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Lighting Your Apple II Path | |
"Teaching the Apple II user how to fish since 1998"
The Lamp! An Onipa'a Software Production Vol. 5, No. 4
Publisher................................Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Editor.....................................................Lyle Syverson
Internet Email, Publisher.........................thelamp@sheppyware.net
Internet Email, Editor................................lyle@FoxValley.net
April 15, 2002
HIGH ABOVE THE ROCK RIVER---------------------------------------------[OPN]
A Classic Theater
Classic A2
K-Fest, Another Classic
A2 FORUM AT Syndicomm Online (A2Central.com) DISTILLATIONS
The Dave Lyons Chat Mar 19, 2002---------------------------------[DLC]
Avoiding Added Resource Fork - Mac Copy to ProDOS Vol------------[ARF]
Reminiscing - Beagle Bros. Software------------------------------[RBB]
MUG! NDA Scores Again--------------------------------------------[MSA]
AppleWorks DataBase Question-------------------------------------[ADQ]
Suggestions on Fighting Spam-------------------------------------[SFS]
Experience With Spam---------------------------------------------[EWS]
Yahoo Changes Marketing Preferences------------------------------[YCP]
Silvern Castle on Stock IIe--------------------------------------[SCS]
Silvern Castle v7.4 Update---------------------------------------[SCU]
No Slot Clock Source---------------------------------------------[NSC]
Switchbox With ADB-----------------------------------------------[SWA]
Cleaning a Keyboard After a Spill--------------------------------[CKS]
The Ideal Printer for the Apple IIgs-----------------------------[PFG]
Switch Printers?-------------------------------------------------[SPR]
ORCA/M Glitch on Hard Drive--------------------------------------[OGH]
Next Issue of Juiced.GS Will Ship in April-----------------------[JGA]
Special Offer for New Subscribers to Juiced.GS-------------------[SNS]
The First Apple ][ Emulator?-------------------------------------[FAE]
Writing GS Code--------------------------------------------------[WGC]
Nifty List Now Freeware------------------------------------------[NLF]
The Apple II Desktop Toolkit for ProDOS--------------------------[DTK]
Sync Program - IIgs <--> Palm, etc.------------------------------[SGP]
LCD Monitors on a Second Sight Card------------------------------[LMS]
Syndicomm Changes Anti-Spam Techniques for Email-----------------[AST]
To Sign up for Syndicomm Online----------------------------------[TSU]
New Owner, Apple IIgs - Hard Drives------------------------------[AGH]
New Owner, Apple IIgs - Links to Information---------------------[LTI]
Assembly Langauge - Entry Point, Beginning of Segment------------[EPB]
Assembly Langauge - Toolbox Reference Error----------------------[TRE]
Marinetti Open Source Project - Update---------------------------[MOS]
No Letters to the Editor This Month------------------------------[NLE]
An Invitation----------------------------------------------------[LTE]
KFEST 2002
K-Fest 2002 Registration Information-----------------------------[KFR]
Ready for Another K-Fest-----------------------------------------[RKF]
Where do You go for Airline Tickets?-----------------------------[WAT]
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
[*] [*] [*]
READING THE LAMP! The index system used by The Lamp! is designed to make
""""""""""""""""" your reading easier. To use this system, load this
issue into any word processor or text editor. In the index you will find
something like:
About The Lamp! ------------------------------------------------ [INN]
To read this article, simply use your search or find command to locate
[INN]. There is a similar tag at the end of each article: [EOA].
From The Editor
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net>
A Classic Theater
From High Above The Rock River, off in the distance we can see the
classic Coronado Theater. It was built in 1927 as an "atmospheric" movie
theater. An elaborate organ console finished in a beautiful ivory color
comes up out of the floor near the stage when the organ is needed. The
walls are decorated with detailed painting of molded plaster designs.
Surrounding the balcony are the shapes and lights of a nighttime view of a
Persian village. The ceiling is made of dark blue velvet with a multitude
of small blinking lights (twinkling stars). Projection of slowly moving
clouds across the ceiling completes the illusion of being outdoors on a
delightful evening.
This theater was owned by a series of theater companies over the
years. It was donated to the city several years ago. Slowly it was
falling into a state of disrepair. There were those who advocated tearing
it down. But there was this couple who had the vision and leadership
ability to muster a campaign to raise the money needed to refurbish this
beautiful theater. Two years ago it reopened with great fanfare. It now
serves as a place to present symphonies, rock concerts, broadway plays...
even old silent movies accompanied by that great organ.
Classic A2
Over the years the message boards and file collections at GEnie A2 and
A2 Pro, followed by Delphi A2 and A2 Pro, grew to great proportions through
the contributions of many people. Then there were those that kept those
collections organized and archived. Add the foresight of those who
downloaded these files and message archives in preparation for the day that
they would no longer be available from GEnie or Delphi.
Hats off to Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd for his vision and leadership in
acquiring and rebuilding Syndicomm Online. A great place to chat, exchange
messages, and have access to those A2 files and message archives.
K-Fest, Another Classic
KansasFest 2002 is scheduled for July 23 through 28. The committee
has been working hard to provide another great K-Fest. We would really
like to see you there. See the K-Fest section of this issue for
registration information.
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DISTILLATIONS FROM The A2 FORUM at Syndicomm.com |
(A2Central.com) |
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Last night's Dave Lyons chat was great. Thanks to the guys here for
setting that up. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 46)
It was fantastic. There were upwards of 20-25 people most of the time.
Dave was great and answered lots of questions. Hopefully we'll see him more
(CINDYADAMS, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 47)
I am sorry I missed it, but 3:00 am was a little too early/late for me.
Has anyone made a transcript of the RTC? I would like to see it if they
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Wed 20 Mar 2002 - 125 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 48)
Yep, I'm working on the transcript and it should be all ready to go by the
weekend, if all goes well. B-{)
A2 RTC Manager
(A2.KIRK, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 51)
This transcript can be found at:
"DaveLyonsChatTranscript.txt" is a very descriptive file name... but it
sure gets clobbered downloading to a ProDOS Vol. via an Apple II. :)
Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net> Editor, _The Lamp!_
published monthly at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
(LYLE, Cat 2, Top 6, Msg 52)
In case I can't make it to the conference with Dave Lyons, would someone
please ask him if he knows of a Mac OS Finder hack that would solve the
irritating habit of adding a Resource Fork to previously non-forked files
when they are copied to a ProDOS formatted disk?
I know Dave is working on OS X now and has bigger things to worry about,
but after all, this is the A2 Forum. <g>
(HUGHHOOD, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 296)
Change the file-type to TEXT in the Mac Finder and all will be well, as
Text files will not have a resource fork added as they are copied over. If
you want to be more precise, change the Creator to 'pdos', and the Type to
the hex equivalent of the ProDOS filetype and auxtype.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Mon 18 Mar 2002 - 127 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 297)
Thanks for indulging me in this discussion. I suppose it should be moved to
another topic, but here goes.
