, attendees can dine on their own at one of the many fine
restaurants near the Avila campus, or join groups of KFesters at a local
favorite selected by the Roastee.
All children under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal
KFest 2002 is again being sponsored by InTrec Software, Inc., makers of
ProTERM telecommunications software for the Apple II and Macintosh.
If you have questions about KFest, or wish to make suggestions, you can
find answers via the Internet. Just send an email message to:
... or visit the KFest World Wide Web page: <http://www.kfest.org>
If you're thinking about attending KFest, you'll enjoy the KFest Internet
e-mail chat:
To subscribe to the KFest Information Mailing List, send email to:
<mailto: majordomo@kfest.org>.
Place the following text in the BODY of the message:
subscribe kfest
You will receive a confirmation e-mail. To be signed up for the list, you
will have to respond to this confirmation as the instructions dictate, and
then you will then be able send and read messages on the mailing list.
Sponsored by:
InTrec Software, Inc.
3035 E Topaz Circle
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423
(KFESTSTEVE [Gouda], Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 24)
As of May, 10 2002 09:47:47 AM, the folks pre-planning their sleep
depravation, fun4all, cosmic experience are listed below.
Call 602 992 1345!
Buy Now! Don't miss this cosmopolitan, attending the worldwide, universal,
global, planetary KFest 2002 Apple II Conference.
Call 602 992 1345!
Buy now, you can pay later (on your credit card).
Be the first on your block to find out the about the Syndicomm underbelly!
Only those attending will have first-hand knowledge -- don't let your
neighbor find out first and then tell you! NO! Be there and get it straight
from those in the know.
But wait! ...Buy now! ...and save $75 (enough to buy a round at KCM!)
Be there when KFest 2003 is planned (a little known secret is that RMS
(that stands for "Raucous Megacentric Shorts) (Heh.. you thought it stood
for Ryan M. Suenaga) will host thee KFest planning session of the future!
Call 602 992 1345! Don't miss it!
Don't miss the phun! Make your friends envious, byte the bag, drink some
brew, hang out, see the demos, wander the halls aimlessly and spend hours
talking to good folks, learn computerese from the masters, shower with the
masses, have some of that swell cafeteria food (make's my mouth water just
thinking about it), and create memories that will last a lifetime!
Size the day!
Call 602 992 1345! NOW!
The official list of honorable KFest 2002 wise folks (UcanBhere2!)
Cindy Adams, Bruce R Baker, Jeff Blakeney, Loren S Damewood, Tony Diaz,
Sean Fahey, Ken Gagne, Steven C Gozdziewski, Howard Katz, Carl G Knoblock,
Sharon Knoblock, Rory McMahon, Ray Merlin, Kirk Mitchell, Allen Moore,
Dain Neater, John Schenk, Eric Shepherd, Sarah Shepherd, Ryan M Suenaga,
Lyle S Syverson, Erick W Wagner, Ephraim Wall, Geoff Weiss
Call 602 992 1345! Call 602 992 1345! Call 602 992 1345! CALL NIOW!
(Jerry Cline, K-Fest Mailing List)
It seems this year there are a lot of folks who are still undecided on
whether or not to come to KFest. Lots. The numbers are in the double
digits, for sure.
They are the folks who will largely decide how this KansasFest turns out.
Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W. -- Chief Sysop, A2 on Syndicomm.com
Publisher, _The Lamp!_ -- Publisher, _A2 News and Notes_
Speak softly and wear loud shorts.
(Ryan M. Suenaga, K-Fest Mailing List)
What!? How can anybody possibly be on the fence about this? Kfest is more
fun than dragging your kids to the Grand Canyon (it's just a big hole in
the ground, after all), more educational than watching reruns of "must-see
TV" (if it were really that good, you'd already have seen it), and more
sleep-depriving than a case of Jolt (bring your own).
C'mon folks, this is the party of the year, and you're all invited. Let's
make this a great year of Kfest fun!
Eric Shepherd
(Eric Shepherd, K-Fest Mailing List)
As I think about all of the KFests I've attended, I have many fantastic
My first KFest was wonderful enough to convince me to take over the job of
organizing it.