My testing shows that even if _both_ creator is changed to 'pdos' and file
type changed to 'TEXT' (or even $04 for ProDOS TXT type, please don't make
me figure the auxtype <g> ), a copy of a non-forked text file from the Mac
OS Finder to a ProDOS formatted diskette (or ProDOS formatted disk image
for floppy-less newer Macs such as your Blue&White) results in the copied
file now containing both a Data and Resource fork, with the Resource fork
size being '0'.
Please humor me and create a one line text file in ProTerm Mac. It will be
a non-forked file. First save (from within ProTerm Mac) the file (TEST1) to
the Mac Desktop. Then save (from within ProTerm Mac) the same file (TEST2)
to a ProDOS formatted floppy or floppy image.
Now, quit ProTerm Mac and copy the file (using the Finder) on the Mac
Desktop (TEST1) to either your ProDOS formatted floppy or floppy image.
Feel free to change the creator and file types before copying, but I've
found it makes no difference.
Now, launch Bernie and mount the floppy or floppy image. Then use your
choice of programs, (mine is AppleWorks5.1) to load and/or examine the
files. I think you'll notice that TEST1 (copied to ProDOS from the Finder)
is forked, while TEST2 (copied to ProDOS from ProTerm) is not. If your copy
of AppleWorks has the Timeout Accessory 'Datafile', it will list the sizes
of the data and resource forks on forked files. Also, AppleWorks (as well
as other 8-bit programs) will not load TEST1, but work just fine with
I'm using Mac OS 8.6, but I don't believe things have changed for 9.x.
Again, thanks for your indulgence. This problem is irritating and I'm still
scratching my head as to why it would exit at all.
If after you've duplicated the above listed procedure you've found a method
that overcomes the problem, please let me know.
(HUGHHOOD, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 298)
Here are the results of my tests using a one line file saved and dragged in
different combinations:
Saving to the Mac desktop (zero resource fork by default) and dragging to a
ProDOS floppy, shows a resource fork on the IIgs. Dragging the same file to
an HFS disk does not.
Saving directly from ProTerm Mac to either a ProDOS floppy or an HFS disk,
does not show a resource on the IIgs.
I usually use HFS disks to save to as for my uses they are more flexible
than ProDOS, and Bernie is quite happy with either type. In fact I usually
keep a Mac RAM disk running for the easy transfer of files to and from the
two environments.
The answer therefore is to use an HFS floppy rather than a ProDOS floppy.
There is another factor to consider. Files dragged over from the Mac
desktop can sometimes end up with a filetype of $00 on the IIgs. I found
this out quite early on, so in general, Spectrum will open a file of type
$00 as if it were a text file, but other programs may refuse to see it.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Mon 25 Mar 2002 - 120 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 299)
I agree the whole forked file thing is a pita for 8-bit users. I have done
a few different things to deal with the situation:
1) Use ForkSplit, which is in the file library here, to split the data and
resource into separate files.
2) For text files, used Hermes or Shadowwrite to open the file, then save
over it.
All of that said, it would be nice if the thing would just not add on a
resource fork :)
(A2.RYAN, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 300)
Another way to deal with forked files would be to save on a Macintosh disk
and use the 8-bit a2fx program, which reads data from hfs disks (and saves
both forks to a ProDos disk).
(KWS, Cat 2, Top 8, Msg 301)
An Apple II user recently pointed me to this column reminiscing about the
Beagle Bros. software company:
(KGAGNE, Cat 2, Top 34, Msg 64)
Just thought I'd post a message here for Peter Watson, who I know hangs out
here from time to time :)
I recently got my hands on a digital camera that attaches to host computers
via USB. I hooked it up to my USB equipped Mac and it showed up as a MSDOS
Thinking about it for a minute, I started Bernie on that same Mac, then
dragged the MSDOS volume (the camera) to the Bernie disks window.
I started up the MUG! NDA and was able to copy files successfully from the
camera to my virtual GS and use them with SuperConvert.
That's pretty darned impressive, Mr. Watson. :)
(A2.RYAN, Cat 7, Top 5, Msg 7)
I put a lot of effort into the code to be able to read just about anything
that followed the rules (that I knew about, anyway). It's always nice to
see some benefit for the work! :-)
For the record, about the only thing that I know MUG! definitely *can't*
handle is a FAT32 disk, but I don't expect to see many MS-DOS disks > 2GB
connected to a GS!
At times I've thought about trying to support FAT32 (32-bit FAT entries),
but there were always going to be issues going to 32-bit values in my
16-bit oriented code. More to the point, as I've learned more about the
FAT32 format, there are other design issues to resolve. For example, the
root directory is no longer at a fixed position with a fixed size.
To cut a long story short, there's way too much effort for the time I have
available (especially since I don't have a hyperspeed GS emulator!).
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 7, Top 5, Msg 9)
In a typical database record, where each field is on its own line, the name
of the field and its contents can occupy a total of about 80 characters.
Is there a method for entering data beyond that limit (ie, I want to put a
long list of data into a single field)?
(KGAGNE, Cat 9, Top 22, Msg 5)
If by list, you mean a vertical list, I don't think there is a way.
However, there is a Timeout module (the name of which escapes me at the
moment) that would allow you to link a word processing document to a
database, with each paragraph of the wp document linked to a record in the
database. It was essentially a hack to simulate the "memo" field found in
other database programs like Access. I don't think you could search or
sort on that field though.
As I think about it, what I'm discussing was probably in one of the Timeout
Desktools sets, but I wouldn't swear to it.
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 9, Top 22, Msg 7)
>> As I think about it, what I'm discussing was probably in one of the
Timeout Desktools sets, but I wouldn't swear to it. <<
Nope! I was trying to think of the name yesterday and I couldn't, so I
didn't reply. But I do have the add-on (strictly speaking, I think it was
an "init" rather than a TimeOut module).
Let's see now. It was by Randy Brandt, and (checking Google), ah yes, it
was called Total Control. I believe that a) it is part of AW4 and later,
and b) it has been released as freeware for previous versions (although
that may need to be confirmed).
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 9, Top 22, Msg 8)
I've mostly avoided spam by using dain@mac.com for any address entered
where I know I don't need a response from a company. I then usually just
dump it every once and a while. While, I still get it, it stays out of my
main mail box.
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 49)
See if you can get your ISP to install Spam Assassin, a Perl program that
rates incoming mail and labels it as probable spam or not.
Afterwards, a simple procmail filter or easy filter on your email client
can check for the label and dump the garbage.
This has made one of my favorite shell accounts usable for email again.
I've gone from 30-40 spams to one or two a day.
I appreciate that. I've had no problems enlarging body parts in any case.
(A2.KIRK, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 54)
My experience with spam...
I have an old college account that is listed on a semi-popular web site.
Virtually the only spam I received while in college was for toner, or
services I had a relationship with (which would make it non-spam). Since
graduating, it's started getting more and more.
My delphi account (listed on a couple of web sites) - I only received 5-10
spam total in 2-3 years. I posted to usenet with that account as well.
A2central (syndicomm) - not listed anywhere, never received any spam from
Unlisted address from a company that was bought out by earthlink.net - The
first time I checked it, even though that address was never used, it had
spam (that was while they were still independent). The address was
eventually listed on a couple web sites. It sucked in spam like a hoover
sucks in dirt.
Currently, I have a virtual hosted web site and my own domain with
unlimited mail aliases. The address is listed on the same sites the
earthlink address was formerly listed at. Two weeks ago, I could have told
you that I never received any spam, but in the past week I've received 3
spams. They came via a kaig.com redirect, though, so I'll set up a
procmail filter for them this weekend.
I guess the moral is: use syndicomm as your primary account :)
(KWS, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 56)
Has everyone already heard that Yahoo! changed all their customers'
marketing preferences to indicate "Yes", they wish to receive solicitation
on all matter of subjects?
I checked my own account today, and sure enough, I had to click everything
to "No".
(KGAGNE, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 50)
At least they sent email warning about it. I got over there and changed
mine to "no" real quickly, too.
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Tue 9 Apr 02 9:35:45 pm
cknoblo@applelinc.org - Via Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8
KFest 2002, July 23-28, 2002 - 105 days till KFest
On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
A2 RTC Staff - Saturday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com
(CARLK, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 51)
I think they only sent a warning if you checked the "receive 15 minute
warning before we change you preferences" box.
(KWS, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 52)
I have added yahoo (along with hotmail and juno) to domains that
automatically get filtered into my "spam" mailbox.
Gary R. Utter
(HINDMOST, Cat 11, Top 26, Msg 53)
For anyone running Silvern Castle on a stock IIe, one thing you can try to
make it run faster is to turn on text mode (press CTRL-T while in the maze,
or at the main menu of camp or market).
Turning on text mode will bypass the hi-res character generator and display
everything on the text screen (except for the automap of course), making
messages display more snappier. The maze viewport will even change to a
cool 2-D overhead view.
To go back to graphic mode, press CTRL-T again.
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 111)
Silvern Castle v7.4 update:
This update is due for release any day now!
Major Changes:
-Automap plotting 5x faster
-More preferences:
(1) Fluctuating store prices
(2) Show spells cast by monsters
(3) Easier XP advancement
(4) Fast combat monster equip
(5) Show monster HP remaining
-New command: Quick P)lot Inhibits plotting expended maze views with light
spells in effect
-Minor bugs fixed
-Other features
Jeff Fink
(FINKSTERJ, Cat 14, Top 7, Msg 112)
Has anyone found a cheaper source for the NSC?
Part number DS1216C
(SBEATTIE, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 10)
No, that's a really good price.
If you're going to make an order, I'd like to be in on it. I need one for
my IIe here :)
(A2.RYAN, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 11)
The version in the price list I posted is the RAM version....is that going
to be OK on either a //e, //c, or //c+? Tony's post seemed to indicate it
would. If so, I'll order for anyone who wants one.
(SBEATTIE, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 13)
The No Slot Clock is the Dallas SmartWatch DS1216E. I haven't gone looking
for it in awhile.
(A2.RYAN, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 15)
But the "C" version should work just as well? (Under a RAM chip)?
(SBEATTIE, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 16)
BTHOOM. I have no data on the C at all.
I would imagine that it would not work with the same software, though.
Probably would have to alter the software to look elsewhere for the chip.
(A2.RYAN, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 17)
That web page for those who haven't looked.
(From http://www.unicornelectronics.com/DALLAS.html)
Dallas Semiconductor
Stock Pins Description 1-24 25-99 100+
~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
DS1202 8 Serial Timekeeping Chip ( 24 x 8 RAM) 4.99 4.74 4.27
DS1210 8 Nonvolatile Controller Chip 3.49 3.32 2.99
DS1213C 28 SmartSocket 64K/256K bit 12.99 12.34 11.11
DS1216C 28 Smartwatch/RAM 64K/256K 20.99 19.94 17.95
DS1220Y 24 16K Nonvolatile SRAM 10% Power, 150ns 8.99 8.54 7.69
DS1225 28 64K Nonvolatile SRAM 5% Power, 150ns 10.99 10.44 9.40
DS1230 28 256K Nonvolatile SRAM 10% Power, 150ns 15.99 15.19 13.67
DS1232 8 Micromonitor Chip 2.79 2.65 2.39
DS1286 28 Watchdog Timekeeper (50 byte RAM) 14.99 14.24 12.82
* Discontinued by manufacturer - stock conditions may vary
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 17, Top 6, Msg 14)
How hard is it to find a switchbox that has ADB on it? I am not having all
that much luck. Do they work well with a Mac and a IIgs?
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 17, Top 11, Msg 18)
Dr. Bott (www.drbott.com) sells switchboxes that have ADB and Mac video
ports. Works fine with the GS (although obviously the video doesn't work
on the GS :).
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 17, Top 11, Msg 19)
Apple always warns you NEVER to plug and unplug an ADB device while the
computer is switched on. The computer will usually freeze or crash if you
How Dr. Bott is doing it I don't know...
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Wed 27 Mar 2002 - 118 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 17, Top 11, Msg 20)
It's a matter of designing a switch that fools the computers into thinking
nothing's happening. As I understand it, the Dr. Bott switchbox tricks the
computer into thinking it's still connected to the ADB devices, so that
there's no discontinuity of signal. It also avoids any kind of ESD or
surge that might fry anything.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 17, Top 11, Msg 22)
My father spilled some orange juice on the Apple IIgs keyboard last week.
He cleaned it as best he could without opening the board, but didn't tell
me until I tried to use the computer yesterday. Many of the keys stick
down or to each other. Is there anything further I can do to clean the
(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 19, Msg 18)
Open the keyboard case by removing the three phillips screws from the their
recesses on the bottom. Remove the top cover which consists of just the
little stripe with the Apple logo at the back of the keyboard. Now lift the
electronic subassembly out by tilting it up from the back. The main support
structure of the subassembly is a heavy gauge sheet metal tray into which
are press-fitted the bodies of the switches (keys). This metal tray should
have prevented the liquid from reaching the component side of the PCB
(Printed Circuit Board) underneath it.
Clean the assembly with Rubbing Alcohol and a cotton swap (Q-Tip). The
only type of rubbing alcohol to use on electronics is ISOPROPYL (remember
that METHYL goes in gasoline and ETHYL goes in people). Isopropyl alcohol
is the only one that will not damage the solder mask on the PCB. You may
have to remove some of the keycaps to access all areas of the tray. Do so
by lifting the cap straight up from the post. Do not apply sideways
pressure to the posts by prying at the edges of the caps. Remember that
the posts were only plastic when the switches were manufactured more than a
decade ago and may have become brittle. The keycaps pop straight on and off
the tops of the posts. Remove only the regular size keycaps, leave the
oversized caps in place (Space Bar, Return, Shift, Control, etc). The
over-sized keycaps have support guides which make their removal more
Allow the assembly to dry overnight or use canned compressed air to speed
drying time. Do not use air from a shop air compressor, it may contain
tiny droplets of lubricating oil that will harm the assembly.
R E M E M B E R that alcohol (and it's vapor) are flammable! Do not work
near an open flame or smoke while working. Do not speed drying time by
using an oven or hot air from a hair dryer.
Reassemble the keyboard in reverse order.
Roger A. Schnorenberg - Roger
"Roger A. Schnorenberg" <AB0MX@ARRL.net>
Delivered by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8 with NiftySpell 1.0
Via Marinetti 2.1 TCP/IP stack on a ROM 0 IIGS upgraded to the max!