Some of my best memories:
Discovering Jess & Jim's
Watching thunderstorms
Meeting people for the first time
Getting lost in the tunnel
Massive telnet sessions
Nerf wars
Floppy disk wars
Staying awake at night
Watching Bite the Bag
Come on folks -- if you haven't registered yet, do it now!!
(Cindy Adams, K-Fest Mailing List)
As I am officially signed up for Kfest now, I look forward to seeing all of
you there that can make it. If there is anyway you think you could make it
do so. It's something that I won't ever forget.
Dain Neater
A2 Syndicomm Keeper of the Boards
(A2.DAIN, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 50)
Official statement from the KFest committee:
Registration information got out late this year, and understandably,
registration numbers are down. Many folks who attend KFest (myself
included) don't send in their registration payment and form until the last
day, if not the last minute.
However, this KFest is different than the ones in previous years--we need
your commitment, and we need it now. If KansasFest 2002 is going to
happen, it's time to put your money where your mouth is.
If you register with payment now, we promise not to cash your checks or
charge your cards until at least May 15th. But if we don't know if you're
coming, there may not be a KFest to come to.
Register now, without delay. If not, there may not be a KansasFest 2002.
(A2.RYAN, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 46)
The KFest FAQ--Ready for this Year of the Palindrome
by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
The KFest FAQ Version 3.0
The following article is set up in a form commonly seen on the
Internet, called Frequently Asked Questions. It is designed to answer some
of the most common questions people have about KansasFest, the Apple II
event of the year. It is not designed to answer general questions about
the Apple II, although there may be some overlap.
Any questions about this article can be sent via email to
Q: What's a FAQ, and how is it pronounced?
A: The letters "FAQ" stand for _F_requently _A_sked _Q_uestions. When
people first hear of or learn of a subject, such as KansasFest, they often
have a number of questions which others before them did when they also
first learned of the same subject. A FAQ is a document listing both the
questions and answers most frequently associated with new users, to save
themselves (and others trying to assist them) time and frustration.
And by the way, it's pronounced "fack", nearly identical to "fact".
Q: What is the purpose of this FAQ?
A: This FAQ is set up to assist people interested in KansasFest, also known
as KFest. Many Apple II enthusiasts are interested in attending or just
want some information about this event, so the most common questions are
answered here.
Q: How can this FAQ be distributed?
A: The content of this FAQ is copyright 1999-2002 by Ryan M. Suenaga, the
publisher of _The Lamp!_. Distribution without the expressed written
consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.
Q: What is KFest?
A: KansasFest, abbreviated "KFest", is a computing conference held every
summer at Avila College in Kansas City, Missouri. Its original formal name
was "The Apple II Summer Conference" while its nickname was "KansasFest",
which was abbreviated to "KFest".
Q: When was the first KFest held?
A: The first KansasFest was held in 1989. It was originally sponsored by
Resource-Central, the folks who brought you the wonderful _Open-Apple_ and
_A2-Central_ (among several other Apple II) publications. After
Resource-Central became ICON, The Apple II Summer Conference became
ICONference. This lasted one summer until ICON shut down. Two different
companies sponsored KFest before Intrec Software, publishers of _ProTERM_,
took over a few years back. This July will welcome the 14th KFest.
Q: When is KFest this year?
A: KansasFest 2002 runs from Tuesday through Sunday, July 23-28, 2002. The
very popular early arrival day is now officially rolled into KansasFest
proper. Meals, however, will not be served at Avila until Wednesday
Q: Where is KFest held?
A: KFest is held at Avila College in Kansas City, Missouri. The address
and phone number are:
Avila College
11901 Wornall Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64145
United States of America
(816) 942-8400
Q: If it's held in Missouri, why is it called KansasFest?
A: I dunno. If it makes you feel better, the Kansas border is very close
to Avila College.
Q: Who comes to KFest?
A: While KFest was originally devoted to programmers, nowadays all kinds of
folk from all over the world show up at Avila College. Programmers, users,
newsletter publishers, and everyday folk show up from Europe, Canada,
Australia, and all over the United States to celebrate the Apple II.
Q: Who organizes KFest?
A: Currently, KFest is organized by a committee headed by The Grand Gouda,
Steve "Godzilla" Gozdziewski, who has taken over from The Big Cheese, Cindy
Adams. Cindy remains on the committee. The scheduling is done by Tony
Diaz, of Alltech Electronics fame. There are several other folks on the
committee as well: Jerry Cline, Allen Moore, and Max Jones all pitch in.