(SCHNORENBERG, Cat 17, Top 19, Msg 20)
I was wondering what you guys and gals thought about the ideal Printer for
an Apple IIgs? The only thing I have used is the Imagewriter II and a HP
500 Deskjet that I never got to work properly. I personally don't mind
the Imagewriter as long as I don't have to print out something more than a
few pages long;)
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 32)
I personally like older LaserWriters that support LocalTalk.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 33)
I have had very good results with the HP DeskJet 420.
Ref: _The Lamp!_ October 1999
"Hewlett Packard Deskjets And The Apple II" by Lyle Syverson
Lyle Syverson <lyle@FoxValley.net> Editor, _The Lamp!_
published monthly at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
(LYLE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 34)
Older issues of GenieLamp! also include Ryan's counsel to me to buy an HP
DeskJet 340. I've been pleased with its use on both my IIgs and Macs.
(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 35)
I Love my HP Deskjet 550C. Good resolution, good color. It was also
possible to set up codes for Classic Appleworks to Print German.
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 36)
I'm using a Desk 670C with Harmony (and Pointless). Prints quite nice in up
to 600x300dpi Black and White, or 300dpi color. Cartridges are expensive
for it, so I don't use the 670C on the Mac any more. I'd love to do an
update on Harmony one day to make it support more printers, like my Canon
S400 which costs a fraction of the HP to run...
Kim Howe
Newton Forum Host
(KIMHOWE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 37)
I hear you Kim. The harmonie drivers work pretty well with my EPSON 740,
but there is a small problem that renders it basically worthless. A page
of printing always spills into the next page. For every 10 pages you
print...you get 20. I guess this could be a problem with the EPSON ESC/2(I
think that is correct) emulation.
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 38)
I've used a DJ500, and a DJ550C, and both worked quite well. In fact, I'm
still using the 550C. What's ideal depends on what and how much you print.
For someone who does a lot of printing, and doesn't really need color, a
LaserJet might be better. Most HP printers with HPL and a parallel
connector will work with a parallel printer card.
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Wed 27 Mar 02 10:55:32 pm
cknoblo@applelinc.org - Via Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8
KFest 2002, July 23-28, 2002 - 118 days till KFest
On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
A2 RTC Staff - Saturday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com
(CARLK, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 39)
I currently have an HP DeskJet 340 connected to my Apple IIgs. A friend is
offering me her HP DeskJet 550. Would I be able to replace my current
printer with hers without any trouble, or would there be various
driver/configuration issues to address?
(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 40)
You could straight out trade the 550 for the 340 and you'd likely be fine,
but you may -want- to change things for a few reasons:
(1) The 550 has a serial port, so you may want to drive it via serial
rather than parallel (save a slot)
(2) The 550 has two ink cartridges (black and color) vs. the single color
ink cart of the 340
FWIW, if you want a Deskjet for the IIgs, both of these are good, but the
550 might be the best. Provided it still works, it's been out of
production awhile.
(A2.RYAN, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 41)
Does it (the 550) also have a parallel port?
(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 42)
>> Does it also have a parallel port? <<
Yes, indeed. In fact, one of the neat things about it is that you can have
2 computers plugged into it at the same time, like a GS with a parallel
card and a mac with the serial port, and it will take input from both
without any problem.
(at least my 550C did. I'd assume the 550 would as well.)
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 43)
That sounds like a very handy feature. I've had no luck connecting my HP
DJ 340 to two computers via a switchbox, leaving me to power down the IIgs
and connect and disconnect the printer on a regular basis.
I guess I'll take the 550 my friend is offering. :)
(KGAGNE, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 44)
I actually had my Epson 740 set up on the 7500 via Serial, the Powerbook
via Wallstreet and the GS via Parallel. It worked, except for one thing.
The Page breaks didn't work properly on the IIgs. I love being able to
hook up multiple machines to one printer without the switch box. It sounds
like the 550 would be a nice printer on the IIgs.
(A2.DAIN, Cat 17, Top 25, Msg 45)
I installed ORCA/M on to a 32 MB ProDOS partition. When I do the
Name Type Blocks Modified Created Access Subtype
PRODOS SYS 32 16 JAN 87 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR
ORCA.SYSTEM SYS 6 16 JAN 87 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR
ORCA.HOST BIN 13 16 JAN 87 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR A=$0800
SYSTEM DIR 1 8 APR 96 14:25 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR
LANGUAGES DIR 1 8 APR 96 14:25 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR
LIBRARIES DIR 1 8 APR 96 14:25 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR
UTILITIES DIR 1 8 APR 96 14:26 8 APR 96 14:25 DNBWR
MACROS DIR 1 8 APR 96 14:26 8 APR 96 14:26 DNBWR
TEST.ROOT OBJ 1 8 APR 96 15:13 8 APR 96 15:13 DNBWR
MYPROG SRC 1 8 APR 96 15:12 8 APR 96 15:08 DNBWR ASM6502
TEST BIN 1 8 APR 96 15:13 8 APR 96 15:13 DNBWR A=$2000
Blocks Free: -939 Blocks Used: 938 Total Blocks: -1
Notice I have a total block count of "-1" and thus the negative free block
count. Why is this?
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 22, Top 12, Msg 1)
Looks like it's not handling the 32768 block count right. Not a huge
surprise; ORCA/M for 8-bit machines predates any significant use of hard
drives by quite a bit. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 22, Top 12, Msg 2)
Just thought I'd let folks know that we're going to ship the next issue of
Juiced.GS in April 2002.
That being the case, it's probably a smart idea to renew now :)
(A2.RYAN, Cat 23, Top 2, Msg 228)
Syndicomm is pleased to make this special offer:
All new Juiced.GS subscribers (meaning people that were not subscribers in
2001) can choose to receive a free ComputerEyes GS card, paying only a
shipping and handling charge of $3.50 in the US and $9 elsewhere.
Visit http://www.juiced.gs/subscribe/ for details and to sign up!
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 23, Top 7, Msg 1)
Does anyone know by chance, what the first Apple ][ emulator was? The
first one I ever used was AppleWin, but I know that one wasn't the first.
I also used ApplePC a few times, until I got a Mac and started using
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 29, Top 3, Msg 3)
The earliest purely software emulators I could find was the "][ in a
(Mac/PC)" emulator. ][ in a Mac originally came out in 1986 and was
written by Randy Ubillos. This was a commercial product from
COMPUTER:applications, Inc. in Raleigh, North Carolina. I don't know much
about the capabilities of this emulator but it was designed to run the B&W
Macintosh Plus era machines. This even predates the IIe Card for the Mac
LC which is kind of neat. From what I've heard this emulator is slow with
a number of bugs.
As far as I can tell, ][ in a Mac and the IIe card were the only games in
town on the Mac side until 1994. Kevin Lund and Jim Nitchals released
"Stop The Madness" as a public beta in February with the intent of creating
a commercial product. STM was an Apple ][ plus emulator that ran on 68K
Macintoshes. They opened cassandra.ucr.edu ftp site requesting software
uploads to further beta testing. As you can probably guess, this quickly
got out of hand as cassandra.ucr.edu quickly became one of the first warez
sites for Apple II software. In the end they closed the site and never
completed the project. Rumors abound that Kevin was working on a PPC
native version of STM but that project never came to light.
There were a few II+/IIe emulators that followed but were overshadowed by
the December 1996 open beta for "Fast Eddie", a full Apple IIGS emulator.
As most of you know, this evolved into "Bernie ][ The Rescue" and emulation
on the Macintosh has never been quite the same since. Written by Andre
Horstmann and Henrik Gudat, Bernie got so good, so quick that it put a
planned IIGS emulator, Gus, from Dave Lyons and Andy Nicholas (of Apple
Computer) on the back burner.
Mark Percival - Syndicomm.com Apple II RTC Host
"Midweek Madness!" every Wednesday night.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
(MARK, Cat 29, Top 3, Msg 7)
Man, I wish I had time to code. I really want to write some GS code. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 9)
I know what you mean! It's just not the same when real life interferes with
(I always liked the quote: Life is what happens while you make other
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 10)
Yeah, really.
I do want to update one of my existing programs, just because I have a
particular need for some new features. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 11)
I still love programming the GS. I'm going to write some code today.
Kim Howe
Newton Forum Host
(KIMHOWE, Cat 50, Top 5, Msg 12)
Dave Lyons announced at our chat the other day that Nifty List is now
freeware! If you write Apple II code and don't already have Nifty List
installed, you're out of your mind! :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 54, Top 4, Msg 1)
I thought Dave made it freeware many years ago, about the time he realized
that his work at Apple was starting to conflict with his private
programming. (It might even have been as long ago as KFest 92.) I think it
was about the same time as he dropped the 'PO Box' address he used for
That said, I agree, it is one of the more useful tools around, especially
at the price. (Even if I did have to pay for it, grumble, grumble.)
There are a number of useful "plug-in" utilities around as well (both by
Dave and by third parties), which add extra commands to Nifty List.
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 54, Top 4, Msg 2)
I remember looking at it and thinking how great it would be, but because I
couldn't afford the fee at the time I haven't been using it. Time to find
out what CD I've got it on and install :)
Kim Howe
Newton Forum Host
(KIMHOWE, Cat 54, Top 4, Msg 5)
So is it (Nifty List) available here?
| homas
(TCOMPTER, Cat 54, Top 4, Msg 4)
NiftyList seems to be located in
There are two other files in the Niftylist Directory nexus.1.1.bxy and
nexus.bxy-1, but I am not sure what either of those are.
Dain Neater
syndicomm rocks!
(A2.DAIN, Cat 54, Top 4, Msg 7)
THE Apple II Desktop Toolkit for ProDOS
I've been flipping through the docs for the Apple II Desktop Toolkit for
ProDOS. It looks quite interesting. Has anyone played with it any?
(Syndicomm sells it, so I'm curious how useful it is :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 54, Top 50, Msg 1)
Is that the package that allows an Applesoft program to play with Windows,
menus and mice?
I remember playing with something like that many years ago. It all seemed a
bit too much trouble for an Applesoft program, although I seem to remember
that the net effect was pretty good considering it was running in text mode
using Mousetext.
I think there was a Pascal interface as well, which I never looked at. I've
sometimes wondered whether it was used by the On Balance home accounting
package which I used for many years. On Balance was pCode-based (but maybe
not Pascal?). It ran in black & white double hi-res, and was simply the
best WIMP interface for an 8-bit Apple II that I know of. Period.
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 54, Top 50, Msg 2)
From what I can see, this package has both a text version and a DHR
version. It's accessible from both Applesoft and machine language, as well
as from Pascal. It looks pretty thorough, although I'm unsure how much
memory you have left by the time this thing is loaded. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 54, Top 50, Msg 3)
SYNC PROGRAM - IIgs <--> Palm, etc.
Has anyone looked into porting one of the open-source Palm sync utilities,
like ColdSync, to the IIgs?
I think it'd be a great, handy use for my IIgs, to use it as a backup
station for my Palm. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 57, Top 13, Msg 1)
Spectrum would definitely be the fastest way to develop a sync program
between the GS and a Palm (or Newton or any other equivalent device).
I remember seeing at one time an open source program to sync to a Newton.
If I recall correctly, it wouldn't be too hard to port as a Spectrum
I'd love for cell phones to come standard with a serial port so the phone
book list can be sync'd. When I got a new cell phone last October, it was
a pain to enter all my numbers from my old phone to my new phone.
(GEOFF, Cat 57, Top 13, Msg 4)
>> I'd love for cell phones to come standard with a serial port <<
A lot of them now come with IR ports for doing this.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 57, Top 13, Msg 5)
I was looking at LCD monitors at Costco yesterday. They have finally
gotten to where you can get a real nice one for a reasonable price. Does
anyone know if they can be run from a Second Sight in a real GS?
MT Steve
(S.BERNBAUM, Cat 61, Top 19, Msg 1)
I don't see any reason why not. Of course, with KFest on the horizon, it's
not in my budget to get one anytime this year. . .
(A2.RYAN, Cat 61, Top 19, Msg 2)
I do not see any reason why the Second Sight video card would not work with
any "VESA" compatible SVGA monitor. VESA is the PC standard which maps
certain video frequencies and resolutions for a displayable image. You can
be pretty certain that any modern day monitor with the standard 15-pin SVGA
video connector is VESA compatible.
Once 19" TFT LCD monitors fall below $500, I'll get one for home. I'll
know for certain if my assumption stated above is correct :)
(GEOFF, Cat 61, Top 19, Msg 3)
One thing of note though, is that those LCDs have a native resolution that
looks much better than the others which are interpolated (I think that is
the term). Most of the ones out there are in the 1024x768 or higher.
Scaling down to what the second sight does will give you a slightly blurry
picture, but it would still be cool:)
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 61, Top 19, Msg 4)
Thanks Ryan, Dain, and Geoff,
The LCD monitors were labeled as VESA but I did not know if that was
compatible with the Second Sight. The ones that I saw were a 15" for
around $350 and a 17" for a bit over $500.
MT Steve
(S.BERNBAUM, Cat 61, Top 19, Msg 5)
Don't forget that the pixel shape is different for a IIgs than a PC, so you
are likely to need an interpolated screen to view it. Interpolation tends
to give a fuzzy result in my experience.
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Mon 25 Mar 2002 - 120 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 61, Top 19, Msg 6)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Our anti-spam techniques on our mail server have been changed again today.
The RBL/DUL from mail-abuse.org that we have been using have been very
ineffective (it turns out that they actually charge to use the service, but
their documentation on their website fails to mention that).
We have decided rather than us blocking the mail, it would be better to
insert headers into the messages stating that various DNSBL sites have
blacklisted the sender's mail server. This allows you to filter your own
mail if you want to, but doesn't force our decisions about what messages
are spam on each of you.