In addition to those good folk on the committee, David Kerwood handles the
maintenance of the World Wide Web site, Devin Reade maintains the email
lists, and Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd provides World Wide Web hosting services
and organizes HackFest, the programming contest. KFest is sponsored by
Intrec Software.
Q: How do I register for KFest? How much does it cost?
A: Depending on when you register, registration prices vary. If you
register early, you'll get a better deal. Please check the KFest Home Page
at http://www.kfest.org/ for the most current information.
Q: Which airport do I fly into and how do I get from there to Avila?
A: The major airport nearly everyone flies into is Kansas City
International, which goes by the code letters MCI (not KCI, which will get
you to Indonesia). There's a couple of small commuter airports which are
closer, but unless you're Tony Diaz, you're not likely to use these.
Even though MCI is the "closest" major airport, it's still most of an
hour's drive from there to Avila, so walking is out of the question and cab
fare would be substantial. Your best bet would be to try and catch a ride
with another KFester who'll be flying in or passing by around the same time
you'll be arriving. Carl Knoblock unofficially organizes rides to and from
the airport. The best way to get in on the ride planning is to join the
KFest email list (information on subscribing is elsewhere in this
Q: What kind of official activities go on at KFest?
A: Officially, there is a keynote speech (this year given by Tony Diaz of
Computer Circulation Center), sessions on various computing topics,
HackFest, a celebrity roast (Apple II writer, editor, publisher, sysop,
Ryan Suenaga, is the victim of honor this year), product demonstrations,
and a vendor fair.
Q: What kind of unofficial activities go on at KFest?
A: Unofficially, there's been movie outings, pizza nights, Bite The Bag
contests, late night eating at Denny's, runs out to Krispy Kreme, and huge
groups of folks going to eat huge pieces of beef at K.C. Masterpiece and
Jess and Jim's restaurants.
Q: Has anyone attended every KFest?
A: One person: Tony Diaz of Alltech Electronics.
Q: I hear that the Avila College dorm is wired for Ethernet. Is there a
way I can access that while I'm there?
A: Yes. In each dorm room in the halls of Avila are two outlets that seem
to be phone jacks. These _aren't_ phone jacks. They're Ethernet ports--to
be exact, they're RJ-45 connectors that are compatible with 10 Base-T
Ethernet. The entire Avila dorm is connected to the Internet this way,
making for high speed World Wide Web browsing, electronic mail, and ftp
connections for KansasFesters during their stay!
Those bringing their true blue Apple IIs will be needing to go the tried
and true modem route aside from LANceGS owners--and even they will need
assistance in the form of a router, as the LANceGS does not currently
support the required DHCP standard used on Avila's campus--but those
KFesters who bring Ethernet-capable computers of other platforms can make
full use of these high speed connections. Let's look at what hardware and
software is needed to get this high speed resource working with your
non-Apple II.
THE HARDWARE All Avila provides is the RJ-45 jack. This looks like an
"""""""""""" overgrown RJ-11 jack (the kind your telephone plugs into),
and in fact, it's a close relative. What you need to bring is a computer
with an appropriate 10 Base-T Ethernet interface and a cable that ends in a
male RJ-45 jack. There are many, many of these cables on the market. If
you are going to purchase one, be sure it's a straight-through class 5
cable, not a crossover cable. Additionally, due to the way the RJ-45 jack
is mounted, you will need a cable ending with a RJ-45 male jack that is not
molded with a surrounding sheath, as the cable will not fit properly. You
want a cable end that looks like this:
| | | |
| | | | <--- Male RJ-45
| | | |
| |___| <-|------ Locking tab
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | <------ Cable
| |
as opposed to this:
| | | |
| | | | <--- Male RJ-45
| | | |
| |___| <-|------ Locking tab
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | <-- Large, molded sheath
| |
| |
| |
| | <------ Cable
| |
I had problems with this at KFest 1998. If you need to get different
cables (or need other hardware in general) you can ask your fellow
attendees if they have extras, or you can run over to the CompUSA in the
area to get what you need. If someone brings an Ethernet hub, perhaps you
can plug into that instead of into the jack provided by Avila.