We are now doing lookups against the following DNSBL lists:
DNSBL service: Inserted header name:
inputs.orbz.org X-Spam-ORBZInputs:
relays.visi.com X-Spam-RSL:
dialups.relays.osirusoft.com X-Spam-OsiruDUL:
inputs.relays.osirusoft.com X-Spam-OsiruInputs:
bl.spamcop.net X-Spam-SpamCop:
The header actually inserted into your email will look something like this:
X-Spam-ORBZInputs: Blacklisted by inputs.orbz.org, see
where www.xxx.yyy.zzz will normally be the IP address of the server that's
listed, so you can look and see what info they have listed about it.
If your email program supports filtering mail by the presence of headers in
the messages, you can then filter on the ones you wish to filter on.
Before deciding whether or not to filter on a specific blackhole list, you
should probably investigate what types of things are blocked on each list.
The best way to do this is by checking each of their websites:
We may at some point be able to offer a way to filter it server-side based
on individual user preferences, but that's likely a ways off as it'll
require a little programming on our part. :-)
Since all we're doing at this point is adding headers to the email, and not
actually rejecting anything, I have no problems with adding any other block
lists anyone knows of that they'd like us to add to it. If there's one
you'd like to have added, just reply here and ask.
Dave Miller justdave@syndicomm.com + justdave@justdave.net
Lead Software Engineer/System Administrator, Syndicomm Online
http://www.syndicomm.com/ http://www.justdave.net/
(JUSTDAVE, HelpDesk, Cat 3, Top 6, Msg 11)
Please visit our web site at http://www.syndicomm.com for information or to
sign up!
(Logon message)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
I was in here before a while ago but since all the changes with moving and
stuff I lost everything on the powerful PC here. My neighbor gave me an
Apple //GS last July before they moved. It came with the standard RGB
monitor, 2 3.5 floppy drives and a 5.25 drive. LOTS of software. One of
the 3.5's died., and I ended up moving in August. The computer was just
taken out of the box yesterday and set back up. I wanted to know first of
A. if someone or somewhere still sells a hard drive for the GS and
2. if not then how hard is it to build one?
I have plenty of old 20,40,and 80 meg IDE drives sitting around here not
doing anything. I was even thinking of using the old 4.9 gig and
partitioning it into 80 meg partitions. I do tech support for a few
(thousand it seems) ISPs around the US and Canada. I know PC's have a Mac
Quadra 950 emulator on the PC..and know a few lines of basic programming on
the Apple.
If someone can help me it would greatly be appreciated.
John Baker
Salt Lake City Utah
(VW87SCIROCCO, 3586.1, Delphi A2 web side)
>> My neighbor gave me an Apple //GS last July before they moved. It came
with the standard RGB monitor, 2 3.5 floppy drives and a 5.25 drive. LOTS
of software. One of the 3.5's died., <<
It may just be clogged with dust. If it's something more serious, it's
possible to replace the internal floppy mechanism (or the entire drive unit
altogether for a few dollars).
>> I wanted to know first of all, if someone or somewhere still sells a
hard drive for the GS and ... <<
It's not so much the hard drive, but the Apple II-specific controller card
that operates one. Alltech and //SHH Systemes both make IDE controllers,
including a plug'n play card that has a notebook sized IDE hard disk
mounted right on the card (pre formatted with software and a bootable OS
I personally prefer SCSI on the IIgs, but such cards are no longer made,
hard to find used, and thus very costly.
>> ... if not then how hard is it to build one? I have plenty of old
20,40,and 80 meg IDE drives sitting around here not doing anything. I was
even thinking of using the old 4.9 gig and partitioning it into 80 meg
partitions. <<
Probably not worth the bother for those older drives, and the 4.9 GB is
rather overkill. I think your best bet is to order a Focus HD with a 2.5"
IDE drive (unless you already have a spare).
The information on that page is probably outdated, the minimum size drive
you can probably purchase these days is several hundred megabytes.
>> I do tech support for a few (thousand it seems) ISPs around the US and
Canada. I know PC's have a Mac Quadra 950 emulator on the PC..and know a
few lines of basic programming on the Apple. <<
There's also a VERY nice Apple IIgs emulator for the PC now called
>> I was thinking about memory upgrades. Mine isn't the top-of-the-line
GS.. it's the other one. I think 128k? <<
The original motherboards came with 256K RAM built-in, anything beyond was
on a card that plugged into the memory expansion slot. That's the slot at
the lower right corner of the board, separate from the other seven.
Alltech sells a SIMM card called the Sirius, which can hold as much as
8 MB. If your looking for something inexpensive though (i.e. free), the
standard Apple 1MB memory card will give you enough RAM to run 99.9% of
IIgs software out there. I'd recommend 2-4MB RAM however if your going to
install GS/OS on a hard drive.
To check your total amount of RAM (beside lifting the lid and peeking
inside) access the Control Panel by pressing and holding Apple + Control +
Esc. Select Control Panel, then select RAM Disk and look at the amount
indicated next to 'Largest Selectable'. Add 256K to this sum and that's
your amount.
(SPECTOR1, 3586.5, Delphi A2 web side)
>> ... I do have a compaq hard drive out of a notebook that is a 1 gig...
I know.. WAY overkill for the space but I could partition it I guess. <<
I'm using a 1 gig on my GS, because my 500meg just got too tight on space.
A 1 gig is just fine, make lots of prodos partitions, and the rest as a
>> But seriously.. the 2-4 meg memory upgrades would be nice. I don't mind
spending below $200 for stuff, but I also don't want a so outdated-computer
that when stuff breaks nobody has any parts left. <<
There's still a strong community of Apple II users out there. This used to
be our home until Delphi canned text access. These days we hang out on the
Apple II Forum on Syndicomm (which is run by one of our own). I would
highly recommend you do the following:
1. Join Syndicomm and come and meet us all in chat.
(Go to http://www.a2central.com/join/index.html to join.) Ask questions
there or in the bulletin board. Some of the people you are chatting with
will most likely be connected with real Apple IIs.
2. Get yourself a focus drive, either with the 1 gig you've got, or with
a pre-installed drive.
3. Get yourself a Sirius Ram card with 4-8megs on board.
4. Check out Juiced GS, the only remaining Apple II print publication.
5. If you really want to get in on the fun, think about coming to
KansasFest to meet up with the biggest collection of Apple II freaks and
geeks in real life! http://www.kfest.org
The GS is a fun machine. I use mine every day, and I'm still actively
producing software for it.
Kim Howe
See my GS programs at
(KHOWE1, 3586.8, Delphi A2 web side)
Any other links, information or bits of knowledge anyone has about the //gs
would be appreciated.
Thanks all!
John Baker
(VW87SCIROCCO, 3586.6, Delphi A2 web side)
>> Any other links, information or bits of knowledge anyone has about the
//gs would be appreciated. <<
I still pop in Delphi from time to time if you have any IIgs questions to
ask (technical, trivia or just tips/advice).
As for links, here's a list of my personal favorites...
-Syndicomm's A2Central
-Apple IIGS Gaming Memory Fairway
-Tony Diaz's site
-Apple II History (by Steven Weyhrich)
Finally, while it's not an Apple II website, it is by far the largest
repository of Apple II information and knowledge on the planet:
Just enter "comp.sys.apple2" in the newsgroup field and type in keywords
for information your searching on. It covers over 20 years of archived
(SPECTOR1, 3586.7, Delphi A2 web side)
by Lyle Syverson <lyle@foxvalley.net>
Has anyone ever coded an application that makes use of multiple code
segments, and you've had a jump table entry point at the first location in
a segment?