Once you have this equipment, simply plug in your RJ-45 cable into the
provided jack. You do not need an Ethernet hub unless you'll be running
more than two devices in your room.
THE SOFTWARE The Avila Ethernet server uses a protocol called
"""""""""""" Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP, for short.
Those of you who have set up TCP/IP connections with Windows or Macintosh
computers (or, for that matter, the Apple IIgs) probably have some
familiarity with inserting IP addresses, DNS addresses, and Gateway
addresses. The beauty of DHCP is that it sets up nearly everything you
need dynamically, meaning that the server assigns these addresses--all you
need to do is set up TCP/IP on your computer and choose the DHCP protocol.
I am much more familiar with the setup of DHCP for Macintosh computers than
for Windows machines, and am taking the Windows instructions from a
MAC OS 9 To set up a Macintosh running Open Transport
'''''''' networking for DHCP, all that needs to be done is to switch the
TCP/IP protocol to DHCP Server. So:
(1) Get into your TCP/IP Control Panel;
(2) Select "Ethernet" (or "Built-in Ethernet" or "Alternate
Ethernet" as appropriate) in the "Connect via:" field;
(3) Select "DHCP Server" in the "Configure" field;
(4) Quit and save the changes.
MAC OS X To set up a Macintosh running Mac OS X for DHCP, all
'''''''' that needs to be done is to switch the TCP/IP protocol to Using
(1) Get into your Network Preferences in System Preferences;
(2) Use the "Show" option to select the appropriate Ethernet
(3) Use the "Configure" option" to select "Using DHCP";
(4) Hit the "Apply Now" button.
WINDOWS 95 To set up a Windows 95 machine for DHCP, there are
'''''''''' several additional steps:
(1) Get into your Network Control panel;
(2) Add or select the appropriate Ethernet interface;
(3) Set the "Obtain an IP address automatically" control in the
"IP Address" tab of the TCP/IP Properties window;
(4) Remove any existing setting for a Gateway address in the
"Gateway" tab of the TCP/IP Properties window;
(5) Disable DNS in the "DNS Configuration" tab of the TCP/IP
Properties window;
(6) Save the settings and reboot the computer.
Regardless of which platform you use, if you have software set up to
share your hard drive with other computers, you probably ought to disable
it--unless you like everyone in the Avila Ethernet having access to your
At this point, you ought to be connected. If you previously had any
proxy servers set up for use with your setup before Avila, disable them.
You ought to have easy access for checking mail, browsing the Web, or using
file transfer protocol--and very high speeds. One last caveat:
THE SMTP SERVER As Spam on the Internet proliferates, it has become
""""""""""""""" accepted practice to close off an Internet Service
Provider's mail sending server--usually using Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol, or smtp--to access from anyone who is not directly connected to
the ISP. In other words, no one wants to be a relaying point for Spam.
Because of this, it's likely you will not be able to use the same smtp
server you use at home to send mail while at Avila. There is, however, a
mail.avila.edu smtp server that can be used while at Avila. That ought to
keep your email flowing freely.
Q: I hear that there's wireless Internet access in the Avila dorm. How do
I get hooked up?
A: Ah, the infamous wireless. Several KFesters have set up Apple Airport
Base Stations and other equivalents. Please see one of them (Sean Fahey,
Eric Shepherd, and Ryan Suenaga are likely candidates) if you'd like to get
on the wireless 'Net.
Q: How can I learn more about KFest?
A: You can get more information on KansasFest by visiting the KansasFest
World Wide Web site at http://www.kfest.org/ or sending email to
kfest-help@kfest.org. You could also subscribe to the KFest mailing list
by sending email to majordomo@kfest.org. In the body of the email include
the text:
subscribe kfest
You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on finalizing your
Q: Should I go to KFest?
A: Need you ask? KFest is a must for the serious Apple II fanatic. Do
yourself a favor--you're worth it. Show up at KFest 2002--a KFest
About The Lamp! The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month on
""""""""""""""" the WEB at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes. Apple II Forever!
* The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2002 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W. All
rights reserved.
* To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to
* All issues of The Lamp! are available at The Lamp! Home Page,
Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Delphi Online
Services, Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson. Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors. A2Central.com, Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy
or suitability of any information included herein. We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.
Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the publisher. Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.