This case is apparently working for some people and not working for other
people. I'm trying to track down why.
Marinetti has multiple code segments. A jump table that Marinetti uses has
entries in it from multiple segments. One such jump table entry begins at
the first byte of a segment.
What would you expect to see in the Jump Table for this entry?
Orca Disassembler can be used to inspected the code segment that contains
the Jump Table. T other entries in the jump table are like this:
ea 03 00 00 ac 03 00 00
27 02 00 00 ...
However, the entry for the start of segment contains FF FF FF 00
When the Marinetti Init is loaded and the jump table entries are relocated,
the start of segment entry is pointing at 05/965B. However the actual code
for this entry is at 04/965B. That is, the jump table entry is out by one
Perhaps this is a segment loader/relocation issue?
I have spent a day trying to understand the OMF format and wondering how I
can trace the relocation dictionary as it does its stuff. The Relocation
dictionary entry for this jump table entry is:
F6 ;Compressed INTERSEG record
03 ;# bytes to update
00 ;# bits to shift address
D7 06 ;offset of update location in TCPIP segment ($6D7)
03 ;segment to point to (DNR)
FF FF ;offset into DNR segment
I've given up chasing this down. I worked around it by linking in some
dummy code so that the entry point was no longer at the beginning of the
I'm not sure why it works on some systems and not on others.
Anybody have any ideas?
(ROUGHANA, 415.1, Delphi A2 Pro web side)
While continuing development in completely unrelated areas, I stumbled
across Apple IIgs Technote #73 which has this to say:
Note: Because of the way the tool dispatcher transfers control to toolbox
functions, a function's entry point must not be at the first byte of a bank
($xx0000). This is normally not an issue, since it's common to put the
actual code right after the function pointer table, all in one load
segment. Just make sure no function begins at the first byte of a load
segment, and you're safe.
So Apple new about this issue in 1991, but they didn't explain why it was a
problem or if the problem could be fixed.
I'll stick with the workaround.
(ROUGHANA, 415.2, Delphi A2 Pro web side)
While trying to use some of Apple's code from Toolbox Reference II,
Appendix A, I think I've discovered a bug.
On page A-8 at the top, there is some code for moving bytes up the stack to
remove unwanted space.
The code is:
I think this should be:
(ROUGHANA, 416.1, Delphi A2 Pro web side)
Just an update on what is happening with the Marinetti Open Source Project.
Recently the sources that Richard has released have been loaded into the
version control system on Sourceforge. Therefore, you can peruse a
selection of Marinetti source files online with a browser and even look at
differences between versions.
Work is progressing on the implementation of CHAP. Initial tests are
looking good for the CHAP connection, however other issues are surfacing
and need to be tracked down.
MS-CHAP is next on my horizon, so that I can connect my IIgs to a Windows
PC by cable and share an internet connection. MS-CHAP requires an
implementation of the Data Encryption Standard. Thankfully this was first
implemented in 6502 assembler in 1979 and published in BYTE magazine in
April that year. I have a copy of this and I am working on implementing it
in Tool fashion for use on the IIgs.
MS-CHAP also requires MD4 hashing, so there's an opening there for someone
to extend Geoff Weiss' Hashtool 128 to cater for the MD4 algorithm.
There's plenty of room for other developers to get involved in other areas,
so come along and check it out!
(ROUGHANA, 378.7, Delphi A2 Pro web side)
The mail box for Letters to the Editor remained empty this month.
Express your opinions about the comings and goings in the world of the
Apple II computers.
Send your comments to Lyle Syverson, Editor <lyle@FoxValley.net>
The Editor reserves the right to edit any material submitted.
The Editor reserves the right to reject any material he considers
unsuitable for publication in _The Lamp!_.
KFest 2002 |
+++ Please note: You MUST send the NEW registration form below (via postal
mail or fax) when you register.
KFest 2002 Registration Info... meet old A2 friends... meet new friends...
When: July 23-28, 2002
Where: Avila College, Kansas City, Missouri
The most important Apple II event of the year, KFest 2002, is on our
calendar again, and it's never too early to make sure it has a place on
your calendar, too.
Check these rates, which include your room from Tuesday and meals from
Wednesday evening (dinner) on July 24, through Sunday morning (breakfast)
on July 28. (Saturday evening dinner not included. That's KFesters' Night
Out On The Town!)
PLEASE NOTE: There is no "extra day" fee this year. Because of the
popularity, we've arranged to make Tuesday an official part of KFest!
KFest 2002 Registration Form
View and print this document using 9-point Monaco or Courier font (the
default of most monospaced font applications such as ProTERM & Spectrum).
Registering for KFest 2002:
NOTE: - The information requested in the KFest Registration Form below
must be sent even though the information is called in.
- If a member of the family accompanies you to KFest, please send
a separate registration form for each person.
<> Fax or email KFest Registration Form using a credit card number:
- Complete the form below and send the KFest Registration Form;
<> By postal mail: Credit card, check, Purchase Order or money order:
- Print and fill out the KFest Registration Form.
- Send the form with the payment to:
InTrec Software, Inc. <kfest@intrec.com>
Attn: KFest Registration Voc: 602/992-1345
3035 E Topaz Cir Fax: 602/992-0232
Phoenix, Az 85028-4423
Discover/Novus, Visa, Mastercard or AmEx accepted. Checks & money orders
must be payable to InTrec Software, and must be in US dollars from a US
---[ Begin Form ]-----------[ Cut Here ]----------[ Print Clearly ]---
=>___ =>___
First Name Last Name
Organization (if applicable to KFest)
Shipping Address
State/Province Zip+4 or Postal Code
=>___ =>___
Day Phone Eve Phone
Internet Mail Address
=>___ =>___
Credit Card Number (Mastercard-Visa-Discover/Novus-AmEx) Expiration Date
Name on Card (please print clearly)
Authorized Signature (If printed and mailed, or faxed.)
If you feel that using a credit card number via email may not be secure,
consider mailing via postal service, fax, or call voice to give the card
Checks and money orders must be on a USA bank and USA compatible funds.
Registration Cost Check each Applicable Line
+++ Early Bird rates (Register BEFORE May 15) +++
7 [ ] Double Room before 5/15 .............................. 265.00
8 [ ] Single Room before 5/15 .............................. 330.00
9 [ ] Spouse or child before 5/15 .......................... 200.00
10 [ ] Registration only (no room or meals) before 5/15 ...... 200.00
+++ Rates after the Early Bird Special (Register AFTER May 15) +++
Rates (after May 15 and at the door):
11 [ ] Double Room ......................................... 335.00
12 [ ] Single Room ......................................... 385.00
13 [ ] Spouse or child ..................................... 285.00
14 [ ] Registration only (no room or meals) after 5/15....... 285.00
T-Shirts must be ordered in advance
15 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Small ............................... 15.00
16 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Medium .............................. 15.00
17 [ ] T-Shirt softwear Large ............................... 15.00
18 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 1X-Large ............................ 15.00
19 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 2X-Large ............................ 15.00
20 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 3X-Large ............................ 16.00
21 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 4X-Large ............................ 17.00
22 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 5X-Large ............................ 18.00
23 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 6X-Large ............................ 19.00
24 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 7X-Large ............................ 20.00
25 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 8X-Large ............................ 21.00
26 [ ] T-Shirt softwear 9X-Large ............................ 22.00
May we send your registration confirmation via e-mail? [ ]Yes [ ]No
[ ] As a PDF (Acrobat Reader) file (preferred)
[ ] As a TEXT file mailed to the listed address
Roommate preference: =>___
Prefer smoking/non-smoking roommate: [ ] Smoke [ ] Non-smoke
Today's Date: _=>___ / /
1- Registration fee (see above dates & fees) ......... =>__
2- Registration fee for spouse if applicable ......... =>__
3- T-Shirts Quantity [ ] @ $15.00 ea) ................ =>__
4- Sub-total of lines 1-3: ........................... =>__
5- Arizona residents only add 8.1% tax: .............. =>__
6- Total cost (total of lines 4-5): .................. =>__
---[ End Form ]------------[ Cut Here ]----------[ Print Clearly ]---
Check-in will be from 1-4 pm on Tuesday. Check-out will be from 11 am-1 pm
on Sunday.
Current plans call for formal KFest 2002 sessions to begin with dinner in
the Avila cafeteria on Wednesday evening (time to be announced), followed
by the traditional opening event, the Keynote Address. We've got some great
plans again for that opening night activity. Stay tuned!!
Computer sessions will be conducted on Thursday and Friday. Software and
hardware demos are scheduled for Saturday morning, with a vendor fair
slated for Saturday afternoon.
Reminder: Meals included in the registration price are Wednesday dinner
through Sunday breakfast, with the exception of Saturday dinner.
On Saturday night, attendees can dine on their own at one of the many fine
restaurants near the Avila campus, or join groups of KFesters at a local
favorite selected by the Roastee.
All children under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal
KFest 2002 is again being sponsored by InTrec Software, Inc., makers of
ProTERM telecommunications software for the Apple II and Macintosh.
If you have questions about KFest, or wish to make suggestions, you can
find answers via the Internet. Just send an email message to:
... or visit the KFest World Wide Web page: <http://www.kfest.org>
If you're thinking about attending KFest, you'll enjoy the KFest Internet
e-mail chat:
To subscribe to the KFest Information Mailing List, send email to:
<mailto: majordomo@kfest.org>.
Place the following text in the BODY of the message:
subscribe kfest
You will receive a confirmation e-mail. To be signed up for the list, you
will have to respond to this confirmation as the instructions dictate, and
then you will then be able send and read messages on the mailing list.
Sponsored by:
InTrec Software, Inc.
3035 E Topaz Circle
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423
(KFESTSTEVE [Gouda], Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 24)
Good news....another Kfest:) I've been to 1.5 of these things(long story;)
and they've been great. It's a great time and I highly suggest you pull
all the strings that you can to get to Kfest. You will not regret it.
Dain Neater
Kfest bound 2002
(A2.DAIN, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 25)
I spent an hour at 1 AM last night getting FAXstf X to work so I could fax
off my registration. Got it taken care of, and unless something wacky
happened on the phone lines, I'm signed up to go. :)
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 26)
KFest 2002.
I'm there. Year number 8.
(A2.RYAN, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 28)
KFest 2002.
The 10th anniversary of my one and only KFest.
I'll be thinking of you all!
Hmmm. Hey Tony, you don't want to fly past Australia on your way(!) to
KFest, do you? :-)
Peter peterw@syndicomm.com
Palm OS Community Bulletin Board Manager
(PETERW, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 30)
>> Hmmm. Hey Tony, you don't want to fly past Australia on your way(!) to
KFest,do you? :-) <<
I keep trying to talk him into that too!
Kim Howe
Newton Forum Host
(KIMHOWE, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 32)
I'll be there for year number 3. It should be a great time. I look
forward to seeing old friends and hopefully some new ones as well.
Dain Neater
(A2.DAIN, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 31)
KFest 2002
I shall be unable to attend this year, but I shall think of you all, and
hopefully will be able to tune into the webcasts...
Ewen Wannop - Speccie - Tue 9 Apr 2002 - 105 days till KFest '02
Delivered without using a IIgs by Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR 1.0b5
Setup: Bernie ][ the Rescue 3.0 and a dual G4/800Mhz GeForce3
(CONDUCTOR, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 34)
Sharon and I will be there again. This time, Sharon will have her own
iBook, so she won't be hogging my machine. :)
Carl Knoblock - Telephone Tech - Tue 9 Apr 02 9:31:17 pm
cknoblo@applelinc.org - Via Spectrum v2.5.2 & SOAR v1.0b8
KFest 2002, July 23-28, 2002 - 105 days till KFest
On cable via LANceGS & Marinetti 2.0.1 - Thank you, Richard.
A2 RTC Staff - Saturday Night House Party - carlk@syndicomm.com
(CARLK, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 37)
How do y'all recommend booking flights to KFest? Do you use online
engines, such as travelocity.com or expedia.com?
(KGAGNE, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 35)
I've used both of those. I also check www.southwest.com.
Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd sheppy@syndicomm.com
Owner, Syndicomm http://www.syndicomm.com
Building communities, bit by bit.
(SYNDICOMM, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 36)
And (in the past) previewtravel.com and cheaptickets.com and my sister the
Aloha reservationist, and Southwest.com. . .
(A2.RYAN, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 38)
In the past, I've used www.flyawa.com. Just make sure you have the right
dates! (she says from experience)
America West used to give a percentage discount based on the number of
strikeouts that Randy Johnson gets during a Diamondbacks game. I haven't
heard about this year yet.
This year I'll be flying standby, thanks to my son!
(CINDYADAMS, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 39)
Orbitz.com is the only site I've used for online airline tickets. But, it
pays to check all the places (or rather, you'll pay less). I'm wondering
if Arthur Andersen wasn't involved in developing the pricing structure :)
(KWS, Cat 5, Top 4, Msg 40)
About The Lamp! The Lamp! is published on the fifteenth of every month on
""""""""""""""" the WEB at: http://lamp.a2central.com/
This publication produced entirely with real or emulated Apple II computers
using Appleworks 5.1 and Hermes. Apple II Forever!
* The Lamp! is (c) copyright 2002 by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W. All
rights reserved.
* To reach The Lamp! on Internet email send mail to
* All issues of The Lamp! are available at The Lamp! Home Page,
Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of A2Central.com, Delphi Online
Services, Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, or Lyle Syverson. Forum messages are
reprinted verbatim and are included in this publication with permission
from the individual authors. A2Central.com, Delphi Online Services,
Syndicomm, Ryan M. Suenaga, and Lyle Syverson do not guarantee the accuracy
or suitability of any information included herein. We reserve the right to
edit all letters and copy.
Material published in this edition may not be reprinted without the
expressed written consent of the publisher. Registered computer user
groups, not for profit publications , and other interested parties may
write the publisher to apply for permission to reprint any or all material.